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District courtAverage duration of completed proceedings (Month) in country courts of law by District court and Type of proceeding; Annual (2)
Data reference period (1)
Type of proceeding
1: Civil cases2: Criminal cases3: Juvenile cases4: Labour cases5: Labour criminal cases6: Military cases
Month Month Month Month Month Month
PT: Portugal2697957
1: Continente2697957
2: Açores1445720
3: Madeira226101190
Average duration of completed proceedings (Month) in country courts of law by District court and Type of proceeding; Annual - Directorate General for Justice Policy
(1) Some values were updated from 2015 to 2022. Criminal proceedings do not include proceedings for the execution of sentences, transgressions, appeals against infringement proceedings and other criminal proceedings. The transferred cases, attached, incorporated, or joined to other procedures as well as those sent to another entity or identified as "NS - Not specified" are not comprised in the given data. The average duration of completed cases corresponds to the time that elapses between the day the case enters the court and the day a final decision is reached (judgment, sentence, or decision).
(2) The total includes the Central Criminal Court, the Lisboa Maritime Court, the Intellectual Property Court, the Competition, Regulation and Supervision Court and the values of the extinct courts. Due the implementation of Law No. 62/2013, August 26th (Judicial System Organization Law), data transfer corrections are pending.

This data last updated:october 31, 2024