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Geographic localization (NUTS - 2024)Environmental revenues of municipalities by 1000 inhabitants (€/ inhab.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2024) and Environmental domain; Annual
Data reference period
Environmental domain (1)
T: Total1: Protection of ambient air and climate2: Wastewater management3: Waste management4: Protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water5: Noise and vibration abatement6: Protection of biodiversity and landscape7: Protection against radiation8: Research and development9: Other environmental protection activities
€/ inhab. €/ inhab. €/ inhab. €/ inhab. €/ inhab. €/ inhab. €/ inhab. €/ inhab. €/ inhab. €/ inhab.
PT: Portugal36 050 //681x33 3533672701 325x055
1: Continente34 886 //715x32 1033852761 353x054
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores34 697 //0x34 690610x00
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira83 277 //0x81 42902821 441x0125
Environmental revenues of municipalities by 1000 inhabitants (€/ inhab.) by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2024) and Environmental domain; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Statistics of the municipalities in environment - long series
(1) 1994 to 1997: the information refers to the direct management of municipal services and municipalized entities. From 1998 onwards, it refers to the direct management of municipal services.
Administrative data for the Wastewater Management domain: INAG, I.P. from 2006 to 2009 on the Mainland; ERSAR, I.P. from 2012 onwards on the Mainland; ERSARA from 2011 onwards on Região Autónoma dos Açores.
Wastewater Management Domain: 2010 - data not available for Portugal; 2011 - data not available for the mainland.

This data last updated:november 28, 2024