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Data reference periodGeographic localization (Portugal)Cost of material consumed (Early series 2001-2004 - €) of enterprises by Economic activity (Subsection - CAE Rev. 2.1) and Employment size class; Annual (1)
Economic activity (Subsection - CAE Rev. 2.1)
T: Total
Employment size class
T: Total
€ (thousands)
2004PT: Portugal53 966 476
Cost of material consumed (Early series 2001-2004 - €) of enterprises by Economic activity (Subsection - CAE Rev. 2.1) and Employment size class; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Integrated business accounts system
(1) The 2001-2004 data of SCIE only includes Companies. The covered economic activities of NACE-Rev.1.1, are the following; section C to O, excluding sections J and L. Within section O, Division 91 are not considered. Data is exhaustive for enterprises with 100 and more persons employed. The results for enterprises with less than 100 persons employed is estimated from the Annual Business Survey data.

This data last updated:may 08, 2007