PT: Portugal | 376 403 | 84 252 | 202 015 | 50 402 | 6 799 | 32 922 | 13 | 1: Continente | 356 856 | 77 956 | 193 946 | 47 581 | 6 237 | 31 125 | x | 2: Região Autónoma dos Açores | 10 008 | 3 338 | 4 401 | 1 093 | 362 | 814 | x | 3: Região Autónoma da Madeira | 6 658 | 2 689 | 2 390 | 1 047 | 92 | 440 | x | Registered crimes (No.) by the police authorities by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002) and Category of crime; Annual - Directorate General for Justice Policy | Note(s): | (1) Data was updated for the years between 2011 and 2013. | (2) Total values comprise data from Criminal Police, Public Security Police, National Republican Guard, Customs Tax Authority, Maritime Police, Military Judicial Police, Immigration and Borders Service, Economic and Food Safety Authority and include crimes with unknown location or not classified, which were registered by entities operating nationwide - Criminal Police, Economic and Food Safety Authority, Immigration and Borders Service, Customs Tax Authority, District Tax Directions, Anti-fraud Service of the Customs Directorate-General, Public Security Police, National Direction and National Police Unit of the Public Security Police, National Republican Guard, Territorial Commands, National Road Traffic Unit, Safety Unit and State Honors, Intervention Unit, Coastal Control Unit and Fiscal Action Unit of the National Republican Guard. |
This data last updated:october 10, 2016