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Data reference periodPlace of residence (NUTS - 2002) (1) Resident population (No.) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002), Sex and Age group; Annual (2)
T: MF1: M2: F
Age group
T: Total
No. No. No.
2013PT: Portugal10 427 3014 958 0205 469 281
1: Continente9 918 5484 714 3285 204 220
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores247 440121 646125 794
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira261 313122 046139 267
Resident population (No.) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002), Sex and Age group; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Annual estimates of resident population
(1) The territorial classification used corresponds to the administrative territorial division in force at the 2011 Census moment (CAOP 2010). In this sense, this classification does not include the territorial changes occurred later, in particular those arising from Law No. 61/2012 of December 5 and laws No. 56/2012 of November 8 and no. 11/2013 of 28 January, with effect from 30 September 2013 onwards.
With the dissemination of these results for 2013, Statistics Portugal terminates the production cycle of resident population estimates according to the Administrative Division in force at 2011 Census moment (CAOP 2010).
(2) 2011, Provisional Resident Population Estimates - reviewed: postcensal resident population estimates calculated in the ad hoc exercise based on provisional results from the 2011 Census published in June 2012 where reviewed to incorporate the 2011 Census final results.
2001-2010, Final Resident Population Estimates - reviewed: provisional resident population estimates for the period 2001-2010 were reviewed - regular general revision - based on the 2011 Census final results.
1991-2000, Final Resident Population Estimates - reviewed: the intercensal resident population estimates for the period 1991-2000 were reviewed - not a regular revision - with the scope to conciliate, both conceptual and methodologically, with the final resident population estimates series for 2001-2010.

This data last updated:june 16, 2014