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Geographic localization (Agrarian region)Main crops production (t) by Geographic localization (Agrarian region) and Specie; Annual (1)
Data reference period
101: Cereals102: Dried pulses103: Potato104: Cultures for industry105: Vegetables106: Fooder crops110: Fresh fruit111: Berry species112: Fruit of subtropical climate zones113: Citrus fruits114: Dried fruits115: Vineyard116: Olive trees
t t t t t t t t t t t t t
PT: Portugal1 038 8745 751325 0811 695 8281 053 8333 913 692505 15159 579114 451351 727102 788999 7411 194 995
1: Entre Douro e Minho92 48524339 3190x1 512 3826 7924 88539 5097 8261 310123 4841 312
2: Trás-os-Montes23 3191 06942 87116x207 953165 0211 043342 22834 698204 06596 571
3: Beira Litoral237 82238663 6194 205x388 25119 7377 6619 2823 4073 55368 18620 506
4: Beira Interior32 7581 40017 2709x199 83144 0001 356472 5487 73132 37538 434
5: Ribatejo e Oeste415 460690104 9411 440 714x370 285221 6241 92543314 2236 442384 28545 256
6: Alentejo233 1071 92719 500250 885x541 84732 39337 99552525 12248 032176 618986 267
7: Algarve3 731187 5060x20 37012 4374 71431 989292 0157635 1356 648
8: Açores981813 4150x671 76132105 5562 6551251 1100
9: Madeira94016 6390x1 0122 826027 0751 7021334 4820
Main crops production (t) by Geographic localization (Agrarian region) and Specie; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Vegetable production statistics
(1) Data from 2016 to 2019 have been revised taking into account the results of the 2019 Agricultural Census.

This data last updated:september 12, 2024