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Data reference periodIndustrial groupIndex of industrial production - calendar and seasonal effects adjusted (Base - 2021) by Industrial group; Monthly
Geographic localization (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
December 2024T: Total92,42
1: Consumer goods93,94
2: Intermediate goods89,93
3: Capital goods108,87
4: Energy75,95
November 2024T: Total96,51
1: Consumer goods97,35
2: Intermediate goods92,71
3: Capital goods107,37
4: Energy91,05
October 2024T: Total100,18
1: Consumer goods102,21
2: Intermediate goods91,35
3: Capital goods112,66
4: Energy102,24
September 2024T: Total96,96
1: Consumer goods97,83
2: Intermediate goods92,12
3: Capital goods113,24
4: Energy87,56
August 2024T: Total94,16
1: Consumer goods95,56
2: Intermediate goods89,37
3: Capital goods106,40
4: Energy88,27
Index of industrial production - calendar and seasonal effects adjusted (Base - 2021) by Industrial group; Monthly - Statistics Portugal, Industrial production index (Base 2021)

This data last updated:january 31, 2025