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Mobility survey in the Metropolitan Areas of Porto and Lisboa : 2017
Issue year: 2018



The edition on the Mobility Survey in the Metropolitan Areas of Porto and Lisboa - 2017 presents a separate chapter for each one of the regions, initially on the Metropolitan Area of Porto, followed by another one related to the Metropolitan Area of Lisboa.

Each chapter is subdivided into 3 parts, on:

 - characterization of the resident population from the perspective of mobility (mobile population), including socio-economic information and mobility expenditure;

 - analysis of the mobility in the metropolitan area according to two perspectives:

. total trips, according to the residence of the respondent,
. intra-metropolitan trips

 - opinions of residents, showing reasons for using individual or public transport, as well as the evaluation on public transport.

At the end the methodological note and a glossary are presented.

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How to cite the document:

Instituto Nacional de Estatística - Mobilidade e funcionalidade do território nas Áreas Metropolitanas do Porto e de Lisboa : 2017. Lisboa : INE, 2018. Available at www: <url:>. ISBn 978-989-25-0478-0