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Paper Paper
Agriculture Census - main results - 2009
Issue year: 2011


The publication Census of Agriculture 2009 gives users a comprehensive picture of information, which summarizes the main trends in the structure of farms and agriculture production systems in the last decade.

We believe that its reading might contribute to the promotion of the debate and reflection on the state of Portuguese agriculture, in particular in the negotiation of the CAP after 2013 and of the problems of self-sufficiency, reflection of the dependence on imports, volatility of commodity agricultural prices and the continued increase in prices of inputs.

PDF RA2009_I.pdf (56946 Kb)
PDF RA2009_II.pdf (15397 Kb)
PDF RA2009_III.pdf (29570 Kb)

How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Recenseamento Agrícola. Análise dos principais resultados : 2009. Lisboa : INE, 2011. Available at www: <url:>. ISBN 978-989-25-0108-6