Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal

Search results

Your search found the following number of results (in 0.243 seconds):

 total 1272
 Area  Results 
 Publications 1106
 National Accounts 121
 Studies 22
 Press releases 20
 Database 2
 Metadata 1


Press releases

  1. A Year of Pandemic: a Brief Overview
    28 May 2021
    PDF | 859 KB
    The comparison of statistical results available for the first year of the pandemic (March 2020 to February 2021) with the pre-pandemic period (March 2019 to February 2020), allows to have a more ...

  2. The Iberian Peninsula in figures
    16 April 2019
    PDF | 648 KB
    No período 2010-2017, a trajetória da variação média anual do Índice Harmonizado de Preços no Consumidor para “Alimentos e bebidas não ...

  3. The Iberian Peninsula in figures
    29 March 2018
    PDF | 702 KB
    Entre 2007 e 2016, o movimento de passageiros nos aeroportos aumentou, quer em Espanha, quer em Portugal. Esse aumento foi maior em Espanha em termos absolutos (+30,3 milhões de passageiros, ...

  4. The Iberian Peninsula in figures
    13 March 2013
    PDF | 656 KB
    A Península Ibérica tinha cerca de 57,4 milhões de habitantes, existindo 4 residentes em Espanha para 1 em Portugal, de acordo com os dados dos Censos 2011 de ambos os ...

  5. Monthly Economic Survey
    19 December 2012
    PDF | 828 KB
    In November, the economic sentiment and the consumer confidence indicators for the Euro Area (EA) recorded a new reduction. In the same month, the raw materials and oil prices presented monthly ...

  6. Tourism satellite account for Portugal
    10 September 2007
    PDF | 240 KB
    In 2004 expenditure in Tourism Consumption increased in nominal terms around 7%. In 2004 the amount of expenditure in Tourism Consumption was around 13 450 million Euro (which is equivalent to around  ...

  7. Business and consumer surveys
    04 June 2007
    PDF | 322 KB
    In May the Business Climate Indicator posted the fourth consecutive improvement, maintaining the upward trend started in October 2005, which was more marked after June 2006. This was the best result ...

  8. Business and consumer surveys
    03 May 2007
    PDF | 269 KB
    In April the Business Climate Indicator recovered for the third consecutive time, resuming the upward trend started in October 2005 that become more marked after June 2006. The confidence indicator ...

  9. Statistical yearbook of Portugal
    29 December 2006
    PDF | 87 KB
    Statistics Portugal released its main reference publication, ¿Anuário Estatístico de Portugal¿ (Statistical Yearbook of Portugal). The 2005 issue is divided into four main chapters ¿Territory, ...

  10. Social indicators
    22 December 2006
    PDF | 238 KB
    Statistics Portugal releases the 2005 edition of ¿Indicadores sociais¿ (Social Indicators), wich discloses, yearly, the main statistical data of social nature. ...

  11. The Iberian Peninsula in figures
    20 December 2006
    PDF | 175 KB
    Portugal and Spain¿s characteristics and comparison with the other European Union countries, from a set of indicators of different fields, reported as statistical charts, maps and tables. ...

  12. Economic accounts for agriculture
    15 December 2006
    PDF | 169 KB
    According to the preliminary estimates of the Agricultural Economic Accounts for the calendar year 2006, agricultural income in Portugal is expected to increase by 1.2% from 2005. ...

  13. Tourism satellite account for Portugal
    21 September 2006
    PDF | 365 KB
    From 2000 to 2002 tourism consumption expenditure represented, in average terms, approximately 9.83% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at market prices. In this period tourism consumption expenditure ...

  14. Quarterly and annual national accounts
    10 March 2006
    PDF | 159 KB
    Statistics Portugal released the first estimates for the National Accounts for the fourth quarter and for 2005 as a whole. It also disclosed the final and detailed results for 2001 and 2002. In the ...

  15. Economic accounts for agriculture
    27 February 2006
    PDF | 77 KB
    According to the second estimate of the Economic Accounts for Agriculture for the year 2005 the agricultural income in Portugal is expected to decline by 12.0% from the previous year. ...

  16. Economic accounts for agriculture
    13 December 2005
    PDF | 72 KB
    According to the first estimate of the agricultural economic accounts for 2005, agricultural income in Portugal is expected to decline by 11.0% from last year. ...

  17. Social indicators
    04 May 2005
    PDF | 114 KB
    The 2003 issue of the publication Indicadores Sociais (Social indicators) is made available as from this date. Its main purpose is to update the main social statistical data on an annual basis. ...

  18. Business and consumer surveys
    03 May 2005
    PDF | 222 KB
    In April the Business Climate Indicator deteriorated slightly. In sectoral terms, the confidence levels recovered in manufacturing, construction and trade, but deteriorated in services over the last ...

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