Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Fall in the poultry Producer Price Index
Monthly Bulletin on agriculture, fishing and agro-industry
Fall in the poultry Producer Price Index - January 2006
20 January 2006

In November 2005 the situation in the poultry industry generated by spreading news on the advance of the ¿bird flu¿ virus continued, and translated into a fall in consumption and a decrease in sales and prices. The difficulty in placing the existing production on the market forced the freezing of poultry meat, as an emergency measure, giving rise to stocks in slaughterhouses. Weather conditions in December (significant overnight cooling with frost formation and low and irregular precipitation) had a positive impact on agriculture, making it possible to carry on the agricultural works, namely autumn/winter sowing, olive harvesting, cleaning and pruning permanent crops. The present estimates for the 2005/2006 agricultural year, in spite of favourable weather conditions, point to a decline from the previous year in the cereal area cultivated.
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