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Data reference periodGeographic localizationAircrafts take-offs (No.) in the airports by Geographic localization, Type of traffic and Nature of traffic; Monthly
Type of traffic
T: Total
Nature of traffic
T: Total
October 2024T: Portugal22 096
LPPT: Lisboa9 908
LPFR: Faro3 496
LPPR: Porto4 716
LPMA: Madeira1 387
LPPS: Porto Santo135
LPPD: Ponta Delgada1 064
LPHR: Horta221
LPPO: Santa Maria104
LPFL: Flores88
LPGR: Graciosa62
LPSJ: São Jorge65
LPCR: Corvo35
LPPI: Pico108
LPLA: Lajes519
OUT: Other188
Aircrafts take-offs (No.) in the airports by Geographic localization, Type of traffic and Nature of traffic; Monthly - Statistics Portugal, Airports and airfields survey

This data last updated:december 11, 2024