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 total 283
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 Publications 283

  1. Demographic Studies Review - Nº 37 - 1st Semi-annual 2005

    20 January 2005
    Articles on this edition: · Approaches to Methods of Population Projections: the Portuguese Case · The Lee-Carter Method for Forecasting Mortality · The foreign population in ...
  2. Demographic Studies Review - No. 36 - 2nd Semi-annual 2004

    20 January 2005
    Articles on this edition: · Portuguese Health Status. A spatial perspective · The tuberculosis mortality in Portugal during the period from 1985 to 2002 · The life table in ...

  3. 16 July 2004
    This study aims at being a framework to understanding the characteristics and territorial dynamics of the Oporto Metropolitan Area, stress being laid on the contrasts between the various sub-spaces ...
  4. Demographic Studies Review - No. 35 - 1st Semi-annual 2004

    02 July 2004
    Articles on this edition: · Children as the starting point - the country and the family: exploratory review · Lone-parent families · Brief sociography about reconstituted ...

  5. 28 June 2004
    The Statistical Yearbook of Portugal is the principal reference work published by the National Statistical Institute (INE) and compiles a wide range of data on the various statistical subjects ...

  6. 21 April 2004
    This publication discloses statistics on building permits and completed buildings, estimates of the housing stock, the new housing construction cost index, the regular housing maintenance and repair ...

  7. 21 April 2004
  8. Demographic Studies Review - Nº 34 - 2nd Semi-annual 2003

    01 December 2003
    Articles on this edition: · The 1991 and 2001 Population Censuses - A user point of view · Territorial dynamics and development paths in Portugal, 1991-2001 · 2001 Census versus ...

  9. 25 November 2003
    This study, based on the 2001 Population and Housing Census, presents crucial information on certain phenomena, which is essential for the planning and decision-making of socioeconomic and ...

  10. 10 October 2003
    The present publication is divided into three chapters. The first chapter characterizes both the structure and the workings of floriculture farms and presents the production and marketing of the main  ...

  11. 30 September 2003
    The 2002 Portuguese Statistical Yearbook goes on with the reformularization made in the last edition, both in the content level and in the internal organization of data; the Portuguese Statistical ...
  12. Demographic Studies Review - No. 33 - 1st Semi-annual 2003

    01 August 2003
    Articles on this edition: · The concepts of household and family in the Portuguese Population Censuses · Families in Portugal: a brief socio-demographic analysis based on the 1991 and ...

  13. 29 July 2003
    This publication features key statistics on demographic events in Portugal: Present and resident population (final data from Census 2001); General movements of resident population (average and for ...
  14. Resident Population Projections - Portugal - 2000 - 2050

    01 June 2003
    This publication presents the results of the Projections of Resident Population in Portugal, according to gender and single ages up to 100 and over, for the period 2000 to 2050, as well as the ...

  15. 01 April 2003
    The publication Municipalities of the North Region is an example in regional terms, for it covers data selected from the information published in previous editions of the Regional Statistical ...
  16. Agriculture Census - Results analysis - 1999

    10 March 2003
    This publication is part of the dissemination program of RGA99. Analysis of the most important results is presented, including comparing with the previous census and the existing regional data. The ...

  17. 07 February 2003

  18. 02 December 2002
    The National Statistical Institute sets out, for the first time, the publication Horticulture Statistics 2001 which provides a wide range of statistical data on horticulture. It covers subjects ...

  19. 04 October 2002
    Geography of the statistical areas defined for Census 2001. Polygonal database with a maximum breakdown by statistical sub-section, from which the user may construct any other representation of a ...
  20. Demographic Studies Review - No. 32 - 2nd Semi-annual 2002

    02 October 2002
    Articles on this edition: · Present and resident population by sex and age through the Censuses · Portugal Population Projections 2000- based – underlying assumptions · ...

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