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Geographic localization (Agrarian region/ Island)Distribution of cattle in stock raising faciities (%) by Geographic localization (Agrarian region/ Island) and Type of animal houses for cattle; Decennial (1)
Data reference period
Type of animal houses for cattle
T: Total1: Stanchion-tied2: Loose housing
% % %
PT: Portugal100,0023,9676,04
1: Continente100,0023,1876,82
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores100,0046,0453,96
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira100,0069,2530,75
Distribution of cattle in stock raising faciities (%) by Geographic localization (Agrarian region/ Island) and Type of animal houses for cattle; Decennial - Statistics Portugal, Agriculture census - 2009
(1) No universo de explorações com efetivo médio igual ou superior a 10 bovinos.

This data last updated:june 03, 2011