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Data reference period (1) Place of residence (NUTS - 2002) (2) Deaths aged 16 and more years old of employed and of unemployed seeking for a new job (No.) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002), Sex, Economic activity (Section - CAE Rev. 3) and Occupational status; Annual (3)
T: MF1: M2: F
Economic activity (Section - CAE Rev. 3)
TOT: Total
Occupational status
T: Total
No. No. No.
2013T: Total4 5833 5461 037
PT: Portugal4 5463 5191 027
YY: Foreigner372710
Deaths aged 16 and more years old of employed and of unemployed seeking for a new job (No.) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2002), Sex, Economic activity (Section - CAE Rev. 3) and Occupational status; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Deaths
(1) Mortality data for 2013 were revised as a result of the inclusion of nine death records with date of death of 2013 in mortality statistics by causes of death that were received in January 2016 through the Sistema de Informação dos Certificados de Óbito (SICO). The number of deaths registered in Portugal for 2013 changed from 106 876 to 106 885.
(2) The entry into force of Law no. 61/2012 of 5 December, fixing the boundaries of the municipalities of Faro and Loulé, changed the boundaries of the parishes of Montenegro, São Pedro (now called União das freguesias de Faro as a result of the aggregation with the parish of Sé with the Law no. 11-A/2013 of 28 January) and Santa Bárbara de Nexe, from the municipality of Faro, and the parish of Almancil, from the municipality of Loulé.
The entry into force of Law no. 56/2012 of 8 November, on the administrative reorganization of Lisboa, and the Law no. 11-A/2013 of 28 January, on the administrative reorganization of the territory limits of the parishes, both producing effects since the 30th September 2013, changed the boundaries of the municipalities of Lisboa and Loures, with the formation of the parish of Parque das Nações in the municipality of Lisboa, and the municipalities of Golegã and Santarém, with the change of the parish of Pombalinho from Santarém to Golegã. Users are advised to take these changes into account when considering data from 2013.
(3) The total number of deaths may not correspond to the sum of the partial figures by sex, due to the existence of records with unknown sex.

This data last updated:february 23, 2016