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Data reference period (1) SexYoung-age dependency ratio (No.) by Sex; Annual
Place of residence (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
2022T: MF20,4
1: M21,4
2: F19,5
2021T: MF20,6
1: M21,6
2: F19,6
2020T: MF20,8
1: M21,8
2: F19,8
2019T: MF21,0
1: M22,1
2: F20,0
2018T: MF21,2
1: M22,4
2: F20,1
Young-age dependency ratio (No.) by Sex; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Annual estimates of resident population
(1) 2021, Provisional Resident Population Estimates - revised values in March 2023: postcensal resident population estimates for 2021 (ad hoc exercise based on the 2021 Census Provisional Results) were revised according to the 2021 Census Final Results.
2011-2020, Final Resident Population Estimates - revised values in March 2023: provisional resident population estimates for 2011-2020 were revised (regular general revision) according to the 2021 Census Final Results.

This data last updated:june 15, 2023