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Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002)Licensed buildings (row houses - No.) in new constructions for family housing by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002); Annual (1)
Data reference period
PT: Portugal12 185
1: Continente11 536
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores403
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira246
Licensed buildings (row houses - No.) in new constructions for family housing by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2002); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Projects of building constructions and demolitions survey
(1) For 2004 and 2005, data for the municipalities of Lisboa and Seia were underestimated since we could not get the information.
Definitive data till 2020 and preliminary data as of 2021.

This data last updated:july 18, 2024