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Geographic localization (NUTS II - 2013) (1) Consumer price index (CPI, Base - 2012) by Geographic localization (NUTS II - 2013) and Special aggregates; Monthly
Data reference period
November 2024
Special aggregates
T: Total001: Total excluding housing002: Total excluding unprocessed food and energy003: Total excluding unprocessed food004: Total excluding energy005: Unprocessed food006: Energy007: Goods008: Services
- - - - - - - - -
PT: Portugal122,043121,389119,945119,802122,404141,208117,860118,656126,685
1: Continente122,089121,424119,946119,848122,410141,310118,403118,582126,873
11: Norte122,957122,653120,645120,458123,382143,671118,224119,846127,496
16: Centro120,413119,807118,272118,136120,819141,231116,802119,074122,015
17: Área Metropolitana de Lisboa123,149121,917121,243121,240123,325140,272120,352117,230130,096
18: Alentejo120,290120,301117,808117,914120,473136,195118,567119,570121,449
15: Algarve118,150117,703115,501115,729118,194137,791117,803114,276123,975
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores122,467122,194122,300121,285123,475132,529110,301123,180120,924
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira119,503119,129118,063116,455121,272146,270100,359117,974121,588
Consumer price index (CPI, Base - 2012) by Geographic localization (NUTS II - 2013) and Special aggregates; Monthly - Statistics Portugal, Consumer price index
(1) From January 1st, 2015 came into force a new version of NUTS (NUTS 2013). At NUTS II level was just a name change in "Lisboa" which became known as "Área Metropolitana de Lisboa".

This data last updated:december 11, 2024