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Data reference period (1) SexInactive population seeking work but not immediately available (Series 2011 - No.) by Sex; Quarterly (2)
Place of residence (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
No. (thousands)
4th Quarter 2020T: MF21,3
1: M9,6
2: F11,6
3rd Quarter 2020T: MF18,0
1: M8,5
2: F9,5
2nd Quarter 2020T: MF25,4
1: M10,6
2: F14,8
1st Quarter 2020T: MF21,2
1: Mx
2: F14,3
4th Quarter 2019T: MF24,7
1: M9,6
2: F15,1
Inactive population seeking work but not immediately available (Series 2011 - No.) by Sex; Quarterly - Statistics Portugal, Labour force survey
(1) Values derived from calibration weights based on Monthly Resident Population Estimates from 2011 to 2020, according to the 2011 Census final results and calculated specifically for the Labour Force Survey.
(2) The estimates from the 2nd quarter of 2020 to the 4th quarter of 2020 were revised following the results of the analysis on the impact of the suspension of face-to-face data collection mode (CAPI) due to the public health safeguard measures adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic period. For more details, please consult the explanatory note in the Press Release "Employment Statistics - 3rd quarter 2023", published on the Statistics Portugal's website.

This data last updated:november 30, 2023