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Data reference period (1) ResponsibilitySex ratio (women per 100 men) of managers in sector of public administration by Responsibility (No.) by Responsibility; Annual (2)
Geographic localization (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
2023T: Total125
1: Top managers of first degree51
2: Top managers of second degree101
3: Middle managers of first degree111
4: Middle managers of second degree137
5: Middle managers of third degree and following149
2022T: Total124
1: Top managers of first degree53
2: Top managers of second degree101
3: Middle managers of first degree107
4: Middle managers of second degree135
5: Middle managers of third degree and following157
2021T: Total122
1: Top managers of first degree49
2: Top managers of second degree96
3: Middle managers of first degree101
4: Middle managers of second degree134
5: Middle managers of third degree and following162
2020T: Total119
1: Top managers of first degree46
2: Top managers of second degree92
3: Middle managers of first degree100
4: Middle managers of second degree129
5: Middle managers of third degree and following160
2019T: Total116
1: Top managers of first degree41
2: Top managers of second degree86
3: Middle managers of first degree97
4: Middle managers of second degree127
5: Middle managers of third degree and following167
Sex ratio (women per 100 men) of managers in sector of public administration by Responsibility (No.) by Responsibility; Annual - Directorate General for Administration and Public Employment
(1) Values related to December 31 of each year. Some values from 2022 to 2023 were updated. Values available on April 22, 2024.
(2) General government includes all entities under the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA 2010).

This data last updated:august 05, 2024