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Data reference periodGeography (Portugal)Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed without continuing vocational training (%) by Economic activity (CAE Rev. 2.1) and Reason of not training; Quinquennial
Economic activity (CAE Rev. 2.1)
T: TotalT: Total
Reason of not training
1: The existing skills and competences of the persons employed corresponded to the current needs of the enterprise1: The existing skills and competences of the persons employed corresponded to the current needs of the enterprise2: The preferred strategy of the enterprise was to recruit individuals with the required skills and competences2: The preferred strategy of the enterprise was to recruit individuals with the required skills and competences3: Difficulties in assessing the enterprise´s CVT needs3: Difficulties in assessing the enterprise´s CVT needs4: Lack of suitable CVT4: Lack of suitable CVT5: High costs of CVT courses5: High costs of CVT courses6: Higher focus in initial vocational training (IVT) than CVT6: Higher focus in initial vocational training (IVT) than CVT7: Major CVT trainning effort in previous years7: Major CVT trainning effort in previous years8: Persons employed without available time for training8: Persons employed without available time for training1: The existing skills and competences of the persons employed corresponded to the current needs of the enterprise1: The existing skills and competences of the persons employed corresponded to the current needs of the enterprise2: The preferred strategy of the enterprise was to recruit individuals with the required skills and competences2: The preferred strategy of the enterprise was to recruit individuals with the required skills and competences3: Difficulties in assessing the enterprise´s CVT needs3: Difficulties in assessing the enterprise´s CVT needs4: Lack of suitable CVT4: Lack of suitable CVT5: High costs of CVT courses5: High costs of CVT courses6: Higher focus in initial vocational training (IVT) than CVT6: Higher focus in initial vocational training (IVT) than CVT7: Major CVT trainning effort in previous years7: Major CVT trainning effort in previous years8: Persons employed without available time for training8: Persons employed without available time for training
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
2005PT: Portugalxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PT: Portugalxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx84,4x53,4x19,5x15,5x33,6x5,3x1,7x41,1
Proportion of enterprises with 10 and more persons employed without continuing vocational training (%) by Economic activity (CAE Rev. 2.1) and Reason of not training; Quinquennial - MTSSS/GEP, Community survey continuing vocational training

This data last updated:march 31, 2009