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Geographic localizationProportion of hotel establishments with Internet booking (%) by Geographic localization and Mode of payment used; Biennial (1)
Data reference period
Mode of payment used
1: Online payment2: Bank transfer3: Payment in hotel establishment4: Post5: Other means
% % % % %
PT: Portugal38,682,996,89,50,0
1: Continente39,983,197,010,60,0
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores28,675,094,67,10,0
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira33,384,396,12,60,0
Proportion of hotel establishments with Internet booking (%) by Geographic localization and Mode of payment used; Biennial - Statistics Portugal, Survey on ICT usage in hotel establishments
(1) Booking refer to the previous calendar year.

This data last updated:december 23, 2011