Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

International Trade - Exports up by 13.8% and imports by 12.7%
International trade statistics
International Trade - Exports up by 13.8% and imports by 12.7% - July 2010
08 September 2010

In the last three months (May to July 2010), exports increased by 13.8% and imports by 12.7%, comparing to the same period in the previous year (May to July 2009), leading to a increase in the deficit of the trade balance by 495.3 millions euro.
In the 1st half of 2010 exports increased by 16.0%, although these values could not reach the levels preceding the fall in international trade which started on the 2nd half of 2008. This growth is due mainly to increases in the exports to Spain, United States, Germany and France.

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