Portal Oficial - Instituto Nacional de Estatística

Portal Oficial - Instituto Nacional de Estatística
COVID-19 - Information nº4

In the context of the current public health situation of COVID-19 pandemic, and following related ministerial diplomas, Statistics Portugal informs that most of its personnel are still working from home temporarily, and that albeit the actual circumstances all efforts are being made to fulfil its mission to produce and disseminate quality official statistics. Keeping society informed accomplishing its activities plan for 2021 will be its main challenge.
Data collection will be carried out mainly by telephone and internet. For some surveys and only in the cases where data collection is not possible by these means, face to face interviews were resumed following a strict health security protocol established by the national health authorities specifically for this activity.
The year 2021 will be marked by the population and housing census whose data collection starts in April and will be performed predominantly via internet. Face-to-face contacts with the population, whenever necessary, will be made based on a specific public health security protocol for this purpose, within the scope of the 2021 Census Program Contingency Plan.
Support to users of statistical information and to respondents is being conducted predominantly by internet and telephone, using the usual channels.
Whenever necessary support or reception of users or other citizens in Statistics Portugal premisses is undertaken by means of a pre-schedule arrangement, following the security and health action plan in place in Statistics Portugal within the COVID-19 pandemic.
Despite the circumstances, Statistics Portugal will maintain the statistical production and release calendar, as published in the official statistics website, although some adjustments might occur associated with the continuous impact of the pandemic in obtaining primary information, to which we ask the understating of both citizens and the media. Any changes will be duly announced in the release calendar.

COVID-19 - Information nº3

In the context of the current public health situation of COVID-19 pandemic, and following related ministerial diplomas, Statistics Portugal informs that most of its personnel are still working from home temporarily, and that albeit the actual circumstances all efforts are being made to fulfill its mission to produce and disseminate quality official statistics. Keeping society informed accomplishing its inicial activities plan and adding new statistics and related products adequate to the current situation has been its main challenge.
Data collection will be carry out mainly by telephone and internet. For some surveys and only in the cases where data collection is not possible by these means, face to face interviews were resumed following a strict health security protocol established by the national health authorities specifically for this activity. This is the case of the Agriculture Census in course until September/October 2020.
Support to users of statistical information and to respondents is being conducted predominantly by internet and telephone, using the usual channels.
Whenever necessary support or reception of users or other citizens in Statistics Portugal permisses is undertaken by means of a pre-schedule arrangement, following the security and health action plan in place in Statistics Portugal within the COVID-19 pandemic.
Despite the circumstances, Statistics Portugal will try to maintain the statistical production and release calendar, as published in the official statistics website, although some adjustments might occur associated with the impact of the pandemic in obtaining primary information, to which we ask the understating of both citizens and the media. Any changes will be duly announced in the release calendar.

COVID-19 - Information nº2

Considering the recent situation of COVID-19, Statistics Portugal informs that almost all of its personnel is temporarily working from home and that will try to maintain its regular activity, fulfilling its mission as the main national statistical authority in producing official statistics.
Support to respondents and to users is being conducted only by internet and telephone, using the usual channels, maintaining all the attention and professionalism within the current constrains.
Data collection will only be carry out by telephone and internet, to which we ask respondents – families and enterprises - the best collaboration.
Despite the circumstances, Statistics Portugal will try to maintain the statistical production and release calendar, as published in the official statistics website, although some adjustments might occur associated with the impact of the pandemic in obtaining primary information, to which we ask the understating of both citizens and the media.
Any changes will be duly announced in the release calendar.

COVID-19 - Information nº1

Fulfilling its mission as the main national statistical authority in producing official statistics, Statistics Portugal undertakes surveys to households, business units and to other entities.
Under the actual circumstances, Statistics Portugal decided to suspend face to face interviews, i.e., which involve direct contact with citizens, due to the risks to both interviewers and respondents. This situation will be extended until the end of April 2020 and reevaluated in due time.
Telephone and internet data collection will be maintained, to which we ask respondents the best collaboration.
Internally Statistics Portugal is readjusting its way of working in order to assure official statistical production.
Concerning the statistical release calendar, as published in the official statistical website, some adjustments might occur, to which we ask the understating of both citizens and the media.