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Data reference periodGeographic location (Portugal)People aged 18 to 74 who have experienced violence in an intimate context (%) by Sex, Type of partner and Type of violence; Irregular (2)
T: MF1: M2: F
Type of partner
T: Total1: Current partner2: Former partnerT: Total1: Current partner2: Former partnerT: Total1: Current partner2: Former partner
Type of violence (1)
T: Total1: Psychological violence2: Physical or sexual violence3: Physical excluding sexual violenceT: Total1: Psychological violence2: Physical or sexual violence3: Physical excluding sexual violenceT: Total1: Psychological violence2: Physical or sexual violence3: Physical excluding sexual violenceT: Total1: Psychological violence2: Physical or sexual violence3: Physical excluding sexual violenceT: Total1: Psychological violence2: Physical or sexual violence3: Physical excluding sexual violenceT: Total1: Psychological violence2: Physical or sexual violence3: Physical excluding sexual violenceT: Total1: Psychological violence2: Physical or sexual violence3: Physical excluding sexual violenceT: Total1: Psychological violence2: Physical or sexual violence3: Physical excluding sexual violenceT: Total1: Psychological violence2: Physical or sexual violence3: Physical excluding sexual violence
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
2022PT: Portugal19,919,57,25,28,98,71,81,430,930,013,79,317,116,83,83,38,68,41,1 §1,0 §24,824,26,95,922,521,810,37,09,38,92,41,836,335,119,612,4
People aged 18 to 74 who have experienced violence in an intimate context (%) by Sex, Type of partner and Type of violence; Irregular - Statistics Portugal - Survey on Safety in Public and Private Spaces
(1) Intimate partner violence includes acts of psychological violence, physical violence (including threats) or sexual violence, by current and/or previous spouses or girlfriends/boyfriends or partners. Partner includes current or former spouses, civil union partners or cohabitants, people in an informal relationship or who are dating, people whose marriage has been dissolved or declared null, or people who have been engaged, formally or informally, to get married or enter a civil partnership. People with current partner includes people who reported having current spouse or girlfriends/boyfriends or partner (regardless of whether they had former spouses or girlfriends/boyfriends or partners). People with former partner includes people who reported having former spouses or girlfriends/boyfriends or partners (regardless of whether they have current spouse or girlfriends/boyfriends or partner). Physical violence includes threats.
(2) Due to rounding issues and non-response situations, the totals may not correspond to the sum of the parts.

This data last updated:april 26, 2024