Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

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 total 466
 Area  Results 
 Publications 466


  1. 17 December 2019
    The publication on Trade Statistics disseminates the main statistical findings concerning Trade enterprises and retail large-sized establishments in Portugal, in 2018. With regard to Trade ...

  2. 16 December 2019
    Statistics Portugal releases the publication Culture Statistics - 2018 that provides statistical information on several cultural domains according to: education; employment; consumer price index for ...

  3. 12 November 2019
    This publication characterizes the Portuguese municipalities from a purchasing power perspective, based on a set of indicators obtained from a factor analysis model. This study presents three ...

  4. 04 October 2019
    The aim of REVSTAT - Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in ...
  5. Income statistics at local level - reported income on Personal Income Tax indicators - 2017

    31 July 2019
    Statistics Portugal (SP) releases, for the first time, the Income statistics at local level based on anonymized fiscal data from the Tax and Customs Authority (AT) related to the Settlement note of ...
  6. Estatísticas do rendimento ao nível local - Indicadores de rendimento declarado no IRS - 2017

    31 July 2019
    O INE inicia a divulgação das Estatísticas do Rendimento ao nível local com base em dados fiscais anonimizados da Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (AT) relativos ...

  7. 16 July 2019
    The Statistical Yearbook of Portugal (SYB 2018) presents an overall review intended to provide an all-encompassing view of the country, in terms of social, economic and demographic features in 2018. ...
  8. Sustainable Development Goals | 2030 Agenda - Indicators for Portugal - 2010 - 2018

    12 June 2019
    Statistics Portugal introduces the available indicators for Portugal deriving from the global indicator framework adopted by the UN to monitor progress towards achieving the 2030 Agenda Sustainable ...

  9. 31 May 2019
    The Fishery Statistics compendium for the year 2018 is organized in nine chapters, each one including a brief analysis of results and the data tables. This publication joins the Fisherman’s ...

  10. 31 May 2019
    Publication that presents and discusses the challenges and opportunities at global, European and national level, of geospatial information and statistical data integration for the production of ...

  11. 22 April 2019
    Special issue on «Biometry» celebrating the 3rd Portuguese-Galician Meeting of Biometry The aim of REVSTAT - Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, ...

  12. 20 December 2018
    The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organized in 27 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters: Territory, People, Economic Activity and State. Each section ...

  13. 20 December 2018
    The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organized in 27 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters: Territory, People, Economic Activity and State. Each section ...

  14. 20 December 2018
    The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organized in 27 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters: Territory, People, Economic Activity and State. Each section ...

  15. 20 December 2018
    The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organized in 27 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters: Territory, People, Economic Activity and State. Each section ...

  16. 20 December 2018
    The thematic content of this year's edition follows the last edition, being organized in 27 sub chapters grouped into four main chapters: Territory, People, Economic Activity and State. Each section ...

  17. 20 December 2018
    A edição deste ano segue a estrutura temática adotada nas edições anteriores, consistindo em 27 subcapítulos agrupados em quatro grandes domínios: O ...

  18. 12 December 2018
    Statistics Portugal releases the publication Culture Statistics - 2017 that provides statistical information on several cultural domains according to: education; employment; consumer price index for ...

  19. 03 December 2018
    Statistics Portugal presents the 109th issue of the Statistical Yearbook of Portugal (SYB), which continues a long-standing tradition started with the publication of the first issue in 1877 (SYB ...

  20. 09 July 2018
    The aim of REVSTAT - Statistical Journal is to publish articles of high scientific content, developing innovative statistical scientific methods and introducing original research, grounded in ...

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