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Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001)Average value of total standard production by annual work unit (€/ AWU) of agricultural holdings by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001) and Utilised agricultural area classes; Irregular
Data reference period
Utilised agricultural area classes
T: Total1: < 1 ha2: 1 ha - < 5 ha3: 5 ha - < 20 ha4: 20 ha - < 50 ha5: 50 ha - <100 ha6: >=100 ha
€/ AWU €/ AWU €/ AWU €/ AWU €/ AWU €/ AWU €/ AWU
PT: Portugal16 161,911 186,55 713,115 953,431 126,436 897,051 521,0
1: Continente15 523,612 698,75 474,215 053,727 240,231 556,350 971,1
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores38 955,19 199,213 392,734 552,866 449,2101 560,7103 103,0
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira7 897,46 788,014 745,520 113,28 691,117 434,10,0
Average value of total standard production by annual work unit (€/ AWU) of agricultural holdings by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2001) and Utilised agricultural area classes; Irregular - Statistics Portugal, Base agricultural statistics

This data last updated:november 27, 2017