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Geographic localization (NUTS - 2024)Works exhibited (No.) on art galleries and others temporary exhibition spaces by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2024) and Types of works; Annual
Data reference period
Types of works
T: Total1: Ceramics2: Cinematography22: Collectioning/Commemorative5: Decoration/Craft6: Drawing7: Equipment/Instalation8: Documentary9: Sculpture10: Photography11: Graphics12: Engraving13: Illustration14: Multimedia15: Music/Musical instruments16: Jewelery17: Painting23: Tapestry/Stained glass21: Other
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
PT: Portugal256 47513 7181 18936 93720 29120 0233 52822 9188 99835 4561 7414 1957 6891 6108481 37646 0591 54128 358
1: Continente245 02512 9881 17935 67219 74119 1663 08521 9698 67333 1691 4064 0237 4231 4967921 33544 0571 51027 341
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores5 29234508751682341395834684628345178631407699776
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira6 158385103903826233043662791 44152127249282511 23322241
Works exhibited (No.) on art galleries and others temporary exhibition spaces by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2024) and Types of works; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Art galleries and other spaces of temporary expositions survey

This data last updated:june 28, 2024