Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Search results

Your search found the following number of results (in 0.253 seconds):

 total 1272
 Area  Results 
 Publications 1106
 National Accounts 121
 Studies 22
 Press releases 20
 Database 2
 Metadata 1

National Accounts
  1. Public consumption (P.3) (chain linked volume data; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Public Consumption
    XLS | 30 KB
  2. Public consumption (P.3) (previous year's prices; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Public Consumption
    XLS | 27 KB
  3. Public consumption (P.3) (nominal change rate; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Public Consumption
    XLS | 30 KB
  4. Public consumption (P.3) (current prices; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Public Consumption
    XLS | 33 KB
  5. Private consumption (P.3) of non-profit institutions serving households (annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Private Consumption
    XLS | 30 KB
  6. Private consumption of households on the economic territory by purpose (COICOP) (current prices; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Private Consumption
    XLS | 63 KB
  7. Private consumption (P.3) of resident households by durability (implicit deflator change rate; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Private Consumption
    XLS | 33 KB
  8. Private consumption (P.3) of resident households by durability (volume change rate; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Private Consumption
    XLS | 34 KB
  9. Private consumption (P.3) of resident households by durability (chain linked volume data; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Private Consumption
    XLS | 31 KB
  10. Private consumption (P.3) of resident households by durability (previous year's prices; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Private Consumption
    XLS | 33 KB
  11. Private consumption (P.3) of resident households by durability (nominal change rate; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Private Consumption
    XLS | 34 KB
  12. Private consumption (P.3) of resident households by durability (current prices; annual)
      Portuguese National Accounts > Main Aggregates > Gross Domestic Product and Components > Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure Side > Private Consumption
    XLS | 35 KB

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