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Data reference periodGeographic localization (Portugal)Persons employed (No.) at enterprise births by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3) and Size classes in number of employees; Annual (2)
Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3) (1)
TOT: Total
Size classes in number of employees
T: Total
2023PT: Portugal287 397
Persons employed (No.) at enterprise births by Economic activity (Division - CAE Rev. 3) and Size classes in number of employees; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Business demography
(1) The scope of economic activity includes all enterprises from sections A to S of NACE-Rev.2, with the exception of Financial and Insurance Activities (section K) and Public Administration and Defense; Compulsory Social Security (section O).
(2) In the scope of the implementation of ESA 2010 in National Accounts, and the need to distinguish Holdings from Head-offices we proceeded to an update of business demography statistics. These changes had an immediate impact on the delimitation of the business sector, thus in order to increase consistency with National Accounts, it was conducted a revision business demography statistics for the period 2008-2015. The 2008 and 2009 data are made available by the first time, according to ESA 2010.

This data last updated:december 13, 2024