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Data reference periodType of periodical publicationTotal circulation of periodical publications (No.) by Type of periodical publication; Annual
Geographic localization (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
2021T: Total142 600 711
1: Newspaper86 469 716
2: Magazine51 361 266
3: Bulletin4 409 230
4: Brochurex
5: Yearbook50 792
9: Other309 707
2020T: Total162 693 064
1: Newspaper102 524 592
2: Magazine55 455 129
3: Bulletin4 564 105
4: Brochurex
5: Yearbook70 517
9: Other78 721
2019T: Total201 727 135
1: Newspaper131 241 302
2: Magazine64 143 625
3: Bulletin5 887 189
4: Brochurex
5: Yearbook257 087
9: Other197 932
2018T: Total232 045 054
1: Newspaper152 042 889
2: Magazine73 366 657
3: Bulletin5 907 483
4: Brochurex
5: Yearbook257 468
9: Other470 557
2017T: Total256 730 570
1: Newspaper167 225 119
2: Magazine82 806 151
3: Bulletin6 202 432
4: Brochurex
5: Yearbook276 861
9: Other220 007
Total circulation of periodical publications (No.) by Type of periodical publication; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Culture statistics - historical series

This data last updated:october 14, 2022