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Transport activity still with a favourable trend over
Transport activities
Transport activity still with a favourable trend over - 3rd Quarter 2010
29 November 2010

The 3rd quarter of 2010 was marked by a global positive evolution in transport activity. With regard to the transport of passengers, there were year-on-year increases of 11.1% in national airports, 6.7% in inland waterways and 3.8% in light rail systems, whereas in heavy rail transport mode there was a very short contraction (0.6%). Moreover, the transport of goods showed some growths, with corresponding year-on-year changes ranging from 6.2% in maritime mode, 7.2% in air mode to 17.3% in rail mode. However, in road transport mode (2nd quarter of 2010), the total volume of goods transported decreased 18.5% compared to 2009.
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