Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
Peer Review 2015
Statistics Portugal was visited from 26 to 30 January 2015 by a team of Reviewers to assess the implementation of the European Statistics Code of Practice in Portugal in the context of the second round of Peer Reviews to Member States. Such a visit had a significant impact in the activity of Statistics Portugal and of the Other National Authorities (ONA).
This visit was an integral part of the process initiated in 2014, with the fulfillment of self-assessment questionnaires concerning the implementation of the 15 Principles and the respective Indicators of the Code of Practice, and additional aspects, such as the NSIs coordination function within the National Statistical System, particularly in relation to the production of European statistics by ONA, and issues related to the Cooperation/ Level of Integration of the European Statistical System.
The Peer Reviewers followed an audit-like approach to essential aspects of the compliance with the Code of Practice, based on the self-assessment questionnaires referred above and evidences of practices and procedures presented.
Statistics Portugal, taking into account the importance of this matter participated actively in the Task Force responsible for defining the methodology of this Peer Review round.
The findings of the Peer Review to Portugal are available in the report prepared by the Reviewers, as well as the 24 recommendations for improvement actions; the report also highlights strengths and best practices of Statistics Portugal concerning the implementation of the Code. (Peer Review Report)
The recommendations resulted into an Improvement Actions Plan, properly scheduled involving both Statistics Portugal and ONA. (Improvement Actions Plan)
For more information please consult Eurostat website: