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Data reference periodSexAverage usual weekly duration of remunerated work (h) by Geographic localization (Mainland) and Sex; Semi-annual (1)
Geographic localization (Mainland)
1: Continente
April 2019T: MF38,5
1: M39,6
2: F38,8
October 2018T: MF39,8
1: M40,2
2: F39,4
April 2018T: MF38,9
1: M39,1
2: F38,6
October 2017T: MF39,5
1: M39,8
2: F39,2
April 2017T: MF39,3
1: M39,4
2: F38,6
Average usual weekly duration of remunerated work (h) by Geographic localization (Mainland) and Sex; Semi-annual - MTSSS/GEP, Earnings and working hours survey
(1) The data refer to employees for sections B to S of NACE Rev.2.

This data last updated:january 31, 2020