Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Trade between the Norte Region and Galicia with positive balance in favour of the Portuguese region in 2004
Trade in goods between the Norte Region and Galicia
Trade between the Norte Region and Galicia with positive balance in favour of the Portuguese region in 2004 - 2003 - 2004
05 December 2006

In 2004 trade between the Norte Region (Portugal) and Galicia (Spain) revealed for the first time since 2000 a positive balance in favour of the Portuguese region, reflecting an export-import ratio of 101%. As regards the structure of trade between the Portuguese and the Spanish region, it is worth mentioning the growing importance in textiles and clothing which, in 2004, made a contribution of 44% to total exports and 25% to total imports. Since 2000, trade between the Norte Region and Galicia accounts for 7% of Iberian trade.
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