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Data reference periodMeat typeHuman consumption of meat per capita (kg/ inhab.) by Meat type; Annual (1)
Place of residence (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
kg/ inhab.
202341: Total meat and offal119,6 &
411: Meat of bovine animals21,7 &
412: Pig meat41,7 &
413: Meat of ovine and caprine animals2,1 &
414: Meat of equidaeo
415: Poultrymeat47,2 &
416: Other meats2,0 &
420: Offal4,9 &
202241: Total meat and offal118,0
411: Meat of bovine animals21,3
412: Pig meat42,4
413: Meat of ovine and caprine animals2,3
414: Meat of equidaeo
415: Poultrymeat45,2
416: Other meats1,5
420: Offal5,3
202141: Total meat and offal114,5
411: Meat of bovine animals20,5
412: Pig meat41,8
413: Meat of ovine and caprine animals2,3
414: Meat of equidaeo
415: Poultrymeat43,1
416: Other meats2,0
420: Offal4,8
202041: Total meat and offal113,4
411: Meat of bovine animals20,4
412: Pig meat40,7
413: Meat of ovine and caprine animals2,1
414: Meat of equidaeo
415: Poultrymeat43,9
416: Other meats1,7
420: Offal4,6
201941: Total meat and offal119,9
411: Meat of bovine animals20,8
412: Pig meat44,7
413: Meat of ovine and caprine animals2,4
414: Meat of equidaeo
415: Poultrymeat44,3
416: Other meats2,3
420: Offal5,4
Human consumption of meat per capita (kg/ inhab.) by Meat type; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Animal products supply balance sheet
(1) The information provided has been revised from the year 2005 due to data revision of International Trade Statistics. Previous campaigns will be reviewed in due course.

This data last updated:may 25, 2023