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Data reference periodMeat type (1) Meat production (t) by Meat type; Annual
Geographic localization (Portugal) (2)
PT: Portugal
2023T: Total903 822
1: Meat of livestock468 369
2: Poultrymeat420 978
3: Other meats14 475
2022T: Total913 591
1: Meat of livestock489 605
2: Poultrymeat409 820
3: Other meats14 166
2021T: Total910 803
1: Meat of livestock497 524
2: Poultrymeat398 434
3: Other meats14 845
2020T: Total902 024
1: Meat of livestock493 359
2: Poultrymeat393 390
3: Other meats15 275
2019T: Total902 793
1: Meat of livestock498 050
2: Poultrymeat389 210
3: Other meats15 533
Meat production (t) by Meat type; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Animal production statistics
(1) From 1938 to 1979, "Poultrymeat" includes rabbit and pigeon meat.
From 1938 to 1979, "Other meats" includes only game.
(2) Series from 1938 to 1979 refer to Mainland data only.

This data last updated:october 17, 2024