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Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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Press releases

  1. Tourism statistics
    07 July 2022
    PDF | 379 KB
    The year 2021 was still marked by the effects of the constraints arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the confinement measures in the first semester and at the end of the year, with ...

  2. Health satellite account
    01 July 2022
    PDF | 351 KB
    In 2021, current health expenditure grew by 12.2%, reaching 11.2% of GDP (0.7 p.p. more than in 2020), the highest level in the available series that began in 2000. The continuation of the pandemic ...

  3. Monthly Employment and Unemployment Estimates
    29 June 2022
    PDF | 439 KB
    April 2022: • The active population (5,186.9 thousand) decreased by 0.1% from March, remained practically unchanged from January and increased by 2.2% from April 2021. • Similarly, also the  ...

  4. Business and consumer surveys
    29 June 2022
    PDF | 397 KB
    Consumer confidence indicator decreased in June, following the increases of the previous two months and the abrupt fall registered in March. The balance of Consumers expectations regarding the future  ...

  5. Tourism satellite account for Portugal
    27 June 2022
    PDF | 437 KB
    The preliminary estimate of the Tourism Satellite Account for 2021 points to a nominal increase of 27.3% in the Gross Value Added generated by Tourism (GVAGT), compared to 2020. GVAGT represented ...

  6. Quarterly National Sector Accounts
    24 June 2022
    PDF | 403 KB
    The net borrowing of Portuguese economy stood at 0.4% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the year ending in the first quarter of 2022, which compares with a net lending of 0.7% of GDP in the previous  ...

  7. Monthly Economic Survey
    21 June 2022
    PDF | 466 KB
    Considering the information already available for June, the price of oil (Brent) maintained its upward profile, recording an average value of 119.3 euros per barrel in the first sixteen days of the ...

  8. Economic accounts for forestry
    21 June 2022
    PDF | 260 KB
    In 2020, the Gross Value Added (GVA) of forestry decreased in volume and value (-6.5% and -8.5%, respectively), maintaining the downward trend recorded since 2015. Production decreased in nominal and  ...

  9. Vital Statistics
    17 June 2022
    PDF | 902 KB
    In May 2022, the number of deaths was 10,323, higher than that registered in April 2022 (161 more deaths; +1.6%) and that observed in May 2021 (1,697 more deaths; +19.7%). From January to May 2022, ...

  10. Tourism activity
    15 June 2022
    PDF | 381 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 2.4 million guests and 6.0 million overnight stays in April 2022, corresponding to increases of 424.6% and 548.4%, respectively (+462.6% and +540.6% in ...

  11. Construction: building permits and completed buildings
    09 June 2022
    PDF | 544 KB
    In the 1st quarter of 2022 , the number of licensed buildings was 6.8 thousand, i.e., 0.6% more than in the same quarter of the previous year (-3.3% in the 4th quarter of 2021) and 7.1% more compared  ...

  12. Regional Development Composite Index
    07 June 2022
    PDF | 2338 KB
    In 2020, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was, compared to the previous year, a decrease of the territorial disparity results in the environmental quality and cohesion indexes - ...

  13. Sustainable Development Goals
    03 June 2022
    PDF | 735 KB
    Statistics Portugal is launching today a new edition of the national publication on the statistical monitoring of the UN 2030 Agenda, entitled “Sustainable Development Goals: Indicators for ...

  14. Quarterly national accounts
    31 May 2022
    PDF | 315 KB
    Gross Domestic Product (GDP), in real terms, registered a year-on-year rate of change of 11.9% in the first quarter of 2022 (5.9% in the previous quarter). This evolution reflects a base effect, ...

  15. Fishing statistics
    31 May 2022
    PDF | 560 KB
    The publication “Fisheries Statistics 2021” is organized into 9 chapters, comprising analysis of the results and corresponding data tables. Data included are related to landings and ...

  16. Monthly Employment and Unemployment Estimates
    31 May 2022
    PDF | 440 KB
    March 2022: • The active population (5,188.6 thousand) increased by 0.1% from the previous month, had a null relative change from three months before and increased by 2.9% from the same month of  ...

  17. Portuguese Life Tables
    30 May 2022
    PDF | 278 KB
    In the 2019-2021 triennium, life expectancy at birth was estimated at 80.72 years, and men and women could expect to live up to 77.67 years and 83.37 years, respectively. Compared with 2018-2020, it ...

  18. Business and consumer surveys
    30 May 2022
    PDF | 438 KB
    Consumer confidence indicator increased in April and May, following the abrupt fall registered in March, the second largest of the series, being only surpassed by the strong decline observed in April  ...

  19. Commercial Property Price Index
    26 May 2022
    PDF | 313 KB
    In 2021, the Commercial Property Price Index (CPPI) rose 5.1%, 2.3 percentage points (pp) more than the rate observed in 2020. This was the highest price increase since 2010. Similarly to what has ...

  20. Labour Force Survey ad hoc module
    20 May 2022
    PDF | 1196 KB
    In 2021, 12.4% of people living in Portugal, between 16 and 74 years old, had an immigrant background: 7.6% were first-generation immigrants and 4.8% were descendants of immigrants. The composition ...

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