Statistics Portugal - Web Portal
Official Portal - Statistics Portugal
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Main Indicators table
  Main indicators Reference period Date of update Unit of measurement Value  
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Consult associated metadata Foreign population with legal status of residence (No.) 1980 2023 20-09-2024 No. 1 044 238  
Consult associated metadata Imports (€) of goods 2022 2023 19-09-2024 105 148 409 435  
Consult associated metadata Export intensity (%) 2011 2022 19-09-2024 % 32,35  
Consult associated metadata Maternal mortality rate per 100 000 live births (No.) 2002 2022 19-09-2024 No. 13,1  
Consult associated metadata Exports (€) of goods 2022 2023 19-09-2024 77 340 161 393  
Consult associated metadata Coverage rate (%) 2022 2023 19-09-2024 % 73,55  
Consult associated metadata Proportion of exports of high technology goods (%) 2022 2023 19-09-2024 % 5,06  
Consult associated metadata Degree of openness (%) 2011 2022 19-09-2024 % 78  
Consult associated metadata Deaths (No.) January 2024 July 2024 13-09-2024 No. 9 559 //  
Consult associated metadata Live births (No.) January 2024 July 2024 13-09-2024 No. 7 110 //  
Consult associated metadata Guests (No.) in tourist accommodation establishments January 2022 July 2024 13-09-2024 No. 3 208 199  
Consult associated metadata Deaths (No.) 2021 2024 13-09-2024 No. 80 629 //  
Consult associated metadata Marriages (No.) January 2024 July 2024 13-09-2024 No. 4 191 //  
Consult associated metadata Live births (No.) January 2024 July 2024 13-09-2024 No. 7 110 //  
Consult associated metadata Nights (No.) in tourist accommodation establishments January 2022 July 2024 13-09-2024 No. 9 005 132  
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