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Data reference period (1) SexMortality rate (30 to 70 years) due to diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms, diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory diseases per 100 000 inhabitants (No.) by Sex; Annual
Place of residence (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
2022T: MF276,2
1: M379,8
2: F181,4
2021T: MF277,4
1: M382,4
2: F181,8
2020T: MF258,5
1: M365,6
2: F163,6
2019T: MF288,5
1: M405,8
2: F183,3
2018T: MF287,7
1: M405,0
2: F182,4
Mortality rate (30 to 70 years) due to diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms, diabetes mellitus and chronic respiratory diseases per 100 000 inhabitants (No.) by Sex; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Mortality by causes of death
(1) The 2022 statistical data were obtained based on the information of the Sistema de Informação dos Certificados de Óbito available until May 8, 2024.

This data last updated:september 05, 2024