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 total 283
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 Publications 283


  1. 12 June 2002
    In this edition of Health statistics , the National Statistical Institute updates the statistical data in the field of Health. This volume presents some of the data from the new Hospitals Survey ...

  2. 12 June 2002
    For the first time INE publishes an Atlas of Portuguese Cities. This publication gathers a set of data for the existing 134 cities of the country and for the metropolitan areas of Oporto and Lisbon. ...

  3. 07 March 2002
    On this issue of the Regional Studies Review the focus on exploring census data illustrates this source¿s potential in the characterisation of territorial dynamics, namely urban sprawl types and ...

  4. 07 March 2002

  5. 27 February 2002
    INE has just published the publication Social Indicators of 2000. Just like in previous editions, it is presented a set of indicators in several areas providing the user with a useful tool to the ...
  6. Agriculture Census - comparative data 1989/1999 - 1999

    06 February 2002

  7. 03 October 2001
    This issue of the Anuário Regional, 2000 (2000 Regional Yearbook) continues the strategy of dissemination of statistical information at regional and municipality level, in order to provide ...

  8. 10 August 2001
    Portugal has an interest in statistics since the XIII century, by carrying out continuous numberings, inquiries and census. Although, the institution of a true National Statistical System only dates ...

  9. 01 August 2001
    This publication provides statistical information on agriculture, forestry and food industry, organised in 12 chapters. First chapter presents a physical and economic analysis of agriculture for the ...

  10. 26 July 2001
    This work comprises two volumes and manages to combine the social aspects usually covered by this kind of compendium – demography and economy in their multiple issues (population, cities, ...
  11. Agriculture Census - Ribatejo e Oeste - 1999

    17 July 2001
    The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
  12. Agriculture Census - Beira Interior - 1999

    17 July 2001
    The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
  13. Agriculture Census - Algarve - 1999

    17 July 2001
    The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
  14. Agriculture Census - Alentejo - 1999

    17 July 2001
    The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
  15. Agriculture Census - Trás-os-Montes - 1999

    17 July 2001
    The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
  16. Agriculture Census - Madeira - 1999

    17 July 2001
    The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
  17. Agriculture Census - Madeira - 1999

    17 July 2001
    The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
  18. Agriculture Census - Entre Douro e Minho - 1999

    17 July 2001
    The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...
  19. Agriculture Census - Açores - 1999

    17 July 2001
    The Census of Agriculture 1999 is one of the major statistical operations within the context of the National Statistical System for it provides users with the most complete data on Portuguese farm ...

  20. 29 June 2001
    The National Statistical Institute (INE) released a review of 1801 and 1849 censuses, with annotations. The publication, divided into three volumes, contains four introductory texts describing the ...

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