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Press releases

  1. Energy Consumption in Households
    19 July 2021
    PDF | 535 KB
    The preliminary results of the Survey on Energy Consumption in Households carried out in 2020 (ICESD 2020) allowed an update of information and energy consumption habits in households compared to the  ...

  2. Monthly Economic Survey
    19 July 2021
    PDF | 823 KB
    The latest quantitative information available for May and June reveals strong year-on-year rates of change, but less intense in the last month. With the exceptions of retail trade and construction, ...

  3. Vital Statistics
    16 July 2021
    PDF | 797 KB
    In June 2021, the number of deaths was 8,116, lower than the figure registered in May (-493), maintaining the downward trend in the number of deaths when compared with in the same period of 2020, ...

  4. Construction and housing statistics
    16 July 2021
    PDF | 2801 KB
    In 2020 23,068 buildings and 33,065 dwellings were licensed in Portugal, respectively -4.3% and -4.1% than in 2019 (+5.5% and +15.0%, in 2019 compared to 2018, in the same order). It is estimated ...

  5. Consumer price index
    12 July 2021
    PDF | 963 KB
    The Consumer Price Index (CPI) annual rate was 0.5% in June 2021 (1.2% in May). This deceleration mainly reflects the base effect related to the price increases registered in June 2020. The annual ...

  6. International trade statistics
    09 July 2021
    PDF | 1159 KB
    In May 2021 , exports and imports of goods recorded nominal year-on-year growth rates of +54.8% and +52.6%, respectively (+82.1% and +61.3% in April 2021, in the same order). It should be noted that ...

  7. Tourism statistics
    08 July 2021
    PDF | 581 KB
    In 2020, tourism in Portugal was strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. On the one hand, measures to combat the pandemic forced the temporary closure of some establishments. On the other hand, ...

  8. Health satellite account
    01 July 2021
    PDF | 698 KB
    In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had profound impacts on the health system, with public current expenditure increasing by 6.6%, which more than offset the negative variation in private current ...

  9. Business and consumer surveys
    29 June 2021
    PDF | 751 KB
    The Consumer confidence indicator increased slightly in June, after the significant increases observed in the previous three months, reaching the maximum value since February 2020 (results of the ...

  10. Survey on bank evaluation on housing
    28 June 2021
    PDF | 821 KB
    The median value of bank appraisals on housing reached €1,212 per square meter in May, €12 more than in the previous month. On a year-on-year basis, the rate of change increased to 8.8% ...

  11. Quarterly National Sector Accounts
    24 June 2021
    PDF | 621 KB
    The net lending of Portuguese economy remained at 0.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the year ending in the first quarter of 2021. Gross National Income (GNI) and Gross Disposable Income (GDI) ...

  12. House Price Index
    23 June 2021
    PDF | 1000 KB
    In the 1st quarter of 2021, the House Price Index (HPI) increased 5.2% compared to the same period of 2020, 3.4 percentage points (pp) less than in the previous quarter. In this period, price ...

  13. Economic accounts for forestry
    22 June 2021
    PDF | 217 KB
    In 2019, the Gross Value Added (GVA) of Forestry decreased in volume and in value (-6.5% and -4.2%, respectively) and the relative importance of forestry GVA in the national economy decreased to 0.4%  ...

  14. Monthly Economic Survey
    21 June 2021
    PDF | 949 KB
    The latest quantitative information available for April and May, reveals historically high year-on-year rates of change, largely due to a base effect, as the comparison focuses on months heavily ...

  15. Vital Statistics
    18 June 2021
    PDF | 808 KB
    In May 2021, the number of deaths was 8,584. Although slightly higher than the figure recorded in April, it remained below the number of deaths registered in the same month of 2020, minus 10.5% ...

  16. Resident population estimates
    14 June 2021
    PDF | 876 KB
    The resident population in Portugal, on the 31st of December 2020, was estimated at 10,298,252 persons, 2,343 more than in 2019. The slight increase in population in 2020 resulted from a net ...

  17. Tourism activity
    14 June 2021
    PDF | 592 KB
    The tourist accommodation sector registered 460.0 thousand guests and 946.8 thousand overnight stays in April 2021, corresponding to rates of change of 762.6% and 510.8% respectively, compared to the  ...

  18. International trade statistics
    09 June 2021
    PDF | 1522 KB
    In April 2021 , exports and imports of goods recorded nominal year-on-year growth rates of +82.4% and +60.4%, respectively (+28.7% and +13.0% in March 2021, in the same order). It should be noted ...

  19. Construction: building permits and completed buildings
    09 June 2021
    PDF | 875 KB
    In the 1st quarter of 2021, there were 6.5 thousand licensed buildings, i.e. +7.0% in comparison with the same period of the previous year (+1.0% in the 4th quarter of 2020). Building permits for new  ...

  20. Sustainable Development Goals
    09 June 2021
    PDF | 686 KB
    Statistics Portugal is launching today a new edition of the national publication on the statistical monitoring of the UN 2030 Agenda, entitled “Sustainable Development Goals: Indicators for ...

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