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 Produced products in industry by Product type (Por CAE Rev. 2); Annual
Product type (CAE Rev. 2)Produced products in industry by Product type (CAE Rev. 2); Annual
Data reference period
Geographic localization (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
15110: Slaughtering of animals (production of meat)x
1511011400001992: Beef: fresh or chilled: carcasses, half-carcasses and quarters (kg)38 690 332
1511011900001992: Beef and veal: fresh or chilled: cuts (kg)7 785 047
1511012000001992: Beef and veal: frozen: cuts (kg)862 482
1511012030001992: Pieces of meat of bovine (veal), frozen (kg)x
1511012050001992: Pieces of meat of bovine (cow), frozen (kg)x
1511013300001992: Pig-meat: fresh or chilled: carcasses and half-carcasses (kg)91 606 102
1511013500001992: Pig-meat: fresh or chilled: hams, shoulders and cuts thereof (kg)73 142 669
1511013900001992: Pig-meat: fresh or chilled: n.e.c. (kg)61 827 774
1511014300001992: Pig-meat: frozen: carcasses and half-carcasses (kg)12 772
1511014500001992: Pig-meat: frozen: bone-in: hams, shoulders and cuts thereof (kg)2 948 389
1511014900001992: Pig-meat: frozen: n.e.c. (kg)7 686 387
1511015000001992: Lamb and sheep meat: fresh or chilled (kg)6 251 461
1511016000001992: Lamb and sheep meat: frozen (kg)427 138
1511017000001992: Goat meat: fresh, chilled or frozen (kg)479 196
1511018000001992: Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies: fresh, chilled or frozen (kg)91 412
1511019000001992: Edible offal of any of the above animals: fresh, chilled or frozen (kg)14 443 442
1511021000001992: Greasy wool: not shorn (kg)-
1511022000001992: Hides and skins of bovine or equine animals (kg)17 128 567
1511023300001992: Skins of sheep or lambs (nº)515 917
1511023500001992: Raw hides and skins of goats or kids but not tanned, fresh or preserved (nº)49 201
1511030300001992: Pig and poultry fat: not rendered (kg)19 206 323
1511030500001992: Lard and other pig and poultry fat: rendered (kg)11 668 498
1511030700001992: Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats: raw or rendered (kg)7 887 081
1511040000001992: Guts, bladders and stomacs of animals (other than fish) (kg)x
1511040300001996: Guts, bladders and stomacs of animals (other than fish) (kg)27 034 344
1511040900001996: Other disposal, unfit for human consumption (kg)12 490 208
1511099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15120: Slaughtering of poultry and rabbits (production of meat)x
1512011130001992: Chickens: whole: fresh or chilled (kg)181 109 508
1512011150001992: Turkeys: whole: fresh or chilled (kg)20 970 511
1512011170001992: Ducks, geese and guinea fowl: whole: fresh or chilled (kg)11 019 445
1512011300001992: Fatty livers of geese or ducks: fresh or chilled (kg)1 913
1512011530001992: Chickens: cuts: fresh or chilled (gallus domesticus) (kg)15 357 317
1512011550001992: Turkeys: cuts: fresh or chilled (kg)17 160 353
1512011570001992: Ducks, geese and guinea fowl: cuts: fresh or chilled (kg)57 668
1512011700001992: Offals and livers of poultry: fresh or chilled (kg)4 828 651
1512012130001992: Chickens: whole: frozen (kg)3 600 469
1512012150001992: Turkeys: whole: frozen, not cut in pieces (kg)209 601
1512012170001992: Ducks, geese and guinea fowl: whole: frozen (kg)4 100 659
1512012530001992: Chickens: cuts: frozen (kg)1 830 269
1512012550001992: Turkeys: cuts: frozen (kg)1 422 627
1512012570001992: Ducks, geese and guinea fowl: cuts: frozen (kg)
1512012700001992: Offal and liver of poultry, frozen (kg)x
1512012710001996: Poultry: offal other than liver: frozen (kg)915 613
1512012750001992: Poultry: liver: frozen (kg)730
1512013000001992: Other meat and edible offal: n.e.c. (kg)23 474 646
1512099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15130: Production of meat and poultrymeat productsx
1513011100001992: Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof: on the bone: dried, salted or smoked (kg)7 765 323
1513011300001992: Bellies and cuts thereof of swine, dried, salted or smoked (kg)4 310 104
1513011500001992: Other pig-meat: dried, salted or smoked (kg)4 215 195
1513011700001992: Beef and veal: dried, salted or smoked (kg)x
1513011900001992: Other meat, dried, salted or smoked; flours and meals of meat or offal (kg)4 033 219
1513012130001992: Liver sausages (kg)142 074
1513012150001992: Sausages not of liver (kg)26 852 642
1513012230001992: Preparations of goose and duck liver (kg)x
1513012250001992: Other animal liver: prepared or preserved (kg)35 017
1513012330001992: Other turkey meat: prepared or preserved (kg)1 729 292
1513012350001992: Other poultry meat: prepared or preserved (kg)4 481 368
1513012430001992: Pig-meat: hams and cuts thereof: prepared or preserved (kg)15 783 114
1513012450001992: Pig-meat: shoulders and cuts thereof: prepared or preserved (kg)14 015 561
1513012530001992: Prepared dishes of pork, incl. mixtures (kg)9 427 781
1513012590001992: Preparations of pork, incl. mixtures: other than prepared dishes (kg)18 771 709
1513012600001992: Preparations of beef and veal (kg)x
1513012630001992: Prepared dishes of beef and veal (kg)1 630 582
1513012690001992: Preparations of beef and veal: other than prepared dishes (kg)2 015 534
1513012700001992: Extracts and juices of meat, fish and aquatic invertebrates (kg)328
1513012900001992: Other preparations of meat or offal, incl. blood (kg)
1513013000001992: Flours, meals and pellets of meat unfit for human consumption, greaves (kg)77 090 267
1513090000001996: Cooking and other preparation services for the production of meat productsx
1513099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15200: Processing and preserving of fish and fish productsx
1520011300001992: Fish livers and roes: fresh or chilled (kg)-
1520011900001992: Fish fillets and other fish meat: fresh or chilled (kg)148 304
1520012100001992: Salt water fish: whole: frozen (kg)26 684 254
1520012300001992: Fresh water fish: whole: frozen (kg)152 637
1520012500001992: Fish livers and roes: frozen (kg)290 017
1520012700001992: Fish fillets: frozen (kg)4 805 326
1520012900001992: Other fish meat: frozen (kg)10 945 873
1520013100001992: Fish livers and roes: otherwise preserved; edible fish meal (kg)7 394
1520013300001992: Fish fillets: dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked (kg)
1520013530001992: Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon: smoked (kg)1 277
1520013590001992: Fish nec: smoked (kg)44 413
1520013700001992: Fish nec: dried or salted (kg)35 083 319
1520014110001992: Prepared or preserved salmon (excl. minced) (kg)
1520014120001992: Prepared or preserved herrings (excl. minced) (kg)-
1520014130001992: Prepared or preserved sardines, sardinella, brisling or sprats (excl. minced) (kg)22 099 222
1520014140001992: Prepared or preserved tuna, skipjack and Atlantic bonito (excl. minced) (kg)13 491 580
1520014150001992: Prepared or preserved mackerel (excl. minced) (kg)2 601 653
1520014160001992: Prepared or preserved anchovies (excl. minced) (kg)28 087
1520014170001992: Other prepared fish: fish fingers (kg)139 130
1520014190001992: Other prepared or preserved fish (excl. fishfingers) (kg)173 403
1520014330001992: Prepared fish dishes (kg)3 112 676
1520014350001992: Prepared or preserved fish, n.e.c. (kg)296 198
1520015300001992: Crustaceans: frozen (kg)3 040 961
1520015530001992: Scallops and mussels: frozen, dried or salted (kg)x
1520015590001992: Aquatic invertibrates: frozen, dried or salted (kg)13 528 515
1520016000001992: Crustaceans, molluscs etc., prepared or preserved (kg)x
1520016030001992: Prepared dishes of crustaceans, molluscs, etc. (kg)4 353 409
1520016050001992: Crustaceans, molluscs etc., prepared or preserved, n.e.c. (kg)624 523
1520017000001992: Flours, meals and pellets of fish etc., unfit for human consumption (kg)6 843 361
1520018000001992: Inedible fish products (kg)-
1520099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15310: Preparation and preserving of potatoesx
1531011000001992: Potatoes, frozen (kg)x
1531011250001992: Potatoes, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen (kg)x
1531011290001992: Other preserved potatoes, not frozen, incl. crisps (kg)x
1531012500001996: Potatoes, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen (kg)x
1531012900001996: Other preserved potatoes, not frozen, incl. crisps (kg)17 986 004
1531099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15320: Manufacture of fruit and vegetable juicex
1532010130001992: Unconcentrated orange juice, frozen (kg)43 729
1532010150001992: Unconcentrated orange juice, not frozen (l)9 502 522
1532010210001992: Unconcentrated grapefruit juice (l)-
1532010220001992: Unconcentrated citrus fruit juice, n.e.c. (l)377 950
1532010230001992: Unconcentrated pineapple juice (l)
1532010240001992: Tomato juice (l)107 870
1532010250001992: Unconcentrated grape juice (l)x
1532010260001992: Unconcentrated apple juice (l)
1532010290001992: Unconcentrated juice of any other single fruit or vegetable, unfermented, not containing added spirit (l)3 581 637
1532010300001992: Mixtures of unconcentrated juices (l)2 615 567
1532010400001992: Concentrated juices (l)79 392 983
1532099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15331: Freezing of fruit and vegetablesx
1533111000001992: Frozen vegetables (kg)29 673 744
1533114400001992: Frozen vegetables, preserved other than by vinegar, n.e.c. (kg)14 817 396
1533114430001992: Frozen vegetable dishes (kg)x
1533114490001992: Frozen prepared vegetables, n.e.c. (kg)x
1533121000001992: Fruit and nuts, frozen, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling (kg)7 164 255
1533199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15332: Drying and dehydration of fruit and vegetablesx
1533213900001992: Dried vegetables, n.e.c. (kg)
1533225200001992: Other fruit, dried (kg)-
1533299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15333: Manufacture of jams, marmalades and table jelliesx
1533322300001992: Jams, marmalades, etc. of citrus fruit (kg)21 973
1533322900001992: Other jams and marmalades (kg)5 399 771
1533399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15334: Peeling and processing of edible nutsx
1533423300001992: Groundnuts, prepared or preserved, n.e.c. (kg)1 284 768
1533423900001992: Nuts, prepared or preserved, including mixtures, n.e.c. (kg)23 169 522
1533499000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15335: Preparation and preserving of fruit and vegetables, n.e.c.x
1533512000001992: Vegetables, provisionally preserved, not for immediate consumption (kg)
1533514100001992: Vegetables and fruit, preserved by vinegar or acetic acid (kg)x
1533514230001992: Tomatoes, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid, whole or in pieces (kg)
1533514250001992: Tomato puree, unconcentrated (kg)52 137 530
1533514270001992: Tomato puree, concentrated (kg)124 314 456
1533514390001996: Other mushrooms and truffles, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid (kg)
1533514620001992: Peas, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (kg)1 379 564
1533514630001992: Shelled beans, preserved other than by vinegar, etc, not frozen (kg)13 984 737
1533514640001992: Beans, unshelled, preserved other than by vinegar, etc, not frozen (kg)
1533514660001992: Olives, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (kg)11 612 527
1533514670001992: Sweet corn, preserved other than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen (kg)x
1533514900001992: Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, not frozen, n.e.c. (kg)x
1533514930001992: Prepared vegetable dishes, not frozen (kg)19 915 136
1533514990001992: Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, n.e.c. (kg)2 441 179
1533515000001996: Vegetables and fruit, preserved by vinegar or acetic acid (kg)776 146
1533524000001992: Fruit and nuts, provisionally preserved, not for immediate consumption (kg)9 163 987
1533525300001992: Peel of citrus fruit or melons, fresh, frozen, dried, salted (kg)175 949
1533525500001992: Fruit, prepared or preserved, n.e.c. (excl. Müsli) (kg)111 166
1533530000001996: Vegetable by-products and waste for animal consumption, n.e.c. (kg)x
1533599000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15411: Manufacture of crude animal oils and fatsx
1541111500001992: Fats and oils (and their fractions), of fish or marine mammals (kg)1 086 883
1541111900001992: Other animal fats and oils and their fractions not chem. modified (kg)512 045
1541199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15412: Production of olive oilx
1541212300001992: Virgin olive oil and fractions not chem. modified (kg)81 208 721
1541299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15413: Production of crude vegetable oils (except olive oil)x
1541312100001992: Crude soya-bean oil not chem. modified (kg)178 402 155
1541312200001992: Crude ground-nut oil not chem. modified (kg)x
1541312300001996: Virgin olive oil and fractions not chem. modified (kg)x
1541312400001992: Crude sunflower-seed and safflower oil not chem. modified (kg)75 037 728
1541312600001992: Crude rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions not chem. modified (kg)x
1541312700002000: Crude olive oilcake (kg)3 978 758
1541313100001992: Crude palm oil not chem. modified (kg)x
1541313300001992: Crude coconut (copra) oil and fractions not chem. modified (kg)x
1541313500001992: Crude palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions not chem. modified (kg)x
1541313700001992: Crude linseed oil not chem. modified (kg)x
1541331300001992: Oil-cake and other solid residues, resulting from soya-bean oil (kg)780 026 615
1541331500001992: Oil-cake and other solid residues, resulting from sunflower seeds (kg)93 621 893
1541331700001992: Oil-cake and other solid residues, resulting from rape or colza seeds (kg)x
1541331900001992: Oil-cake and solid residues, resulting from other vegetable fats or oils (kg)22 272 607
1541332000001992: Flour and meal of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits (kg)122 480 926
1541399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15420: Manufacture of refined oils and fatsx
1542011100001992: Refined soya-bean oil and fractions (kg)76 488 797
1542011200001992: Refined ground-nut oil and fractions (kg)x
1542011310001992: Refined olive oil and fractions (kg)28 818 292
1542011390001992: Other oils and their fractions obtained from olives, n.e.c. (kg)
1542011400001996: Refined sunflower-seed and safflower oil and fractions (kg)90 554 878
1542011500001992: Refined cotton-seed oil and fractions (kg)x
1542011600001992: Refined rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions (kg)x
1542012800001996: Oils for food (kg)43 196 988
1542012900001996: Other fixed vegetable fats and fractions, n.e.c. (kg)x
1542013300001996: Animal fats and oils and fractions, hydrogenated, etc. (kg)x
1542013500001996: Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, hydrogenated, etc. (kg)x
1542020300001996: Vegetable waxes (excl. triglycerides) (kg)x
1542020500001996: Degras; residues of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes (kg)12 794 220
1542021140001992: Refined sunflower-seed and safflower oil and fractions (kg)x
1542021220001992: Refined coconut (copra) oil and fractions (kg)x
1542021230001992: Refined palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions (kg)x
1542021290001992: Oils and fatnesses vegetables and his fractions done not specify in another chapter, done not chemically modify (I included oils you will feed) (kg)x
1542021330001992: Animal fats and oils and fractions, hydrogenated, etc. (kg)x
1542021350001992: Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, hydrogenated, etc. (kg)x
1542022030001992: Vegetable waxes (excl. triglycerides) (kg)x
1542022050001992: Degras; residues of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes (kg)x
1542099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15430: Manufacture of margarine and similar edible fatsx
1543010300001992: Margarine and reduced and low fat spreads, excluding liquid margarine (kg)x
1543010330001992: Margarine, (fat content of at least 80%) (kg)24 558 423
1543010350001992: Reduced and low fat spreads (with less than 80% fat), including minarine, not containing than 3% milk fat (of the fat content of final product) (kg)22 328 920
1543010500001992: Other edible preparations of fats and oils, incl. liquid margarine (kg)26 178 147
1543099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15510: Operation of dairies and cheese makingx
1551011300001992: Milk and cream of 1% fat or less, not concentrated or sweetened (l)91 152 462
1551011430001996: Milk and cream of more than 1% but <= 3% fat, not concentrated or sweetened, pasteurized (l)25 690 268
1551011450001996: Milk and cream of more than 1% but <= 3% fat, not concentrated or sweetened, sterilized (l)x
1551011470001996: Milk and cream of more than 1% but <= 3% fat, not concentrated or sweetened, uperized (l)549 373 304
1551011500001992: Milk and cream of more than 1% but =< 6% fat, not concentrated or sweetened (l)x
1551011630001996: Milk and cream of more than 3% but <= 6% fat, not concentrated or sweetened, pasteurized (l)16 796 182
1551011650001996: Milk and cream of more than 3% but <= 6% fat, not concentrated or sweetened, sterilized (l)x
1551011670001996: Milk and cream of more than 3% but <= 6% fat, not concentrated or sweetened, uperized (l)152 016 073
1551012000001992: Cream of more than 6% fat, not concentrated or sweetened (l)x
1551012050001996: Cream of more than 6% fat but <= 29% fat, not concentrated or sweetened (l)
1551012070001996: Cream of more than 29% fat, not concentrated or sweetened (l)19 350 133
1551020300001992: Milk in solid form of <= 1.5% fat (kg)12 309 877
1551020500001992: Milk and cream in solid form of more than 1.5% fat, unsweetened (kg)x
1551020600001996: Other milk and cream in solid form of > 1.5% fat (kg)9 689 709
1551020700001992: Other milk and cream in solid form of more than 1.5% fat (kg)x
1551030300001992: Butter <= 85% fat (kg)27 469 393
1551040300001992: Unfermented fresh cheese, and curd (kg)3 687 361
1551040500001992: Grated, powdered, blue-veined and other non processed cheese (kg)61 978 202
1551040700001992: Processed cheese, not grated or powdered (kg)
1551051000001992: Milk and cream, not in solid form, concentrated or sweetened (kg)x
1551051040001996: Concentrated milk, unsweetened (kg)x
1551051080001996: Other concentrated milk (kg)
1551052300001992: Yogurt (kg)x
1551052430001996: Curdled milk, cream, yogurt and other fermented products not flavoured nor containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa (kg)5 826 682
1551052450001996: Curdled milk, cream, yogurt and other fermented products flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa (kg)54 576 803
1551052470001996: Curdled milk, cream, yogurt and other fermented products in powder, granules or other solid form (kg)22 776 136
1551052500001992: Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, even with fruit or cocoa (kg)x
1551052650001996: Buttermilk (kg)6 150 354
1551055330001992: Whey in powder, granules or other solid forms (kg)11 530 125
1551055390001992: Other whey (kg)x
1551055430001996: Whey in liquid state (kg)15 255 418
1551055470001996: Whey in concentrated state (kg)7 685 288
1551055900001992: Products consisting of natural milk constituents, n.e.c. (kg)53 908 797
1551099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15520: Manufacture of ice creamx
1552010000001992: Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa (kg)x
1552010000001996: Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa (l)23 498 272
1552099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15611: Grain millingx
1561121000001992: Wheat or meslin flour (kg)688 100 418
1561122000001992: Cereal flour other than of wheat (kg)62 861 516
1561123330001992: Groats and meal of durum wheat (kg)x
1561123500001992: Pellets of wheat (kg)x
1561124300001992: Grumos and semolinas of corn and others cereals (kg)x
1561131330001996: Groats and meal of durum wheat (kg)66 051 528
1561131350001996: Groats and meals of common wheat (kg)
1561131500001996: Wheat pellets (kg)x
1561132300001996: Groats and meal of other cereals (kg)32 617 563
1561133330001996: Grains of cereals (kg)44 652 102
1561133510001996: Preparations of the Müsli type (kg)-
1561150100001992: Bran, sharps and other residues of maize (kg)11 357 689
1561150500001992: Bran, sharps and other residues of wheat (kg)220 596 465
1561150700001992: Bran, sharps and other residues of other cereals other than maize (corn), rice, wheat (kg)x
1561150900001996: Bran, sharps and other residues of other cereals (other than maize, rice, wheat) or leguminous plant (kg)6 276 396
1561199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15612: Husking, whitening and glazing of ricex
1561210000001992: Husked (brown) rice (kg)2 062 385
1561222000001992: Cereal flour other than of wheat (kg)
1561226300001992: Rice prepared for consumption (kg)x
1561226500001992: Broken rice (including enriched rice, parboiled rice) (kg)x
1561240300001996: Semi-milled or wholly milled rice (kg)153 592 971
1561240500001996: Broken rice (kg)22 437 302
1561250300001992: Bran, sharps and other residues of rice (kg)33 025 221
1561299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15613: Manufacture of grain mill products, n.e.c.x
1561323000001992: Flour and meal of dried vegetables, sago, manioc or fruit (kg)x
1561324000001992: Mixes and doughs for preparation of bakers' wares of HS 1905 (kg)25 111 600
1561333330001992: Grains of cereals (kg)
1561333350001992: Cereal germ, whole, rolled, flaked or ground (kg)
1561333530001992: Other prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals (kg)11 777 410
1561399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15620: Manufacture of starches and starch productsx
1562010300001992: Crude maize oil, not chem. modified (kg)55 120
1562010500001992: Refined maize oil (kg)
1562021100001992: Glucose and glucose syrup (kg)
1562021200001992: Fructose, fructose syrup, isoglucose (kg)
1562021500001992: Caramel (on a starch base) (kg)
1562022130001992: Maize starch (kg)
1562022150001992: Potato starch (kg)x
1562022700001992: Dextrins and other modified starches (kg)x
1562030000001992: Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues (kg)
1562099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15710: Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animalsx
1571010000001992: Other preparations used for animal feeding (kg)x
1571010030001992: Other preparations used for animal feeding: pigs (kg)x
1571010050001992: Other preparations used for animal feeding: cattle (kg)x
1571010070001992: Other preparations used for animal feeding: poultry (kg)x
1571010080001996: Complementary and composed sustenances for animals of creation (kg)x
1571010090001992: Other preparations used for animal feeding: n.e.c. (kg)x
1571010100002001: Premixtures for animal feeds (kg)17 778 325
1571010330002001: Preparations used for farm animal feeding: pigs (kg)1 244 158 946
1571010350002001: Preparations used for farm animal feeding: cattle (kg)1 050 806 164
1571010370002001: Preparations used for farm animal feeding: poultry (kg)1 541 263 880
1571010390002001: Preparations used for farm animal feeding: n.e.c. (kg)80 859 297
1571099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15720: Manufacture of prepared pet foodsx
1572010030001992: Dog food (kg)x
1572010050001992: Cat food (kg)x
1572010330001996: Dog food (kg)2 692 333
1572010350001996: Cat food (kg)
1572010500001996: Other preparations used for animal feeding: pets (excl. dogs or cats) (kg)x
1572010600002001: Preparations used for feeding pets (excl. preparations for cats or dogs) (kg)102 400
1572099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15810: Manufacture of bread; manufacture of fresh pastry goods and cakesx
1581010000001992: Fresh bread, not containing added honey, eggs, cheese or fruit (kg)x
1581011000001996: Fresh bread, not containing added honey, eggs, cheese or fruit (kg)328 410 439
1581012000001992: Cake and pastry products; other baker's wares with added sweetening matter (kg)48 557 846
1581099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15820: Manufacture of rusks and biscuits; manufacture of preserved pastry goods and cakesx
1582001330001992: Waffles and wafers with a water content > 10% by weight of the finished product (kg)x
1582011300001996: Crispbread (kg)77 305
1582011500001992: Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products (kg)4 860 039
1582012300001992: Gingerbread and the like (kg)421
1582012530001992: Sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers, completely or partially chocolate coated (kg)5 222 462
1582012550001992: Sweet biscuits; biscuits without cocoa (kg)26 432 109
1582012590001992: Waffles and wafers without cocoa (kg)1 988 135
1582013200001992: Comunion wafers and similar products (kg)6 210
1582013300001996: Waffles and wafers, with a water content of more than 10% (kg)x
1582013400001992: Biscuits, except those completely or partially coated or covered with chocolate or other preparations containing cocoa (kg)9 286 796
1582013500001996: Ertruded or expanded products, savoury or salted (kg)7 789 825
1582013510001992: Springs up (kg)x
1582013590001992: Savoury or salted extruded or expanded products (kg)x
1582013900001992: Other baker's wares not added with sweetening matter (kg)14 216 152
1582099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15830: Manufacture of sugarx
1583012300001992: White sugar made of cane or beet sugar, in solid form (kg)386 345 118
1583012900001992: Other cane or beet sugar, in solid form (kg)
1583014300001992: Cane molasses resulting from the extraction or refining of sugar (kg)11 129 548
1583014500001992: Molasses resulting from the extraction or refining of sugar (excl. cane) (kg)24 358 986
1583020000001992: Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture (kg)40 516 864
1583099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15841: Manufacture of cocoa and chocolatex
1584111000001992: Cocoa paste (kg)x
1584112000001992: Cocoa butter, fat and oil (kg)624
1584113000001992: Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (kg)19 732
1584114000001992: Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter (kg)2 194 229
1584121330001992: Chocolate etc. containing cocoa, blocks, slabs, bars > 2 kg, > 31% cocoa butter (kg)x
1584121350001992: Chocolate etc. containing cocoa, blocks, slabs, bars > 2 kg, > 25% but < 31% cocoa butter (kg)x
1584121370001992: Chocolate etc. containing cocoa, blocks, slabs, bars > 2 kg, > 18% cocoa butter (kg)5 333
1584121700001992: Chocolate flavour coating (kg)71 514
1584121900001992: Other food preparations in bulk form, excluding chocolate flavour coating (kg)x
1584122330001992: Chocolate etc, in blocks, slabs or bars, filled (kg)
1584122350001992: Chocolate etc, in blocks, not filled, with added cereal, fruit or nuts (kg)
1584122390001992: Other chocolate, etc, in blocks, slabs or bars, not filled (kg)1 190 473
1584122450001992: Other chocolates (kg)
1584122530001992: Other chocolate confectionery, filled (kg)71 420
1584122550001992: Other chocolate confectionery, not filled (kg)70 575
1584122600001992: Sugar confectionery and substitutes therefor, containing cocoa (kg)
1584122800001992: Preparations containing cocoa for making beverages (kg)483 514
1584199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15842: Manufacture of sugar confectioneryx
1584222900001992: Food preparations containing cocoa, n.e.c. (kg)1 011 324
1584223100001992: Chewing gum (kg)2 302 140
1584223200001992: Liquorice extract containing > 10% by weight of sucrose (kg)x
1584223300001992: White chocolate (kg)x
1584223530001992: Pastes, including marzipan, in bulk (kg)142 133
1584223550001992: Medicated confectionery >= 1 kg (kg)541 969
1584223630001992: Sugar coated (panned) goods (kg)136 582
1584223650001992: Gum and jelly confectionery including fruit pastes, in the form of sugar confectionery (kg)3 478
1584223730001992: Boiled sweets whether or not filled (kg)2 241 830
1584223750001992: Toffees, caramels and similar sweets (kg)1 484 906
1584223830001992: Compressed tablets (kg)x
1584223900001992: Sugar confectionery, n.e.c. (kg)1 837 507
1584224000001992: Fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (kg)5 265 601
1584299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15850: Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous productsx
1585011300001992: Uncooked pasta, containing eggs, not stuffed (kg)
1585011500001992: Uncooked pasta, not containing eggs, not stuffed (kg)37 882 189
1585012330001992: Cooked pasta or stuffed pasta (kg)
1585012350001992: Other pasta (dried etc.), n.e.c. (kg)31 029 248
1585012500001992: Couscous (kg)955 450
1585099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15860: Processing of tea and coffeex
1586011300001992: Decaffeinated coffee, not roasted (kg)
1586011500001992: Roasted coffee, not decaffeinated (kg)32 871 858
1586011700001992: Roasted, decaffeinated coffee (kg)1 485 032
1586012100001992: Coffee substitutes containing coffee (kg)2 720 560
1586012300001992: Solid extracts, essences and concentrates of coffee (kg)49 170
1586012700001992: Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitues, incl. extracts, essences (kg)4 665 493
1586013000001992: Tea in packings not exceeding 3 kg (kg)23 298
1586099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15870: Manufacture of condiments and seasoningsx
1587011300001992: Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar made of wine (l)10 441 310
1587011900001992: Vinegar and substitutes for vinegar not made of wine (l)
1587012100001992: Soya sauce (kg)
1587012300001992: Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces (kg)10 069 923
1587012530001992: Mustard flour and meal (kg)-
1587012550001992: Prepared mustard (kg)455 813
1587012700001992: Sauces and sauce preparations; mixed condiments and seasonings, n.e.c. (kg)x
1587012730001992: Mayonnaise, other emulsified sauces (kg)202 496
1587012790001992: Other sauces (kg)2 691 003
1587099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15880: Manufacture of homogenized food preparations and dietetic foodx
1588010500001992: Homogenised cooked fruit preparations (kg)-
1588010600001992: Homogenized composite food preparations (kg)67 699
1588010700001992: Food preperations for infants p.r.s. (kg)x
1588010730001992: Milk-based food preparations for infants (kg)6 819 498
1588010750001992: Flour-based food preparations for infants (kg)8 654 017
1588099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15891: Manufacture of starters, yeast and adjuvants for breadmaking and pastryx
1589113330001992: Baking yeast, dried (kg)
1589113350001992: Baking yeast, not dried (kg)
1589113500001992: Inactive yeasts; other single-cell micro-organisms, dead (kg)-
1589113700001992: Prepared baking powders (kg)
1589114300001992: Malt extract, preparations of flour, etc, n.e.c. (kg)x
1589114390001996: Food preparations of flour, meal, starch, etc. (kg)14 756 606
1589199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15892: Manufacture of broths, soups and dessertsx
1589211000001992: Soups and broths and preparations therefor (kg)9 565 475
1589299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15893: Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.x
1589312300001992: Egg products other than albumin (kg)11 460 337
1589312500001992: Egg albumin (kg)766 390
1589314900001992: Food preparations n.e.c. (kg)x
1589314910001996: Protein concentrates and flavoured or coloured sugar syrups (kg)316 028
1589314990001996: Cheese fondues and other food preparations n.e.c. (kg)x
1589399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15910: Manufacture of distilled potable alcoholic beveragesx
1591010100001992: Compound alcoholic preparations for manufacture of beverages (l)
1591010200001992: Spirits from distilled grape wine or marc (l)x
1591010200001996: Spirits from distilled grape wine or marc (l alc 100%)23 550 576
1591010300001992: Whisky (l)x
1591010300001996: Whisky (l alc 100%)2 884
1591010400001992: Rum and tafia (l)x
1591010400001996: Rum and tafia (l alc 100%)104 303
1591010500001992: Gin and Geneva (l)x
1591010500001996: Gin and Geneva (l alc 100%)37 958
1591010600001992: Spirits distilled from fruit, vodka (l)x
1591010630001992: Vodka (l)x
1591010630001996: Vodka (l alc 100%)51 785
1591010650001992: Spirits distilled from fruit (l)x
1591010650001996: Spirits distilled from fruit (l alc 100%)135 252
1591010700001992: Pure alcohols (l)x
1591010700001996: Pure alcohols (l alc 100%)1 113 528
1591010800001992: Liqueurs and other spirits (l)x
1591010800001996: Liqueurs and other spirits (l alc 100%)3 918 300
1591020000002002: Distilling waste (fruits bagasses), except cereals (kg)
1591099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15920: Production of ethyl alcohol from fermented materialsx
1592011000001992: Undenatured ethyl alcohol, of 80% or more alcoholic strength (l)6 598 433
1592012030001992: Ethyl alcohol and other denatured spirits: agric. production (fermented mat.) (l)4 450
1592099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15930: Manufacture of winesx
1593009010001996: Pulp of grape (kg)39 795 212
1593009020001994: blots of Wine (kg)x
1593011930001992: Other sparkling wine, not less than 8.5% alcohol (l)6 690 841
1593011950001992: Other sparkling wine, less than 8.5% alcohol (l)x
1593012110001992: White wine in specified regions (v.q.p.r.d.) (l)68 092 834
1593012130001992: White wine (other), not v.q.p.r.d. (l)119 056 819
1593012150001992: Other wine and grape must (l)1 706 949
1593012170001992: Other wine in specified regions (v.q.p.r.d.) (l)61 054 450
1593012190001992: Other wine (other), not v.q.p.r.d. (l)157 262 456
1593012300001992: Port, Madeira, Sherry, Tokay and other > 15% alcohol (l)133 628 866
1593012530001992: Grape must in fermentation (l)390 550
1593012590001992: Other grape must (l)4 716 042
1593020000002002: Wine lees; argol (kg)32 332 666
1593099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15940: Manufacture of cider and other fruit winesx
1594010000001996: Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, perry, mead) (l)1 027 433
15950: Manufacture of vermouths and other non-distilled fermented beveragesx
1595010000001992: Vermouth and other flavoured wine of fresh grapes (l)-
15960: Manufacture of beerx
1596010000001992: Beer made from malt (l)712 471 003
1596020000001992: Brewing or distilling dregs and waste (kg)93 640 862
1596099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15970: Manufacture of maltx
1597010300001992: Malt not roasted (kg)
1597010500001992: Roasted malt (kg)368 261
1597010700002002: Malt sprouts (kg)1 531 927
1597099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15981: Bottling of natural mineral and spring watersx
1598111300001992: Mineral waters and aerated waters, unsweetened (l)736 248 107
1598111500001992: Other unsweetened waters nor flavoured; ice and snow (l)9 587 989
1598199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
15982: Production of soft drinks and other non-alcoholic flavoured and/or sweetened waters, n.e.c.x
1598212300001992: Waters (incl. mineral and aerated), with added sugar, etc., i.e. soft drinks (l)618 554 040
1598212500001992: Other non-alcoholic beverages not containing milk fat (l)x
1598212550001992: Nectars (l)756 276
1598212590001996: Other non-alcoholic beverages not containing milk fat (l)
1598299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
16000: Manufacture of tobacco productsx
1600011300001992: Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco (milhares)x
1600011300001996: Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco (nº)6 222 481
1600011500001992: Cigarettes containing tobacco (milhares)x
1600011500001996: Cigarettes containing tobacco (nº)25 261 347 400
1600012300001992: Smoking tobacco (kg)244
1600012900001992: Manufactured tobacco, extracts and essences,other homogenised or reconstituted tobacco,nes (kg)8 485
1600099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17100: Preparation and spinning of textile fibresx
1710020190001992: Silk waste, carded or combed (kg)x
1710020210001992: Clean scoured wool (kg)
1710020250001992: Noils of wool or fine animal hair (kg)407 884
1710020270001992: Tops and carded sliver of wool of hair (kg)425 055
1710020300001992: Cotton, carded or combed (kg)x
1710020500001992: Vegetal bast fibres, processed but not spun (kg)6 553 854
1710030300002001: Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning (kg)9 633 912
1710030310001992: Synthetic staple fibres, acrylic, processed not spun (kg)x
1710030390001992: Synthetic staple fibres, other than acrylic, processed not spun (kg)x
1710030500001992: Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed or processed for spinning (kg)
1710042310001992: Yarn of carded wool or fine hair, n.p.r.s., for carpets (kg)958 914
1710042320001992: Yarn of carded wool or fine hair, n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)x
1710042330001992: Yarn of carded wool or fine hair, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)144 104
1710042350002001: Yarn of carded wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)98 141
1710042390001992: Yarn of carded wool or fine hair, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710042510001992: Yarn of combed wool or fine hair combed, n.p.r.s., for carpets (kg)649 307
1710042520001992: Yarn of combed wool or fine hair combed, n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)3 167 210
1710042530001992: Yarn of combed wool or fine hair combed, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)
1710042590001992: Yarn of combed wool or fine hair combed, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)
1710043320001992: Cotton yarn of uncombed fibres, n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)48 073 307
1710043330001992: Cotton yarn of uncombed fibres, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)11 898 025
1710043350002001: Yarn of uncombed cotton n.p.r.s., for other uses (incl. carpets and floor coverings) (kg)1 046 082
1710043390001992: Cotton yarn of uncombed fibres, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710043520001992: Cotton yarn of combed fibres, n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)10 411 112
1710043530001992: Cotton yarn of combed fibres, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)12 913 575
1710043550002001: Yarn of combed cotton n.p.r.s., for other uses (incl. carpets and floor coverings) (kg)1 194 292
1710043590001992: Cotton yarn of combed fibres, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710044000002001: Flax yarn n.p.r.s. (kg)
1710044020001992: Flax yarn, n.p.r.s., for weaving (kg)x
1710044030001992: Flax yarn, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)x
1710044090001992: Flax yarn, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710045300001992: Yarn, wool or of fine animal hair, p.r.s. (kg)395 212
1710045530001992: Cotton sewing thread, n.p.r.s. (kg)108 023
1710045550001992: Cotton sewing thread, p.r.s. (kg)77 832
1710045570001992: Cotton yarn (excl. sewing), p.r.s. (kg)10 399 585
1710045700001992: Flax yarn, p.r.s. (kg)x
1710051300002001: Multiple or cabled synthetic filament yarn n.p.r.s. (kg)7 745 458
1710051330001992: Multiple or cabled yarn of nylon or other polyamides, n.p.r.s. (kg)x
1710051350001992: Multiple or cabled yarn of polyesters, n.p.r.s. (kg)x
1710051370001992: Multiple or cabled yarn of other synthetic filaments, n.p.r.s. (kg)x
1710051500001992: Multiple or cabled yarn of artificial filaments, n.p.r.s. (kg)132 295
1710052310001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, (other tahn sew. thread) n.p.r.s., for carpets (kg)x
1710052320001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, (other tahn sew. thread) n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)258 558
1710052330001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, (other tahn sew. thread) n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)1 138 965
1710052350002001: Yarn containing >=85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres n.p.r.s., for other uses (incl. carpets and floor coverings) (excl. sewing thread) (kg)1 164 904
1710052390001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, (other tahn sew. thread) n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710052510001992: Yarn of polyester staple fibres, mixed with art. fibres, n.p.r.s., for carpets (kg)x
1710052520001992: Yarn of polyester staple fibres, mixed with art. fibres, n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)3 667 273
1710052530001992: Yarn of polyester staple fibres, mixed with art. fibres, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)
1710052550002001: Yarn containing <85% by weight of polyester staple fibres mixed mainly or solely with artificial fibres, n.p.r.s., for other uses (incl. carpets and floor coverings) (kg)
1710052590001992: Yarn of polyester staple fibres, mixed with art. fibres, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710052720001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, mixed with cotton, n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)3 262 917
1710052730001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, mixed with cotton, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)3 047 964
1710052750002001: Yarn containing <85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres mixed mainly or solely with cotton, n.p.r.s., for other uses (incl. carpets and floor coverings) (kg)
1710052790001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, mixed with cotton, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710052910001992: Other yarns, of synthetic staple fibres, nes, n.p.r.s., for carpets (kg)x
1710052920001992: Other yarns, of synthetic staple fibres, nes, n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)1 351 196
1710052930001992: Other yarns, of synthetic staple fibres, nes, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)6 564 621
1710052950002001: Other yarn of synthetic staple fibres n.p.r.s., for other uses (incl. carpets and floor coverings) (kg)
1710052990001992: Other yarns, of synthetic staple fibres, nes, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710053310001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, with carded wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for carpets (kg)x
1710053320001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, with carded wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)467 829
1710053330001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, with carded wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)507 518
1710053350002001: Yarn containing <85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres mixed with carded wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for other uses (incl. carpets and floor coverings) (kg)1 220 934
1710053390001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, with carded wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710053520001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, with combed wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)6 672 335
1710053530001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, with combed wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)
1710053550002001: Yarn containing <85% by weight of synthetic staple fibres mixed with combed wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for other uses (incl. carpets and floor coverings) (kg)
1710053590001992: Yarn of synthetic staple fibres, with combed wool or fine animal hair, n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710054010001992: Yarn of artificial staple fibres, (other than sewing thread) n.p.r.s., for carpets (kg)x
1710054020001992: Yarn of artificial staple fibres, (other than sewing thread) n.p.r.s., for other weaving (kg)1 151 453
1710054030001992: Yarn of artificial staple fibres, (other than sewing thread) n.p.r.s., for hosiery (kg)901 164
1710054050002001: Yarn of artificial staple fibres n.p.r.s., for other uses (incl. carpets and floor coverings) (excl. sewing thread) (kg)2 596 388
1710054090001992: Yarn of artificial staple fibres, (other than sewing thread) n.p.r.s., for other uses (kg)x
1710055130001992: Sewing thread of synthetic or artificial filaments, n.p.r.s. (kg)583 658
1710055150001992: Sewing thread of synthetic or artificial filaments, p.r.s. (kg)-
1710055300001992: Man-made filament yarn, (other than sewing thread) p.r.s. (kg)338 328
1710055530001992: Sewing thread of synthetic or artificial staple fibres, n.p.r.s. (kg)156 051
1710055700001992: Yarn (other than sewing thread), of man-made staple fibres, p.r.s. (kg)409 881
1710099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17200: Textile weavingx
1720010100001992: Woven fabrics of silk or silk waste (m²)
1720010220001992: Woven fabrics of carded wool or carded fine hair, for clothing (m²)1 359 206
1720010250001992: Woven fabrics of carded wool or carded fine hair, for home textiles (m²)
1720010290001992: Woven fabrics of carded wool or carded fine hair, for technical and industrial uses (m²)
1720010320001992: Woven fabrics of combed wool or combed fine hair; or of coarse animal hair..., for clothing (m²)7 288 193
1720010350001992: Woven fabrics of combed wool or combed fine hair; or of coarse animal hair..., for home textile (m²)x
1720010390001992: Woven fabrics of combed wool or combed fine hair; or of coarse animal hair..., for technical and industrial uses (m²)x
1720010420001992: Woven fabrics of flax, >= 85% by weight of flax, for clothing (m²)139 098
1720010450001992: Woven fabrics of flax, >= 85% by weight of flax, for home textile (m²)913 367
1720010490001992: Woven fabrics of flax, >= 85% by weight of flax, for technical and industrial uses (m²)14 137
1720010520001992: Woven fabrics of flax, < 85% by weight of flax, for clothing, mixed with cotton (m²)x
1720010550001992: Woven fabrics of flax, < 85% by weight of flax, mixed with cotton, for home textile (m²)x
1720010590001992: Woven fabrics of flax, < 85% by weight of flax, mixed with cotton, for technical and industrial uses (m²)x
1720010620001992: Woven fabrics of flax, < 85% by weight of flax, for clothing, otherwise mixed (m²)x
1720010650001992: Woven fabrics of flax, < 85% by weight of flax, otherwise mixed, for home textile (m²)x
1720010700001992: Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibre (m²)x
1720010820002001: Woven fabrics of flax containing <85% by weight of flax, for clothing (m²)354 551
1720010850002001: Woven fabrics of flax containing <85% by weight of flax, for home furnishing textiles or household linen (m²)2 087 932
1720020110001992: Cotton fabrics, < 200 g/m², excl. gauze, for shirts, blouses (m²)4 408 242
1720020120001992: Cotton fabrics, < 200 g/m², excl. gauze, for other clothing (m²)849 545
1720020130001992: Cotton fabrics, weighing not more than 200 g/m², not of yarn of different colours, excl. gauze, for household textiles (m²)106 065 397
1720020150001992: Cotton fabrics, < 200 g/m², excl. gauze, for other home textile (m²)19 277 496
1720020190001992: Cotton fabrics, weighing not more than 200 g/m², not of yarn of different colours, excl. gauze, for technical and industrial uses (m²)3 097 023
1720020200001992: Medical gauzes (m²)
1720020310001992: Cotton fabrics, colored yarns, < 200 g/m², for shirts, blouses (m²)49 484 884
1720020320001992: Cotton fabrics, colored yarns, < 200 g/m², for other clothing (m²)x
1720020330001992: Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m², of yarn of different colours, for household textiles (m²)x
1720020350001992: Cotton fabrics, colored yarns, < 200 g/m², for other home textile (m²)x
1720020390001992: Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m², of yarn of different colours, for technical and industrial uses (m²)x
1720020420001992: Cotton fabrics, > 200 g/m², for clothing (m²)3 063 788
1720020430001992: Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m², not of yarn of different colours, for household textiles (m²)87 653 236
1720020450001992: Cotton fabrics, > 200 g/m², for other home textile (m²)1 137 999
1720020490001992: Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m², not of yarn of different colours, for technical and industrial uses (m²)7 943 748
1720020520001992: Cotton fabrics, colored yarns, > 200 g/m², for clothing (m²)x
1720020530001992: Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m², of yarn of different colours, excl. Denim fabrics, for household textiles (m²)x
1720020550001992: Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m², of yarn of different colours, excl. Denim fabrics, for other home textiles, n.e.c. (m²)x
1720020590001992: Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m², of yarn of different colours, excl. Denim fabrics, for technical and industrial uses (m²)x
1720020600001992: Cotton fabrics, Denim, > 200 g/m² (incl. Denim other than blue) (m²)x
1720020720002001: Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns of different colours, for other clothing (m²)1 576 787
1720020730002001: Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns of different colours, for household linen (m²)11 265 949
1720020750002001: Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns of different colours, for home furnishing textiles (m²)5 057 969
1720020790002001: Woven fabrics of cotton of yarns of different colours, for technical or industrial uses (m²)
1720031520001992: Synthetic filament yarn fabrics, nes, for clothing (m²)13 657 507
1720031540001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarns, excl. those obtained from high tenacity yarn or strip and the like, for curtains and blinds (m²)-
1720031550001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarns, excl. those obtained from high tenacity yarn or strip and the like, for other home textiles (m²)10 921 369
1720031590001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarns, excl. those obtained from high tenacity yarn or strip and the like, for technical and industrial uses (m²)13 123 795
1720031720001992: Artificial filament yarn fabrics, nes, for clothing (m²)3 274 633
1720031750001992: Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarns, excl. those obtained from high tenacity yarn of viscose rayon, for home textile (m²)
1720031790001992: Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarns, excl. those obtained from high tenacity yarn of viscose rayon, for technical and industrial uses (m²)-
1720032120001992: Synthetic staple fibres fabrics, >= 85% syn., for clothing (m²)3 659 834
1720032130001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres, for home textiles (m²)
1720032140001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres, for curtains and blinds (m²)
1720032150001992: Synthetic staple fibres fabrics, >= 85% syn., for other home textile (m²)635 584
1720032190001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple fibres, for technical and industrial uses (m²)4 605 511
1720032210001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, mixed with cotton, nes, for shirts, blouses (m²)31 626
1720032220001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, mixed with cotton, nes, for other clothing (m²)6 352 821
1720032230001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, < 85% by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not of yarns of different colours, for household textiles (m²)x
1720032240002001: Woven fabrics of synthetic staple containing <85% by weight of such fibres mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not of yarns of different colours, for home furnishing textiles or household linen (m²)15 444 546
1720032250001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, mixed with cotton, nes, for other home textiles (m²)x
1720032290001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, < 85% by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, not of yarns of different colours, fr tech. & indus. uses (m²)
1720032310001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, mixed with cotton, coloured yarn, for shirts, blouses (m²)3 386 925
1720032320001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, mixed with cotton, coloured yarn, for other clothing (m²)3 416 909
1720032330001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, < 85% by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of yarns of different colours, for household textiles (m²)x
1720032340002001: Woven fabrics of synthetic staple containing <85% by weight of such fibres mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of yarns of different colours, for home furnishing textiles or household linen (m²)12 226 117
1720032350001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, mixed with cotton, coloured yarn, for other home textiles (m²)x
1720032390001992: Woven fabrics of synthetic fibres, < 85% by weight of such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, of yarns of different colours, for tech. & indus. uses (m²)664 603
1720032420001992: Synthetic staple fibres fabrics, carded wool mixed, for clothing (m²)1 388 632
1720032450001992: Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with carded wool, for home textile (m²)51 250
1720032520001992: Synthetic staple fibres fabrics, combed wool mixed, for clothing (m²)25 922 791
1720032550001992: Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with combed wool, for home textile (m²)x
1720032590001992: Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, mixed mainly or solely with combed wool, for technical and industrial uses (m²)
1720032920001992: Synthetic staple fibres fabrics, other mixed than wool, for clothing (m²)18 052 701
1720032950001992: Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, mixed other than with wool, for home textile (m²)756 374
1720032990001992: Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, mixed other than with wool, for technical and industrial uses (m²)x
1720033320001992: Artificial staple fibres fabrics, nes, for clothing (m²)183 732
1720033340002001: Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, not of yarns of different colours, for home furnishing textiles or household linen (m²)27 520
1720033350001992: Artificial staple fibres fabrics, nes, for other home textile (m²)x
1720033390001992: Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, not yarns of different colours, for technical and industrial uses (m²)x
1720033500001992: Artificial staple fibres fabrics, colored yarn (m²)1 990 333
1720040100001992: Warp and weft pile fabrics, chenille fabrics (m²)1 044 390
1720040330001992: Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of cotton (m²)51 389 474
1720040350001992: Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of other textile materials (m²)
1720040500001992: Tufted textile fabrics (m²)144 335
1720040700001992: Gauze (m²)104 900
1720099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17300: Finishing of textilesx
1730010230001992: Dyeing of cotton yarn (kg)1 068 268
1730010250001992: Dyeing of thread of synthetic filaments (kg)4 149
1730010270001992: Dyeing of synthetic staple fibre yarn (kg)41 341
1730010280001992: Dyeing of yarn of artificial staple fibres (kg)x
1730021300001992: Bleaching of woven fabrics of cotton (m²)1 656 904
1730021500001992: Bleaching of woven fabrics of filaments yarn and of synthetic fibres (m²)3 963
1730021600001992: Bleaching of woven fabrics of filaments yarn and of artificial fibres (m²)1 981
1730021900001992: Bleaching of knitted or crocheted fabrics (kg)
1730022300001992: Dyeing of woven fabrics of cotton (m²)7 522 561
1730022400001992: Dyeing of woven fabrics of flax, veg or bast fibres (m²)7 897
1730022500001992: Dyeing of woven fabrics of filaments yarn and of synthetic fibres (m²)957 079
1730022600001992: Dyeing of woven fabrics of filaments yarn and of artificial fibres (m²)4 115
1730022900001992: Dyeing of knitted or crocheted fabrics and other fabrics (non-wovens) (kg)763 950
1730030300001992: Printing of woven fabrics of cotton (m²)12 520 687
1730030500001992: Printing of woven fabrics of filaments yarn and of synthetic fibres (m²)173 757
1730030600001992: Printing of woven fabrics of filaments yarn and of artificial fibres (m²)267 836
1730030900001992: Printing of knitted or crocheted fabrics and other fabrics (non-wovens) (kg)209 411
1730040300001992: Other finishing of woven fabrics of cotton (m²)-
1730040500001992: Other finishing of woven fabrics of fil. yarn and of S.F. (m²)x
1730040600001992: Other finishing of woven fabrics of fil. yarn and of A.F. (m²)x
1730040900001992: Other finishing of knitted or crocheted fabrics and others fabrics (non-wovens) (kg)467 958
1730090000001996: Finishing services of clothing (kg)x
1730090000001998: Finishing services of clothingx
1730099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17400: Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparelx
1740011300001992: Blankets (excl. electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of wool... (nº)146 027
1740011500001992: Blankets (excl. electric blankets), etc., of synthetic fibres (nº)1 043 436
1740011900001992: Blankets (excl. electric blankets) and travelling rugs, of other textile mat. (nº)593 636
1740012300001992: Bed linen, knitted or crocheted (nº)3 639 121
1740012530001992: Bed linen of cotton (nº)49 252 169
1740012550001992: Bed linen of flax (nº)66 774
1740012590001992: Other bed linen, woven, other textiles (nº)4 716 144
1740012700001992: Other bed linen, nonwoven (nº)1 137 284
1740013300001992: Table linen, knitted or crocheted (nº)82 093
1740013530001992: Table linen of cotton (nº)3 523 839
1740013550001992: Table linen of flax (nº)117 491
1740013590001992: Table linen, woven, of other textiles, nes (nº)1 639 387
1740013700001992: Table linen of other textiles, nonwoven (nº)1 987 086
1740014300001992: Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry fabrics, of cotton (nº)97 717 331
1740014500001992: Toilet woven linen and kitchen linen of other textiles (nº)2 473 467
1740014700001992: Toilet linen and kitchen linen of other textile, nonwoven (nº)688
1740015300001992: Curtains and interior blinds; valances, knitted or crocheted (m²)49 833
1740015500001992: Curtains and interior blinds; curtain or bed valances, woven (m²)2 323 703
1740015700001992: Curtains and interior blinds; curtain or bed valances, nonwoven (m²)228 271
1740016300001992: Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flandres, etc. (m²)5 183
1740016530001992: Bedspreads (nº)3 849 729
1740016590001992: Other furnishing articlesx
1740016700001992: Sets of woven fabric and yarn, for making up into rugs, etc., p.r.s.x
1740021300001992: Sacks and bags, used for packing goods, of cotton (kg)
1740021500001992: Sacks and bags, used for packing goods, of polyethylene strip, knitt or crcoh (kg)1 357 509
1740021730001992: Sacks and bags, used for packing goods, of polyethylene strip, =< 120 g/m² (kg)2 786 228
1740021750001992: Sacks and bags, used for packing goods, of polyethylene strip, > 120 g/m² (kg)276 356
1740021900001992: Sacks and bags, of other textile materials (kg)1 341
1740022100001992: Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds (kg)622 276
1740022300001992: Tents (kg)163 051
1740022500001992: Sails (kg)x
1740022700001992: Pneumatic mattresses and other camping goods (kg)6 747
1740024300002001: Sleeping bags (nº)138 271
1740024390001992: Sleeping bags, others (nº)x
1740024930001992: Articles of bedding (excl. mattresses and sleeping bags), filled with feather (nº)114 957
1740024990001992: Articles of bedding (excl. mattresses and sleeping bags), other (nº)1 385 347
1740025530001992: Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters..., nonwoven (kg)471 269
1740025570001992: Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters..., excluding those knitted, crocheted or nonwovens (kg)686 358
1740025900001992: Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters..., knitted, crocheted or nonwovens; life-jackets, life-belts and other made up articles (kg)4 927 355
1740090000001996: Repair services of tarpaulins and camping equipmentx
1740099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17510: Manufacture of carpets and rugsx
1751011000001992: Knotted carpets, etc. (m²)318 866
1751012000001992: Woven carpets and other textile coverings (m²)2 421 726
1751013000001992: Tufted carpets and other textile coverings (m²)3 408 821
1751014300001992: Needlefelt carpets and other textile floor coverings not tufted or flocked (m²)440 515
1751014900001992: Other carpets and other textile floor coverings, n.e.c. (m²)412 088
1751099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17521: Manufacture of cordage, rope and twinex
1752111330001992: Cordage, rope, cables, of abaca or other hard leaf fibres, sisal, jute (kg)5 009 993
1752111350001992: Other twines, in hard fibres (kg)3 551 077
1752111530001992: Twines in hard fibres (agricultural) (kg)7 566 163
1752111550001992: Twines in synthetics (agricultural) (kg)25 316 255
1752111600001992: Other cordage rope and cables, in synthetics (kg)21 208 386
1752111700001992: Other twines, in synthetics, or polyethylene or polypropylene fibres (kg)18 210 187
1752111900001992: Other twines, cordage, rope, in other textile materials (kg)36 092
1752199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17522: Manufacture of netsx
1752212330001992: Made up fishing nets made from twine, cordage, rope, of man-made fibres (kg)2 774 806
1752212350001992: Other made up fishing nets of nylon, polyamides, or other F.A.S. (kg)462 874
1752212530001992: Made up nets of nylon, polyamides of twine, cables, rope, n.e.c. (kg)x
1752212550001992: Other made up nets of nylon, polyamides (kg)45 919
1752212590001992: Other knotted netting of othertextile materials (kg)718 675
1752212800001992: Articles of twine, cordage, rope or cables (kg)x
1752290000001996: Repair services of nets and ropeworksx
1752299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17530: Manufacture of non-wovens and articles made from non-wovens, except apparelx
1753010120001992: Nonwovens, other than coated or covered, <= 25 gr/m², wetlaid (kg)x
1753010130001992: Nonwovens, other than coated or covered, <= 25 gr/m², drylaid (kg)x
1753010200002000: Nonwovens of a weight per square metre of > 25 g but <= 70 g (incl. articles made from nonwovens) (excl. articles of apparel, coated or covered) (kg)70 000
1753010220001992: Nonwovens, other than coated or covered, 70 gr/m² => > 25 gr/m², wetlaid (kg)x
1753010230001992: Nonwovens, other than coated or covered, 70 gr/m² => > 25 gr/m², drylaid (kg)x
1753010300002000: Nonwovens of a weight per square metre of > 70 g but <= 150 g (incl. articles made from nonwovens) (excl. articles of apparel, coated or covered) (kg)472 600
1753010310001992: Nonwovens, other than coated ot covered, 150 gr/m² => > 70 gr/m², polymer based (kg)x
1753010330001992: Nonwovens, other than coated or covered, 150 gr/m² => > 70 gr/m², drylaid (kg)x
1753010500002000: Nonwovens of a weight per square metre of > 150 g (incl. articles made from nonwovens) (excl. articles of apparel, coated or covered) (kg)855 600
1753010530001992: Nonwovens, > 150 g/m², drylaid (kg)x
1753010700002000: Nonwovens; coated or covered (incl. articles made from nonwovens) (excl. articles of apparel) (kg)1 435 482
1753010720001992: Nonwovens, coated or covered, wetlaid (kg)x
1753099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17541: Manufacture of ornamental trimmings and narrow fabricsx
1754111300001992: Narrow woven fabrics other than labels, badges and other similar articlesx
1754111700001992: Braids in the piece; ornamental trimmingsx
1754199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17542: Manufacture of embroideryx
1754213300001992: Embroidery without visible groundx
1754213500001992: Cotton embroidery, in the piece, in strips or in motifsx
1754213700001992: Embroidery of other textiles, in the piece, in strips or in motifsx
1754299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17543: Manufacture of lacex
1754312300001992: Tulles and other net fabricsx
1754312500001992: Lace in piece, in strips or in motifs, machine madex
1754399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17544: Manufacture of other miscellaneous textiles, n.e.c.x
1754411500001992: Labels, badges, and similar articles in textiles materialsx
1754420000001992: Felt (kg)6 127 444
1754431300001992: Wadding and articles thereof, medical use (kg)1 891 980
1754431500001992: Other wadding and articles thereof (kg)1 977 176
1754432000001992: Rubber tread and cord, textile covered (kg)610 991
1754433000001992: Metallized yarn, being textile yarn, or strip, etc, in thread (kg)x
1754435000001992: Gimped yarn and strip; chenille yarn; loop wale-yarn (kg)626 187
1754436000001992: Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon, polyamides, polyesters... (m²)
1754437000001992: Textile fabrics coated (m²)43 291 810
1754438700001992: Textile fabrics and felts, for paper-making machines (kg)
1754439000001992: Textile products in the piece (excl. embriodery of HS 5810) (m²)641 534
1754499000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17600: Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabricsx
1760011300001992: Long pile fabrics (kg)1 254 032
1760011500001992: Looped pile fabrics (kg)-
1760011700001992: Pile fabrics, knitted or crocheted, n.e.c. (kg)855 312
1760012000002002: Knitted or crocheted fabrics (excl. pile fabrics) (kg)67 902 065
1760012300001992: Other knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibers, for curtains (kg)x
1760012900001992: Knitted or crocheted fabrics, n.e.c. (kg)x
1760099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17710: Manufacture of knitted and crocheted hosieryx
1771010330001992: Panty hose, etc., of synthetic fibres, < 67 decitex, knitted or crocheted (nº)46 807 457
1771010350001992: Panty hose, etc., of synthetic fibres, >= 67 decitex, knitted or crocheted (nº)113 407
1771010370001992: Panty hose and tights of other textiles, nes, knitted or crocheted (nº)342 613
1771010500001992: Hosiery, < 67 decitex, knitted or crocheted (pa)41 417 711
1771010900001992: Hosiery and footwear, knitted or crocheted, n.e.c. (pa)266 520 864
1771099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
17720: Manufacture of knitted and crocheted pullovers, cardigans and similar articlesx
1772010310001992: M/b, jerseys, pullovers, sweat-shirts, cardigans...of wool or fine animal hair (nº)733 061
1772010320001992: Women or girls', sweat-shirts, waistcoats, cardigans of wool (nº)1 706 685
1772010330001992: Jerseys, pullovers, of wool or fine animal hair, > 50% wool, weighing 600 g or more per article (nº)770 688
1772010530001992: Lightweight fine knit...turtle neck of cotton (nº)116 527
1772010550001992: Lightweight fine knit turtle neck of man-made fibres (nº)17 830
1772010610001992: M/b, jerseys, pullovers, sweats, waistcoats, cardigans of cotton (nº)602 353
1772010620001992: W/g, jerseys, pullovers, sweats, waistcoats, cardigans of cotton (nº)1 972 392
1772010710001992: M/b, jerseys, pullovers, sweats, waistcoats, cardigans of man-made fibres (nº)4 771 819
1772010720001992: W/g, jerseys, pullovers, sweats, waistcoats, cardigans of man-made fibres (nº)2 299 360
1772010900001992: Jerseys, pullovers, sweats, waistcoats, cardigans of other textile materials (nº)2 603 566
1772099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
18100: Manufacture of leather clothesx
1810010010001992: Coats and overcoats, of leather (nº)1 746
1810010030001992: Ensembles, of leather (nº)1 924
1810010050001992: Blazers and jackets, of leather (nº)92 154
1810010070001992: Trousers and skirts, of leather (nº)15 470
1810010090001992: Other articles of apparel of leather (nº)1 842
1810099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
18210: Manufacture of workwearx
1821011210001992: Men's or boys' ensembles of cotton, industrial or occupational (nº)55 113
1821011250002001: Men's or boys' ensembles, of man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear (nº)139 321
1821011260001992: Men's or boys' ensembles of synthetic fibres, industrial (nº)x
1821011270001992: Men's or boys' ensembles of artificial fibres, industrial (nº)x
1821011310001992: Men's or boys' jackets and blazers of cotton, occupational (nº)94 219
1821011350002001: Men's or boys' jackets and blazers, of man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear (nº)168 329
1821011360001992: Men's or boys' jackets and blazers of synthetic fibres, occupational (nº)x
1821011370001992: Men's or boys' jackets and blazers of artificial fibres, industrial (nº)x
1821012410001992: Men's or boys' trousers, breeches, etc., of cotton, industrial (nº)132 315
1821012450001992: Men's or boys' breeches, etc., industrial, man-made materials (nº)246 119
1821012510001992: Bib and brace overalls, M/b, of cotton, industrial (nº)4 769
1821012550001992: Bib and brace overalls, M/b, of man-made fibres, industrial (nº)95 926
1821021210001992: Women's or girls' ensembles of cotton, industrial (nº)
1821021250002001: Women's or girls' ensembles, of man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear (nº)11 518
1821021260001992: Women's or girls' ensembles of synthetic fibres, industrial (nº)x
1821021270001992: Women's or girls' ensembles of AF, industrial (nº)x
1821021310001992: Women's or girls' jackets of cotton, industrial (nº)7 686
1821021350002001: Women's or girls' jackets and blazers, of man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear (nº)
1821021360001992: Women's or girls' jackets of synthetic fibres, industrial (nº)x
1821021370001992: Women's or girls' jackets of artificial fibres, industrial (nº)x
1821022410001992: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, etc., of cotton, industrial (nº)3 614
1821022450001992: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, etc., of man-made fibres, industrial (nº)37 820
1821022510001992: Women's or girls' bib and brace overalls, industrial, cotton (nº)-
1821022550001992: Women's or girl's bibs or braces overalls, industrial of man-made fibres (nº)x
1821030110001992: Other men's or boys' industrial clothing, of cotton (nº)x
1821030130002001: Men's or boys' other garments, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear (nº)353 205
1821030150001992: Men's or boys' garments of man-made fibres, industrial (nº)x
1821030210001992: Women's or girl's apron's, overalls and other industrial clothing of cotton, nes (nº)x
1821030230002001: Women's or girls' other garments, of cotton or man-made fibres, for industrial or occupational wear (nº)4 665 215
1821030250001992: Women's or girl's apron's, overalls and other industrial clothing of man-made fibres,nes (nº)x
1821099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
18220: Manufacture of other outerwearx
1822011100001992: Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes and similar articles (nº)68 023
1822011200001992: Men's or boys' anoraks, wind-cheaters, windjackets (nº)387 377
1822012100001992: Men's or boys' suits (nº)x
1822012200001992: Men's or boys' ensembles (nº)x
1822012300001992: Men's or boys' jackets (nº)1 369 256
1822012400001992: Men's or boys' trousers and breeches (nº)x
1822012500001992: Men's or boys' bib and brace overalls and shorts (nº)x
1822012600002001: Men's or boys' suits and ensembles, of knitted or crocheted textiles (nº)630 942
1822012700002001: Men's or boys' trousers, breeches, shorts, bib and brace overalls, of knitted or crocheted textiles (nº)2 906 761
1822013100001992: Women's or girls' overcoats, car-coats, capes and similar articles (nº)39 638
1822013200001992: Women's or girls' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc. (nº)212 829
1822014100001992: Women's or girls' suits (nº)x
1822014200001992: Women's or girls' ensembles (nº)x
1822014300001992: Women's or girls' jackets or blazers (nº)2 408 759
1822014400001992: Women's or girls' trousers and breeches (nº)x
1822014500001992: Women's or girls' bib and brace overalls and shorts (nº)x
1822014600002001: Women's or girls' suits and ensembles, of knitted or crocheted textiles (nº)1 243 200
1822014700001992: Women's or girls' dresses (nº)919 758
1822014800001992: Women's or girls' skirts and divided skirts (nº)561 084
1822014900002001: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, shorts, bib and brace overalls, of knitted or crocheted textiles (nº)4 744 619
1822021110001992: Men's or boys' raincoats of cotton (nº)1 684
1822021140001992: Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, etc., of wool or fine animal hair (nº)46 579
1822021150001992: Men's or boys' raincoats of man-made fibres (nº)18 703
1822021190001992: Men's or boys' overcoats, car-coats, capes, etc., in other materials (nº)16 765
1822021210001992: Men's or boys' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc., of cotton (nº)539 998
1822021250001992: Men's or boys' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc., of man-made fibres (nº)400 877
1822021290001992: Men's or boys' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc., of other textiles, n.e.c. (nº)90 864
1822022110001992: Men's or boys' suits of cotton (nº)17 463
1822022140001992: Men's or boys' suits of wool or fine animal hair (nº)750 984
1822022190001992: Men's or boys' suits of other textiles, n.e.c. (nº)664 031
1822022210001992: Men's or boys' ensembles of cotton, excl.industrial or occupational (nº)145 259
1822022240001992: Men's or boys' ensembles of wool or fine animal hair (nº)15 388
1822022290001992: Men's or boys' ensembles, in other materials (nº)184 713
1822023310001992: Men's or boys' jackets and blazers of cotton, not occupational (nº)941 047
1822023340001992: Men's or boys' jackets and blazers of wool (nº)769 020
1822023390001992: Men's or boys' jackets and blazers, in other materials (nº)1 017 670
1822024410001992: Men's or boys' trousers, breeches, etc., of cut corduroy (nº)19 781
1822024420001992: Men's or boys' trousers, breeches, etc., of denim (nº)1 602 322
1822024430001992: Men's or boys' trousers, breeches, etc., of other cottons (nº)2 388 607
1822024440001992: Men's or boys' trousers, breeches, etc., of wool, excl. industrial (nº)1 405 727
1822024450002001: Men's or boys' trousers and breeches, of man-made fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted, for industrial or occupational wear) (nº)1 445 798
1822024460001992: Men's or boys' trousers, breeches of synthetic fibres (nº)x
1822024470001992: Men's or boys' trousers, breeches of artificial fibres, excl. industrial (nº)x
1822024490001992: Men's or boys' trousers, breeches, shorts, bib, braces, of other materials (nº)873 627
1822024510001992: Bib and brace overalls, M/b, of cotton, excl. industrial (nº)x
1822024550002001: Men's or boys' bib and brace overalls (excl. knitted or crocheted, for industrial or occupational wear) (nº)24 920
1822024590001992: Bib and brace overalls, M/b, of other textile materials, excl. industrial (nº)x
1822024610001992: Men's or boys' shorts, of cotton (nº)568 444
1822024630002001: Men's or boys' shorts, of man-made fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted) (nº)278 218
1822024660001992: Men's or boys' shorts, of synthetic fibres (nº)x
1822024670001992: Men's or boys' shorts, of artificial fibres (nº)x
1822031110001992: Woman's or girls' raincoats, of cotton (nº)6 691
1822031140001992: Woman's or girls' overcoats, etc., of wool or fine animal hair (nº)114 959
1822031150001992: Woman's or girls' raincoats, etc., of man-made fibres (nº)69 640
1822031190001992: Woman's or girls' overcoats other textile materials (nº)59 855
1822031210001992: Woman's or girls' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc., of cotton (nº)377 129
1822031250001992: Woman's or girls' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc., of man-made fibres (nº)272 394
1822031290001992: Woman's or girls' anoraks, wind-cheaters, etc., of wool, other textiles (nº)73 986
1822032110001992: Women's or girls' suits of cotton (nº)81 628
1822032140001992: Women's or girls' suits of wool or fine animal hair (nº)41 200
1822032190001992: Women's or girls' suits of other textile materials (nº)80 632
1822032210001992: Women's or girls' ensembles of cotton, other (nº)1 517 509
1822032240001992: Women's or girls' ensembles of wool or fine animal hair (nº)20 310
1822032290001992: Women's or girls' ensembles, of other materials (nº)234 491
1822033310001992: Women's or girls' jackets of cotton, other (nº)1 021 908
1822033340001992: Women's or girls' jackets of wool or fine animal hair (nº)171 729
1822033390001992: Women's or girls' jackets of other materials (nº)718 221
1822034710001992: Dresses of cotton, W/g (nº)712 386
1822034740001992: Dresses of wool or fine animal hair, W/g (nº)33 943
1822034750002001: Women's or girls' dresses, of man-made fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted) (nº)187 641
1822034760001992: Dresses of synthetic fibres, W/g (nº)x
1822034770001992: Dresses of artificial fibres, W/g (nº)x
1822034780001992: Dresses of silk, W/g (nº)9 758
1822034790001992: Dresses of other textiles, nes, W/g (nº)86 244
1822034810001992: Skirts and divided skirts of cotton, W/g (nº)954 010
1822034840001992: Skirts and divided skirts of wool or fine animal hair, W/g (nº)83 697
1822034850002001: Women's or girls' skirts, of man-made fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted) (nº)502 488
1822034860001992: Skirts and divided skirts of synthetic fibres, W/g (nº)x
1822034870001992: Skirts and divided skirts of artificial fibres, nes, W/g (nº)x
1822034890001992: Skirts and divided skirts of other textiles, nes, W/g (nº)249 438
1822035410001992: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, etc., of cut corduroy, n.e.c. (nº)37 473
1822035420001992: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, etc., of denim, n.e.c. (nº)3 545 455
1822035430001992: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, etc., of other cottons (nº)3 826 447
1822035440001992: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, etc., of wool or fine animal hair (nº)159 132
1822035460001992: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, etc., of synthetic fibres (nº)963 066
1822035470001992: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, etc., of artificial fibres, not indust. (nº)293 734
1822035510001992: Women's or girls' bib and brace overalls, cotton (nº)44 436
1822035590001992: Women's or girls' bib, brace overalls, of other textile materials (nº)3 962
1822035610001992: Women's or girls' shorts, cotton (nº)429 701
1822035640001992: Women's or girls' shorts, in wool (nº)
1822035650002001: Women's or girls' shorts, of man-made fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted) (nº)72 674
1822035660001992: Women's or girls' shorts, synthetic fibres (nº)x
1822035670001992: Women's or girls' shorts, artificial fibres (nº)x
1822035690001992: Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, bib, etc., n.e.c. (nº)278 993
1822099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
18230: Manufacture of underwearx
1823011100001992: Men's and boys' shirts, under-shirts (nº)5 807 956
1823012200001992: Men's or boys' underpants and briefs (nº)15 018 207
1823012300001992: Men's or boys' nightshirts and pyjamas (nº)978 009
1823012400001992: Men's or boys' dressing gowns (nº)926 396
1823013100001992: Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses (nº)4 652 121
1823014200001992: Women's or girls' briefs, panties, boxers (nº)24 287 920
1823014300001992: Women's or girls' nighties and pyjamas (nº)1 655 802
1823014400001992: Women's or girls' bathrobes, négligés, etc. (nº)1 459 438
1823014500001992: Women's or girls' petticoats (nº)22 882
1823021110001992: Men's or boys' shirts of cotton (nº)10 790 962
1823021150001992: Men's or boys' shirts of man-made fibres (nº)819 675
1823021190001992: Men's or boys' shirts of other textiles, n.e.c. (nº)944 078
1823022210001992: Men's or boys' underpants and briefs of cotton (nº)976 475
1823022290001992: Men's or boys' underpants and briefs of textile materials, n.e.c. (nº)1 369 267
1823022310001992: Men's or boys' nightshirts and pyjamas of cotton (nº)311 168
1823022390001992: Men's or boys' nightshirts and pyjamas of other text. materials (nº)71 669
1823022410001992: Men's or boys' singlets... dressing gowns, etc., of cotton (nº)754 912
1823022490001992: Men's or boys' singlets... dressing gowns, etc., of other textiles, n.e.c. (nº)267 738
1823023110001992: Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses of cotton (nº)3 396 908
1823023150001992: Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses of man-made fibres (nº)799 793
1823023180001992: Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses of silk (nº)17 526
1823023190001992: Women's or girls' blouses, shirts and shirt-blouses of other textile materials (nº)625 549
1823024310001992: Women's or girls' nightdresses and pyjamas of cotton (nº)475 106
1823024330002001: Women's or girls' nightdresses and pyjamas, of other fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted) (nº)197 825
1823024350001992: Women's or girls' nightdresses... of man-made fibres (nº)x
1823024390001992: Women's or girls' nightdresses... of other textiles material (nº)x
1823024490001992: Women's or girls' dressing gowns, panties, etc., of other textiles, n.e.c. (nº)x
1823024510001992: Petticoats... of cotton, w/g (nº)4 506
1823024520002001: Women's or girls' slips and petticoats, of other fibres (excl. knitted or crocheted) (nº)31 327
1823024550001992: Women or girls petticoats... of man-made fibres (nº)x
1823024590001992: Petticoats... , w/g, other (nº)x
1823024610001992: Women's or girls' dressing gowns, panties, etc., of cotton (nº)240 925
1823024650001992: Women's or girls' dressing gowns, négligés and articles of man-made fibres (nº)x
1823024710001992: Women's or girls' waistcoats, shirts, slips of cotton (nº)2 332 035
1823024750001992: Women's or girls' waistcoats, shirts, slips of SAF (nº)x
1823024800001999: Women's and girls' negligees; bathrobes; dressing gowns, singlets; vests; briefs and panties (incl. boxer shorts) of fibres other than cotton (excl. knitted or crocheted) (nº)3 354 458
1823024890001996: Women's or girls' dressing gowns, panties, etc., of other textiles, n.e.c. (nº)172 332
1823025300001992: Brassières (nº)5 799 057
1823025500001992: Girdles and panty-girdles and corselettes (nº)747 469
1823025700001992: Braces, garters, suspenders and similar articlesx
1823030300001992: T-shirts, knitted or crocheted, of cotton (nº)72 451 324
1823030900001992: T-shirts, knitted or crocheted, of other textil materials (nº)9 731 171
1823099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
18240: Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories n.e.c.x
1824011010001992: Babies' garments, 'childs vest', 'kimono', knitted or crocheted (nº)1 451 383
1824011020001992: Babies' garments, 'romper', knitted or crocheted (nº)815 175
1824011030001992: Babies' garments, 'underpants', knitted or crocheted (nº)598 395
1824011040001992: Babies' garments, 'stretchsuit', knitted or crocheted (nº)14 184 728
1824011050001992: Babies' garments, napkins (triangular, gauze...), knitted or crocheted (kg)3 979
1824011090001992: Other babies' garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted (kg)2 788 879
1824012100001992: Track-suits (nº)378 967
1824012300001992: Ski-suits (nº)-
1824012400001992: Men's or boys' swimwear (nº)622 436
1824012500001992: Women's or girls' swimwear (nº)652 625
1824012900001992: Other garments (kg)918 964
1824013730001992: Gloves, mittens and mitts, impregnated, knitted or crocheted (pa)13 803 837
1824013750001992: Other gloves, mittens and mitts (pa)525 980
1824014300001992: Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, etc. (nº)90 651
1824014500001992: Ties, bow ties and cravats (nº)
1824014900001992: Other clothing accessoriesx
1824021000001992: Bables' garments and clothing accessoriesx
1824022110001992: Men's or boys' garments, joggings suits of cotton, n.e.c. (nº)13 568 241
1824022140001992: Other men's or boys' garments joggings of wool or fine animal hair, n.e.c. (nº)690 633
1824022150001992: Other M/b garments, jogging suits of man-made fibres, not industrial (nº)2 006 008
1824022190001992: Men's or boys' garments, jogging of other textiles, n.e.c. (nº)604 063
1824022210001992: Women's or girls' joggings, other garments of cotton (nº)8 643 872
1824022240001992: Women's or girls' garments, jogging of wool or fine animal hair (nº)948 921
1824022250001992: Women's or girls' joggings, garments of man-made fibres, not industrial (nº)1 874 695
1824022290001992: Women's or girls' garments, jogging of other textiles, n.e.c. (nº)971 992
1824022300001992: Ski suits (nº)
1824022400001992: Men's or boys' swimwear (nº)20 870
1824022500001992: Women's or girls' swimwear (nº)1 206 051
1824023110001992: Handkerchiefs of cotton (nº)903 984
1824023190001992: Handkerchiefs of other textile (nº)106 570
1824023340001992: Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, etc., of wool... (nº)
1824023380001992: Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, etc., of silk or silk waste (nº)
1824023390001992: Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils, etc., of other textile materials (nº)415 970
1824023550001992: Ties, bow ties and cravats of man-made fibres (nº)156 075
1824023580001992: Ties, bow ties and cravats of silk or silk waste (nº)144 772
1824023590001992: Ties, bow ties and cravats of other textiles, n.e.c. (nº)x
1824023700001992: Gloves, mittens and mitts (pa)184 262
1824023930001992: Clothing accessories, n.e.c.x
1824023950001992: Parts of garments or clothing accessories, n.e.c.x
1824031730001992: Protective gloves, mittens and mitts for trades, nes, of leather (pa)17 165
1824031750001992: Other gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of leather (pa)111 586
1824031800001992: Belts and bandoliers of leather or composition leather (nº)1 337 616
1824031900001992: Clothing accessories of leather or composition leather, n.e.c.x
1824032100001992: Garments, made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of HS 5903, 5906, 5907x
1824032530001992: Garments of 6201.11 to 19, made up of fabrics of 59.03, 59.06 or 59.07 (nº)x
1824032550001992: Garments of 6202.11 to 19, made up of fabrics of 59.03, 59.06 or 59.07 (nº)50 246
1824032730001992: Men's or boys' garments made up of fabrics of 59.03, 59.06 or 59.07 (nº)
1824032750001992: Women's or girls' garments made up of fabrics of 59.03, 59.06 or 59.07 (nº)
1824041500001992: Hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material (nº)391 083
1824042300001992: Felt hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods, etc. (nº)32 167
1824042500001992: Hats and other headgear, plaited or assembled by strips of any material (nº)27 739
1824042700001992: Hats and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, hair nets, etc. (nº)181 426
1824043330001992: Hats and other headgear, of furskin (nº)2 854
1824043350001992: Hats and other headgear, n.e.c. (nº)160 469
1824043500001992: Head-bands, linings, covers, hat foundations, etc, for headgearx
1824099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
18301: Tanning and dressing of furx
1830111300001992: Tanned or dressed whole skins of rabbit or lamb, not assembled (nº)86 225
1830111500001992: Other furskins or skinsx
1830199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
18302: Manufacture of articles of furx
1830212300001992: Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of furskinsx
1830212900001992: Articles of furskin, n.e.c.x
1830299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
19101: Tanning and dressing of leatherx
1910110300001992: Chamois (incl. combination chamois), leather (m²)272 571
1910110500001992: Patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallized leather (m²)x
1910120100001992: Leather (kg)x
1910120220001992: Leather for shoes (m²)x
1910120290001992: Leather for other uses (m²)x
1910120300001992: Other bovine and equine leather, not further prepared than tanned (kg)x
1910120420001992: Full grains bovine leather for soles (kg)x
1910120490001992: Other full grains bovine leather (kg)x
1910120510001992: Grain splits bovine leather, for clothing (m²)x
1910120520001992: Grain splits bovine leather, for shoes (m²)x
1910120530001992: Grain splits bovine leather, for furniture (m²)x
1910120590001992: Grain splits bovine leather, for other (m²)x
1910120600001992: Full grains and grain splits equine leather (m²)x
1910120710001992: Other bovine leather, prepared after tanning, for clothing (m²)x
1910120720001992: Other bovine leather, prepared after tanning, for shoes (m²)x
1910120730001992: Other bovine leather, prepared after tanning, for furniture (m²)x
1910120790001992: Other bovine leather, prepared after tanning, for other (m²)x
1910121000002002: Leather, of bovine animals, without hair, whole (kg)1 888 550
1910122000002002: Leather, of bovine animals, without hair, not whole (kg)8 778 329
1910123000002002: Leather, of equine animals, without hair (kg)31 314
1910131300001992: Sheep or lamb skin leather, not further prepared than tanned (kg)x
1910131500002002: Sheep or lamb skin leather without wool on; parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning (excl.chamois, patent, patent laminated leather and metallised leather) (m²)324 967
1910131510001992: Sheep or lamb skin leather, parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning, for clothing (m²)x
1910131520001992: Sheep or lamb skin leather, parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning, for shoes (m²)x
1910131590001992: Sheep or lamb skin leather, parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning, for other uses (m²)x
1910132300001992: Goat or kid skin leather, not further prepared than tanned (kg)20 192
1910132500002002: Goat or kid skin leather without hair on; parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning (excl. chamois leather, patent leather; patent laminated leather and metallised leather) (m²)103 971
1910132510001992: Goat or kid skin leather, parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning, for clothing (m²)x
1910132520001992: Goat or kid skin leather, parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning, for shoes (m²)x
1910132590001992: Goat or kid skin leather, parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning, for other uses (m²)x
1910133500002002: Leather of swine without hair on; parchment-dressed or prepared after tanning (excl. patent leather; patent laminated leather and metallised leather) (m²)85
1910133510001992: Other leather of swine, for clothing (m²)x
1910133520001992: Other leather of swine, for shoes (m²)x
1910133590001992: Other leather of swine, for other (m²)x
1910141300001992: Leather not further prepared of other animals (kg)x
1910141510001992: Leather of other animals, clothing (m²)x
1910141520001992: Leather of other animals, for shoes (m²)x
1910141590001992: Leather of other animals, for other uses (m²)x
1910199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
19102: Manufacture of composition leatherx
1910242000001992: Composition leather with a basis of leather..., in slabs, etc. (m²)
1910299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
19200: Manufacture of luggage, handbags and the like, saddlery and harnessx
1920011000001992: Saddlery and harness for any animal, of any materialx
1920012100001992: Trunks, suit-cases..., etc. (nº)1 811 120
1920012200001992: Handbags (nº)613 723
1920012300001992: Articles normally carried in pocket or handbagx
1920012500001992: Cases and containers, n.e.c.x
1920012700001992: Travel sets for personal toilet, sewing or shoe or clothes cleaning (nº)
1920013000001992: Watch straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, parts thereof, not in metal (nº)
1920014300001992: Articles of leather used in machinery or mechanical appliances, etc. (kg)x
1920014500001992: Articles of leather or of composition leather, n.e.c.x
1920099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
19301: Manufacture of footwearx
1930111200001992: Waterproof footwear, with uppers in rubber (pa)100 111
1930111300001992: Waterproof footwear, with uppers in plastics (pa)1 670 856
1930112100001992: Sandalswith uppers of rubber or plastics (pa)103 485
1930112200001992: Town footwear, with uppers of rubber (pa)x
1930112310001996: Town footwear, with uppers of rubber or plastics (pa)437 254
1930112350001992: Town footwear, with uppers of plastics (pa)x
1930112370001992: Slippers and other indoor footwear, plastic uppers (pa)x
1930113510001992: Town shoes for men, upper part in leather (pa)24 011 107
1930113520001992: Town shoes for women, upper part in leather (pa)27 010 494
1930113530001992: Town shoes with upper part in leather, for children (pa)7 520 796
1930113610001992: Men sandals upper part leather (pa)762 963
1930113620001992: Women sandals upper part leather (pa)7 144 897
1930113630001992: Children sandals upper part in leather (pa)1 708 916
1930113700001992: Slippers upper part leather (pa)59 590
1930113800001992: Footwear with leather uppers, outer sole of wood or cork (pa)3 109
1930114440001992: Slippers, with rubber, plastic or leather soles and textile uppers (pa)2 366 124
1930114450001992: Footwear, nes, with rubber, plastic or leather soles and textile uppers (pa)537 263
1930114480001992: Other footwear with uppers of textile materials, with outer soles of wood or cork (pa)3 793
1930114490001992: Other footwear, nes, with textile uppers, other soles (pa)314 245
1930121100001992: Ski-boots and cross-country ski footwear, uppers of rubber or plastics (incl. snowboard boots) (pa)x
1930122400001992: Training shoes, etc., with rubber or plastic soles and textile uppers (pa)49 407
1930123100001992: Sport footwear, nes, uppers of rubber or plastics (pa)43 466
1930123500001992: Other sports footwear, leather uppers (pa)67 892
1930131350001992: Waterproof footwear incorporating a protective metal toe-cap, upper plastic (pa)748 297
1930131500001992: Footwear, with a metal toe-cap, leather uppers (pa)889 759
1930132550001992: Sandales, with leather soles and straps (over instep, around big toe) (pa)
1930132570001992: Footwear with a wood base, no inner soles or caps, leather uppers (pa)1 480
1930132900001992: Footwear, n.e.c. (pa)825 006
1930199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
19302: Manufacture of parts of footwearx
1930240650001992: Uppers and parts thereof (excl. stiffeners) in leather (pa)4 206 759
1930240650001996: Uppers and parts thereof (excl. stiffeners) in leatherx
1930240690001992: Uppers and parts thereof (excl. stiffeners), other materials (pa)21 798 765
1930240690001996: Uppers and parts thereof (excl. stiffeners), other materialsx
1930240700001992: Outer soles and heels of rubber or plastics (nº)83 658 247
1930240910001992: Wooden parts of footwear (excl. uppers) (pa)
1930240910001996: Wooden parts of footwear (excl. uppers)x
1930240990001992: Parts of footwear (excl. uppers) other materials (pa)172 116 433
1930240990001996: Parts of footwear (excl. uppers) other materialsx
1930299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
20100: Sawmilling and planing of wood; impregnation of woodx
2010010100001992: Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, not impregnated (m³)3 549
2010010310001992: Coniferous wood, finger-jointed (m³)x
2010010320002000: Coniferous wood sawn or chipped lengthwise; sliced or peeled; of a thickness > 6 mm and finger-jointed or sanded (m³)416 570
2010010330001992: Coniferous wood, sawn, planed or sanded (m³)x
2010010340002000: Coniferous wood; sawn or chipped lengthwise; sliced or peeled; of a thickness > 6mm; planed (excl. finger-jointed or sanded) (m³)376 348
2010010370001992: Pine wood: Pinus sylvestris L. (m³)71 084
2010010390001992: Coniferous wood, small boards, <= 125 cm length, <= 12.5 mm thick, wood sawn n.e.c. (m³)164 499
2010010500002000: Wood; sawn or chipped lengthwise; sliced or peeled; of a thickness > 6mm; excluding coniferous and tropical woods and oak blocks, strips and friezes (m³)119 816
2010010530001992: Oak-, beechwood and other sawn wood, other than coniferous and tropical, finger-jointed ... (m³)x
2010010550001992: Tropical sawn wood, finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded, and other (m³)x
2010010570001992: Tropical woods, planed or sanded (m³)x
2010010590001992: Oak-, beechwood and other sawn wood, other than coniferous and tropical, planed or sanded (m³)x
2010010710002000: Tropical wood; sawn or chipped lengthwise; sliced or peeled; finger-jointed or planed/sanded; of a thickness > 6mm (m³)227 436
2010010730001992: Blocks, strips and friezes for parquet, not assembled (m²)x
2010010770001992: Oak blocks, strips or friezes for parquet (m²)119
2010021100001992: Coniferous wood, continuously shaped (kg)168 225
2010021530001992: Wood other than coniferous, continuously shaped (excl. blocks... for parquets) (kg)2 868 968
2010021550001992: Blocks, strips and friezes for parquet from wood other than coniferous (m²)310 470
2010022000001992: Wood wool; wood flour (kg)14 500
2010023030001992: Coniferous fuel wood in chips or particles (kg)1 633 163 580
2010023050001992: Non-coniferous fuel wood in chips or particles (kg)216 723 939
2010031150001992: Poles of coniferous wood, injected, otherwise impregnated, 6 m <= l <= 18 m, 45 cm < c <= 90 cm (m³)x
2010031160001999: Rough softwood poles, injected or otherwise impregnated with paint,stains,creosote or other preservatives (m³)118 480
2010031170001996: Other poles of wood in the rough, injected or otherwise impregnated (m³)x
2010031190001992: Other poles of coniferous wood, injected or otherwise impregnated (m³)x
2010031500001992: Other poles of wood in the rough, injected or otherwise impregnated (m³)x
2010032000001992: Railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, impregnated (m³)8 541
2010040050001992: Sawdust (kg)327 109 126
2010040090001992: Wood waste and scrap (incl. agglomerated) (kg)348 897 815
2010090000001996: Impregnation of timber servicesx
2010098000001992: Transformed logs of wood (m³)104 095
2010099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
20201: Manufacture of wood particle boardsx
2020113330001992: Particle board and similar board of wood, unworked or sanded, excl. waferboard (m³)663 676
2020113350001992: Particle board and similar, surfaced with high pressure decorative laminates, excl. waferboard (m³)67 756
2020113370001992: Particle board and similar, surfaced with melamine resin impregnated paper (excl. waferboard) (m³)314 513
2020199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
20202: Manufacture of wood fibre boardsx
2020214130001992: Fibreboard of a density > 0.8 g/cm³, not worked or surface covered (m²)29 194 354
2020214150001992: Fibreboard of a density > 0.8 g/cm³, n.e.c. (m²)239 046
2020214330001992: Fibreboard of a density > 0.5 g/cm³ <= 0.8, not worked or surface covered (m²)24 609 444
2020214350001992: Fibreboard of a density > 0.5 g/cm³ <= 0.8, n.e.c. (m²)x
2020299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
20203: Manufacture of veneer sheets; manufacture of plywood, laminboard and other panels and boardsx
2020311030001992: Plywood with >= 1 outer ply of tropical wood, each ply =< 6mm thick (m³)15 240
2020311050001992: Plywood with >= 1 outer ply of non-coniferous wood, nes, each ply =< 6 mm (m³)
2020311090001992: Plywood, each ply <= 6 mm thick, n.e.c. (m³)
2020312330001992: Other plywood, veneered panels..., with particle board, outer ply non coniferous wood (m³)7 267
2020312350001992: Other plywood, veneered panels, outer ply non-coniferous wood: block-, lamin-, battenboard (m³)19 577
2020312390001992: Other plywood, veneered panels, at least 1 outer ply of non-coniferous wood (m³)x
2020312530001992: Other plywood, veneered panels, at least 1 layer of particle board (m³)31 475
2020312550001992: Other plywood, veneered panels, block-, lamin-, battenboard (m³)6 102
2020312590001992: Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood (m³)5 488
2020321130001992: Veneer sheets, sheets: plywood, finger jointed, planed, sanded, sm. board <= 6 mm thick (m²)x
2020321130002000: Veneer sheets,sheets for plywood & other wood sawn lengthwise,sliced/peeled,thickness<=6mm & finger jointed,planed/sanded/small boards for the manufacture of pencils (m³)2 058
2020321170001992: Other veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, etc, 1 mm < thick <= 6 mm (m³)x
2020321180001996: Other veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, etc., thick <= 6 mm (m³)37 386
2020321190001992: Other veneer sheets and sheets for plywood, etc, <= 1 mm thick (m³)x
2020322000001996: Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes (m³)3 016
2020399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
20300: Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joineryx
2030011100001992: Windows, French-windows and their frames, of wood (nº)68 361
2030011530001992: Doors and their frames and thresholds, of wood, planed (nº)723 410
2030011550001992: Doors and their frames and thresholds, of wood, worked (nº)1 421 947
2030011590001992: Doors and their frames and thresholds, of wood, others (nº)386 826
2030012150001992: Parquet panels, of wood, for mosaïc floors (m²)625 256
2030012190001992: Parquet panels, of wood, others (m²)2 219 624
2030012300001992: Shuttering for concrete constructional work, of wood (kg)8 427 598
2030012500001992: Shingles and shakes, of wood (kg)880 003
2030013010001992: Builders' joinery and carpentry, of wood, battenboard (kg)411 144
2030013030001992: Builders' joinery and carpentry, of wood, for walls (kg)20 867 284
2030013050001992: Builders' joinery and carpentry, of wood, for stairs (kg)2 451 082
2030013070001992: Builders' joinery and carpentry, of wood, for sauna (kg)
2030013090001992: Builders' joinery and carpentry, of wood, others (kg)16 150 013
2030020000001996: Prefabricated buildings of woodx
2030020070001992: Equipment for greenhousesx
2030099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
20400: Manufacture of wooden containersx
2040011330001992: Flat pallets, pallet collars (nº)5 224 049
2040011350001992: Box pallets and other load boards of wood (nº)2 090 944
2040012130001992: Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings of wood (kg)12 354 263
2040012150001992: Cable-drums (kg)1 782 785
2040012500001992: Casks, barrels, vats, tubs, etc, and parts thereof, of wood (kg)633 335
2040099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
20510: Manufacture of other products of woodx
2051011000001992: Tools..., handles and bodies... of wood; boot or shoe lasts and trees, of wood (kg)3 956 986
2051012000001992: Tableware and kitchenware, of wood (kg)972 980
2051013000001992: Wood marquetry and inlaid wood (ornaments of wood)x
2051014100001992: Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects (m)8 037 652
2051014550001992: Coffin (nº)81 003
2051014590001992: Other articles of wood, n.e.c. (excl. pallet collars)x
2051099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
20521: Manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materialsx
2052115100001992: Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials (kg)5 782
2052115300001992: Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials (kg)34 185
2052115550001992: Other products of vegetable plaiting materials (kg)x
2052115590001992: Other products of plaiting materials (excl. vegetable), n.e.c. (kg)38 386
2052115700001992: Basketwork, wickerwork, other articles of vegetable materials (kg)120 768
2052115900001992: Articles of HS 4601 (excl. vegetable and of loofah) (kg)3 308
2052199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
20522: Cork industryx
2052211300001992: Waste cork; crushed, granulated or ground cork (kg)158 605 906
2052211500001992: Natural cork, debacked or roughly squared..., etc. (kg)63 420 644
2052212500001992: Corks and stoppers of natural corks (kg)25 164 921
2052212900002000: Articles of natural cork, others (kg)4 855 553
2052212950001992: Rings of natural cork (kg)x
2052212990001992: Other articles of natural cork : discs and others (kg)x
2052213010001992: Agglomerated cork: corks for 'quiet wines' (kg)x
2052213030001992: Agglomerated cork: corks for 'v.q.p.r.d.' (Quality Sparkling Produced in Specified Regions (psr)) (kg)x
2052213050001992: Solid cylinders of agglomerated cork including discs (kg)x
2052213070001992: Blocks..., tiles of any shape, solid cylinders, of agglomerated cork (kg)x
2052213300001996: Agglomerated cork: corks for 'v.q.p.r.d.' (Quality Sparkling Produced in Specified Regions (psr)) (kg)3 856 041
2052213500001996: Agglomerated cork: corks for 'quiet wines' (kg)15 803 472
2052213750001996: Solid cylinders of agglomerated cork including discs (kg)4 779 675
2052213770001996: Blocks..., tiles of any shape, solid cylinders, of agglomerated cork (kg)51 106 547
2052214030001992: Joints of agglomerated cork (kg)903 960
2052214050001992: Products for decoration of agglomerated cork (kg)10 857 676
2052214070001992: Products for insulating of agglomerated cork (kg)9 802 308
2052214090001992: Other products of agglomerated cork (kg)14 806 301
2052299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
21110: Manufacture of pulpx
2111011000001992: Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades (kg 90% sdt)287 319 117
2111012130001992: Unbleached coniferous chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate (kg 90% sdt)237 066 560
2111012530001992: Unbleached non-coniferous chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate (kg 90% sdt)58 865 440
2111012550001992: Semi- or bleached non-coniferous chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate (kg 90% sdt)
2111013150001992: Semi-bleached or bleached coniferous chemical wood pulp, sulphite (kg 90% sdt)x
2111013530001992: Unbleached non-coniferous chemical wood pulp, sulphite (kg 90% sdt)70 000
2111013550001992: Semi- or bleached non-coniferous chemical wood pulp, sulphite (kg 90% sdt)101 417 000
2111014500001992: Pulp of other fibrous cellulosic material (kg 90% sdt)63 883 400
2111099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
21120: Manufacture of paper and paperboard (excluding corrugated)x
2112011000001992: Newsprint, in rolls or sheets (kg)
2112012000001992: Hand-made paper and paperboard (kg)x
2112013100001992: Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photo- heat- electro- sensitive paper (kg)x
2112014100001992: Graphic paper, paperboard : mechanical fibres <= 10%, weight < 40 g/m² (kg)
2112014350001992: Graphic paper, paperboard : mechanical fibres <= 10%, 40 g/m² <= weight <= 150 g/m², rolls (kg)226 452 022
2112014390001992: Graphic paper, paperboard : mechanical fibres <= 10%, 40 g/m² <= weight <= 150 g/m², sheets (kg)696 212 290
2112014750001992: Graphic paper, paperboard : mechanical fibres > 50 %, weight < 72 g/m² (kg)246 050
2112021550001992: Paper stock for household : crepe paper, tissues, weight <= 25 g/m² (kg)70 183 803
2112021570001992: Paper stock for household : crepe paper, tissues, weight > 25 g/m² (kg)
2112021900001992: Paper stock for household : others (kg)
2112022500001992: Unbleached kraftliner (kg)270 379 919
2112022900001992: Kraftliner (excl. unbleached) (kg)x
2112023150001992: Unbleached sack kraft paper (kg)52 202 300
2112023190001992: Other sack kraft paper (excl. unbleached) (kg)x
2112023330001992: Other kraft paper..., weight <= 150 g/m² (kg)3 085 702
2112023350001992: Other kraft paper..., 150 g/m² < weight < 225 g/m² (kg)x
2112023370001992: Other kraft paper..., weight >= 225 g/m² (kg)x
2112024000001992: Semi-chemical fluting paper (corrugated medium) (kg)310 000
2112025200002002: Uncoated testliner (recycled liner board), weight <= 150 g/m², in rolls or sheets (kg)559 055
2112025350001992: Multi-ply paper and paperboard : with only 1 outer layer bleached : testliner (kg)x
2112025390001992: Multi-ply paper and paperboard : with only 1 outer layer bleached : others (kg)x
2112025400002002: Uncoated testliner (recycled liner board), weight > 150 g/m², in rolls or sheets (kg)10 841 792
2112025750001992: Other multi-ply paper and paperboard : testliner (kg)x
2112025790001992: Other multi-ply paper and paperboard : n.e.c. (kg)x
2112030100001992: Sulphite wrapping paper (kg)1 581 552
2112030200001992: Cigarette paper, other than in 4813.10 and 4813.20 (kg)x
2112030590001992: Paper and paperboard, weight =< 150 g/m², of HS 4801 to 4805 n.e.c., others (kg)x
2112030600001992: Paper and paperboard, for corrugated board, weight <= 150 g/m², of HS 4801 to 4805 n.e.c. (kg)x
2112030650002002: Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weight > 150 g/m² and < 225 g/m² (excl. products of HS 4802; fluting paper; testliner; sulphite wrapping paper; filter or felt paper and paperboard) (kg)13 237 828
2112030690002002: Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weight >= 225 g/m² (excl. products of HS 4802; fluting paper; testliner; sulphite wrapping paper; filter or felt paper and paperboard) (kg)8 088 993
2112030730001992: Single ply tesliner, 150 g/m² < weight < 225 g/m² (kg)x
2112030750001992: Other paper, paperboard, for corrugated board, 150 g/m² < weight < 225 g/m² (kg)x
2112030790001992: Other paper and paperboard, 150 g/m² < weight < 225 g/m², n.e.c. (kg)x
2112030850001992: Other paper and paperboard, waste paper based, weight >= 225 g/m² (kg)x
2112040300001992: Greaseproof papers (kg)x
2112040500001992: Tracing papers (kg)
2112052300001992: Kraft paper, crepe or crinkled, (excl. sack) (kg)655 833
2112052500001992: Paper and paperboard, corrugated, crepe, etc., n.e.c. (kg)18 762 146
2112053350001992: Coated base for paper..., for photo-, heat-, electro-sensitive paper, weight <= 150 g/m², m.f. <= 10% (kg)x
2112053370002002: Coated paper, for writing, printing, graphic purposes (excl. coated base, weight <= 150 g/m²) (kg)
2112053390001992: Paper, for writing, printing, graphic purposes, weight <= 150 g/m², m.f. <= 10% (kg)x
2112053530001992: Coated paper, writing, printing, graphic purposes, weight > 150 g/m², m.f. <= 10%, rolls (kg)x
2112053550001992: Coated paper, writing, printing, graphic purposes, weight > 150 g/m², m.f. <= 10%, sheets (kg)x
2112053600001992: Light-weight coated paper for writing, printing, graphic purposes, m.f. > 10% (kg)
2112053790001992: Other coated mech. graphic paper for writing, printing, graphic purposes, m.f. > 10%, sheets (kg)x
2112054300001992: Other coated kraft paper, other than for writing, printing, or graphic purposes (kg)
2112054550001992: Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated, with 1 bleached outer layer (kg)
2112054590001992: Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated, others (kg)9 879 283
2112054700001992: Coated paper and paperboard, of 48.10 n.e.c. (kg)142 850
2112055500001992: Self-copy paper of a width > 36 cm (kg)x
2112055900001992: Copying or transfer papers, n.e.c. (kg)x
2112056100001992: Tarred, bituminized or asphalted paper and paperboard (kg)x
2112056590001992: Paper and paperboard coated... with plastics, n.e.c. (kg)7 604 850
2112056700001992: Paper and paperboard coated... with wax, paraffin wax... oil or glycerol (kg)1 704 300
2112057300001992: Other paper for continuous forms (kg)
2112057590001992: Other paper, paperboard, coated..., others (kg)x
2112099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
21211: Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard (includes containers)x
2121111000001992: Corrugated paper and paperboard, whether or not perforated (kg)210 678 992
2121113000001992: Boxes, cartons and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard (kg)253 586 846
2121199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
21212: Manufacture of other containers of paper and paperboardx
2121212300001992: Sacks and bags, having a base of a width >= 40 cm (kg)37 942 800
2121212500001992: Sacks and bags, including cones, nes (kg)8 562 947
2121214010001992: Folding boxes, cutup, and other packaging for liquids (kg)24 650
2121214030001992: Folding boxes, cutup, and other packaging, made of carton (kg)29 606 680
2121214050001992: Folding boxes, cutup, and other packaging, made of solid board (kg)19 002 399
2121214070001992: Displays of carton and solid board (kg)166 902
2121214090001992: Folding cartons, boxes and cases, of non-corrugated paper or paperboard, others (kg)21 048 133
2121215330001992: Composite cans, drums and cores (kg)1 175 210
2121215350001992: Packaging products, record sleeves, soft packaging containers, ... (kg)10 677
2121215390001992: Others packaging products of paper, n.e.c. (kg)12 670 104
2121215500001992: Box files, letter trays, storage boxes, n.e.c. (kg)12 958 269
2121299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
21220: Manufacture of household and sanitary goods and of toilet requisitesx
2122011100001992: Toilet paper (kg)37 897 338
2122011330001992: Handkerchiefs and cleansing or facial tissues of paper, ... (kg)
2122011350001992: Hand towels of paper, cellulose wadding, ... (kg)6 613 014
2122011500001992: Tablecloths and serviettes of paper, cellulose wadding, ... (kg)31 194 875
2122012100001996: Sanitary towels and tampons of paper, cellulose wadding, ... (kg)
2122012130001992: Sanitary towels and tampons of paper, cellulose wadding, ... (kg)x
2122012300001992: Napkins, napkin liners for babies, and similar sanitary articles of paper (kg)x
2122012330001996: Napkins, napkin liners for babies of paper (kg)x
2122012350001996: Sanitary articles for incontinent adults (kg)
2122012900001992: Household, sanitary or hospital articles of paper..., etc., n.e.c. (kg)4 894 200
2122013000001992: Trays, dishes, plates and cups, etc., of paper or paperboard (kg)2 292 489
2122099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
21230: Manufacture of paper stationeryx
2123011130001992: Carbon or similar copying papers (kg)
2123011150001992: Self-copy paper (kg)
2123011170001992: Duplicator stencils of paper (kg)x
2123011190001992: Copying or transfer paper, n.e.c.; offset plates, of paper (kg)
2123011500002000: Gummed or adhesive paper in strips or rolls (excl. self-adhesive) (kg)
2123011530001992: Gummed paper, in strips or rolls (kg)x
2123012300001992: Envelopes (incl. pockets envelopes) (kg)9 018 953
2123012700001992: Boxes, etc, of paper or paperboard containing paper stationery (kg)x
2123013000002002: Printed, embossed or perforated paper or paperboard for writing, etc; other paper and paperboard for writing, printing, other graphic purposes, n.e.c. (kg)1 052 020
2123013300001992: Printed, embossed or perforated paper or paperboard for writing, etc (kg)x
2123013550001992: Paper for office machine in strips or rolls (kg)x
2123013590001992: Other paper and paperboard for writing, printing, other graphic purposes, n.e.c. (kg)x
21250: Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c.x
2125012350001992: Printed paper or paperboard labels, self-adhesive (kg)2 876 888
2125012390001992: Printed paper or paperboard labels, others (kg)1 953 613
2125012550001992: Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds (excl. printed), self-adhesive (kg)116 394
2125012590001992: Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds (excl. printed), others (kg)x
2125014200001992: Bobbins, spools..., of paper or paperboard for winding textile yarn (kg)
2125014300002000: Bobbins; spools; cops and similar supports of paper pulp; paper or paperboard (excl. of a kind used for winding textile yarn) (kg)
2125014330001992: Other cylindrical tubes and cores for winding flat or plane materials (kg)x
2125014390001992: Other spools, tubes, bobbins, drums in paper or similar (kg)x
2125014550001992: Rolls, sheets and dials, printed for self-recording apparatus (kg)-
2125014570001992: Moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp (kg)7 926 632
2125014710001992: Other articles of paper, paperboard: gaskets, jacquard paper, condenser paper, gummed, adhesive and other cut to size or shape (kg)-
2125014770001992: Other articles of paper and paperboard : cut to size or shape (kg)x
2125014900002000: Other articles of paper and paperboard : others (excl. impregnated with diagnostic or laboratory reagents) (kg)470 071
2125014990001992: Other articles of paper and paperboard : other (excl. impregnated with diagnostic or laboratory reagents) (kg)x
2125099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22110: Publishing of booksx
2211010000001992: Printed books, brochures, leaflets, etc, in single sheets (nº)1 650 386
2211020100001992: Other printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter : schoolbooks (nº)13 938 743
2211020200001992: Other printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter : children's books (nº)2 597 692
2211020300001992: Other printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter : literature (nº)7 880 703
2211020400001992: Other printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter : social sciences (nº)576 884
2211020500001992: Other printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar printed matter : science and technology (nº)358 096
2211020630001992: National, regional, local directories; telephone, telex, telefax directories (nº)
2211020650001992: Publications containing references (nº)1 941 734
2211020690001992: Printed books, brochures, leaflets and similar, albums and books for children (nº)2 085 256
2211020800001992: Children's picture, drawing or colouring books (nº)376 986
2211031000001992: Dictionaries and encyclopaedias, and serial instalments thereof (nº)720 192
2211032000001992: Maps, hydrographic or similar charts, in book-form (nº)
2211033000001992: Globes and maps, hydrographic or similar charts, printed, other than in book-form (nº)x
2211034000001992: Music, printed or in manuscript, wether or not bound or illustrated (nº)x
2211099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22120: Publishing of newspapersx
2212010000001992: Newspapers, journals and periodicals, appearing at least four times a week (nº)319 906 165
2212099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22130: Publishing of journals and periodicalsx
2213010050001992: Newspapers, appearing less than four times a week (nº)39 585 330
2213010090001992: Journals, periodicals, appearing less than four times a week (nº)227 569 699
2213099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22140: Publishing of sound recordingsx
2214011330001992: Recorded discs : 30 cm (nº)
2214011530001992: Recorded compact discs : 12 cm (nº)2 592 859
2214012300002000: Publishing of sound recordings on magnetic tapes of a width <= 4 mm (nº)2 349 580
2214012330001992: Recorded magnetic tapes of sound (w<=4mm): normal compacts cassettes (nº)x
2214012390001992: Recorded magnetic tapes of sound (w<=4mm): others (nº)x
2214099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22150: Other publishingx
2215011300001992: Printed or illustrated postcardsx
2215011500002000: Other printed or illustrated postcardsx
2215011550001992: Greetings, condolence cards, with envelopesx
2215011590001992: Other printed cards, n.e.c. (kg)x
2215011590001996: Other printed cards, n.e.c.x
2215012000001992: Pictures, designs and photographsx
2215013300001992: Transfers (decalcomanias)x
2215013500001992: Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocksx
2215099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22210: Printing of newspapersx
2221010000001992: Printing of newspapers, journals and periodicals, appearing at least four times a weekx
2221099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22220: Printing n.e.c.x
2222011000001992: New stamps; stamp-impressed paper; cheque forms; banknotes, etcx
2222012030001992: Commercial cataloguesx
2222012050001992: Other printed advertising materialx
2222012090001992: Other printed advertising materialx
2222012300001996: Commercial cataloguesx
2222012500001996: Other printed trade advertising material and the like (excl. commercial catalogues)x
2222013030001992: Other printed matter: continuous forms, printedx
2222013050001992: Transport tickets, admission tickets and cards, lottery tickets and other ticketsx
2222013070001992: Other printed matter: private and commercial purposes (excl. continuous forms)x
2222013090001992: Other printed matter: otherx
2222020130001992: Registers, account books, order and receipt books, of paper, paperboard (kg)2 884 629
2222020150001992: Note-book, letter pads and memorandum pads (excl. calendars) (kg)3 836 050
2222020170001992: Diaries (kg)595 844
2222020190001992: Other diaries and similar products n.e.c.x
2222020300001992: Exercise-books (kg)7 676 312
2222020500001992: Binders, folders and file covers of paper or paperboard (kg)8 557 706
2222020750001992: Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets, continuous forms (kg)7 727 027
2222020790001992: Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets, others (kg)104 230
2222020800002000: Printing of albums for samples,collections - stamps or photographs,of paper/paperboard (kg)285 300
2222020830001992: Albums for collections (excl. stamps) (kg)x
2222020850001992: Albums for stamps (kg)x
2222020900001992: Blotting pads, book covers and other articles of stationery of paper...x
2222031000001992: Printing of brochures, children's picture or colouring books and music printed or in manuscriptx
2222032250001992: Printing of newspapers, appearing less than four times a weekx
2222032290001992: Printing of journals, periodicals, appearing less than four times a weekx
2222032300001992: Printing of maps, hydrogaphic or similar charts of all kindsx
2222032400001992: Printing of new stamps; stamp-impressed paper; cheque forms; banknotes, etcx
2222032430001996: Printing of postcardsx
2222032450001996: Printing of transfers (decalcomanias)x
2222032500001992: Printing of calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocksx
2222032700001992: Printing of pictures, designs and photographsx
2222032900001996: Other printing n.e.c., excl. printing of textiles (incl. printing on plastic labels, plastic bags, glass panels,... )x
2222032930001992: Printing of commercial formsx
2222032950001992: Printing of permits, transport tickets, entrance cards, other ticketsx
2222032970001992: Printing of private and commercial aims (excl. continuous forms)x
2222032990001992: Printing of othersx
2222099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22230: Bookbindingx
2223010100001992: Bookbinding and finishing of books and similar articles (folding, assembling, stitching, glue, cutting, cover laying)x
2223010300001992: Bookbinding and finishing of brochures, magazines, catalogues, samples, advertising e.t.c. (folding, assembling, stitching, glue, cutting, cover laying)x
2223010500001992: Other bookbinding and finishing (finishing of printed paper or printed cardboard)x
2223099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22240: Pre-press activitiesx
2224010000001996: Composition and plate-making servicesx
2224020010001992: Printing formes without printing imagex
2224020030001992: Letterpress formes with printing imagex
2224020050001992: Offset printing plates with printing imagex
2224020070001992: Gravure cylinders or plates with printing imagex
2224020090001992: Others elements of impressionx
2224099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22250: Ancillary activities related to printingx
2225010000001996: Other graphic servicesx
2225099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
22310: Reproduction of sound recordingx
2231010300002000: Reproduction of sound or vision on magnetic tapes of a width <= 4 mm (nº)1 681 618
2231010330001992: Reproduction : magnetic tapes with sound recording (w <= 4 mm) : normal compact cassettes (nº)x
2231010350001992: Reproduction : other magnetic tapes with sound recording (w <= 4 mm) (nº)x
2231010700002000: Reproduction of sound on compact discs (nº)13 535 560
2231010730001992: Reproduction of compact discs : 12 cm (nº)x
22320: Reproduction of video recordingx
2232010500001992: Reproduction of magnetic tapes with video recording (w > 6.5 mm) (nº)3 844 587
2232010700002001: Reproduction of sound and vision on video discs and other supports (excl. magnetic tapes) (nº)
22330: Reproduction of computer mediax
2233010700001992: Reproduction of other computer supports, with data-processing informationx
23200: Manufacture of refined petroleum productsx
2320011000001996: Motor spirit (gasoline), including aviation spirit (kg)x
2320011500001999: Motor gasoline, unleaded (petroleum distillate (30°C to 220°C)prepared for spark ignition engines not containing TEL or TML) (kg)2 484 638 984
2320011700001999: Motor gasoline, leaded (petroleum distillate, 30°C to 220°C, prepared for spark ignition engines containing TEL or TML to enhance the octane number) (kg)x
2320012000001996: Spirit type (gasoline type) jet fuel (kg)511 011 176
2320013000001996: Other light petroleum oils, light preparations n.e.c. (kg)x
2320013300001999: Refinery feedstock (light oil), light semi-processed distillate used as a refinery feedstock (kg)945 840 503
2320013700001999: White spirit, industrial spirit (refined petroleum distillates in the naphtha/kerosene range) (kg)30 253 309
2320014000001996: Kerosene (kg)1 589 941
2320015000001996: Gas oils (kg)x
2320015300001999: Refinery feedstock (heavy oil); heavy semi-processed distillate used as refinery feedstock (kg)11 256 590
2320015500001999: Derv fuel (diesel for engine road vehicles, petroleum distillate, 180°C to 380°C, used in road/rail transport) (kg)4 801 651 345
2320016000001996: Other medium petroleum oils; medium preparations n.e.c. (kg)x
2320016300001999: Refinery feedstock (medium oil, semi-processed distillate used as refinery feedstock) (kg)94 146 882
2320016500001999: Medium naphtha (medium distillate used as feedstock in the petrochemical industry) (kg)681 602 805
2320017000001996: Fuel oils n.e.c. (kg)x
2320017300001999: Refinery feedstock (fuel oil, used as refinery feedstock) (kg)-
2320017500001999: Fuel oil LSC (sulphur content <1%) (kg)594 942 958
2320017700001999: Fuel oil HSC (sulphur content >1%) (kg)2 487 218 808
2320018000001996: Lubricating petroleum oils; heavy preparations n.e.c. (kg)x
2320018500001999: Lubricating oils (liquid distillates, weight of petroleum oils >= 70 %, extracted by distillation of crude oil; incl. motor oils, industrial oils and lubricating greases) (kg)161 272 761
2320021000001996: Propane and butane, liquefied (m³)x
2320021200001999: LPG (mixture of light hydrocarbons, maintained in the liquid state by increased pressure used as a power or heating fuel) (kg)338 725 057
2320021300001999: Refinery feedstock (LPG, Propane/Butanes used as refinery feedstock) (kg)26 060 363
2320022000001996: Ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene and other petroleum gases or gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas (m³)x
2320022000001999: Refinery gas (mixture of gases mainly consisting of hydrogen, methane, ethane and olefins) (TJ)60
2320031000001996: Vaseline, paraffin and waxes of oil (kg)22 140 199
2320032000001996: Petroleum coke; petroleum bitumen and other residues of petroleum oils (kg)x
2320032500001999: Petroleum bitumen (black or dark brown solid and semi-solid thermo-plastic material with waterproofing and adhesive properties.) (kg)392 554 054
2320032700001999: Other petroleum products/residues (petroleum products/residues n.e.c.) (kg)28 105 200
24110: Manufacture of industrial gasesx
2411011250001992: Argon, gaseous or liquid (m³)3 645 976
2411011500001992: Hydrogen (m³)23 737 592
2411011600001992: Nitrogen (m³)99 533 311
2411011700001992: Oxygen (m³)76 261 732
2411012350001992: Carbon dioxide, gaseous or liquid (kg)12 088 154
2411012370001992: Carbon dioxide, solid (kg)x
2411012700001992: Nitrogen oxides (kg)43 512
2411012900001992: Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non metals (kg)x
2411013000001992: Liquid air; compressed air (kg)95 993 217
2411099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24120: Manufacture of dyes and pigmentsx
2412011300001992: Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide (kg)10 352 865
2412012530001992: Lead monoxide (litharge, massicot) (kg)7 622 200
2412012550001992: Red lead and orange lead (kg PbO)140 415
2412021300001992: Basic dyes and preparations based thereon (kg)123 744
2412021400001992: Direct dyes and preparations based thereon (kg)2 293 345
2412024150001992: Pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide, >= 80% of titanium dioxide (kg TiO2)4 100
2412024190001992: Other pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide (kg TiO2)268 160
2412024300001992: Pigments and preparations based on chromium compounds (kg)450
2412024500001992: Pigments and preparations based on cadmium compounds (kg)760
2412024700001992: Other colouring matter,preparations and luminophores (kg)450 081
24130: Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicalsx
2413011110001992: Chlorine (kg)58 199 598
2413011300001992: Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon, n.e.c.) (kg)
2413013250001992: Sodium (kg)
2413014130001992: Hydrogen chloride (hydrochloric acid) (kg HCl)164 777 068
2413014550001992: Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids (kg P2O5)
2413015250001992: Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), solid (kg NaOH)
2413015270001992: Sodium hydroxide in aqueous solution (soda lye or liquid soda) (kg NaOH)103 456 646
2413021300001992: Chlorides, excl.ammonium chlorides (kg)2 468
2413021500001992: Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides of copper and other metals (kg)31 548
2413022350001992: Commercial calcium hypochlorite and other calcium hypochlorites (kg Cl)x
2413022390001992: Hypochlorites (excl. of calcium) and chlorites; hypobromites (kg Cl)85 209 964
2413022550001992: Chlorate of sodium (kg)
2413031330001992: Sulphites (kg Na2S2O5)12 700
2413031530001992: Sulphate of aluminium (kg Al2O3)
2413031550001992: Sulphate of barium (kg)805 020
2413031570001992: Sulphates other than of aluminium and barium (kg)x
2413031730001992: Alums (kg)5 415
2413032400001992: Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate (dicalcium phosphate) (kg P2O5)
2413032500001992: Trisodium, potassium phosphates, other calcium phosphate, (poly)phoshates (kg P2O5)23 275
2413033100001992: Disodium carbonate (kg Na2CO3)
2413033200001992: Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate) (kg)
2413033400001992: Calcium carbonate (kg)150 037 335
2413041500001992: Molybdates (kg)2 856
2413042500001992: Distilled water (kg)
2413052400001992: Silicates; commercial alkali metal silicates (kg SiO2)
2413052600001992: Peroxoborates (kg B2O3)
2413053000001992: Hydrogen peroxide (kg H2O2)
2413099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24141: Manufacture of resinous and related productsx
2414171400001992: Gum, wood or sulphate turpentine oils,pine oil and other alike (kg)3 454 356
2414171500001992: Rosin and resin acids, and derivatives; rosin spirit and oils; run gums (kg)50 837 538
2414199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24142: Manufacture of (vegetable and animal) charcoal and similar productsx
2414271200001992: Activated natural mineral products; animal black (kg)x
2414271700001992: Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood creosote; wood naphtha..., etc (kg)x
2414272000001992: Wood charcoal including agglomerated (kg)1 622 900
2414299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24143: Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals, n.e.c.x
2414311200001992: Acyclic hydrocarbons, saturated (kg)32 727 780
2414311300001992: Ethylene (kg)268 833 852
2414311400001992: Propene (propylene) (kg)154 975 505
2414311500001992: Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof (kg)140 674 000
2414311650001992: Buta-1, 3-diene (kg)43 273 828
2414311900001992: Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons, n.e.c. (kg)478 194
2414312130001992: Cyclohexane (kg)16 585 032
2414312150001992: Cyclanes, cyclenes and cycloterpenes other than cyclohexane (kg)1 142 180
2414312230001992: Benzene (kg)54 284 200
2414312250001992: Toluene (kg)139 748 736
2414312430001992: o-Xylene (kg)36 028 231
2414312450001992: p-Xylene (kg)96 803 271
2414312470001992: m-Xylene and mixed xylene isomers (kg)20 445 891
2414312500001992: Styrene (kg)x
2414314500001992: Hydrocarbon derivatives containing only sulpho groups, their salts, etc (kg)4 102 472
2414314700001992: Hydrocarbon derivatives containing only nitro/nitroso groups (kg)124 690 000
2414314900001992: Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of hydrocarbons, n.e.c. (kg)29 751
2414315100001992: Fluorinated, brominated or iodinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons (kg)-
2414315300001992: Halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing >= 2 halogens (kg)86 145
2414315530001992: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-Hexachlorocyclohexane (kg)85 000
2414321000001992: Industrial fatty alcohols (kg)-
2414322100001992: Methanol (methyl alcohol) (kg)25 000
2414322200001992: Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol) (kg)37 750
2414323730001992: Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic alcohols (kg)127 850
2414331200001992: Industrial stearic acid (kg)45 800
2414332150001992: Ethyl acetate (kg)350
2414332190001992: Other esters of acetic acid (kg)-
2414332430001992: Salts of stearic acid (kg)1 918 792
2414332870001992: Other saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids (kg)25 880
2414333300001992: Methacrylic acid and its salts (kg)-
2414334130001992: Dibutyl orthophthalates (kg)-
2414334150001992: Dioctyl orthophthalates (kg)-
2414334250001992: Other esters of orthophthalic acid, n.e.c. (kg)x
2414334330001992: Phthalic anhydride (kg)-
2414334750001992: Carboxilic acid with alcohol, phenol, aldehyde or ketone functions (kg)x
2414341300001992: Cyclanic...or cycloterpenic mono- or polyamines, etc; salts thereof (kg)1 525
2414341510001992: Aniline and its salts (kg)92 130 355
2414341530001992: Aniline derivatives and their salts (kg)x
2414341570001992: Other aromatic monoamines and derivatives and salts (kg)-
2414344500001992: Isocyanates (kg)81 116 555
2414361110001992: Methanal (formaldehyde) (kg)
2414363190001992: Other acyclic ethers and their halogenated... derivatives, n.e.c. (kg)40 527 713
2414363250001992: Aromatic ethers and their halogenated... derivatives (kg)x
2414363390001992: Other ethers - alcohols and their derivatives (kg)5 810 257
2414364700001992: Enzymes; prepared enzymes, n.e.c. (kg)
2414373400001992: Naphthalene and other aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures (kg)520 977 859
2414399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24151: Manufacture of chemical or mineral fertilisers and nitrogen compoundsx
2415110500001992: Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids (kg N)289 407 850
2415110750001992: Anhydrous ammonia (kg N)231 509 000
2415110770001992: Ammonia in aqueous solution (kg N)4 567 000
2415130130001992: Urea, > 45% by weight of nitrogen on dry weight of anhydrous product (kg N)64 605 000
2415130230001992: Ammonium sulphate (kg N)13 706 000
2415130290001992: Double salts and mixtures of ammonium sulphate and ammonium nitrate, n.e.c. (kg N)1 157 000
2415130300001992: Ammonium nitrate (kg N)127 158 440
2415130430001992: Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate, <= 28% nitrogen by weight (kg N)233 087 000
2415130450001992: Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate, > 28% nitrogen by weight (kg N)x
2415130900001992: Mineral or chemical fertilizers, nitrogenous, n.e.c. (kg N)87 328 000
2415140350001992: Superphosphates (kg P2O5)189 282 577
2415180230001992: Fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, > 10% nitrogen (kg effect)x
2415180230002000: Fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, > 10% nitrogen (kg)
2415180250001992: Fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, <= 10% nitrogen (kg effect)x
2415180250002000: Fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, <= 10% nitrogen (kg)180 736 000
2415180300001992: Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) (kg effect)x
2415180300002000: Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate (diammonium phosphate) (excl. in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg) (kg)12 373 000
2415180530001992: Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing nitrates and phosphates, n.e.c. (kg effect)x
2415180530002000: Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing nitrates and phosphates, n.e.c. (kg)20 201 000
2415180590001992: Mineral or chemical fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus, n.e.c. (kg effect)x
2415180590002000: Mineral or chemical fertilizers with nitrogen and phosphorus, n.e.c. (kg)156 622 000
2415180690001992: Other fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium (kg effect)x
2415180690002000: Mineral/chemical fertilizers with both phosphorus & potassium excl. potassic superphosphates (in tablets/similar forms/in packages: weight<=10kg,those with nitrogen (kg)4 580 000
2415180900001992: Other fertilizers, n.e.c. (kg effect)x
2415180900002000: Other fertilizers, n.e.c. (kg)
2415199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24152: Manufacture of organic and organic-mineral fertilisersx
2415260000001992: Animal or vegetable fertilizers (kg)187 175 539
2415299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24160: Manufacture of plastics in primary formsx
2416010350001992: Linear polyethylene having a specific gravity < 0.94, in primary forms (kg)5 014 181
2416010390001992: Other polyethylene having a specific gravity < 0.94, in primary forms (kg)129 807 331
2416010500001992: Polyethylene having a specific gravity >= 0.94, in primary forms (kg)101 649 585
2416010700001992: Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, in primary forms (kg)x
2416020350001992: Expansible polystyrene, in primary forms (kg)196 853
2416020390001992: Polystyrene (excl. expansible), in primary forms (kg)6 594 149
2416020500001992: Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers, in primary forms (kg)37 379
2416020700001992: Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers, in primary forms (kg)
2416020900001992: Polymers of styrene, in primary forms, n.e.c. (kg)16 572 200
2416030100001992: Polyvinyl chloride, not mixed with other substances, in primary forms (kg)168 851 830
2416030230001992: Non-plasticised polyvinyl chloride mixed, in primary forms (kg)16 133 906
2416030250001992: Plasticised polyvinyl chloride mixed, in primary forms (kg)51 468 883
2416030700001992: Fluoro-polymers (excl. polytetrafluoroethylene), in primary forms (kg)x
2416030900001992: Polymers of halogenated olefins, in primary forms, n.e.c. (kg)128 000
2416040150001992: Polyethylene glycols and other polyetheralcohols in primary forms (kg)17 210
2416040250001992: Other polyethers, other forms (kg)1 758 689
2416040300001992: Epoxide resins, in primary forms (kg)x
2416040450001992: Polycarbonates, other primary forms (kg)33 739
2416040500001992: Alkyd resins, in primary forms (kg)10 715 616
2416040630001992: Polyethylene terephthalate, moulding powders (kg)x
2416040640002000: Other polyethylene terephthalate (kg)59 886 038
2416040650001992: Polyethylene terephthalate, other primary forms (kg)x
2416040700001992: Other unsaturated liquid polyesters (kg)7 532 646
2416051370001992: Polypropylene, other primary forms (kg)2 749 603
2416051500001992: Other polymers of propylene or other olefins, in primary forms, n.e.c. (kg)48 492
2416052300001992: Polymers of vinyl acetate, in aqueous dispersion, in primary forms (kg)16 825 734
2416052700001992: Other vinyl esters & vinyl polymers in primary forms (kg)x
2416053970001992: Other acrylic polymers prepared, other primary forms (kg)8 984 989
2416055550001992: Urea resins; thiourea resins, moulding powders (kg)8 320
2416055570001992: Urea resins; thiourea resins, others primary forms (kg)
2416055770001992: Melamine resins, other primary forms (kg)
2416056370001992: Other amino resins, n.e.c., other primary forms (kg)11 706 053
2416056570001992: Phenolic resins, other primary forms (kg)
2416056700001992: Polyurethanes, in primary forms (kg)13 916 420
2416058600001992: Natural and modified polymers, n.e.c., in primary forms (kg)
2416099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24170: Manufacture of synthetic rubber in primary formsx
2417010500001992: Latex (kg)x
2417010900001992: Other rubbers (kg)1 472 743
24200: Manufacture of pesticides and other agro-chemical productsx
2420011200001992: Insecticides based on botanical products, biologicals (kg act.sub)
2420011300001992: Insecticides based on chlorinat. hydrocarbons(e.g. BHC, DDT, D-D, Aldrin,...) (kg act.sub)38 764
2420011400001992: Insecticides based on carbamates (e.g. Aldicarb, Carbofuran, Methomyl,...) (kg act.sub)26 449
2420011500001992: Insecticides based on organophosphorus products (kg act.sub)473 221
2420011600001992: Insecticides based on pyrethroids (kg act.sub)3 694
2420011700001992: Insecticides based on minerals oils (kg act.sub)464 524
2420011900001992: Other insecticides (kg act.sub)701 462
2420012200001992: Herbicides: based on phenoxy hormone products (kg act.sub)41 128
2420012300001992: Herbicides: based on triazines (ex: Atrazine, Simazine,...) (kg act.sub)314 546
2420012400001992: Herbicides: based on acetamides (ex: Alachlor, Butachlor,...) (kg act.sub)253 558
2420012500001992: Herbicides: based on carbamates (ex: Barban, Propham,...) (kg act.sub)251 834
2420012600001992: Herbicides: based on dinitroanilines (ex: Trifluralin, Pendimethalin,...) (kg act.sub)-
2420012700001992: Herbicides: based on urea, uracil and sulphonylurea (kg act.sub)110 640
2420012900001992: Other herbicides: (ex: Dalapon, Dicamba,...) (kg act.sub)1 093 028
2420013500001992: Anti-sprouting products p.r.s. (kg act.sub)
2420013700001992: Plant-growth regulators p.r.s. (kg act.sub)95 610
2420014090001992: Other disinfectants (kg act.sub)x
2420014300001996: Disinfectants based on ammonium (kg act.sub)x
2420014900001996: Other disinfectants (kg act.sub)1 979 670
2420015520001992: Inorganics fungicides, bactericides and seeds treatments, (ex:Sulphur,...) (kg act.sub)13 768 834
2420015530001992: Fungicides, bacter., seeds treat. :based on dithiocarbamates (Ziram, ...) (kg act.sub)728 620
2420015550001992: Fungicides, bacter., seeds treat.: based on benzimidazoles (Benomyl, ...) (kg act.sub)17 953
2420015560001992: Fungicides, bacter., seeds treat.: based on tria-, diazoles (Triadimefon, ...) (kg act.sub)27 644
2420015590001992: Other fungicides, bactericides and seeds treatments: (ex: Captan,...) (kg act.sub)432 151
2420015730001992: Rodenticides anti-coagulants (e.g. Brodifacoum, chlorophacinone, coumatetralyl, ...) (kg act.sub)8 852
2420015750001992: Others rodenticides (e.g. Zinc phosphite, etc.) (kg act.sub)-
2420015790001992: Other similar products (kg act.sub)466 485
2420099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24301: Manufacture of paints (except printing ink), varnishes, mastics and related productsx
2430111500001992: Paints... based on acrylic or vinyl polymers, in an aqueous medium (kg)111 763 204
2430111700001992: Other paints, varnishes dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium (kg)x
2430111720001996: Other paints, varnishes dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium - based on alkyd resins (kg)4 700
2430111730001996: Other paints, varnishes dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium - electrophoretic paints (kg)x
2430111750001996: Other paints, varnishes dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium - indoor use (kg)727 850
2430111770001996: Other paints, varnishes dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium - outdoor use (kg)919 893
2430112250001992: Paints and varnishes, etc., based on polyesters, weight of the solvent >= 50% of the total (kg)89 231
2430112290001992: Other paints and varnishes based on polyesters (kg)12 569 055
2430112300001992: Paints,varnishes based on acrylic or vinyl polymers, see note 4 of HS 32 (kg)638 655
2430112550001992: Other paints and varnishes based on acrylic polymers (kg)2 625 351
2430112570001992: Other paints and varnishes based on vinyl polymers (kg)461 861
2430112700001992: Paints and varnishes: solutions n.e.c. (kg)495 012
2430112900001992: Other paints and varnishes based on synthetic polymers n.e.c. (kg)31 925 838
2430121300001992: Prepared pigments, opacifiers and colours... for ceramics, etc. (kg)609 285
2430121500001992: Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, englobes and similar preparations (kg)29 450 955
2430121700001992: Liquid lustres and similar preparations, glass frit and other glass (kg)65 430 381
2430122130001992: Other paints, varnish, water pigments for finish. leather: oil paints and varnish (kg)590 749
2430122200001992: Prepared driers (kg)94 918
2430122300001992: Stamping foils (kg)x
2430122450001992: Other pigments; dyes and other colouring matters p.r.s. (kg)313 449
2430122530001992: Mastics (kg)978 225
2430122550001992: Painters' fillings (kg)679 348
2430122600001992: Glaziers putty, etc, non-refractory surfacing preparations (kg)31 159 875
2430122730001992: Organic composite solvents and thinners based on butyl acetate, n.e.c. (kg)4 650 539
2430122790001992: Other organic composite solvents and thinners, n.e.c. (kg)11 081 482
2430123500001992: Colours in sets (kg)29 693
2430123700001992: Artists', students' or signboard painters' colours in packings, n.e.c. (kg)x
2430199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24302: Manufacture of printing inkx
2430224530001992: Black printing inks : lithographic (kg)1 571
2430224550001992: Black printing inks : flexographic (kg)16 114
2430224590001992: Black printing inks : others (kg)x
2430224730001992: Other printing inks : lithographic (kg)244 795
2430224750001992: Other printing inks : flexographic (kg)1 688 995
2430224790001992: Other printing inks : others (kg)7 441
2430299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24410: Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical productsx
2441020500001992: Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides, n.e.c. (kg)25 860
2441020700001992: Cyclic amides but ureines (incl. carbamates) and derivatives; salts thereof, n.e.c. (kg)
2441031550001992: Malonylurea (barbituric acid) and its derivatives; salts thereof (kg)x
2441031800001992: Compounds containing a phenothiazine ring-system, not further fused (kg)6 169
2441032000001992: Sulphonamides (kg)x
2441051230001992: Vitamins A and their derivatives, unmixedx
2441051250001992: Vitamin B1 and its derivatives, unmixedx
2441051450001992: Vitamin B12 and its derivatives, unmixedx
2441051590001992: Other vitamins and their derivatives, unmixed, n.e.c.x
2441051900001992: Mixed and natural concentrates of vitaminsx
2441052370001992: Halogenated derivatives of adrenal cortical hormonesx
2441052500001992: Insulin and its saltsx
2441052650002002: Halogenated derivatives of corticosteroidal hormones (g)-
2441052700001992: Oestrogens and progesteronesx
2441052810002002: Steroidal hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues (excl. cortisone; hydrocortisone; prednisone and prednisolone; halogenated derivatives of corticosteroidal hormones; oestrogens and progestogens) (g)
2441052900001992: Other hormones and derivatives, n.e.c.; other steroids used as hormonesx
2441053230001992: Alkaloids of opium and their derivatives; salts thereofx
2441053400001992: Ephedrines and their saltsx
2441053800002002: Vegetable alkaloids and their salts; ethers; esters and other derivatives (excl. opium, cinchona, caffeine, ephedrines, theophylline and aminophylline, rye ergot)x
2441053900001992: Other vegetable alkaloids and their salts, etc; salts thereof, n.e.c.x
2441054300001992: Penicillins and derivatives with a penicillanic acid structure; salts thereofx
2441054300001998: Penicillins and their derivatives with a penicillanic acid structure; and salts thereof (kg)13 421
2441054400001992: Streptomycins and their derivatives; salts thereofx
2441054500001992: Tetracyclines and their derivatives; salts thereofx
2441054500001998: Tetracyclines and their derivatives; and salts thereof (kg)
2441054600001992: Chloramphenicol and its derivatives; salts thereofx
2441054700001992: Erythromycin and its derivatives; salts thereofx
2441054700001998: Erythromycin and its derivatives; and salts thereof (kg)3 333
2441054900001992: Other antibiotics, n.e.c.x
2441054900001998: Other antibiotics, n.e.c. (kg)x
2441060100001992: Glands and other organs, driedx
2441060500001992: Human and animal blood; microbial cultures; toxins, etc. n.e.c.x
2441099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24421: Manufacture of medicamentsx
2442111500001992: Medicaments of other antibiotics, n.p.r.s.x
2442111600001996: Medicaments of penicillins, streptomycins or deriv. thereof, in doses or p.r.s.x
2442111800001996: Medicaments of other antibiotics, p.r.s.x
2442112650002002: Medicaments containing corticosteroid hormones, their derivatives and structural analogues, put up in measured doses or for retail salex
2442112700001996: Medicaments of adrenal cortex hormones, p.r.s.x
2442112800001996: Medicaments of other hormones, p.r.s., n.e.c.x
2442113100001996: Medicaments of alkaloids or derivatives thereof, n.p.r.s.x
2442113200001996: Other medicaments for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, of HS 3003, n.p.r.s.x
2442113400001996: Medicaments of alkaloids or derivatives thereof, p.r.s.x
2442113600001996: Other medicaments of vitamins or other products of HS 2936 p.r.s.x
2442113800001996: Other medicaments of mixed or unmixed products, p.r.s., n.e.c.x
2442113900001992: Other medicaments for therapeut. or prophylact. uses, of HS 3003 n.p.r.s.x
2442121300001992: Medicaments of penicillins, streptomycins or deriv. thereof, in doses or p.r.s.x
2442121500001992: Medicaments of other antibiotics, p.r.s.x
2442122300001992: Medicaments of insulin, p.r.s.x
2442122500001992: Medicines containing corticosteroids, p.r.s.x
2442122700001992: Medicaments of other hormones, p.r.s., n.e.c.x
2442123300001992: Medicaments of alkaloids or derivatives thereof, p.r.s.x
2442123500001992: Other medicaments of vitamins or other products of HS 2936 p.r.s.x
2442123700001992: Other medicaments of mixed or unmixed products, p.r.s., n.e.c.x
2442199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24422: Manufacture of other pharmaceutical preparations and pharmaceuticalsx
2442221200001996: Antisera and other blood fractionsx
2442221600001996: Vaccines for veterinary medicinex
2442224100001996: Adhesive dressings or similar articles, impregnated or p.r.s.x
2442224300001996: Wadding, gauze, etc with pharmaceutical substances, p.r.s., n.e.c.x
2442224700001996: First-aid boxes and kitsx
2442232400001992: Antisera and other blood fractionsx
2442232690001992: Vaccines for veterinary medicinex
2442241100001992: Adhesive dressings or similar articles; impregnated or coated with pharmaceutical substances; or put up in forms for retail salex
2442241300001992: Wadding, gauze, etc, with pharmaceutical substances, p.r.s., n.e.c.x
2442242500001992: Opacifying preparations for X-ray examinations; diagnostic reagents designed to be administered to the patientx
2442299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24511: Manufacture of soap, detergents and glycerolx
2451110500001992: Glycerol (glycerine), crude, glycerol waters and glycerol lyes (kg)
2451120200001992: Anionic surface-active agents, (excl. soap) (kg)83 400
2451120300001992: Cationic surface-active agents, (excl. soap) (kg)607 818
2451120500001992: Non-ionic surface-active agents, (excl. soap) (kg)57 330
2451120900001992: Organic surface-active agents, (excl. soap), nes (kg)480 836
2451131200001992: Soap and organic surface-active products in bars, etc, for toilet use (kg)16 782 094
2451131530001992: Soap and organic surface-active products in bars, etc, industry (kg)17 456
2451131550001992: Soap and organic surface-active products in bars, etc, domestic (kg)4 642 941
2451131590001992: Soap and organic surface-active products in bars, etc, others (kg)133 541
2451131730001992: Soap in other forms, flakes, wafers, granules or powders (kg)80 400
2451131790001992: Soap in other forms (kg)19 601 782
2451131830002002: Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin; whether or not containing soap, p.r.s. (kg)1 309 103
2451132300001992: Surface-active preparation, p.r.s. (kg)x
2451132400002002: Surface-active preparations; whether or not containing soap; p.r.s. (excl. those for use as soap) (kg)134 190 410
2451132520001992: Washing and cleaning preparations, p.r.s. : main wash (kg)1 738 006
2451132530001992: Washing and cleaning preparations, p.r.s. : delicate wash (kg)9 718 484
2451132550001992: Washing and cleaning preparations, p.r.s. : fabric conditioner (kg)x
2451132570001992: Washing and cleaning preparations, p.r.s. : dishes (kg)37 593 335
2451132590001992: Washing and cleaning preparations, p.r.s. : others (kg)30 651 334
2451132600001992: Washing and cleaning surface-active preparations, n.p.r.s. (kg)29 859 609
2451132720001992: Washing and cleaning preparations, n.p.r.s. : carpets, wall to wall carpets (kg)62 857
2451132730001992: Washing and cleaning preparations, n.p.r.s. : modern floors (kg)3 866 894
2451132740001992: Washing cars preparations n.p.r.s. (kg)796 873
2451132750001992: Washing windows preparations n.p.r.s. (kg)398 642
2451132770001992: Washing WC preparations n.p.r.s. (kg)1 022 697
2451132790001992: Others washing and cleaning preparations n.p.r.s. (kg)4 233 838
2451199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24512: Manufacture of cleaning and polishing preparationsx
2451241000001992: Preparations for perfuming or deodorizing roomsx
2451242500001992: Artificial and prepared waxes of chemically modified lignite (kg)36 827
2451242700001992: Artificial and prepared waxes of polyethylene glycol (kg)4 311
2451242900001992: Other artificial and prepared waxes including sealing waxes (kg)475 167
2451243350001992: Polishes, creams and similar preparations for footwear (kg)1 053 811
2451243370001992: Polishes, creams and similar preparations for leather (kg)2 962
2451243550001992: Polishes, creams and similar preparations for maintenance of floors or other woodwork (kg)736 883
2451243570001992: Polishes, creams and similar preparations for maintenance of wooden furniture (kg)844 953
2451243750001992: Car paint improvements (kg)238 839
2451243770001992: Car polishes (kg)51 717
2451243790001992: Other preparations (kg)60 981
2451243830001992: Metal polishes (kg)1 873
2451243890001992: Other polishes, creams and similar preparations, n.e.c. (kg)665 517
2451244000001992: Scouring pastes and powders and other scouring preparations (kg)67 600
2451299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24520: Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparationsx
2452011500001992: Perfumes (l)25 028
2452011700001992: Toilet waters (l)11 624
2452012500001992: Lip make-up preparations (kg)
2452012500001996: Lip make-up preparationsx
2452012700001992: Eye make-up preparations (kg)
2452012700001996: Eye make-up preparationsx
2452013030001992: Other beauty preparations: hand care preparations (kg)23 645
2452013030001996: Other beauty preparations: hand care preparationsx
2452013050001992: Other beauty preparations: foot care preparations (kg)40 425
2452013050001996: Other beauty preparations: foot care preparationsx
2452014000001992: Powders, whether or not compressed, for cosmetic/toilet use (kg)
2452014000001996: Powders, whether or not compressed, for cosmetic/toilet usex
2452015010001992: Other beauty preparations: face make-up preparations (kg)
2452015010001996: Other beauty preparations: face make-up preparationsx
2452015020001992: Other beauty preparations: face cleaners including make-up removers (kg)1 825
2452015020001996: Other beauty preparations: face cleaners including make-up removersx
2452015030001992: Other beauty preparations: face care preparations - lotions, creams, special treatments (kg)20 307
2452015030001996: Other beauty preparations: face care preparations - lotions, creams, special treatmentsx
2452015050001992: Other beauty preparations: body care preparations - lotions, creams (incl. for babies) (kg)1 531 930
2452015050001996: Other beauty preparations: body care preparations - lotions, creams (incl. for babies)x
2452015070001992: Other beauty preparations: suntan preparations (kg)
2452015070001996: Other beauty preparations: suntan preparationsx
2452015090001992: Other beauty prep. : others (kg)106
2452015090001996: Other beauty prep. : othersx
2452016350001992: Shampoos, liquids (l)6 223 398
2452016390001992: Other shampoosx
2452016500001992: Preparations for permanent waving or straightening of hairx
2452016700001992: Hair lacquersx
2452017020001992: Hair conditionersx
2452017030001992: Hair setting lotions and foamsx
2452017050001992: Hair creams, brilliantinesx
2452017070001992: Colouring shampoos, hair dyers, bleachesx
2452017090001992: Other preparation for use on the hairx
2452018500001992: Dentifrices (kg)x
2452018500001996: Dentifrices (nº)2 136 480
2452018900001992: Preparations for oral or dental hygiene (incl. denture fixative and dental floss), n.e.c.x
2452019350001992: Pre-shave, shaving and after-shave lotionsx
2452019370001992: Pre-shave, shaving and after-shave creams and otherx
2452019500001992: Personal deodorants and antiperspirantsx
2452019700001992: Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparationsx
2452019930001992: Preparations for intimate hygienex
2452019950001992: Depilatoriesx
2452019970001992: Baby preparations, other than shampoos, creams and powdersx
2452019990001992: Other preparations : othersx
2452099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24610: Manufacture of explosivesx
2461011300001992: Propellent powders (kg)303 104
2461011500001992: Prepared explosives, (excl. propellent powders) (kg)15 381 508
2461012500001992: Safety fuses; detonating fuses (km)3 546
2461013000001992: Fireworks (kg)250 753
2461014000001992: Signalling flares... and other pyrotechnic articles (excl. fireworks) (kg)3 220
2461099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24620: Manufacture of glues and gelatinesx
2462010130001992: Casein glues (kg)428 895
2462010370001992: Gelatin and derivatives, technical grade (kg)x
2462010500001992: Bone glues and other gelatins (kg)x
2462010600001992: Glues containing dextrins or other modified starches (kg)
2462010700001992: Products as glues or adhesives p.r.s., =< 1 kg (kg)x
2462010800001992: Adhesives based on rubber or plastic (incl. artificial resins) (kg)x
2462010900001992: Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, n.e.c. (kg)x
2462010950001999: Prepared glues and other prepared adhesives, n.e.c. (kg)76 006 232
2462099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24630: Manufacture of essential oilsx
2463010200001992: Essential oils (kg)147 655
2463010300001992: Resinoids (kg)x
2463010500001992: Concentrates of essential oils in fats... aqueous distillates, etc (kg)x
2463010790001992: Mixtures of odoriferous substances, others (kg)2 720
2463099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24640: Photographic chemicalsx
2464099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24650: Holders of information prepared for sound recording, or recorded, not recordedx
2465010000001992: Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording (kg)x
24660: Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c.x
2466010000001992: Animal or vegetable fats and oils... chemically modified, n.e.c. (kg)364 498
2466020000001992: Inks, other than for printing (kg)65 345
2466031550001992: Preparations for lubricating textile materials, with < 70 petroleum oil (kg)24 132
2466031570001992: Other lubricating preparations, with < 70 petroleum oil, n.e.c. (kg)56 191
2466031750001992: Preparations for lubricating textile materials, etc, n.e.c. (kg)4 091 134
2466031790001992: Other lubricating preparations, n.e.c. (kg)4 732 196
2466032700001992: Additives for lubricating oils (kg)7 898
2466032900001992: Other additives, n.e.c. (kg)48 034
2466033300001992: Hydraulic brake fluids and similar liquids with < 70 petroleum oil (kg)23 409
2466033550001992: Anti-freezing preparations (kg)869 601
2466043700001992: Other chemical elements in disk form and compounds, doped for electronics (kg)27 829
2466045520001992: Finishing agents, etc, with amylaceous basis (< 55%) (kg)x
2466045530001992: Finishing agents, etc, with amylaceous basis (>=55% <70%) (kg)x
2466045550001992: Finishing agents, etc, with amylaceous basis (>=70% <83%) (kg)x
2466045570001992: Finishing agents, etc, with amylaceous basis (>=83%) (kg)
2466045710001996: Washing and cleaning preparations, p.r.s. : fabric conditioner (kg)3 227 258
2466045730001992: Finishing agents, etc., used in the textile industry (excl. fabric conditioners) (kg)3 030 032
2466045750001992: Finishing agents, etc, used in the paper industry (kg)x
2466045770001992: Finishing agents, dye carriers and other preparations, nes (kg)x
2466045800001996: Finishing agents, etc., used in the paper industry (kg)57 183 839
2466045900001996: Finishing agents, dye carriers and other preparations, n.e.c. (kg)1 336 765
2466046200001992: Pickling preparations for metal surfaces (kg)78 028
2466046400001992: Compound plasticisers for rubber or plastics, n.e.c. (kg)x
2466046500001992: Anti-oxidising preparations and stabilizers for rubber or plastics (kg)4 514 766
2466046700001992: Mixed alkylbenzenes, mixed alkylnaphthalenes other than HS 2707 or 2902 (kg)59 700
2466047500001992: Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes (kg)26 749 408
2466047700001992: Sorbitol (excl. that of 2905.44) (kg)x
2466048130001992: Petroleum sulphonates...(see CN description) (kg)x
2466048150001992: Ion exchangers (kg)67 500
2466048270001992: Anti-rust preparations containing amines as active constituents (kg)33 438
2466048300001992: Inorganic composite solvents and thinners (kg)329 841
2466048400001999: Anti-scaling and similar compounds (kg)931 028
2466048430001992: Domestic anti-scaling and similar compounds (kg)x
2466048450001992: Other anti-scaling and similar compounds (kg)x
2466048530001992: Preparations for electroplating (kg)146 431
2466048570001992: Mixtures of mono-, di- and tri- fatty acid esters of glycerol (kg)
2466048630001992: Products and preparations for pharmaceutical and surgical uses (kg)x
2466048650001992: Auxiliary products for foundries (kg)-
2466048670001992: Fire-, waterproofing and similar products used in building industries (kg)13 465 379
2466048790001992: Other mixtures of perhalogenated derivatives (kg)145 963
2466048900001992: Other mixtures of 38.23, n.e.c. (kg)x
2466048990001999: Other chemical products; preparations and residual products of the chemical or allied industries (kg)2 293 244
2466099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
24700: Manufacture of man-made fibresx
2470011200001992: Synthetic filament tow and staple, not carded or combed, of nylon or other polyamid (kg)x
2470011300001992: Synthetic filament tow and staple, not carded or combed, of polyester (kg)x
2470011500001992: Synthetic filament tow & staple not carded or combed of acrylic or modacrylic (kg)x
2470011950001992: Filament tow and staple, of polypropylene, not carded or combed (kg)
2470011970002001: Other synthetic tow and staple not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning (kg)63 854 257
2470011990001992: Other synthetic filament tow and staple, not carded or combed (kg)x
2470013150001992: Textured yarn of polyester (kg)3 292 234
2470013230001992: Textured yarn of polypropylene (kg)3 200 105
2470013250001992: Other textured yarn (kg)x
2470013300001992: Other yarn single of nylon or other polyamides, n.p.r.s. (kg)x
2470013500001992: Other yarn single of polyesters, n.p.r.s. (kg)4 037 065
2470013700001992: Single yarn of polypropylene, n.p.r.s. (kg)329 965
2470013900001992: Single synthetic yarn, n.p.r.s. (kg)183 500
2470014050001992: Monofilament >= 67 decitex; strip and the like of polypropylene (kg)4 010 217
2470014070001992: Monofilament >= 67 decitex; strip and the like of synthetic textile products n.e.c. (kg)3 164 708
2470023300001992: Artificial filament textured yarn < 67 decitex (kg)757 738
2470030500001992: Waste of synthetic fibres (kg)263 239
2470030700001992: Waste of artificial fibres (kg)-
2470099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
25110: Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubesx
2511011000001992: New pneumatic tyres, of rubber of a kind used on motor cars (nº)551 494
2511012370001992: New pneumatic tyres, used on scooters (nº)2 225
2511013550001992: New pneumatic tyres for light trucks having a load index number =< 121 (nº)10 492 962
2511013570001992: New pneumatic tyres for heavy trucks having a load index number > 121 (nº)6 634
2511014020001992: New tires for drive wheels used in agriculture (material and machinery for agriculture and forestry) (nº)x
2511014030001992: New tires for steered wheels used in agriculture (material and machinery for agriculture and forestry) (nº)x
2511014040001996: New tyres, for agricultural, forest and similar uses (nº)4 718
2511014050001992: New earthmover tyres (nº)x
2511014070001992: New industrial pneumatic tyres (nº)x
2511015500001992: Tyre flaps (nº)15 630
2511015730001992: Inner tubes, of rubber, for use on cars/vans (nº)x
2511016000001992: Camel back for retreading tyres (kg)5 594 860
2511099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
25120: Retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyresx
2512010030001992: Retreaded tyres of rubber of a kind used on motor cars (nº)x
2512010050001992: Retreaded tyres of rubber of a kind used on buses and lorries (nº)x
2512010070001992: Retreaded tyres of rubber for use on airplanes (nº)x
2512010090001992: Retreaded tyres of rubber n.e. (nº)x
2512010300001996: Retreaded tyres for use on motor cars (nº)573 235
2512010500001996: Retreaded tyres for use on commercial vehicles (nº)310 619
2512010900001999: Retreaded tyres of rubber (incl. of a kind used on aircraft; excl. of a kind used on motor cars; buses or lorries) (nº)67 949
2512010990001996: Retreaded tyres for other uses (nº)x
2512099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
25130: Manufacture of other rubber productsx
2513010000001992: Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strips (kg)x
2513020130001992: Rubber compounded with carbon black or silica, unvulcanized (kg)
2513020150001992: Rubber solutions; dispersions, unvulcanized, n.e.c. (kg)
2513020190001992: Compounded rubber-unvulcanized, other than in CN 4005.10 and 4005.20 (kg)2 245 932
2513020300001992: Other forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber, n.e.c. (kg)
2513020500001992: Vulcanized rubber thread and cord (kg)
2513020700001999: Plates, sheets and strip of vulcanized rubber (kg)3 899 393
2513020730001992: Plates, sheets and strips of vulcanized rubber, for shoe soling (kg)x
2513020790001992: Other plates, sheets and strips of vulcanized rubber (kg)x
2513020830001992: Extruded rods and profile shapes of cellular vulcanized rubber, n.e.c. (kg)
2513020850001992: Plates, sheets, strips for floor covering of non-cellular vulcanized rubber (excl. hard) (kg)
2513020870001992: Extruded non-cellular rubber rods and profiles, other than hard rubber (kg)411 720
2513030300001992: Rubber tubing not reinforced (kg)228 496
2513030550001992: Rubber hose reinforced with metal (kg)
2513030570001992: Rubber hose reinforced with textiles (kg)
2513030590001992: Rubber hose reinforced or combined with other materials (kg)
2513030700001992: Rubber hose assemblies (kg)2 282 912
2513040300001992: Rubber transmission belts of trapezoidal and/or striped configuration (incl. V belts) (kg)26 280
2513040500001992: Rubber conveyor belts (kg)
2513060550001992: Household gloves (pa)x
2513060700001992: Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (excl. gloves of vulcanized rubber) (kg)x
2513071900001992: Other hygienic or pharmaceutical articles (kg)
2513072000001992: Floor coverings and mats of vulcanized rubber, non-cellular (kg)2 239 111
2513073100001992: Other articles of vulcanized cellular rubber for technical uses (kg)18 785
2513073230001992: Seals, of vulcanized rubber (kg)237 703
2513073250001992: Boat or dock fenders, of vulcanized rubber (kg)
2513073270001992: Inflatable articles, of vulcanized rubber (kg)
2513073430001996: Expansion joints for pipes (kg)26 870
2513073450001996: Rubber-to-metal bonded articles, for vehicles of HS 8701 to 8705 (kg)123 715
2513073470001996: Moulded rubber articles for vehicles of HS 8701 to 8705 (kg)4 248 908
2513073490001996: Rubber-to-metal bonded articles, for other uses (kg)442 553
2513073520001992: Rubber-metal parts for automobiles obtained by chemical adhesion (kg)x
2513073530001992: Rubber-metal parts for other purposes obtained by chemical adhesion (kg)x
2513073540001992: Molded rubber parts for automobiles (kg)x
2513073550001992: Molded rubber parts for other applications (kg)x
2513073570001992: Coatings cylinder (kg)x
2513073590001992: Other vulcanized rubber articles for other uses (kg)x
2513073600001999: Articles of vulcanized solid rubber (incl. rubber bands, tobacco-pouches, characters for date stamps and the like, stoppers and rings for bottles; excl. hard rubber) (kg)2 736 702
2513073650001996: Moulded rubber articles for other uses n.e.c. (kg)x
2513073670001996: Roller coverings (kg)x
2513073690001996: Other vulcanized rubber articles n.e.c. (kg)x
2513073730001992: Hard rubber in bulk or blocks, plates, sheets or strips, etc. (kg)x
2513073750001992: Hard rubber scrap, waste and powder (kg)x
2513073770001992: Articles of hard rubber (kg)x
2513073790001999: Hard rubber, hard rubber scrap; waste and powder and articles of hard rubber (kg)420 328
2513099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
25210: Manufacture of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profilesx
2521010500001992: Monofilament with section > 1mm, rods... and profile shapes, of polymers of ethylene (kg)
2521010700001992: Monofilament with section > 1mm, rods..., etc, of polymers of vinyl chloride (kg)2 919 841
2521010900001992: Monofilament with section > 1mm, rods... and profile shapes, of other plastics, n.e.c. (kg)x
2521010930001996: Monofilament with section > 1mm, rods... and profile shapes, of other plastics, fibre-reinforced (kg)2 155 666
2521010970001996: Monofilament with section > 1mm, rods... and profile shapes, of other plastics, not fibre-reinforced (kg)339 928
2521021530001992: Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of ethylene (kg)31 993 100
2521021550001992: Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of propylene (kg)10 340 308
2521021570001992: Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of polymers of vinyl chloride (kg)93 299 327
2521021700001992: Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of other plastics n.e.c. (kg)x
2521021730001996: Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of other plastics, fibre-reinforced (kg)138 635
2521021770001996: Tubes, pipes and hoses, rigid, of other plastics, not fibre-reinforced (kg)255 447
2521022200001992: Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses, with a burst pressure >= 27.6 MPa (kg)680 115
2521022350001992: Tubes, pipes and hoses, not reinforced, without fittings n.e.c. (kg)2 479 346
2521022370001992: Tubes, pipes and hoses, not reinforced, with fittings attached n.e.c. (kg)17 184
2521022500001992: Other tubes, pipes and hoses n.e.c. (kg)9 535 491
2521022700001992: Fittings, for tubes, pipes and hoses, of plastic (kg)6 302 109
2521030130001992: Other plates..., of polymers of ethylene, not reinforced, thickness =< 0.125 mm, density < 0.94 mm (kg)38 694 874
2521030150001992: Other plates..., of polymers of ethylene, not reinforced, thickness =< 0.125 mm, density => 0.94 (kg)5 494 585
2521030170001992: Other plates..., of polymers of ethylene, not reinforced, etc., thickness > 0.125 mm (kg)13 582 551
2521030210001992: Other plates..., of biaxially orientated polymers of propylene, thickness =< 0.10 mm (kg)
2521030230001992: Other plates..., of polymers of propylene, thickness =< 0.10 mm, others (kg)3 222 175
2521030270001992: Other stripes, 5 mm < width <= 20 mm, thickness > 0.10 mm (kg)977 142
2521030290001992: Other stripes, thickness > 0.10 mm (kg)8 670
2521030300001992: Other plates..., of polymers of styrene, not reinforced, etc. (kg)20 004 766
2521030350002002: Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of polymers of vinyl chloride, containing => 6 % of plasticers, thickness <= 1 mm (kg)4 920 962
2521030360002002: Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of polymers of vinyl chloride, containing >= 6 % of plasticers, thickness > 1 mm (kg)
2521030370002002: Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of polymers of vinyl chloride, containing < 6 % of plasticers, thickness <= 1 mm (kg)3 983 890
2521030380002002: Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of polymers of vinyl chloride, containing < 6 % of plasticers, thickness > 1 mm (kg)2 575 398
2521030410001992: Other plates..., of polymers of vinyl chloride, rigid, non-plastified, thickness =< 1 mm (kg)x
2521030420001992: Other plates..., of polymers of vinyl chloride, rigid, non-plastified, thickness > 1 mm (kg)x
2521030480001992: Other plates..., of polymers of vinyl chloride, flexible, plastified, thickness =< 1 mm (kg)x
2521030530001992: Plates..., of polymethyl methacrylate, not reinforced, etc. (kg)
2521030820001992: Plates..., of polyamides, not reinforced, etc. (kg)
2521041200001992: Cellular plates, strips... of polymers of styrene (kg)x
2521041230001996: Cellular plates, strips... of fibre-reinforced polymers of styrene (kg)x
2521041270001996: Cellular plates, strips... of other polymers of styrene (kg)2 585 525
2521041300001992: Cellular plates, strips... of polymers of vinyl chloride (kg)x
2521041500001992: Cellular plates, strips... of polymers of polyurethanes (kg)4 156 634
2521041800001992: Cellular plates, strips... of epoxide resins and other plastics, n.e.c. (kg)x
2521041830001996: Cellular plates, strips... of epoxide resins and other plastics, fibre-reinforced (kg)x
2521042330001996: Non cellular plates, strips..., of fibre-reinforced polyesters (kg)18 938 705
2521042530001996: Non cellular plates, strips..., of fibre-reinforced phenolic resins (kg)
2521042750001992: Plates..., of amino-resins high pressure laminated with a decorated surface (kg)3 954 947
2521042770001992: Other plates, sheets, films, foil and strip, of polymerization products (kg)x
2521042790001999: Other plates, sheets, films, foil and strip, of polymerization products (kg)
2521042800002000: Other plates..., non cellular of plastics other than made by polymerization (kg)1 096 500
2521042830001992: Other plates..., of polyamid / polyethylene (kg)x
2521042850001992: Other plates..., of polypropylene / polyethylene (kg)x
2521042870001992: Other plates..., of polyethylene / terephthalate of polyethylene (kg)x
2521099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
25220: Manufacture of plastic packing goodsx
2522011020001992: Sacks and bags (incl. cones) =< 120 g/m² of polymers of ethylene (kg)21 421 388
2522011030001992: Dustbin sacks =< 120 g/m² of polymers of ethylene (kg)1 944 085
2522011050001992: Heavy duty bags > 120 g/m² of polymers of ethylene (kg)19 546 576
2522011060001992: Carrier bags of polymers of ethylene (kg)29 736 791
2522011070001992: Other sacks of polymers of ethylene (kg)5 872 333
2522012030001992: Sacks and bags (incl. cones) =< 120 g/m² of other plastics (kg)964 395
2522012050001992: Dustbin sacks =< 120 g/m² of other plastics (kg)45 000
2522012070001992: Heavy duty bags > 120 g/m² of other plastics (kg)535 486
2522012090001992: Other sacks of other plastics (kg)2 424 096
2522013000001992: Boxes, cases, crates and similar articles of plastics (kg)10 912 656
2522014500002000: Plastic carboys; bottles; flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packing of goods; of a capacity <= 2 litres (nº)1 049 499 729
2522014530001992: Carboys, bottles..., from polyethylene, capacity <= 2 l (nº)x
2522014550001992: Carboys, bottles..., from polypropylene, capacity <= 2 l (nº)x
2522014570001992: Carboys, bottles..., from polyvinyl chloride, capacity <= 2 l (nº)x
2522014590001992: Carboys, bottles..., of other plastics, capacity <= 2 l (nº)x
2522014700002000: Plastic carboys; bottles; flasks and similar articles for the conveyance or packing of goods; of a capacity > 2 litres (nº)107 795 873
2522014730001992: Carboys, bottles..., from polyethylene, capacity > 2 l (nº)x
2522014750001992: Carboys, bottles..., from polypropylene, capacity > 2 l (nº)x
2522014770001992: Carboys, bottles..., from polyvinyl chloride, capacity > 2 l (nº)x
2522014790001992: Carboys, bottles..., of other plastics, capacity > 2 l (nº)x
2522015100001992: Spools..., for photo./cinema. falling within HS 8523 and 8524 of plas (kg)x
2522015210001996: Spools..., for photo./cinema., of plastics, of HS 8523 and 8524 (kg)x
2522015230001996: Other spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports of plastics (kg)63 580
2522015250001996: Caps and capsules for bottles of plastics (kg)1 221 964
2522015270001996: Stoppers, lids and other closures of plastics (kg)1 263 222
2522015300001992: Other spools, cops, bobbins and similar supports of plastics (kg)x
2522015430001996: Barriers containers for transport of hazardous goods (nº)x
2522015450001996: Barrels > 5 l, <= 300 l, of plastics (nº)302 238
2522015470001996: Other transit containers, > 5 l, <= 300 l (nº)1 028 760
2522015500001992: Caps and capsules for bottles of plastics (kg)x
2522015700001992: Stoppers, lids, and other closures of plastics (kg)x
2522015820001996: Barrels > 300 l (nº)x
2522015850001996: Refuse and waste transit containers of fibre-reinforced plastics (nº)6 235
2522015860001996: Refuse and waste transit containers of other plastics (nº)177 168
2522015870001996: Other containers of fibre-reinforced plastics (nº)
2522015880001996: Other containers of other plastics (nº)1 009 584 303
2522015920001992: Barrels > 5 l, <= 300 l, of plastics (nº)x
2522015930001992: Other transit containers, > 5 l, <= 300 l (nº)x
2522015970001992: Refuse and waste transit containers (nº)x
2522015990001992: Other refuse and waste transit containers (nº)x
2522099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
25230: Manufacture of plastic builders' ware goodsx
2523011550001992: Floor... coverings consisting of a support impregnated..., with polyvinyl chloride (m²)x
2523011590001992: Other floor, wall, ceiling... coverings of polymers of vinyl chloride (m²)
2523011900001992: Floor, wall or ceiling coverings of plastics, n.e.c., in rolls or tiles (m²)223 759
2523012500001992: Baths, shower-baths and wash-basins, of plastics (nº)419 423
2523012700001992: Lavatory seats and covers of plastics (nº)1 292 618
2523012900001992: Bidets, lavatory pans... and other sanitary ware of plastics, n.e.c. (nº)4 803 108
2523013000001992: Reservoirs... and similar containers, capacity > 300 l, of plastics (kg)x
2523013030001996: Reservoirs... and similar containers, capacity > 300 l, of fibre-reinforced plastics (kg)275 680
2523013070001996: Reservoirs... and similar containers, capacity > 300 l, of other plastics (kg)x
2523014550001992: Windows and their frames, etc. window sills (kg)1 589 563
2523014570001992: Doors and their frames (kg)374 599
2523014700001992: Shutters, blinds and similar articles and parts, of plastics (kg)2 127 661
2523015510001996: Exterior wall cladding of fibre-reinforced plastics (kg)39 678
2523015520001996: Exterior wall cladding of other plastics (kg)
2523015530001992: Exterior wall cladding (kg)x
2523015550001992: Interior wall cladding (kg)1 256 333
2523015570001992: Constructional roof elements, roof lights, roof light frames (kg)x
2523015580001996: Constructional roof elements, roof lights, roof light frames, of fibre-reinforced plastics (kg)171 583
2523015590001996: Constructional roof elements, roof lights, roof light frames, of other plastics (kg)719
2523015900002000: Other articles of plastic for construction incl. rawl plugs and other wall plugs; trunking,ducting and cable trays for electrical circuits (kg)3 701 206
2523015950001992: Rawl and other wall plugs plastics (kg)x
2523015990001992: Other equipments articles for construction (kg)x
2523020000001992: Prefabricated buildings, of plasticsx
2523020030001996: Prefabricated buildings, of fibre-reinforced plasticsx
2523020070001996: Prefabricated buildings, of other plasticsx
2523099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
25240: Manufacture of other plastic productsx
2524010000001992: Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of plastics (kg)231 136
2524021900001992: Strips, of other plastic materials, in rolls width =< 20 cm (kg)x
2524022300001992: Other plates..., further worked than surface-worked, not square or rectangular (kg)
2524022900001992: Other plates..., of other plastic materials (kg)
2524023230001992: Table-clothes (kg)
2524023250001992: Domestic food containers (Tupper ware) (kg)1 670 762
2524023290001992: Other tableware and kitchenware of plastics (kg)3 160 432
2524023300001992: Sponges of regenerated cellulose (kg)11 417
2524023500001992: Other household and toilet articles of regenerated cellulose (kg)
2524023750001992: Other toiletry and hygienic articles (kg)1 100 236
2524023790001992: Other household articles (kg)10 010 147
2524024000001992: Parts of plastics for lamps and lighting fitting, etc.x
2524024030001996: Parts of fibre-reinforced plastics for lamps and lighting fitting, etc.x
2524024070001996: Parts of other plastics for lamps and lighting fitting, etc.x
2524025500001992: Safety headgear (nº)523 133
2524025900001992: Hats and other headgear, of rubber or plastics (nº)x
2524026000001992: Insulating fittings of plastics for electrical machines... (kg)530 349
2524027070001992: Office or school supplies, ring binders, briefcases, folders (kg)400 287
2524027090001992: Others office and school supplies (kg)191 654
2524028250001992: Fittings for furniture (kg)549 577
2524028290001992: Others fittings (kg)
2524028300001992: Statuettes and other ornamental articles of plastics (kg)325 914
2524028400001992: Perforated buckets and similar articles, to filter water at the entry to drains (kg)11 440
2524028500001992: Other articles made from sheet (kg)277 586
2524028700001992: Other articles of plastics or other materials (kg)x
2524028700002000: Other articles of plastics or other materialsx
2524028790001996: Other articles of plastics or other materials (kg)x
2524090100001992: Plastic parts for mechanical engines of HS 84 (kg)x
2524090130001996: Fibre-reinforced plastic parts for mechanical engines of HS 84 (kg)
2524090170001996: Other plastic parts for mechanical engines of HS 84 (kg)84 360
2524090230001996: Plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8509, 8508 and 8516 (kg)-
2524090250002002: Plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8509 and 8516 (kg)828 572
2524090270001996: Plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8519 to 8521 (kg)1 250 519
2524090310001992: Plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8509, 8508 and 8516 (kg)x
2524090320001996: Fibre-reinforced plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8525 to 8528 (kg)
2524090330001992: Plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8519 to 8521 (kg)x
2524090340001996: Other plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8525 to 8528 (kg)
2524090350001992: Plastic parts for apparatus of HS 8525 to 8528 (kg)x
2524090370001992: Plastic products, parts of apparatus of HS 8535 to 8537, and 8542 (kg)x
2524090390001992: Plastic parts, for other electric appliances, apparatus of HS 85 (kg)x
2524090430001996: Fibre-reinforced plastic products, parts of apparatus of HS 8535 to 8537, and 8542 (kg)335 993
2524090470001996: Other plastic products, parts of apparatus of HS 8535 to 8537, and 8542 (kg)119 588
2524090520001996: Fibre-reinforced plastic products, parts of railway or tramway locomotives or track fixture (kg)302 766
2524090530001992: Plastic products, parts of railway or tramway locomotives or track fixture (kg)x
2524090550001992: Plastic parts and accessories for land vehicles of HS 87 (kg)x
2524090560001996: Other plastic products, parts of railway or tramway locomotives or track fixture (kg)
2524090630001996: Fibre-reinforced plastic parts and accessories for land vehicles of HS 87 (kg)8 141 266
2524090670001996: Other plastic parts and accessories for land vehicles of HS 87 (kg)46 091 444
2524090700001992: Plastic parts for instruments and apparatus of HS 90 (kg)x
2524090930001996: Plastic parts, for other electric appliances, apparatus of HS 85 (kg)12 644 311
2524090970001996: Plastic parts for instruments and apparatus of HS 90 (kg)-
2524099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26110: Manufacture of flat glassx
2611011130001992: Non-wired sheets of optical glass (cast/rolled), coloured, opacified, (incl. with non reflecting layer) (m²)x
2611011300001992: Wired sheets of cast/rolled glass (m²)x
2611012140001996: Non-wired sheets of float/ground/polished glass, reflective : thickness <= 3.5 mm (m²)x
2611012170001992: Non-wired sheets of float/ground/polished glass, reflective : thickness > 3.5 mm (m²)x
2611012300001992: Other non-wired sheets of float/ground/polished glass, coloured... (m²)x
2611012500001992: Other non-wired sheets of float/ground/polished glass, n.e.c. (m²)x
2611012800001996: Other sheets of float/ground/polished glass, n.e.c. (m²)
2611099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26120: Shaping and processing of flat glassx
2612011500001992: Optical glass of HS 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge-worked, engraved, etc (kg)569 214
2612011900001992: Other glass of 70.03, 70.04 or 70.05, bent, edge-worked, engraved, etc (kg)16 345 201
2612012150001992: Toughened (tempered) safety glass for use in motor vehicles (m²)2 091 724
2612012190001992: Toughened (tempered) safety glass for use in other vehicles, aircraft, vessels, spacecraft (m²)2 500
2612012300001992: Toughened (tempered) safety glass, n.e.c. (m²)415 735
2612012550001992: Laminated safety glass for use in motor vehicles (kg)8 345 287
2612012700001992: Laminated safety glass, n.e.c. (m²)179 041
2612013300001992: Multiple-walled insulating units of glass (m²)3 691 728
2612013500001992: Rear-view mirrors for vehicles, of glass (nº)18 375
2612013900001992: Other glass mirrors, whether or not framed (kg)800 475
2612099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26131: Manufacture of hollow glassx
2613111100001992: Preserving jars of glass (sterilizing jars) and stoppers (kg)x
2613111160002002: Containers made from tubing of glass (excl. preserving jars) (nº)2 116 785
2613111200001992: Containers: conveyance, packing of goods: tubing of glass of thickness < 1 mm (nº)x
2613111220002002: Glass containers of a nominal capacity => 2.5 litre (excl. preserving jars) (nº)7 809 698
2613111280002002: Bottles of colourless glass of a nominal capacity < 2.5 litre, for beverages and foodstuffs (excl. bottles covered with leather or composition leather; infant's feeding bottles) (nº)1 486 323 098
2613111300001992: Containers: conveyance, packing of goods: other of a nominal capacity >= 2.5 l (nº)x
2613111340002002: Bottles of coloured glass of a nominal capacity < 2.5 litre, for beverages and foodstuffs (excl. bottles covered with leather or composition leather; infant's feeding bottles) (nº)2 412 184 288
2613111460002002: Glass containers for pharmaceutical products of a nominal capacity < 2.5 litre (nº)75 138 000
2613111530001992: Containers: for beverages and foodstuffs: non coloured (nº)x
2613111550001992: Containers: for beverages and foodstuffs: coloured (nº)x
2613111570001992: Containers: for beverages and foodstuffs: capacity < 0.15 l (nº)x
2613111590001992: Containers: for beverages and foodstuffs: others (nº)x
2613111700001992: Containers: conveyance or packing of goods for pharmaceutical products, capacity <= 0.33 l (nº)x
2613111900001992: Containers: conveyance or packing of goods for other products (nº)x
2613199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26132: Manufacture of crystal warex
2613212150001992: Drinking glasses of lead crystal, gathered by hand, cut or otherwise decorated (nº)
2613212190001992: Drinking glasses of lead crystal, gathered by hand, others (nº)x
2613212390001992: Drinking glasses of lead crystal, gathered mechanically, others (nº)x
2613212530001992: Drinking glasses (excl.lead crystal), gathered by hand (nº)
2613212550001992: Drinking glasses (excl.lead crystal), of toughened glass, gathered mechanically (nº)84 546 328
2613213100001992: Table/kitchen glassware (excl. drinking), of lead crystal, gathered by hand (nº)17 856
2613213300001992: Table/kitchen glassware (excl. drinking), of lead crystal, gathered mechanically (nº)14 800
2613213600001992: Glass-ceramic objects, used for table, kitchen... (nº)1 118 420
2613213700001992: Table/kitchen glassware (excl. drinking), toughened glass, gathered mechanical (nº)5 086 554
2613213800001992: Table/kitchen glassware (excl. drinking), gathered by hand (nº)9 118 798
2613299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26140: Manufacture of glass fibresx
2614099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26150: Manufacture and processing of other glass, including technical glasswarex
2615011100001992: Cullet and other waste and scrap of glass; glass in the mass (kg)149 780
2615012000001992: Paving blocks... of glass, for building or construction purposes, n.e.c. (kg)
2615023300001992: Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware whether or not graduated (kg)283 508
2615023500001992: Glass ampoules, for packaging (nº)
2615024000001992: Glass parts for lamps and lighting fittings, etcx
2615026900001992: Other articles of glass, nesx
2615099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26210: Manufacture of ceramic household and ornamental articlesx
2621011330001992: Tableware and kitchenware, of porcelain or china : single-coloured (kg)11 347 639
2621011350001992: Tableware and kitchenware, of porcelain or china : decorated (kg)17 875 452
2621012100001992: Ceramic tableware, other household articles : common pottery (kg)9 251 057
2621012330001992: Ceramic tableware, other household articles : stoneware, single-coloured (kg)22 050 296
2621012350001992: Ceramic tableware, other household articles : stoneware, decorated (kg)4 563 066
2621012530001992: Ceramic tableware, other household articles : earthenware, fine potttery, single-coloured (kg)27 096 190
2621012550001992: Ceramic tableware, other household articles : earthenware, fine potttery, decorated (kg)42 502 135
2621012900001992: Ceramic tableware, other household articles : others (kg)5 108 013
2621013330001992: Statuettes, other ornamental articles of porcelain of china : single-colouredx
2621013350001992: Statuettes and other ornamental articles of porcelain of china : decoratedx
2621013500001992: Ceramic statuettes and other ornamental articlesx
2621099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26220: Manufacture of ceramic sanitary fixturesx
2622010300001992: Ceramic sinks... and other sanitary fixtures, of porcelain of china (nº)6 839 885
2622010500001992: Ceramic sinks, wash basins, baths... and other sanitary fixtures, n.e.c. (nº)42 344
2622099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26230: Manufacture of ceramic insulators and insulating fittingsx
2623010330001992: Ceramic electrical insulators, without metallic parts (kg)703 795
2623010350001992: Ceramic electrical insulators, with metallic parts, for traction lines (kg)609 897
2623010390001992: Ceramic electrical insulators, with metallic parts, others (kg)1 445 971
2623010550001992: Insulating fittings: ceramics for electrical machines, others (kg)851
2623099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26240: Manufacture of other technical ceramic productsx
2624012000002000: Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical, technical use, other material than porcelain (kg)1 025 756
2624012090001992: Ceramic wares for mechanical use : others, other than porcelain (kg)x
26250: Manufacture of other non-refractory ceramic products, other than for construction purposesx
2625012550001992: Ceramic articles, n.e.c. : common pottery (kg)x
2625012590001992: Ceramic articles, n.e.c. : other than porcelain or common pottery (kg)
26260: Manufacture of refractory ceramic productsx
2626011000001992: Bricks, blocks, tiles... of siliceous fossil meals or earths (kg)x
2626012100001992: Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles..., > 50 % MgO, CaO, Cr2O3 (kg)293 076
2626012330001992: Refractory bricks, blocks..., weight > 50% Al2O3 and/or SiO2: >= 93% silica(SiO2) (kg)2 950 450
2626012350001992: Refractory bricks, blocks..., weight > 50% Al203 and/or SiO2: 7% < alumina(Al2O3) <= 45% (kg)-
2626012370001992: Refractory bricks, blocks..., weight > 50% Al203 and/or SiO2: others (kg)441 200
2626012900001992: Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles, etc, n.e.c. (kg)9 392 164
2626013000001992: Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions, n.e.c. (kg)1 966 118
2626014100001992: Articles containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite (kg)x
2626014550001992: Refractory ceramic goods, nes, alumina or silica or mixture > 50 % : alumina < 45% (kg)12 894 799
2626014590001992: Refractory ceramic goods, nes, alumina or silica or mixture > 50 % : alumina >= 45% (kg)1 716 474
2626014900001992: Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.c. (kg)93 820
2626099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26300: Manufacture of ceramic tiles and flagsx
2630010100001992: Unglazed ceramic tiles, cubes and similar articles, surface < 49 cm², for mosaics (m²)425 581
2630010200001992: Glazed tiles, cubes and similar articles, surface < 49 cm², for mosaics (m²)3 092 263
2630010530001992: Unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles : stoneware (m²)9 707 136
2630010550001992: Unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles : earthenware (m²)x
2630010590001992: Unglazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles : others (m²)516 656
2630010730001992: Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles : stoneware, surface >= 90 cm² (m²)24 525 746
2630010750001992: Glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles : earthenware, surface >= 90 cm² (m²)4 032 835
2630010790001992: Other glazed ceramic flags and paving, hearth or wall tiles (m²)20 337 287
2630099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26400: Manufacture of bricks, tiles and construction products, in baked clayx
2640011130001992: Ceramic bricks and blocks for common masonry: formed units, with or without perforation, for walls with rendering or cladding (m³)4 486 434
2640011150001992: Ceramic facing bricks: formed units, with or without performation, for use without rendering (m³)35 623
2640011170001992: Ceramic paving bricks: formed units for floor and road surfacing (m³)x
2640011300001992: Ceramic flooring blocks, support or filler tiles and the like: formed units with horizontal holes, for floors (kg)449 551 648
2640012500001992: Ceramic roofing tiles: formed units for discontinuous laying on pitched roofs (nº)232 256 033
2640012700001992: Ceramic chimney-pots, chimney-bricks..., and other ceramic constructional goods, nes (kg)66 011 239
2640013000001992: Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings : drain pipes and guttering with fittings (kg)3 171 500
2640099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26510: Manufacture of cementx
2651011000001992: Cement clinkers (kg)7 284 274 820
2651012100001992: White Portland cement (kg)96 794 000
2651012300001992: Portland cement (excl. white) (kg)9 664 169 801
2651099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26521: Manufacture of hydraulic limex
2652110500001992: Hydraulic lime (kg)190 522 840
2652199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26522: Manufacture of non-hydraulic limex
2652210330001992: Quick lime (kg)223 076 121
2652210350001992: Slaked lime (kg)50 650 603
2652299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26530: Manufacture of plasterx
2653010000001992: Plasters (calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate) (kg)78 553 901
2653099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26610: Manufacture of concrete products for construction purposesx
2661011300001992: Building blocks and bricks, of cement or artificial stone or concrete (kg)1 270 132 364
2661011500001992: Flagstones and similar articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone (kg)1 441 305 997
2661012000001992: Prefabricated structural components for building, ..., of cement ... (kg)1 971 541 453
2661013000001992: Pipes of cement, concrete or artificial stone (kg)398 034 882
2661020000001992: Prefabricated buildings, of cementx
2661099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26620: Manufacture of plaster products for construction purposesx
2662010500001992: Gypsum plasterboard reinforced with paper and paperboard only (m²)x
2662010900001992: Other gypsum blocks or boards, or compositions based on gypsum plaster (m²)
26630: Manufacture of ready-mixed concretex
2663010000001992: Concrete ready to pour (kg)21 490 312 066
2663099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26640: Manufacture of mortarsx
2664010000001992: Other non-refractory mortars and concretes (kg)656 256 518
2664099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26650: Manufacture of fibre cementx
2665011000001992: Panels, boards, ..., of wood waste, ..., agglomerated with cement, ... (m²)1 041 036
2665012300001992: Sheets, panels, tiles, ..., of asbestos-cement, cellulose fibre-cement, ... (m²)5 291 538
2665012500001992: Tubes, pipes, ..., of asbestos-cement, cellulose fibre-cement, ... (kg)1 795 923
2665012900001992: Articles of asbestos-cement, cellulose fibre-cement, ..., n.e.c. (kg)2 349 025
2665099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26660: Manufacture of other articles of concrete, plaster and cementx
2666011000001992: Articles of plaster or compositions based on plaster, n.e.c. (kg)30 535
2666012000001992: Articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone, n.e.c. (kg)202 798 304
2666099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26700: Cutting, shaping and finishing of ornamental and building stonex
2670011000001992: Marble, travertine, alabaster, cut/sawn, flat/even surface, otherwise worked (kg)404 714 920
2670012100001992: Setts, kerbstones and flagstones, of natural stone (except slate) (kg)159 800 803
2670012300001992: Tiles, cubes, ..., artificially coloured granules, ..., for mosaics (kg)122 072 347
2670012400001992: Other calcareous stone, nes, cut/sawn, flat/even surface, otherwise worked (kg)206 075 030
2670012600001992: Granite, cut/sawn, with flat/even surface and otherwise worked (kg)352 633 126
2670012800001992: Monumental/building stone, nes, cut/sawn, flat/even surface, otherwise worked (kg)18 171 535
2670012900001992: Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate (kg)471 601
2670099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26810: Production of abrasive productsx
2681011100001992: Millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping (kg)x
2681011200001992: Millstones, of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond (kg)203 293
2681011300001992: Millstones, of synthetic or artificial resin : reinforced (kg)123 204
2681011400001992: Millstones, of synthetic or artificial resin : not reinforced (kg)1 381 916
2681011500001992: Bonded abrasives with vitrified or silicate bonding (kg)137 278
2681011600001992: Other millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like of other agglomerated abrasives (kg)575 129
2681011700001992: Millstones, ..., of natural stone (kg)-
2681011800001992: Hand sharpening or polishing stones (kg)61 045
2681012300001992: Natural or artificial abrasive powder/grain, on a base of textile fabric (m²)966 771
2681012500001992: Natural or artificial abrasive powder/grain, on a base of paper/paperboard (m²)8 609 410
2681012900001992: Natural or artificial abrasive powder/grain, on a base of other materials (m²)111 597
2681099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
26820: Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c.x
2682011100001992: Fabricated asbestos fibres, mixtures (excl. yarn, paper..., compressed fibre jointing) (kg)x
2682011300001992: Yarn and thread of asbestos or asbestos mixtures (kg)x
2682011680002002: Fabricated asbestos fibres, mixtures with a basis of abestos or with a basis of abestos and magnesium carbonate (kg)30 250
2682012530001992: Roofing or facing products of asphalt or of similar material, in rolls (m²)8 040 773
2682012590001992: Other articles of asphalt or of similar material, in rolls (kg)x
2682012590001996: Other articles of asphalt or of similar material, in rolls (m²)774
2682012900001992: Articles of asphalt or of similar material (excl. in rolls) (kg)-
2682013000001992: Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, bitumen ... (eg. cut-backs) (kg)2 832 414 725
2682014000001992: Artificial graphite, colloidal, semi-colloidal graphite, and preparations (kg)x
2682016100001992: Slag wool, rock wool, ... (incl. intermixtures) in bulk, sheets or rolls (kg)
2682016200001992: Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, ... (incl. intermixtures) (kg)278 435 665
2682016300001992: Mixtures and articles of heat/sound-insulating materials n.e.c. (kg)65 444
2682016900001992: Articles of stone or other mineral substances, n.e.c. (kg)7 052 687
2682099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27100: Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloysx
2710013000002002: Sponge iron (kg)81 931 187
2710020230002002: Semi-finished non-alloy steel products of a rectangular/square cross section, rolled/obtained by continuous casting for processing into E.C.S.C. products excl. flat & round semi-fini (kg)
2710040270002002: Flat hot-rolled alloy steel narrow strip products; of a width < 600 mm; and of a thickness >= 4.75 mm (excl. stainless steel, further worked, insulated electric strip) (kg)72 435 234
2710040340002002: Hot-rolled non-alloy steel wide flat products (excl. stainless steel, illuminated signs and name plates, expanded steel metal, further worked) (kg)7 899 511
2710040390002002: Alloy steel reversing mill (quarto) plate of a width of >= 600 mm (excl. expanded metal, further worked, stainless steel, illuminated signs and name-plates) (kg)17 356 906
2710040750002002: Tinplate and tinned sheet (kg)66 293 000
2710040840002002: Flat-rolled non-alloy steel hot dip zinc sheet coated products of sheet, width >500mm excl. insulated electric strip, illuminated signs & name-plates, flat products clad (precious metal) (kg)211 927 520
2710040970002002: Metal coated sheet, of non-alloy steel, further coated with organic or inorganic materials, width >= 500 mm (kg)2 860 000
2710050300002002: Smooth hot-rolled non-alloy steel bars and rods in irregularly wound coils (kg)
2710060100002002: Concrete reinforcing bars (kg)
2710060570002002: Hot-rolled stainless steel bars (excl. products consisting of two or more rolled bars twisted together, those twisted after hot-rolling, seamless tubes) (kg)5 814 674
2710060770002002: Hot rolled bars, of alloy steel other than stainless, other than for seamless tubes (kg)107 792
27210: Manufacture of cast iron tubesx
2721010000001992: Tubes of cast iron (kg)x
2721020330001992: Tube fittings of non-malleable cast iron, for pressure systems (kg)
2721020500001992: Tube fittings of malleable cast iron (kg)x
2721099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27220: Manufacture of steel tubesx
2722010100002001: Seamless tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of stainless steel (kg)116 614
2722010210002001: Seamless tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, cold drawn or cold rolled for precision application, not of stainless steel (kg)1 600 000
2722010300001992: Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of iron (other than cast iron) or steel (kg)x
2722010530001992: Welded or riveted steel or iron tubes, circular, of an external diameter > 406.4 mm (kg)x
2722010550001992: Welded, riveted or open seam steel or iron tubes and hollow sections, circular, of an external diameter <= 406.4mm, or not circular (kg)x
2722010650002001: Spirally welded, riveted or similarly closed tubes and pipes of iron (excl. cast iron) or steel with internal and external circular cross-sections; external diameter > 406.4 mm (kg)-
2722010700002001: Open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed tubes; pipes and hollow profiles of stainless steel, external diameter <= 406.4 mm (kg)
2722010810002001: Open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed tubes; pipes and hollow profiles, not stainless steel, external diameter <= 406.4 mm, of circular cross-section, wall thickness <= 2 mm, cold draw (kg)
2722010910002001: Open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed tubes; pipes and hollow profiles, not of stainless steel, external diameter <= 406.4 mm, of circular cross-section, not cold drawn or otherwise co (kg)94 347 259
2722010930002001: Open seam or welded, riveted or similarly closed tubes; pipes and hollow profiles, not of stainless steel, external diameter <= 406.4 mm, not of circular cross-section, not cold drawn or otherwis (kg)
2722020100001992: Flanges of steel, not cast (kg)x
2722020300001992: Threaded tube fittings of steel, not cast (kg)58 306
2722020500001992: Tube fittings other than threaded or butt welding, of steel, not cast (kg)
2722020730001992: Butt welding elbows and bends of steel, not cast (kg)x
2722099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27310: Cold drawingx
2731010130001992: Cold finished bars, of free-cutting steel (kg)x
2731010150001992: Cold finished bars, of non alloy steel, C < 0.25% (kg)
2731010300001992: Cold finished flats, of non alloy steel, C < 0.25% (kg)
2731010550001992: Cold finished bars and flats, of non alloy steel, further worked (kg)x
2731010570001992: Cold finished bars and flats, of non alloy steel, C >= 0.25 % - < 0.6 % (kg)x
2731010600001996: Cold finished bars and flats, of non-alloy steel, C >= 0.25 % - < 0.6 % (kg)
2731010700001996: Cold finished bars and flats, of non-alloy steel, C >= 0.6 % (kg)
2731020200001992: Cold finished bars and flats, of high speed steel (kg)
2731020550001992: Cold finished bars and flats, of alloy tool steel (kg)x
2731020570001992: Cold finished bars and flats, of alloy steel other than stainless, high speed, silico-manganese, bearing and tool steel (kg)
2731020730001992: Cold finished bars and flats, of alloy steel other than stainless, clad or coated (kg)x
27320: Cold rolling of narrow stripx
2732010230001992: Cold rolled narrow strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, C < 0.25%, other than electrical steel (kg)-
2732010250001992: Cold rolled slit strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, C < 0.25%, other than electrical steel (kg)
2732010310001992: Cold rolled narrow strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, 0.25% >= C < 0.6% (kg)x
2732020130001992: Cold rolled narrow strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, hot dip metal coated (kg)x
2732020150001992: Cold rolled slit strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, hot dip metal coated (kg)44 182 006
2732020230001992: Cold rolled narrow strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, electrolytically metal coated (kg)x
2732020250001992: Cold rolled slit strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, electrolytically metal coated (kg)11 434 665
2732020330001992: Cold rolled narrow strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, coated with organic or inorganic materials (kg)-
2732020350001992: Cold rolled slit strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, coated with organic or inorganic materials (kg)
2732020400001992: Cold rolled narrow strip, width <= 500 mm, of non alloy steel, clad (kg)
2732030250001992: Cold rolled slit strip, width <= 500 mm, of alloy steel, other than stainless and electrical steel (kg)x
2732030530001992: Cold rolled narrow strip, width <= 500 mm, of stainless steel (kg)x
2732030550001992: Cold rolled slit strip, width <= 500 mm, of stainless steel (kg)3 650 791
2732099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27330: Cold forming or foldingx
2733011300001992: Cold formed sections, obtained from flat products, of non alloy steel, not coated (kg)14 632 562
2733011500001992: Cold profiled (ribbed) sheets, of non alloy steel (kg)
2733011700001992: Cold formed sections, obtained from flat products, of non alloy steel, coated with zinc (kg)33 982 734
2733012000001992: Cold formed sections, obtained from flat products, of stainless steel (kg)-
2733099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27340: Wire drawingx
2734011300001992: Wire, of non alloy steel, C < 0.25 % (kg)99 239 077
2734011500001992: Wire, of non alloy steel, C >= 0.25 % - < 0.6 % (kg)
2734011700001992: Wire, of non alloy steel, C >= 0.6 % (kg)
2734012500001992: Wire, of alloy steel other than stainless (kg)
2734099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27350: Other first processing of iron and steel (including production of non-ECSC ferro-alloys), n.e.cx
2735050000001992: Forged bars, of non-alloy steel (kg)x
2735099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27410: Precious metalsx
2741010500001992: Silver (incl. plated with gold, platinum), semi-factured (kg)
27420: Aluminium productionx
2742011300001992: Unwrought aluminium, non alloy (kg)x
2742011550001992: Unwrought aluminium, alloy, secondary form (kg)20 182 314
2742022500001992: Aluminium bars, rods and profiles, alloy (kg)65 478 925
2742023300001992: Aluminium wire, non alloy (kg)8 391 278
2742023500001992: Aluminium wire, alloy (kg)996 354
2742024500001992: Aluminium plates, sheets and strips of a thickness > 0.2 mm, alloy (kg)x
2742025000001992: Aluminium foil of a thickness (excl. any backing) <= 0.2 mm (kg)12 306
2742026300001992: Aluminium tubes and pipes, non alloy (kg)x
2742099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27430: Lead, zinc and tin productionx
2743011300001992: Unwrought lead: refined lead (kg)
2743011500001992: Unwrought lead with antimony (kg)487 071
2743011900001992: Unwrought lead, others (kg)7 705 135
2743012300001992: Unwrought zinc, non alloy (kg)x
2743012500001992: Unwrought zinc, alloy (kg)x
2743013300001992: Unwrought tin, non alloy (kg)
2743013500001992: Unwrought tin, alloy (kg)x
2743021000001992: Lead bars, rods, profiles and wires (kg)673 941
2743022000001992: Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes (kg)89 755
2743023000001992: Lead tubes, pipes, and tube or pipe fittings (couplings, elbows, sleeves) (kg)9 076
2743025300001992: Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire (kg)x
2743025500001992: Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foils (kg)x
2743026000001992: Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings (couplings, elbows, sleeves) (kg)x
2743027000001992: Tin bars, rods, profiles and wires (kg)233 227
2743028600002000: Tin foil of a thickness (excl. any backing) <= 0,2 mm, tin powders and flakes (kg)96
2743028700001992: Tin powders and flakes (kg)x
2743099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27440: Copper productionx
2744011000001992: Copper mattes, cement copper (precipitated copper) (kg)
2744013500001992: Refined copper alloys, unwrought (kg)85 744
2744021000001992: Copper powders and flakes (kg)x
2744022000001992: Copper bars, rods and profiles (kg)21 852 000
2744023300001992: Copper wire, refined (transv. section > 6 mm), of copper alloy (kg)-
2744023500001992: Copper wire, refined (transv. section =< 6 mm but > 0.5 mm) (kg)
2744023700001992: Copper wire, refined (transv. section =< 0.5 mm) (kg)x
2744026300001992: Copper tubes and pipes (kg)x
2744026500001992: Copper tube or pipe fittings (couplings, elbows, sleeves) (kg)1 349 244
2744099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27510: Casting of ironx
2751011100001992: Parts of land vehicles (malleable iron casting) (kg)x
2751011500001992: Parts of other mechanical engineering (malleable iron casting) (kg)738 806
2751011900001992: Parts for other utilisation (malleable iron casting) (kg)1 886 170
2751012100001992: Parts of land vehicles (nodular iron castings) (kg)30 928 087
2751012200001992: Parts of transmission shafts and cranks (nodular iron castings) (kg)978 319
2751012300001992: Parts of bearing housings and plain shafts (nodular iron castings) (kg)x
2751012400001992: Other parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering (nodular iron castings) (kg)9 778 241
2751012500001992: Parts of other mechanical engineering (nodular iron castings) (kg)3 884 691
2751012900001992: Parts for other utilisation (nodular iron castings) (kg)2 125 847
2751013100001992: Parts of land vehicles (cast iron: not ductile) (kg)4 721 117
2751013200001992: Parts of transmission shafts and cranks (cast iron: not ductile) (kg)x
2751013300001992: Parts of bearing housings and plain shafts (cast iron: not ductile) (kg)54 300
2751013400001992: Other parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering (cast iron: not ductile) (kg)
2751013500001992: Parts of other mechanical engineering (cast iron: not ductile) (kg)7 474 894
2751013900001992: Parts for other utilisation (cast iron: not ductile) (kg)9 656 536
2751099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27520: Casting of steelx
2752010100001992: Parts of land vehicles (kg)905 300
2752010300001992: Parts of bearing housings and plain shafts (kg)93 791
2752010400001992: Other parts of piston engines and mechanical (kg)2 429
2752010500001992: Other mechanical engines parts and accessories (kg)6 764 103
2752010900001992: Parts for other utilisation (kg)977 823
2752099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27530: Casting of light metalsx
2753010100001992: Parts of land vehicles (kg)8 762
2753010400001992: Other parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering (kg)2 984 981
2753010500001992: Parts of other machines (kg)301 563
2753010900001992: Parts for other utilisation (kg)497 128
2753099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
27540: Casting of other non-ferrous metalsx
2754010100001992: Parts of land vehicles (kg)706 881
2754010200001992: Parts of transmission shafts and cranks (kg)x
2754010300001992: Parts of bearing housings and plain shafts (kg)584 173
2754010400001992: Other parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering (kg)x
2754010500001992: Parts for other apparatus (kg)2 873 743
2754010900001992: Parts for other utilisation (kg)3 617 015
2754099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28110: Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structuresx
2811010300001992: Prefabricated buildings, of iron or steelx
2811010500001992: Prefabricated buildings, of aluminiumx
2811021000001992: Bridges and bridge-sections of iron or steel (kg)5 643 704
2811022000001992: Towers and lattice masts of iron or steel (kg)21 972 696
2811023130001992: Face support (kg)2 814 214
2811023150001992: Rildway support (kg)597 679
2811023170001992: Other (kg)25 255 503
2811023300001992: Weirs, sluices, lock-gates... of iron or steel (kg)6 283 085
2811023400001992: Other structures principally of sheet: two walls of profiled sheet with an insulating core (kg)27 483 434
2811023500001992: Other structures principally of sheet: other (kg)58 422 753
2811023600001992: Other structures of iron or steel (kg)126 117 915
2811023700001992: Aluminium structure and parts of structures..., n.e.c. (kg)2 510 768
2811090000001996: Installation in situ of self-produced metal structuresx
2811099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28120: Manufacture of builders' carpentry and joinery of metalx
2812010330001992: Doors, shutters of iron or steel (nº)207 387
2812010350001992: Windows of iron or steel (nº)59 725
2812010370001992: Windows with glazing, iron or steel (nº)27 757
2812010390001992: Window-frames, door-frames and doorsteps, of iron and steel (nº)x
2812010530001992: Doors, shutters of alu (nº)2 092 137
2812010550001992: Windows of alu (nº)317 465
2812010570001992: Windows with glazing, of alu (nº)385 369
2812010590001992: Window-frames, door-frames and doorsteps, of aluminio (nº)x
2812099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28210: Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalx
2821011100001992: Reservoirs, tanks... of iron or steel, >= 300 l, for gas (kg)471 522
2821011200001992: Reservoirs, tanks, for liquids, lined or heat-insulated (kg)501 552
2821011300001992: Reservoirs, tanks...for liquids (kg)10 533 750
2821011500001992: Reservoirs, tanks, vats and sim. containers, of iron or steel, for solids (kg)2 971 334
2821011700001992: Aluminium reservoirs, tanks, etc, (excl. for gas) >= 300 l (kg)11 882
2821012300001992: Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel (kg)58 895 000
2821012500001992: Aluminium containers for compressed or liquefied gas (kg)x
2821090000001992: Repair and maintenance of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metalx
2821099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28220: Manufacture of central heating radiators and boilersx
2822011500001992: Radiators, not electrically heated, and parts thereof of iron or steel (kg)x
2822012030001992: Boilers for central heating, using gas (nº)239
2822012050001992: Boilers for central heating, using fuel (nº)182
2822012070001992: Boilers for central heating, using other types of energy (nº)165
2822013000001992: Parts of boilers for central heating (nº)x
2822013000001996: Parts of boilers for central heatingx
2822090000001992: Repair and maintenance of domestic and non-domestic central heating boilersx
2822099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28300: Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilersx
2830011100001992: Watertube boilers with a steam production > 45t/hour (nº)17
2830011300001992: Watertube boilers with a steam production =< 45t/hour (nº)
2830011500001992: Other vapour generating boilers, nes (incl. hybrid boilers) (nº)53
2830011700001992: Super-heated water boilers (nº)
2830012300001992: Auxiliary plan for use with boilers of 84.02 or 84.03, used (kg)77 581
2830012500001992: Condensers for steam or other vapour power units (kg)x
2830013300001992: Parts of vapour generating boilers and super-heater water boilersx
2830013500001992: Parts of apparatus of 8404.10 and 8404.20x
2830091000001992: Installation of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilersx
2830092000001992: Repair and maintenance of steam generators, except central heating hot water boilersx
2830099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28401: Forging, pressing, stamping and roll forming of metalx
2840111350001992: Works of HS 7326; parts of machineries, apparatus and vehicles of HS 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90 (open die forgings of steel) (kg)549 707
2840112100001992: Parts of land vehicles of HS 87 (drop forging of steel) (kg)
2840112400001992: Parts of mechanical and technical equipement and implements for farming, forestry and market gardening (drop forging of steel) (kg)169
2840112700001992: Parts of other mechanical engineering of HS 84 (drop forging of steel) (kg)x
2840112800001992: Works of HS 7326; parts for locomotives or aircrafts of HS 86 and 88; parts of machineries, of apparatus of HS 85 and 90 (drop forging of steel) (kg)301 287
2840113100001992: Parts of land vehicles of HS 87 (sheet metal forming of steel) (kg)36
2840113200001992: Parts of piston engines and mechanical engineering of HS 8483 (sheet metal forming of steel) (kg)x
2840113300001992: Parts of other mechanical engineering of HS 84 (sheet metal forming of steel) (kg)442 837
2840113500001992: Articles of HS 7323, 7326; parts of furn. of HS 9403; parts of land vehicles & track fixtures of 86; apparatus of 90 (sheet met. formings of non-fer. met.) (kg)-
2840113700001992: Household articles, parts of mechanical engineering, apparatus, furniture and vehicles of HS 84, 85, 86, 88, 94 (sheet metal formings of non-ferrous metal) (kg)
2840199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28402: Powder metallurgyx
2840220800001992: Parts of articles of HS 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90 (products manufactured of non-ferrous powdered metallurgy) (kg)6 899
28510: Treatment and coating of metalsx
2851010110001992: Metallic coating by immersion in molten metals (zinc galvanizing or tin dipping)x
2851010130001992: Metallic coating by thermal sprayingx
2851010150001992: Metallic coating in zinc by electrolysisx
2851010190001992: Metallic coating by electrolysis or chemical treatments of metals other than zinc (including nickel, copper, chromium, precious metals, etc)x
2851010200001992: Wet painting and varnishing of metalsx
2851010300001992: Plastic coating of metals (including powder coating)x
2851010400001992: Other coatings (phosphating etc)x
2851010500001992: Anodizingx
2851010700001992: Heat treatment of metals (excluding metallic coating, plastic coating)x
2851010900001992: Other metallic surface treatmentsx
2851011300001996: Metallic coating by immersion in molten metalsx
2851011500001996: Metallic coating by thermal sprayingx
2851011700001996: Metallic coating in zinc, by electrolysis and chemical treatmentx
2851011900001996: Coating in other metals (nickel, copper, chromium, etc.), by electrolysis and chemical treatmentx
2851012300001996: Plastic coating processesx
2851012500001996: Other coatings (phosphating etc.)x
2851021000001996: Heat treatments other than metallic coatingx
2851022300001996: Painting, varnishingx
2851022500001996: Anodizingx
2851022900001996: Other metallic surface treatmentsx
2851099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28520: General mechanical engineeringx
2852010310001992: Parts for taps, valves and similar articles (kg)964 402
2852010330001992: Parts of other mechanical engineering of ch. HS 84 (kg)8 076 015
2852010350001992: Parts of land vehicles of ch. HS 87 (kg)649 551
2852010370001992: Parts for aircrafts of ch. HS 88 (kg)34 884
2852010530001992: Turned parts in metal for electrotecnical products of ch 85 (kg)3 081 308
2852010550001992: Turned parts in metal for precision or optical products (kg)108 273
2852010700001992: Articles of HS 7326, 7419, 7616; parts of vehicles and apparatus for fixing railway track of ch. HS 86 (kg)2 301 349
2852099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28610: Manufacture of cutleryx
2861011130001992: Table knives with fixed blades and handles of stainless steel (nº)6 160 621
2861011190001992: Other table knives with fixed blades (nº)625 672
2861011200001992: Knives with fixed blades (excl. table knives) (nº)5 427 837
2861011300001992: Knives (excl. with fixed blades) (nº)370 533
2861011500001992: Handles and blades of base metal for knives (nº)338 259
2861011700001992: Scissors, tailors' shears and similar shears, and blades therefor (nº)2 028 848
2861012400001999: Razors, parts thereof (excl. razor blades)-
2861013330001992: Paper and erasing knives, letter, openers and other office cutlery (nº)1 824
2861013350001992: Pencil sharpeners and blades therefore (nº)10 872
2861013700001992: Other articles of cutlery (nº)257 306
2861014300001992: Table flatware or tableware of stainless steel, spoons, forks... (nº)x
2861014400001999: Table flatware (excl. table knives, incl. fish-knives and butter-knives) and similar tableware of stainless steel or other base metal (nº)65 304 481
2861014500001992: Table cutlery or tableware, nes (nº)x
2861014700001992: Table cutlery or tableware of base metal, plated with precious metal (nº)
2861099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28620: Manufacture of toolsx
2862010100001992: Spades and shovels (kg)93 691
2862010200001992: Forks, of a kind used in agric., hort., forestry (kg)46 057
2862010300001992: Mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes (kg)793 680
2862010400001992: Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools (kg)48 029
2862010500001992: One-handed secateurs (incl. poultry shears) (kg)120
2862010600001992: Hedge shears, two-handed pruning shears and similar two-handed shears (kg)x
2862010700001992: Scythes, sickles, hay knives, timber wedges and other hand tools... (kg)323 508
2862020100001992: Hand saws (kg)1 156 599
2862020200001996: Band saw blades (kg)
2862020300001996: Circular saw blades with working parts of steel (kg)
2862020310001992: Circular saw blades with working parts of steel (kg)x
2862020950001992: Other saw blades for metal working (kg)
2862020990001992: Other saw blades, for working other materials with work. part of steel (kg)4 420
2862030130001992: Files, rasps and similar tools (kg)1 014 906
2862030170001992: Pliers (incl. cutting pieces), pincers and similar tools, nes (kg)-
2862030250001992: Pipe-cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar tools (kg)x
2862030330001992: Hand-operated spanners and wrenches, non-adjustable (kg)666
2862030350001992: Hand-operated spanners and wrenches, , , adjustable (kg)283
2862030370001992: Interchangeable spanner sockets, with or without handles (kg)-
2862030530001992: Drilling, threading or tapping hand tools (kg)1 832
2862030550001992: Hammers and sledge hammers (kg)71 040
2862030630001992: Screwdrivers (kg)-
2862030650001992: Household hand tools (kg)-
2862030730001992: Other tools for masons, moulders, cement workers, plasterers and painters (kg)
2862030770001999: Other hand tools (incl. cartridge operated riveting) wallplugging and similar hand tools (kg)
2862030790001992: Other hand tools (kg)x
2862030830001992: Blow lamps, hand t. (kg)x
2862030850001992: Vices, clamps and the like, h.t. (kg)x
2862040110001992: Tools for tapping, with working parts of sintered met. carb. (kg)x
2862040140001996: Tools for tapping (kg)480
2862040150001992: Tools for threading, wiht working part of sintered met. car. (kg)x
2862040160001996: Tools for threading (kg)365
2862040190001992: Tools for threading or tapping, other (kg)210
2862040270001992: Other, for working metal, with work part of sint met. carbide (kg)20
2862040310001992: Other, for working metal, with work part of high speed (kg)105
2862040370001992: Tools for boring or broaching, with work part of diamond (kg)7 562
2862040440001996: Tools for boring, for working metal (kg)642
2862040450001992: Other tools for boring or for broaching (kg)-
2862040480001996: Tools for broaching, for working metal (kg)9
2862040500002000: Milling tools with working part of sintered metal carbide,for working metal excl. unmounted sintered metal carbide plates,sticks,tips and the like for tools (kg)
2862040530001992: Tools for milling, for working metal, with work part of sint metal carbide (kg)x
2862040670001992: Other tools for milling, metal working, with work part of o mat, other (kg)65
2862040690001992: Tools for milling, other (kg)6 587
2862040710001992: Tools for turning, for work metal, of sintered metal carbide (kg)301
2862040740001996: Tools for turning, for working metal (kg)50
2862040770001992: Tools for turning, metal working, with working part of other materials (kg)x
2862040870001992: Other, with working part of sintered metal carbide (kg)x
2862050130001992: Rock drilling... tools with working part of metal carbide or cermets (excl. parts) (kg)78 954
2862050230001992: Dies for drawing or extruding metal, working part in diamond (kg)x
2862050240001996: Dies for drawing or extruding metal (kg)25 715
2862050250001992: Dies for drawing or extruding metal, working part sintered metal carbide (kg)x
2862050330001992: Tools for pressing, stamping or punching, for working metals (kg)909 886
2862050390001992: Tools for pressing, stamping or punching, other (kg)180 226
2862050430001992: Knives and cutting blades, for metal working, for machines... (kg)
2862050450001992: Knives and cutting blades, for wood working, for machines (kg)12 495
2862050650001992: Knives and cutting blades, for machines or for mechanical appliances (kg)354 015
2862050670001996: Indexable inserts according ISO 1832 and similar metal working inserts (kg)8 520
2862050730001992: Indexable inserts according ISO 1832 and similar metal working inserts (kg)x
2862050750001992: Other plates (kg)x
2862050930001996: Other plates (kg)13 524
2862099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28630: Manufacture of locks, hinges and other hardwarex
2863011300001992: Padlocks of base metal (nº)6 059
2863011500001992: Locks used for motor vehicles of base metal (nº)4 557 097
2863011700001992: Locks used for furniture of base metal (nº)679 943
2863012300001992: Other locks, cylinder (nº)2 183 490
2863012500001992: Other locks of a kind used for doors (nº)2 798 453
2863012700002000: Base metal locks (excl. padlocks, motor vehicle locks, furniture locks and locks used for doors of buildings) (nº)139 103
2863012730001992: Locks for armoured cupboard (nº)x
2863012790001992: Other locks (nº)x
2863013300001992: Clasps and frames with clasps, incorporating locks of base metal (kg)814 483
2863013500001992: Keys presented separately of base metal (kg)210 093
2863013700001992: Parts of padlocks and locks of base metals (kg)x
2863013700001996: Parts of padlocks and locks of base metalsx
2863014100001996: Hinges of base metal (kg)4 075 534
2863014130001992: Mountings, fittings, etc, for buildings (doors, windows) of iron and steel (kg)x
2863014150001992: Mountings, fittings, etc, for buildings (doors, windows) of other base metal (kg)x
2863014170001992: Guarnições, ferragens, etc., para construções, de metais comuns, n.e. (kg)x
2863014200001996: Castors of base metal (kg)3 452 223
2863014300001992: Mountings, fittings, etc, for motor vehicles, of base metal, n.e.c. (kg)5 663 852
2863014430001996: Mountings, fittings, etc, for buildings (doors, windows) of iron and steel (kg)1 880 816
2863014450001996: Mountings, fittings, etc, for buildings (doors, windows) of other base metal (kg)12 013 267
2863014470001996: Mountings, fittings, etc, not for windows, doors (kg)7 222 001
2863014500001992: Mountings, fittings, etc, for furniture, of base metal, n.e.c. (kg)1 403 604
2863014630001996: Mountings, fittings, for window or doorcurtains (kg)-
2863014650001996: Mountings, fittings, etc, other (kg)481 538
2863014700001992: Automatic door closers of base metal (kg)
2863099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28710: Manufacture of steel drums and similar containersx
2871011000001992: Tanks, casks, drums, cans... (excl. for gas) of iron or steel, 50-300 l (nº)1 394 577
2871012000001992: Tanks, casks, drums... (excl. for gas) of iron or steel, < 50 l (nº)x
2871099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28720: Manufacture of light metal packagingx
2872011330001992: Cans used for preserving food and drink of iron or steel, < 50 l, food cans (nº)205 169 346
2872011350001992: Cans used for preserving food and drink of iron or steel, < 50 l, drinks (nº)19 261 310
2872011530001992: Cans other than for preserving food and drink of iron or steel, < 50 l, aerosol (nº)202 684 782
2872011550001992: Cans other than for preserving food and drink of iron or steel, < 50 l, other (nº)44 213 506
2872012100001992: Collapsible tubular containers of aluminium (nº)43 674 406
2872012600001996: Aluminium aerosol containers, with a capacity < 50 l (nº)x
2872012710001992: Cans of aluminium, with a capacity less 50 l, food (nº)x
2872012730001992: Cans of aluminium, with a capacity less 50 l, drinks (nº)x
2872012750001992: Aluminium aerosol containers, with a capacity less 50 l (nº)x
2872012790001992: Rigid tubular containers, with a capacity less 50 l, other (nº)x
2872012830001996: Cans of aluminium, with a capacity < 50 l, food (nº)96 552 807
2872012890001996: Rigid tubular containers, with a capacity < 50 l, other (nº)4 554
2872013300001992: Crown corks of base metal (nº)1 858 312 008
2872013500001992: Lead capsules or aluminium capsules, diameter > 21 mm (kg)482 204
2872099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28730: Manufacture of wire productsx
2873011300001992: Stranded wire, cables of iron or steel, not electrically insulated (kg)
2873012300001992: Barbed wire and other fencing material, of iron or steel (kg)65 301 632
2873012500001992: Stranded wire, cables... of copper, not electrically insulated (kg)
2873012700001992: Cables... of aluminium, not electrically insulated (kg)x
2873013130001992: Woven products, endless bands for machinery (kg)6 000
2873013150001992: Other woven products (kg)867 715
2873013200001992: Grill, netting and fencing, mesh >= 100 cm², of iron/steel wire, >= 3 mm (kg)26 204 195
2873013300001992: Grill, netting and fencing, welded at inter-section, of iron/steel wire (kg)34 868 392
2873013430001992: Grill, netting and fencing, of steel or iron wire, not plastic coated (kg)5 623 174
2873013450001992: Grill, netting and fencing, plastic coated, of iron or steel wire (kg)5 348 833
2873013500001992: Expanded metal of iron or steel (kg)546 104
2873014200001992: Nails, cold-pressed from wire of iron or steel, in strips or coils (kg)x
2873014400001992: Nails, tacks, cold-pressed from wire, of iron or steel, plated or coated with zinc (kg)8 852 941
2873014500001992: Other nails or tacks cold-pressed from wire, of iron or steel, excl. plated or coated with white zinc, hardened, in strips or coils,... (kg)862 850
2873014600001992: Other nails, tacks... (kg)x
2873014700001992: Nails and tacks, drawing pins, staples, etc, of copper or partly copper (kg)4 028
2873015100001992: Coated electrodes of base metal, for electric arc-welding (kg)
2873015300001992: Cored wire for electric arc-welding, of base metals (kg)x
2873015500001992: Coated rods and cored wire, for soldering, brazing... of base metal (kg)
2873015700001992: Wires, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes..., etc, of base metal (kg)x
2873015700001996: Wires, rods, tubes, plates, electrodes..., etc, of base metalx
2873099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28740: Manufacture of fasteners, screw machine products, chain and springsx
2874011130001992: Screws, turn. from bars... of a shank thickness <= 6 mm (kg)491 502
2874011150001992: Other screws and bolts for fixing railway truck construction material, iron or steel (kg)x
2874011170001992: Screws and bolts without heads in steel (kg)68 123
2874011230001992: Slotted and cross-recessed screws of stainless steel (kg)64 827
2874011250001992: Other screw abd bolts with heads (kg)1 830 412
2874011270001992: Hexagon socket head screws of stainless steel (kg)
2874011290001992: Other hexagon socket head screws (kg)42 807
2874011310001992: Hexagon bolts of stainless steel (kg)
2874011330001992: Other hexagon bolts, with a tensile strength of less than 800 MPa (kg)278 444
2874011350001992: Other hexagon bolts, with a tensile strength of 800 MPa or more (kg)x
2874011390001992: Other bolts, with heads (kg)27 052
2874011530001992: Coach screws of iron or steel (kg)x
2874011550001992: Wood screws (excl. coach screws) of iron or steel (kg)2 308 362
2874011570001992: Screw hooks and screw rings of stainless steel (kg)420 159
2874011730001992: Self-tapping screws of stainless steel (kg)x
2874011750001992: Oder self-tapping crews of iron or steel (kg)38 410
2874011830001992: Turned nuts till 6 mm, stainless steel (kg)x
2874011850001992: Nuts, stainless steel (kg)17 376
2874011870001992: Other nuts, of iron or steel (kg)1 110 373
2874011900001992: Threaded articles, nes, of iron or steel (kg)1 860 222
2874012100001992: Spring washers and other lock washers (kg)100 993
2874012300001992: Washers, nes (kg)89 506
2874012500001992: Rivets (kg)785 529
2874012700001992: Cotters and cotter-pins, non threaded articles, of iron or steel (kg)89 900
2874013100001992: Washers of copper (kg)x
2874013200001992: Non-threaded articles such as rivets, cotters, cotter-pins... of copper (kg)89 158
2874013300001992: Screws for wood of copper (kg)x
2874013400002002: Copper screws, bolts & nuts (excl. pointed screw nails, screw stoppers, threaded mechanisms used to transmit motion/to act as active machinery part, screw hooks, rings) (kg)41 167
2874013500001992: Screws and bolts of copper (kg)x
2874013700001992: Threaded articles of copper, nes (kg)133 820
2874014130001992: Laminated springs and leaves thereof, of steel, hot worked (kg)11 574 307
2874014150001992: Non-laminated leaf-springs and leaves thereof, of steel, hot worked (kg)9 579 038
2874014170001992: Leaf-springs, cold formed, of steel (kg)30 270
2874014310001992: Helical springs of steel, hot formed (kg)
2874014330001992: Helical coil compression springs of steel, cold formed (kg)583 439
2874014350001992: Helical coil tension springs of steel, cold formed (kg)299 797
2874014370001992: Other helical springs of steel, cold formed (kg)
2874014530001992: Flat spiral springs, of steel (kg)
2874014690001992: Springs, of steel, nes (kg)175 497
2874020100001992: Stud-link of iron or steel (kg)x
2874020230001992: Other welded link chain (excl. stud-link) of iron or steel, <= 16 mm (kg)251 604
2874020500001992: Chain, nes, of iron or steel (kg)27 924
2874020800001992: Parts of chains, nes, of iron or steel (kg)x
2874020800001996: Parts of chains, nes, of iron or steelx
2874099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
28750: Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.x
2875011100001996: Sinks and wash basins, of stainless steel (nº)391 611
2875011110001992: Sinks and wash basins, of stainless steel (nº)x
2875011210001992: Baths of cast iron (incl. enamelled) (nº)x
2875011250001992: Baths of iron (excl. cast) or steel (nº)x
2875011270001999: Baths of iron or steel (nº)876 965
2875011310001992: Sanitary ware and parts of sanitary ware of iron or steel (kg)223 001
2875011350001992: Sanitary ware and parts thereof of copper (kg)635 304
2875011370001992: Sanitary ware and parts thereof of aluminium (kg)201 564
2875012230001992: Table articles... of stainless steel (kg)243 792
2875012290001992: Other articles... of stainless steel (kg)5 421 259
2875012330001992: Articles for table use of iron or steel, enamelled (kg)x
2875012350001992: Articles for table use of iron or steel, enamelled, other (kg)x
2875012370001999: Other table, kitchen and household articles of iron or steel (excl. cast iron), enamelled (kg)
2875012430001992: Table articles... of iron or steel, n.e.c. (kg)
2875012490001992: Other, varnished or painted (kg)1 509 750
2875012530001992: Table, kitchen, household articles and parts thereof... of copper (kg)5 583
2875012550001992: Table, kitchen, household articles, parts thereof... of aluminium, cast (kg)2 864 729
2875012570001992: Table, kitchen, household articles, parts thereof... of aluminium, other (kg)
2875012700001992: Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing <= 10 kg, for food or drink (kg)61 946
2875012800001992: Iron or steel wool, pot scourers, scouring or polishing pads, gloves (kg)541 641
2875021300001992: Armoured or reinforced safes, strong-boxes (nº)58
2875021500001992: Armoured or reinforced doors and safe deposit lockers for strong-rooms (kg)
2875021700001992: Cash or deed boxes and the like, of base metalx
2875022000001992: Filing cabinets, card-index cabinets... or desk equipment of base metalx
2875023500001992: Staples in strips of base metalx
2875024000001992: Statuettes, frames, mirrors and other ornaments of base metalx
2875025300002000: Base metal hooks,eyes,eyelets and the like,used for clothing,footwear,awnings,handbags,travel goods or other made-up articles excl. snap hooks,rivets,press studs and push buttonsx
2875025330001992: Hooks, eyes and eyelets of base metal, fixed on fabric tapesx
2875025390001992: Hooks, eyes and eyelets of base metal, otherx
2875025500002000: Base metal tubular or bifurcated rivetsx
2875025590001992: Other rivets of base metalx
2875025700002000: Articles such as clasps, frames with clasps...; parts of base metalx
2875025730001992: Other clasps of base metal other than for handbagsx
2875025790001992: Other fastners of base metalx
2875026000001992: Ships' or boats' propellers and blades therefor (nº)
2875027130001992: Articles of non-malleable cast iron, n.e.c. (kg)5 464 769
2875027170001992: Cast articles of iron or steel, n.e.c. (kg)x
2875027190001999: Cast articles of iron or steel, n.e.c. (kg)2 209 158
2875027220001999: Forged or stamped articles of iron or steel, n.e.c. (kg)7 539 480
2875027230001992: Forged or stamped articles of iron or steel, n.e.c. (kg)x
2875027250001992: Articles of iron or steel wire, n.e.c. (kg)4 578 992
2875027310001992: Ladders and steps (nº)88 506
2875027330001992: Pallets and similar platforms for handling goods (kg)1 235
2875027370001992: Non-mechanical ventilators, guttering, hooks and like articles used in building industry (kg)116 392
2875027410001992: Perforated buckets and similar articles of sheet to filter water at entrance to drains (kg)25 816
2875027430001992: Open-die forged (kg)488 468
2875027450001992: Closed-die forged (kg)6 210 290
2875027490001992: Other ware (kg)5 986 185
2875027520001992: Cloth, grill, netting and fencing (kg)149 531
2875027530001992: Other cast articles (kg)2 875 765
2875027550001992: Articles of aluminium n.e.c. (kg)9 226 604
2875027570001992: Cast, moulded, stamped or forged articles of copper (kg)x
2875027580001999: Articles of copper, n.e.c. (kg)4 217 590
2875027590001992: Articles of copper, n.e.c. (kg)x
2875027620001992: Other articles of nickel, n.e.c. (kg)x
2875027630001992: Other articles of lead, n.e.c. (kg)
2875027650001992: Articles of zinc, n.e.c. (kg)3 129 245
2875027660001992: Other articles of tin, n.e.c. (kg)90 623
2875027670001992: Mountings, fittings, etc, for motor vehicles, of base metal, nes (kg)x
2875027680001992: Mountings, fittings, etc, for furniture, of base metal, nes (kg)x
2875027690001999: Other articles of nickel, n.e.c. (kg)
2875027730001992: Mountings, fittings, for window or doorcurtains (kg)x
2875027750001992: Other mountings and fittings for doors, staircases, of base metal (except for buildings and furniture) (kg)x
2875027810001992: Hat-racks, hat-pegs, brackets and similar fixtures of base Metal (kg)206 740
2875027820001992: Bells, gongs, etc, non-electric, of base metal (kg)22 815
2875027830001992: Flexible tubing of base metal, of iron or steel (kg)
2875027850001992: Flexible tubing of other base metal (kg)439 586
2875027870001992: Sign-plates, name-plates, address-plates, etc, of base metals (kg)2 550 310
2875099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29110: Manufacture of engines and turbinesx
2911012500001992: Other engines (nº)x
2911021500001992: Steam turbines for generation of electricity (nº)x
2911031000001992: Parts of vapour turbines of HS 8406.11 to 8406.19x
2911032000001992: Parts of hydraulic turbines, water wheels including regulatorsx
2911091000001992: Installation of engines and turbines (except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines)x
2911092000001992: Repair and maintenance of engines and turbines (except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines)x
2911099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29120: Manufacture of pumps and compressorsx
2912011330001992: Hydraulic power engines and motors, linear acting, hydraulic systems (cyl.) (nº)832
2912011350001992: Other hydraulic power engines, linear acting (cylinders) not hydraulic systems (nº)321
2912012370001992: Other power engines and motors (nº)4 959
2912021100001992: Pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants, for filling-stations or garages (nº)1 090
2912021300001992: Pumps for liquids, with or designed to be fitted with a measuring (nº)32
2912021700001992: Fuel/lubricating/cooling medium pumps for internal combustion engines (nº)
2912022300001992: Dosing and proportioning pumps (nº)21
2912022500001992: Other piston pumps, hydraulic fluid power (nº)2 742
2912022700001992: Other in line piston / plunger pumps (nº)
2912023100001992: Rotary positive displacement pumps hydraulic units (nº)3 501
2912023330001992: Gear pumps, hydraulic fluid power (nº)
2912024000001992: Pumps for liquids, liquid elevators (nº)x
2912024130001992: Submersible single stage (nº)8 202
2912024150001992: Submersible multistage (nº)49 362
2912024170001992: Glandless impeller pumps for heating system and warm water supply (nº)
2912024200001992: Centrifugal pumps for liquids, with a discharge outlet diameter <= 15 mm (nº)1 335
2912024300001992: Channel impeller pumps and side channel pumps (nº)
2912024510001992: Centrifugal pumps single stage single entry monobloc (nº)4 091
2912024530001992: Centrifugal pumps single stage single entry (nº)
2912024550001992: Radial flow pumps, single-stage, with more than one entry impeller (nº)
2912024570001992: Other centrifugal pumps, single-stage (nº)x
2912024600001996: Radial flow pumps, multi-stage (nº)
2912024710001996: Other centrifugal pumps, single-stage (nº)3 713
2912024730001992: Radial flow pumps, multi-stage (nº)x
2912024750001992: Other centrifugal pumps, multi-stage (nº)3 579
2912024800001996: Pumps for liquids, liquid elevators (nº)5 419
2912031500001992: Rotary pistons pumps, sliding vane rotary pumps, molecular drag pumps and Root pumps (nº)-
2912033350001992: Compressors for refrigerating equipment, of a power > 0,4 kW, hermetic or semi-hermetic (nº)5 277
2912033370001992: Compressors for refrigerating equipment, of a power > 0,4 kW (nº)x
2912034300001992: Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing, flow/m < 2 m³ (nº)831
2912036300001992: Compressors not exceeding 15 bar, flow/h < 60 m³ (nº)3 154
2912036700001992: Other exceeding 15 bar, flow/h, <= 120 m³ (nº)
2912037300001992: Rotary displacement compressors, single-shaft (nº)-
2912038000001992: Other compressors of HS 8414 (nº)1 060 923
2912041300001992: Parts of engines and motors, excl. hydraulic power engines and motors, and of reaction engines other than turbo-jetsx
2912041500001992: Parts of hydraulic power engines and motorsx
2912042000001992: Parts of pumps for liquids and of liquid elevatorsx
2912043000001992: Parts of air/vacuum pumps, of air/gas compressors, of fans, of hoodsx
2912091000001992: Installation of pumps and compressorsx
2912092000001992: Repair and maintenance of pumps and compressorsx
2912099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29130: Manufacture of taps and valvesx
2913011340001999: Pneumatic filters, regulators and lubricators (kg)x
2913011350001992: Pressure-reducing valves of cast iron or steel, not combined with filters or lubricators (kg)x
2913011370001992: Pressure-reducing valves, excluding those of cast iron or steel, combined with filters or lubricators (kg)x
2913011390001992: Pressure-reducing valves, excluding those of cast iron or steel, not combined with filters or lubricators (kg)696 386
2913011720002001: Check valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like (kg)139 489
2913011730001992: Check valves (kg)x
2913011750001992: Safety or relief valves (kg)x
2913011760002001: Safety or relief valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like (incl. for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes) (kg)1 207 200
2913012330001992: Other appliances such as mixing valves (kg)5 180 444
2913012350001992: Other taps, cocks and valves (kg)3 123 428
2913013150001992: Other process control valves (kg)
2913013330001992: Other gate valves, of cast iron (kg)
2913013350001992: Other gate valves, of steel (kg)
2913013370001992: Other gate valves, other (kg)
2913013530001992: Globe valves, of cast iron (kg)
2913013570001992: Other globe valves (kg)
2913013730001992: Ball and plug valves (kg)
2913013800001992: Other appliances (kg)329 641
2913020000001992: Parts of valves and similar articles of HS 8481x
2913090000001992: Repair and maintenance of taps and valvesx
2913099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29140: Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elementsx
2914010300001992: Ball bearings (kg)1 423 725
2914010530001992: Tappered roller bearings (kg)7 346
2914010900001992: Ball or roller bearings (incl. combined ball/roller bearings), n.e.c. (kg)202
2914021550001992: Articulated link chain (excl. roller chain) of iron or steel (kg)1 256 988
2914022300001992: Other cranks and crankshafts (kg)1 041
2914022530001992: Cardan shafts (kg)
2914022550001992: Other shafts (kg)
2914023300001992: Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings (kg)3 223
2914023500001992: Bearing housings (excl. ball or roller bearings) plain shaftbearings (kg)1 506
2914024330001992: Gears boxes ..., bevel and bevel/spur and helical gear boxes (kg)1 013
2914024340001992: Gears boxes ..., worm gear boxes (kg)1 610
2914024370001992: Gear boxes for marine propulsion (kg)x
2914024470001999: Gear boxes for marine propulsion (kg)178
2914024530001992: Gear boxes for other selfpropelled machines of HS 84 (kg)
2914024750001992: Other transmission elements (kg)
2914025000001992: Flywheels and pulleys (incl. pulley blocks) (kg)3 839
2914026330001992: Hydraulic couplings (kg)
2914026370001992: Free-wheel clutches (incl. back-stops) (kg)
2914026390001992: Other coupling and clutches (kg)
2914033520001992: Spur and helical gears (kg)x
2914033520001996: Spur and helical gearsx
2914033530001992: Bevel gears (kg)x
2914033540001992: Worm gears (kg)x
2914033540001996: Worm gearsx
2914033550001992: Other gears, racks (kg)x
2914033560001992: Parts for gear boxes and speed variators (kg)x
2914033570001992: Parts for coupling and clutches (kg)x
2914033570001996: Parts for coupling and clutchesx
2914033590001996: Other partsx
2914099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29210: Manufacture of furnaces and furnace burnersx
2921011300001992: Furnace burners for liquid fuel (nº)
2921011500001992: Furnace burners for solid fuel or gas (incl. combination burners) (nº)6 229
2921012300001992: Furnaces and ovens for roasting, melting... of ores/pyrites/metals (nº)
2921012900001992: Other furnaces and ovens (kg)
2921013300001992: Bakery and biscuit ovens (nº)
2921013510001992: Resistance heated industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, (not bakery) (kg)178 408
2921013530001992: Induction industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens (kg)x
2921013550001992: Industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, other equipment (kg)2 370
2921013570001992: Infra-red radiation ovens (kg)
2921014300001992: Parts of furnace burners for liquid/solid/gas fuel; mechanical grates... (kg)x
2921014300001996: Parts of furnace burners for liquid/solid/gas fuel; mechanical grates...x
2921014500001992: Parts of industrial or laboratory furnaces (incl. incinerators) (kg)x
2921014500001996: Parts of industrial or laboratory furnaces (incl. incinerators)x
2921014700001996: Parts of furnaces and ovens of HS 8514x
2921091000001992: Installation of furnaces and furnace burnersx
2921092000001992: Repair and maintenance of furnaces and furnace burnersx
2921099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29220: Manufacture of lifting and handling equipmentx
2922011300001992: Pulley tackle and hoists..., powered by electric motor (nº)
2922011700001992: Pulley tackle and hoists..., nes (excl. skip or vehicle hoists) (nº)x
2922012300001992: Pit-head winding gear; winches for use underground (nº)x
2922012530001992: Winches, capstans, powered by electric motor (nº)964
2922012550001992: Winches, capstans, powered by internal combustion piston engines (nº)x
2922012700002000: Winches and capstans (excl. those for raising vehicles, those specially designed for use underground, powered by an electric motor, powered by an internal combustion piston engine) (nº)x
2922012730001992: Winches, capstans, nes, pneumatic (nº)x
2922013300001992: Built-in jacking systems of a type used in garages (nº)
2922013500001992: Hydraulic jacks and vehicles hoists (nº)
2922013700001992: Jacks; and vehicle hoists, n.e.c. (nº)
2922014200001992: Overhead travelling cranes on fixed support (nº)
2922014330001992: Mobile lifting frames on tyres and straddle carriers (nº)x
2922014350001992: Travelling, etc., cranes..., n.e.c. (nº)153
2922014430001992: Tower cranes (nº)1 024
2922014450001992: Portal or pedestal jib cranes (nº)9
2922014600001992: Machinery and apparatus, n.e.c., designed for mounting on road vehicles (nº)10
2922014700001992: Machinery and apparatus, n.e.c. (nº)185
2922015330001992: Self-propelled works trucks, nonelectrical, with a lifting height of 1 m or more (nº)x
2922015350001992: Other trucks (nº)-
2922015500001992: Works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, n.e.c. (nº)-
2922015730001992: Electrical vehicles, not fitted with lifting... equipment (nº)x
2922015750001992: Works trucks (excl. electrical), not fitted with lifting... equipment (nº)-
2922016300001992: Lifts and skip hoists, electrically operated (nº)1 320
2922016500001992: Lifts and skip hoists, other (nº)218
2922016700001992: Escalators and moving walkways (nº)311
2922017100001992: Pneumatic elevators and conveyors, for use in agriculture (nº)x
2922017330001992: Pneumatic elevators and conveyors, other for bulk materials (nº)
2922017350001992: Pneumatic elevators and conveyors, other (nº)x
2922017500001992: Continuous-action elevators and conveyors, bucket type, n.e.c. (nº)5
2922017730001992: Continuous-action elevators and conveyors, belt type (nº)291
2922017750001992: Continuous-action elevators and conveyors, belt type, for unit loads (nº)724
2922017930001992: Continuous-action elevators and conveyors, roller conveyors (nº)
2922017950001992: Continuous-action elevators and conveyors, n.e.c. (nº)421
2922018100001992: Mine wagon pushers, locomotive or wagon traversers... (nº)-
2922018200001992: Teleferics, chair-lifts...; traction mechanisms for funiculars (nº)10
2922018300001992: Lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery, n.e.c. (nº)1
2922018500001992: Lifting machinery for agricultural purposes (nº)
2922018730001992: Lifting tables, elevating work platforms, dock levellers, tail boards lift (nº)14
2922018750001992: Storage and retrieval machines (nº)
2922018770001992: Other machinery (nº)155
2922019300001992: Parts of machinery of HS 8425, 8427 & 8428 (excl. lift, skip hoists or escalators)x
2922019500001992: Parts of lift, skip hoists or escalators (kg)x
2922019500001996: Parts of lift, skip hoists or escalatorsx
2922019700001992: Parts of works trucks of HS 8709 (kg)x
2922019700001996: Parts of works trucks of HS 8709x
2922020000001992: Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips of machinery of HS 8426, 8429 and 8430 (kg)1 064 697
2922091000001992: Installation of lifting and handling equipment (except lifts and escalators)x
2922092000001992: Repair and maintenance of lifting and handling equipmentx
2922099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29230: Manufacture of non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipmentx
2923011320001992: Heat exchange units for airconditioning (nº)71 227
2923011330001992: Heat exchange units for chemical industries (nº)4
2923011350001992: Other heat exchange units, for food and drinks (nº)x
2923011370001992: Other heat exchange units, for other industries (nº)32
2923011500001992: Machinery for liquefying air or other gases (nº)3 549
2923012300001992: Window or wall air conditioning machines, self-contained (nº)x
2923012400002001: Air conditioning machines of a kind used in motor vehicles (nº)615 222
2923012450002002: Air conditioning machines with refrigeration unit (excl. those used in motor vehicles, self-contained or split-systems machines) (nº)574
2923012500001992: Air conditioning machines, with refrigerating unit (nº)x
2923012700001992: Air conditioning machines, without refrigerating unit (nº)
2923013330001992: Refrigerated show-cases and counters for frozen food storage (nº)39 726
2923013350001992: Other show-cases (nº)51 447
2923013400001992: Other deep-freezing furniture other than that of HS 8418.30 and 8418.40 (nº)8 027
2923013500001992: Other furniture (nº)12 449
2923013730001992: Compression type units whose condensers are heat exchangers (nº)2 929
2923013750001992: Absorption heat pumps (nº)15
2923013900001992: Other refrigerating or freezing equipment (nº)5 363
2923014130001992: Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air, high efficiency (nº)457
2923014150001992: Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying air, other (nº)9 909
2923014200001992: Machinery and apparatus for filtering or purifying gases, by liquid process (nº)3
2923014400001992: Machinery filtering or purifying gases, by catalytic process (nº)x
2923014500001992: Machinery filtering or purifying gases, by thermic process (nº)x
2923014700001996: Machinery filtering or purifying gases (nº)
2923020300001992: Axial fans (nº)1 631
2923020500001992: Centrifugal fans (nº)1 394
2923020700001992: Other fans (nº)232
2923030100001992: Parts of air conditioning machines (kg)x
2923030100001996: Parts of air conditioning machinesx
2923030300001992: Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment (nº)3 185
2923030500001992: Evaporators and condensers (excl. for refrigerating of household type) (nº)142 305
2923030700001992: Parts of refrigerating furniture, parts of heat-pumps, otherx
2923030900001992: Parts of non-domestic equipment of HS 8419x
2923091000001992: Installation of non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipmentx
2923092000001992: Repair and maintenance of non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipmentx
2923099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29240: Manufacture of other general purpose machineryx
2924011300001992: Producer gas or water gas generators; acetylene gas generators, etc. (nº)x
2924011500001992: Distilling or rectifying plant (nº)x
2924012330001992: Apparatus for filtering/purifying water by chemicals means (nº)9
2924012350001992: Apparatus for filtering/purifying water by other means (nº)
2924012500001992: Machinery and apparatus for filtering/ purifying beverages (excl. water) (nº)
2924012700002000: Machinery and apparatus for solid-liquid separation/ purifi- cation excl. for water & beverages,centrifuges & centrifugal dryers,oil/petrol-filters for internal combustion engines (nº)32
2924012730001992: Machinery and apparatus for filtering/ purifying liquids, for chemical industry (nº)x
2924012750001992: Machinery and apparatus for filtering/ purifying liquids, for others (nº)x
2924013300001992: Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines (nº)
2924021300001992: Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers (nº)
2924021500001992: Machinery for filling, closing... bottles, cans... and aerating drinks (nº)178 964
2924021700001992: Packing or wrapping machinery, n.e.c. (nº)826
2924022330001992: Household scalese (nº)x
2924022350001992: Personal weighing machines (incl. baby scales) (nº)x
2924022530001992: Scales for continuous weighing of goods on conveyors (nº)
2924022550001992: Constant weight scales and scales for discharging a predetermined weight (nº)312
2924023100001992: Checkweighers and sorting scales (nº)-
2924023330001992: Other miscellaneous machinery for weighting: platform scales (nº)1 791
2924023350001992: Other miscellaneous machinery for weighting: single and multicomponent weighting, batching platform (nº)
2924023370001992: Other miscellaneous machinery for weighting: other scales, n.e.c. (nº)2 356
2924023500001992: Shop-scales, of a capacity <= 30 kg (nº)3 976
2924023700001992: Weighing machinery, nes, of weighing capacity over 5000 kg; weighbridges (nº)275
2924024100001992: Fire extinguishers (nº)
2924024330001992: Spray guns and similar appliances, for enamel, colours, limes (nº)x
2924024350001992: Spray guns and similar appliances, other (nº)x
2924024500001992: Steam or sand blasting machines ... (nº)1 625
2924024700001992: Other mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying (nº)
2924031530001992: Centrifuges for chemical and related industries (nº)2
2924031550001992: Centrifuges for food and drink industries (nº)
2924031570001992: Other centrifuges (nº)x
2924032050001992: Other calanders and cylinders of open-die forged steel (nº)x
2924032500001996: Other calanders and cylinders of open-die forged steel (nº)16
2924033300001992: Automatic goods-vending machines, with heating or refrigerating devices (nº)x
2924033500001992: Automatic goods-vending machines, n.e.c. (nº)x
2924040300001992: Cooling towers and similar plant for direct cooling (nº)x
2924040730001992: Other plant... for treatment of material by a process involving change of temperature for chemical industries (nº)25
2924040750001992: Others for food and drink industries (nº)1
2924040770001992: Other plant (nº)5
2924053150001992: Parts of calendering or other rolling machines, n.e.c. (kg)x
2924053200001992: Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of weighing machinery (kg)x
2924053200001996: Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of weighing machineryx
2924053300002000: Parts for mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids/powders; fire-extinguishers, spray guns & similar appliances, & steam/sand-blasting machinesx
2924053350001992: Other parts of machinery and apparatus of 8424 (kg)x
2924053350001996: Other parts of machinery and apparatus of 8424x
2924053500001992: Parts of machines of HS 8476 (kg)x
2924053500001996: Parts of machines of HS 8476x
2924054000001992: Other parts (kg)x
2924054000001996: Other partsx
2924060000001992: Dish washing machines, of the industrial type (nº)910
2924070000001992: Parts of machinery of 8422.11 to 8422.40x
2924070200002002: Parts of packing and wrapping machinesx
2924091000001992: Installation of other general purpose machinery n.e.c.x
2924092000001992: Repair and maintenance of other general purpose machinery n.e.c.x
2924099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29310: Manufacture of agricultural tractorsx
2931010000001992: Pedestrian controlled tractors (nº)x
2931022030001992: Tractors > 37 kW =< 59, 2 WD, new (nº)x
2931022050001992: Tractors > 37 kW =< 59, 4 WD, new (nº)x
2931099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29320: Manufacture of other agricultural and forestry machineryx
2932011300001992: Ploughs (nº)4 747
2932011500002000: Ploughs (excl. mouldboard ploughs) (nº)157
2932011530001992: Disc ploughs (nº)x
2932011550001992: Other ploughs (nº)x
2932011700001992: Disc harrows (nº)2 454
2932012100002000: Scarifiers and cultivators (nº)9 012
2932012130001992: Tined scarifiers and cultivators (nº)x
2932012150001992: Pto driven rotary cultivators (nº)x
2932012300002000: Harrows (excl. disc harrows) (nº)553
2932012330001992: Conventional toothed harrows (nº)x
2932012350001992: PTO driven toothed harrows (nº)x
2932012500001992: Rotovators (nº)-
2932012700001996: Other harrows, scarifiers and cultivators (nº)248
2932012750001992: Other harrows, scarifiers and cultivators (nº)x
2932013330001992: Central driven precision spacing seeders (nº)20
2932013350001992: Seeders (nº)159
2932013500002000: Planters and transplanters (nº)100
2932013530001992: Potato planters (nº)x
2932013550001992: Other planters and transplanters (nº)x
2932014300002000: Distributors for mineral or chemical fertilizer for soil preparation (nº)326
2932014330001992: Fertilizer distributors centrifugal (nº)x
2932014350001992: Other fertilizer distributors, mineral or chemical (nº)x
2932014500001992: Other fertilizer distributors (nº)
2932015000001992: Agricultural... forestry machinery, n.e.c.; lawn or sports-ground rollers (nº)4 999
2932015030001996: Combined brush and hedge cutters/mowers with articulated hydraulic arm (nº)x
2932015050001996: Agricultural... forestry machinery, n.e.c.; lawn or sports-ground rollers (nº)x
2932020100001992: Mowers for lawns... electric (nº)x
2932020350001992: Mowers for lawns... self-propelled, other (nº)x
2932020700001992: Other mowers for lawns, without motor (nº)
2932031300001992: Mowers, with motor and mowers not carried or hauled (nº)x
2932031530001992: Mowers with the cutting device rotating in a horizontal plane (nº)40
2932031700001992: Other mowers, without motor, not designed to be carried on or hauled by tractor (nº)x
2932032330001992: Turners, tedders (nº)173
2932032500001992: Other haymaking machinery (nº)x
2932033500001992: Other straw or fodder balers (nº)x
2932034200001992: Threshing machinery for agricultural produce, n.e.c. (nº)45
2932034300001992: Potato-diggers and potato harvesters (nº)331
2932034600001992: Other root or tuber harvesting machines (nº)x
2932034730001992: Forage harvesters for tractor draft (nº)
2932034770001996: Wine harvesters (nº)
2932034830001992: Maize harvesters, pickers, huskers shellers (nº)x
2932034850001992: Wine harvesters (nº)x
2932034870001992: Other harvesting machines (nº)x
2932034900002000: Harvesting machines (excl. combine harvester threshers, root or tuber harvesting machines, forage harvesters, grape harvesters) (nº)
2932034950001996: Maize harvesters, pickers, huskers shellers (nº)x
2932040100001992: Machinery for projecting... liquids/powders for agriculture... (nº)-
2932040330001992: Portable appliances, without motor (nº)x
2932040340001999: Portable mechanical appliances with or without a motor, for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders, for agricultural or horticultural use (excl. watering appliances) (nº)12 837
2932040350001992: Portable appliances, with motor (nº)x
2932040500001992: Sprayers and powder distributors on agricultural tractors (nº)5 389
2932040700001992: Other appliances, agricultural or horticultural (nº)1 325
2932050300001992: Manure spreaders (nº)x
2932050400002000: Self-loading or self-unloading trailers for agricultural purposes (nº)5 020
2932050500001992: Other self-loading or self-unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agricultural purposes (nº)x
2932061300001992: Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading eggs (nº)x
2932061500001992: Other machines for cleaning, sorting or grading fruit or other produce (nº)x
2932062000001992: Milking machines (nº)17
2932063330001992: Crushers and other mills for cereals, beans, peas and the like (nº)x
2932063350001992: Other machinery for preparing animal feedstuffs (nº)x
2932063360001999: Machinery for preparing animal feedstuffs (nº)820
2932063530001992: Poultry incubators and brooders (nº)
2932063550001992: Poultry-keeping machinery, n.e.c. (nº)x
2932064000001992: Machines for cleaning/sorting/grading seed, grain or dried vegetables (nº)18
2932065020001992: Wood harvesting machines, grapple booms (nº)x
2932065040001992: Wood harvesting and working machines: other (nº)x
2932065120001992: Animal feeding and drinking equipment (nº)x
2932065130001992: Other stock breeding equipment (nº)x
2932065140001992: Silo unloaders (nº)x
2932065150001992: Collapsible equipment for storing agricultural products (nº)x
2932065190001992: Other machinery Pos. 84.36 (nº)x
2932065300002000: Forestry machinery (nº)117
2932065310001996: Wood harvesting machines, skidders (nº)x
2932065330001996: Wood harvesting machines, grapple booms (nº)x
2932065370001996: Wood harvesting and working machines: other (nº)x
2932065400001996: Nipple drinkers (nº)57 361
2932065510001996: Animal feeding and drinking equipment (nº)111 754
2932065530001996: Other stock breeding equipment (nº)23 453
2932065550001996: Silo unloaders (nº)337
2932065570001996: Collapsible equipment for storing agricultural products (nº)
2932065590001996: Other machinery of HS 8436 (nº)1 880
2932070100001992: Ploughshares (nº)x
2932070200001999: Parts of agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivationx
2932070300001992: Other parts of cast or moulded in iron, steel or cast iron (kg)x
2932070300001996: Other parts of cast or moulded in iron, steel or cast ironx
2932070430001992: Discs for ploughs and other machines and equipment for preparating and working of soil (kg)x
2932070450001992: Other parts of machinery for agriculturalx
2932070500002000: Parts of machinery and apparatus of HS 8433x
2932070510001992: Parts of combines and maize harvestersx
2932070530001992: Parts of wine harvesters (kg)x
2932070530001996: Parts of wine harvestersx
2932070570001992: Parts of other agricultural, horticultural and forestry machines and equipmentx
2932070600001992: Parts of poultry-keeping machinery or poultry incubators and broodersx
2932070700002000: Parts of machinery of HS 8436, n.e.c.x
2932070730001992: Parts of wood harvesting and working machinesx
2932070750001992: Other machinery partsx
2932091000001992: Installation of agricultural and forestry machineryx
2932092000001992: Repair and maintenance of agricultural and forestry machineryx
2932099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29400: Machine toolsx
2940011100001992: Machine-tools operated by laser or other light or photon beam processes (nº)1
2940012200001996: Machine centres, horizontal (nº)-
2940012400001996: Machine centres, other (nº)16
2940012500001992: Unit contruction machines (single station) for working metal (nº)
2940021130001992: Centre lathes, multi-tool lathes and copying lathes, numerically controlled (nº)x
2940021270001996: Automatic lathes, horizontal, numerically controlled (nº)10
2940021330001992: Other centre, multi-tool, and copying lathes (excl. numerically controlled) (nº)x
2940021750001992: Lathes for removing metal, nes (excl. numerically controlled) (nº)x
2940021900001996: Other lathes for removing metal, n.e.c. (excl. numerically controlled) (nº)
2940022350001992: Drilling machines for removing metal, n.e.c. (nº)
2940022770001992: Milling machines, knee-type, for metal (excl. numerically controlled) (nº)1
2940031310001992: Sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines, numerically controlled (nº)1
2940031330001992: Sharpening (tool or cutter grinding) machines, n.e.c. (nº)16
2940031350001992: Honing or lapping machines, for working metal (nº)
2940031370001992: Machines for deburring, grinding, polishing, etc, metal, n.e.c. (nº)5
2940031550001992: Shaping or slotting machines for working metal, etc. (nº)x
2940031750001992: Other cutting/grinding/finishing/sawing machines, nonnumerically controlled (nº)x
2940031830001992: Sawing or cutting-off machines for working metal, etc. (nº)201
2940031890001992: Machine tools worked by removing metal, etc. (nº)x
2940032330001992: Bending, folding... machines, numerically controlled, for flat products (nº)205
2940032350001992: Bending, folding... machines, numerically controlled, other (nº)23
2940032500001992: Shearing machines (incl. presses), numerically controlled (nº)9
2940032700001992: Punching or notching machines (incl. presses), numerically controlled (nº)430
2940033330001992: Other for working flat products, nonnumerically controlled (nº)1
2940033350001992: Other bending, folding... machines (nº)293
2940033500001992: Shearing machines (incl. presses), n.e.c. (nº)25
2940033700001992: Punching or notching machines (incl. presses), n.e.c. (nº)x
2940034200001992: Forging or die-stamping machines and hammers... other (nº)-
2940034300001992: Other presses for moulding metallic powders by sintering or presses compressing scrap metal into bales (nº)
2940034400001992: Other hydraulic presses numerically controlled (nº)-
2940034550001992: Other hydraulic presses, nonnumerically controlled (nº)
2940034700001992: Presses for moulding, numerically controlled (nº)9
2940034900001992: Other presses, nonnumerically controlled (nº)
2940035100001992: Draw-benches for working metal, sintered metal carbides or cermets (nº)
2940035500001992: Machines for working wire, without removing material (nº)
2940035700001992: Machine-tools for working metal, without removing material, n.e.c. (nº)370
2940041300001992: Sawing machines, for working stone, ceramics, concrete, etc. (nº)158
2940041500001992: Grinding or polishing machines, for working stone, ceramics, etc. (nº)77
2940041700001992: Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete, etc. (nº)125
2940042100001992: Multipurposes machines with manual assistance for each change of operation, for wood (nº)22
2940042200001992: Multipurposes machines with automatic assistance for each change of operation (nº)x
2940042330001992: Sawing machines for band sawing for wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, etc. (nº)130
2940042350001992: Sawing machines for cicular sawing for wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, etc. (nº)134
2940042370001992: Other sawing machines for wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, etc. (nº)45
2940042530001992: Planing or thicknessing for wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, etc. (nº)61
2940042550001992: Milling or moulding for wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, etc. (nº)80
2940042570001992: Planing, milling or moulding n.e.c. for wood, cork, bone, hard rubber, etc. (nº)50
2940042630001992: Grinding, sanding or polishing machines for working wood, cork, etc. (nº)29
2940042650001992: Bending or assembling machines for coating, working wood, cork, bone, etc. (nº)28
2940042670001992: Drilling or morticing machines for working wood, cork, bone, etc. (nº)104
2940042700001992: Splitting, slicing or paring machines for working wood, cork, bone, etc. (nº)4
2940042830001992: Machine-tools, nes, lathes (nº)52
2940042850001992: Machine-tools, n.e.c. (nº)217
2940042870001992: Machinery for treating wood or cork, having individual functions (nº)364
2940051300001992: Pneumatic tools (excl. rotary type) (nº)x
2940051700001992: Tools for working in the hand, hydraulic or with a non-electric motor, n.e.c. (nº)x
2940052130001992: Drills capables of operation without an external source of power (nº)9
2940052250001992: Cicular saws (nº)x
2940052530001992: Belt sanders (nº)
2940052550001992: Others (e.g. orbital sanders) (nº)7
2940052700001992: Hedge trimmers, scissor-type grass shears, machines for cutting lawn edges (nº)-
2940060250001992: Brazing or soldering machines and apparatus, n.e.c. (nº)424
2940060300001992: Machines for resistance welding of metal, fully or partly automatic (nº)161
2940060430001992: Other machines and apparatus for resistance welding, for butt welding (nº)2
2940060450001992: Machines and apparatus for resistance welding of metal, not automatic, other (nº)127
2940060500001992: Machines for arc (incl. plasma arc) welding of metals, automatic (nº)x
2940060630001992: Other for manual welding with coated electrodes (nº)8 489
2940060650001992: Other shieded arc welding (nº)582
2940060700001992: Machines and apparatus for welding/spraying of metals, n.e.c. (nº)x
2940060850001992: Other machines and apparatus for other materials (nº)19
2940071330001992: Tool holder : Arbors, collets and sleeves (kg)180
2940071350001992: Tools holders for lathes (kg)x
2940071500002000: Tool holders (excl. arbors, collets and sleeves, those for lathes) (kg)12 930
2940071530001992: Drill chucks (kg)x
2940071700001992: Selfopening dieheads (kg)
2940072300001992: Work holders for machine-tools, jigs and fixtures for specific applications; sets (kg)
2940072550001992: Other work holders for lathes (kg)x
2940073000001992: Dividing heads and other special attachments for machine-tools (kg)x
2940074300001992: Parts and accessories for machines of HS 8456 to 8461x
2940074500001992: Parts and accessories for machines of HS 8462 to 8463x
2940075300001992: Parts and accessories for machines of HS 8464x
2940075500001992: Parts and accessories for machines of HS 8465x
2940077000001996: Parts of electric toolsx
2940078300001996: Parts of machinery and apparatus of HS 8468x
2940078500001992: Parts of machines and apparatus of HS 8515 (kg)x
2940078500001996: Parts of machines and apparatus of HS 8515x
2940091000001992: Installation of machine-toolsx
2940092000001992: Repair and maintenance of machine-toolsx
2940099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29510: Manufacture of machinery for metallurgyx
2951091000001992: Installation of machinery for metallurgyx
2951092000001992: Repair and maintenance of machinery for metallurgyx
2951099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29520: Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionx
2952011000001992: Continuous-action elevators and conveyors, for underground use (nº)283
2952012530001992: Self-propelled boring or sinking machinery (nº)8
2952012550001992: Boring or sinking machinery (excl. self-propelled) (nº)x
2952022000001992: Self-propelled graders and levellers (nº)x
2952024000001992: Self-propelled tamping machines and road-rollers (nº)x
2952025500001992: Other self-propelled front-end shovel loaders (nº)x
2952027300002000: Self-propelled bulldozers, excavators..., n.e.c. (nº)186
2952027330001992: Backhoe loaders not with 360° revolving superstructure (nº)x
2952027350001992: Other excavators and loaders not with 360° revolving superstructure (nº)x
2952028000001992: Bulldozer or angledozer blades of 84.29 (kg)17 675
2952030500001992: Tamping or compacting machinery, not self-propelled (nº)x
2952030700001992: Scrapers earth moving, excavating, extracting... machinery, not self-propelled (nº)x
2952030900001992: Machinery for public works, building..., having individual functions (nº)163
2952040330001992: Machines for sorting, grinding, mixing for building material (nº)10
2952040350001992: Machines for sorting, grinding, mixing for mining industry (nº)
2952040370001992: Sorting, screening,... other materials (nº)x
2952040500001992: Concrete or mortar mixers (nº)29 656
2952040700001992: Machines for mixing mineral substances with bitumen (nº)5
2952040830001992: Other machinery for earth, stone, ores, for building (nº)37
2952040870001992: Other machinery for earth, stone, ores, n.e.c. (nº)x
2952061300001992: Parts for boring or sinking machinery of subheading 8430.41 or 8430.49 (kg)x
2952061300001996: Parts for boring or sinking machinery of subheading 8430.41 or 8430.49x
2952061500001992: Parts of machinery of 84.26, 84.29 and 84.30, n.e.c. (kg)x
2952061500001996: Parts of machinery of 84.26, 84.29 and 84.30, n.e.c.x
2952062000001992: Parts of machinery of 84.74 (kg)x
2952062000001996: Parts of machinery of 84.74x
2952091000001992: Installation of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionx
2952092000001992: Repair and maintenance of machinery for mining, quarrying and constructionx
2952099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29530: Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processingx
2953012000001992: Dairy machinery (nº)237
2953013000001992: Machinery for miling or working of cereals or dried vegetables, n.e.c. (nº)145
2953014000001999: Presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wines, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages (nº)435
2953014330001992: Machinery used in the manufacture of wine (nº)x
2953014500001992: Machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices, n.e.c. (nº)x
2953015330001992: Tunnel ovens (incl. biscuit ovens) (nº)
2953015350001992: Bakery ovens (incl. biscuit ovens), n.e.c. (nº)403
2953015500001992: Dryers for agricultural products (nº)x
2953015730001992: Non-domestic equipment, for heating drinks (nº)2 864
2953015750001992: Other non-domestic equipment, for cooking or heating (nº)15 237
2953016130001992: Bakery machinery (nº)5 339
2953016150001992: Machinery for making macaroni, spagetti, etc. (nº)
2953016300001992: Machinery for sugar manufacture (nº)-
2953016400001992: Brewery machinery (nº)28
2953016500001992: Machinery for the preparation of meat or poultry (nº)715
2953016600001992: Machinery for the preparation of fruits, nuts or vegetables (nº)22
2953016700001992: Machinery for the preparation or manufacture of food or drink, n.e.c. (nº)700
2953016800001992: Machinery for the extraction/preparation of animal/vegetable fats or oil (nº)126
2953021300002000: Parts for milking machines and dairy machineryx
2953021350001992: Parts of dairy machineryx
2953021500001992: Parts of machinery of 84.35x
2953022300001992: Parts of machinery of 84.37x
2953022500001992: Parts of machinery of 84.38x
2953023000001992: Parts of machinery of 84.78x
2953091000001992: Installation of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processingx
2953092000001992: Repair and maintenance of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processingx
2953099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29540: Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather productionx
2954011100001992: Machines for extruding, drawing... or cutting man-made textile materials (nº)
2954011300001992: Carding machines (nº)6
2954011700001992: Other machines for preparing textile fibres (nº)14
2954012500001992: Textile doubling or twisting machines (nº)x
2954012900001992: For machines of HS 8446 and 8447 (nº)x
2954013300001992: Power looms for weaving fabrics, width <= 30 cm, or > 30 cm with shuttle type (nº)x
2954013500001992: Power looms for weaving fabrics, width > 30 cm (nº)42
2954015500001992: Auxiliary machinery for machines of 84.44, 84.45, 84.46, 84.47 (kg)791 789
2954021300001992: Ironing machines and presses (incl. fusing presses) (nº)40
2954021500002000: Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines (incl. wringers and mangles, shaker-tumblers; excl. household or laundry-type washing machines) (nº)30
2954021530001992: Washing, bleaching machines (nº)x
2954021550001992: Dyeing machines (nº)x
2954021700001992: Machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting... textile fabrics (nº)18
2954021850001992: Machinery for dressing, finishing, impregnating textiles, etc. (nº)x
2954022300001992: Washing machines, household/laundry type, capacity > 10 kg (nº)x
2954022700001992: Drying machines, of a dry linen capacity > 10 kg (nº)
2954023300001992: Automatic sewing machines (nº)
2954023500002000: Industrial sewing machines (excl. book-sewing machines, automatic machines) (nº)x
2954030300001992: Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather (nº)
2954030500001992: Machinery for making or repairing footwear (nº)32
2954030700001992: Machinery for making/repairing articles of hides, skins or leather, n.e.c. (nº)16
2954041100001992: Parts and accessories of machines of 84.44 and 84.45 or their auxiliary machineryx
2954041500001992: Parts and accessories of weaving machines or of their auxiliary machineryx
2954041700001992: Parts and accessories of machines of HS 8447 or of their auxiliary machineryx
2954042100001992: Parts of machines of 84.50x
2954042200001992: Parts of machines of 84.51x
2954042300001992: Sewing machine needles (kg)71 678
2954042500001992: Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereof (kg)x
2954042800001992: Parts of machinery of 84.53x
2954091000001992: Installation of machinery for textile, apparel and leather productionx
2954092000001992: Repair and maintenance of machinery for textile, apparel and leather productionx
2954099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29550: Manufacture of machinery for paper and paperboard productionx
2955011150001992: Machinery for making paper or paperboard (nº)-
2955011170001992: Machinery for finishing paper or paperboard (nº)11
2955011330001992: Combined reel slitting and re-reeling machines (nº)2
2955011370001992: Guillotines (nº)x
2955011600001992: Machines for making cartons, boxes, etc, of paper or paperboard (nº)-
2955011800001992: Machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, n.e.c. (nº)8 216
2955012300001992: Parts of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic materialx
2955012500002000: Parts of machinery of HS 8439 n.e.c. for making or finishing paper or paperboardx
2955012530001992: Parts of machinery for making paper or paperboardx
2955012700001992: Parts of machinery of HS 8441x
2955091000001992: Installation of machinery for paper and paperboard productionx
2955092000001992: Repair and maintenance of machinery for paper and paperboard productionx
2955099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29561: Manufacture of machinery for construction, ceramics and glassx
2956122500001992: Non-domestic dryers, n.e.c. (nº)53
2956125300001992: Machines for manufacturing or hot working glass or glassware (nº)
2956125650001992: Machines for mixing, kneading, crushing, ... having individual functions (excl. robots) (nº)533
2956125750001992: Industrial robots, n.e.c. (nº)159
2956126300001992: Parts of machines of 84.75x
2956126700001996: Parts of machines of 84.79x
2956191000001999: Installation of machinery for construction materials, ceramic and glassx
2956192000001999: Repair and maintenance of machinery for construction materials, ceramic and glassx
2956199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29562: Manufacture of machinery for rubber or plastics industryx
2956223100001999: Injection-moulding machines for working rubber or plastics or for manufacturing rubber or plastic products (nº)1
2956223130001992: Injection-moulding machines for working rubber (nº)x
2956223150001992: Injection-moulding machines for working plastics (nº)x
2956223300001999: Extruders for working rubber or plastics, or for manufacturing rubber or plastic products (nº)43
2956223350001992: Extruders for working plastics and making products thereof (nº)x
2956223400001992: Blow moulding machines for working rubber or plastics, etc. (nº)1
2956223500001992: Vacuum moulding machines and other thermoforming machines for rubber... (nº)1
2956223730001992: Other presses for moulding or forming rubber or plastics, etc., n.e.c. (nº)x
2956223750001992: Machinery for moulding or forming rubber or plastics, etc, n.e.c. (nº)x
2956223850001992: Machinery, n.e.c. (nº)245
2956226500001992: Parts of machinery of 84.77x
2956292000001999: Repair and maintenance of machinery for working plastics and rubberx
2956299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29563: Manufacture of metal mouldsx
2956324130001992: Moulding boxes for metal foundry (excl. wood) (kg)96 868
2956324200001992: Injection or compression type moulds for metal or metal carbides (nº)350 340
2956324300001992: Moulds for metal or metal carbides (excl. injection or compression types, gravity dies) (nº)1 450
2956324500001992: Moulds for glass (nº)18 497
2956324600001992: Moulds for mineral materials (nº)2 345
2956324730001992: Injection or compression type moulds for rubber (nº)4 907
2956324750001992: Injection or compression type moulds for plastics (nº)9 093
2956324800001992: Moulds for rubber or plastics (excl. injection of compression) (nº)784
2956391000001999: Installation of metal mouldsx
2956392000001999: Repair and maintenance of metal mouldsx
2956399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29564: Manufacture of other miscellaneous special purpose machinery, n.e.c.x
2956411900001992: Other book-binding machines (nº)x
2956413300001992: Offset printing machinery, reel fed (nº)x
2956413550001992: Offset printing machinery, sheet fed > 52x74cm but <= 74x107cm (nº)x
2956414100001992: Letterpress printing machinery, (excl. flexographic printing), reel fed (nº)x
2956414700001992: Machines for uses ancillary to printing (nº)-
2956414930001992: Other printing machinery, for textile materials (nº)
2956414950001992: Other printing machinery, n.e.c. (incl. inkjet printing machines) (nº)32
2956415500001992: Parts of machinery, apparatus or equipment of HS 8442x
2956415700001992: Parts of machinery of HS 8443x
2956422330001992: Dryers for wood (nº)49
2956424150001992: Moulding boxes for metal foundry, in wood (nº)x
2956425630001992: Machines for treating metal, having individual functions (excl. robots) (nº)33
2956425930001992: Other machines and mechanical appliances of HS 84, for mounting (excl. robots) (nº)161
2956425950001992: Other machines and mechanical appliances of HS 84, for manipulation (excl. robots) (nº)411
2956425970001992: Other machines and mechanical appliances of HS 84, n.e.c. (nº)7 657
2956426700001992: Parts of machines of 84.79x
2956491000001992: Installation of other special purpose machinery n.e.c.x
2956492000001992: Repair and maintenance of other special purpose machinery n.e.c.x
2956499000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29600: Manufacture of weapons and ammunitionx
2960012000001992: Military weapons, other than revolvers, pistols and arms of 93.07 (kg)x
2960013300001992: Revolvers and pistols, other than those of 93.03 or 93.04 (nº)6 377
2960013500001992: Muzzle-loading firearms, sporting, hunting or target shooting rifles (nº)59 302
2960013700001992: Firearms which operate by firing an explosive charge, n.e.c. (nº)-
2960014300001992: Cartridges for shotguns (nº)47 710 586
2960014700001992: Bombs, grenades, torpedos, mines, missiles and similar munitions, etc. (kg)x
2960015300001992: Parts and accessories of HS 9301 to 9304 (excl. military weapons)x
2960015500001992: Other, for military weapons falling within HS 9301x
2960092000001996: Repair and maintenance services of weapons and weapons systemsx
2960099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29710: Manufacture of electric domestic appliancesx
2971011100001992: Combined refrigerators-freezers, with separate external doors (nº)136 145
2971011330001992: Household type refrigerators (nº)144 383
2971011350001992: Built-in refrigerators (nº)
2971011500001992: Freezers of the chest type, capacity =< 800 litres (nº)228 046
2971011700001992: Freezers of the upright type, capacity =< 900 litres (nº)75 944
2971012300001992: Fully-automatic washing machines, capacity =< 10kg (nº)x
2971013300001996: Fully-automatic washing machines, capacity =< 10 kg (nº)x
2971014000001996: Electric blankets (nº)3 343
2971014330001992: Ceiling fans, power = <125 W (nº)x
2971014350001992: Other ventilators, = power <125 W (nº)x
2971014500001992: Hoods incorporating a fan having horizontal side =< 120 cm (nº)x
2971015300002000: Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an output <= 125 W (nº)22 771
2971015350001996: Other ventilators (nº)x
2971015500001996: Hoods incorporating a fan having horizontal side =< 120 cm (nº)1 356
2971021130001992: Vacuum cleaners => 110 V, domestic appliances (nº)
2971021300001992: Floor polishers (nº)x
2971021500001992: Trash compactors (nº)217 187
2971021700001992: Food mixers, processors, blenders... (nº)
2971021800001992: Other electromechanical appliances (kg)40 251
2971023150001992: Other hair dryers (nº)
2971023500001992: Electro-thermic hand-drying apparatus (nº)x
2971023730001992: Steam irons (nº)68 112
2971023750001992: Other irons (nº)x
2971024300001992: Electric coffee or tea makers (nº)1 354 186
2971024500001992: Electric toasters (nº)25 625
2971024900001992: Other domestic electrothermic appliances (nº)x
2971024930001996: Deep fat fryers (nº)155 793
2971024950001996: Other domestic electrothermic appliances (nº)67 497
2971025300001992: Instantaneous electric water heaters (nº)
2971025500001992: Electric water heaters (nº)11 835
2971025700001992: Immersion heaters (nº)
2971026530001992: Electric heaters with liquid circulation (nº)642 478
2971026550001992: Electric convectors (nº)164 035
2971026570001992: Fan heaters (nº)
2971026900001992: Other electric space heaters (nº)269 048
2971027000001992: Microwave ovens (nº)155 086
2971028100001992: Cookers (nº)37 486
2971028330001992: Electric cooking tables and hobs, for building in (nº)19 485
2971028350001992: Electric cooking tables and combined hobs, other (nº)
2971028500001992: Grills and rosters (nº)215 265
2971028700001992: Electric ovens (nº)1 020
2971028900001996: Other electric ovens (nº)
2971028930001992: Deep fat fryers (nº)x
2971028950001992: Other electric ovens (nº)x
2971029000001992: Electric heating resistors (kg)361 300
2971030300001992: Parts of electro-mechanical domestic vacuum cleaners or floor polishersx
2971030700001992: Parts of appliances of 85.16x
2971099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
29720: Manufacture of non-electric domestic appliancesx
2972011130001992: Cooking appliances, plate warmers, for gas fuel... of iron or steel (nº)62 333
2972011150001992: Other cooking appliances, plate warmers, for gas fuel... of iron or steel (nº)27 275
2972011300001992: Cooking appliances, plate warmers, for liquid fuel of iron or steel (nº)x
2972011530001992: Kitchen ranges, for solid fuel of iron or steel (nº)1 593
2972011700001992: Domestic cooking or heating apparatus... (non-electric) of copper (nº)x
2972012330001992: Other appliances, for gas fuel... of iron or steel, with exhaust outlet (nº)
2972012350001992: Other appliances, for gas fuel... of iron or steel (nº)
2972012530001992: Other appliances, for liquid fuel of iron or steel, with exhaust outlet (nº)-
2972012700001992: Other appliances, for solid fuel of iron or steel (nº)15 158
2972013000001992: Air heaters/hot air distributors (nº)207
2972014000001992: Instantaneuous water heater apparatus non-electric (nº)1 103 284
2972020000001992: Parts of appliances of 7321.11 to 7321.83, of iron or steelx
2972099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
30010: Manufacture of office machineryx
3001023930001996: Digital customer self-service devices : cash, money exchange (nº)
3001024000001992: Parts and accessories of the machines of 8472x
30020: Manufacture of computers and other information processing equipmentx
3002011000001996: Analogue or hybrid automatic data processing machines (nº)
3002012000001996: Automatic data processing machines: single user systems portable (nº)5 021
3002012090001992: Automatic data processing machines: single user systems not portable (nº)x
3002013000001992: Machines comprising in the same housing at least a central processing and a input/output unit (nº)70 597
3002014060001992: Digital customer self-service devices : cash, money exchange (nº)x
3002014070001992: Digital customer self-service devices : others (nº)x
3002014090001992: Other input, output units (nº)x
3002015000001996: Other digital automatic data processing machines whether or not containing in the same housing 1 or 2 of the following units: storage units, input/output units (nº)x
3002016000001992: Other machines for processing data, n.e.c. (nº)x
3002016300001996: Printers (nº)x
3002016500001996: Keyboards, scanners (nº)-
3002016770001996: Digital customer self-service devices : others (nº)
3002016790001996: Other input, output units (incl. mouses and plotters) (nº)
3002017000001992: Parts and accessories of the machines of HS 8471 (mouses, graphic tablets, etc.)x
3002017570001996: Other disk storage units (incl. hard disk drives) (nº)x
3002017700001996: Magnetic tape storage units (nº)
3002017900001996: Other storage units (nº)x
3002018000001996: Other machines for processing data, n.e.c. (nº)441
3002019000001996: Parts & access. of machines of HS 8471, incl. parts & access. equally suitable for use with >= 2 machines of HS 8469 to 8472 (excl. mouses & hard disk drives)x
3002090000001992: Installation of computers and other information processing equipmentx
3002099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
31100: Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformersx
3110010100001992: Motors of an output <= 37,5 W : micromachines (incl. alternators) (nº)x
3110021000001992: Universal AC/DC motors of an output > 37,5 W (nº)15 572
3110022050001992: Single-phase AC motors (except for civil aircraft), 375 W <= power <750 W (nº)x
3110022070001992: Single-phase AC motors (except for civil aircraft), power> 750 W (nº)x
3110022300002000: Single-phase AC motors of an output <= 750 W (nº)84 529
3110022310001996: AC motors, single-phase : 37,5 W < output <= 75 W (nº)x
3110022350001996: AC motors, single-phase, others of an output : 375 W < output <= 750 W (nº)x
3110022500001996: AC motors, single-phase, others of an output > 750 W (nº)
3110023000001992: Multi-phase AC motors, of an output <= 750 W (nº)
3110024030001992: Multi-phase AC motors, 0.75 kW < output <= 7.5 kW (nº)
3110024050001992: Multi-phase AC motors, 7.5 kW < output <= 37 kW (nº)
3110024070001992: Multi-phase AC motors, 37 kW < output <= 75 kW (nº)15
3110025300001992: Multi-phase AC motors of an output > 75 kW, traction motors (nº)5
3110025400002000: Multi-phase AC motors of an output > 75 kW but <= 375 kW (excl. traction motors) (nº)-
3110025410001996: Other multi-phase AC motors : 75 kW < output <= 375 kW, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)x
3110025430001996: Other multi-phase AC motors : 75 kW < output <= 375 kW, voltage > 1000 V (nº)x
3110025510001992: Polyphase AC motors, 75 KW <= power <375 kW, for a voltage = <1000 V (nº)x
3110025530001992: Polyphase AC motors, 75 KW <= power <375 kW, for a voltage> 1000 V (nº)x
3110025550001992: Polyphase AC motors, 375 kW <= power <750 kW, for a voltage = <1000 V (nº)x
3110025570001992: Polyphase AC motors, 375 kW <= power <750 kW, for a voltage> 1000 V (nº)x
3110025600002000: Multi-phase AC motors of an output > 375 kW but <= 750 kW (excl. traction motors) (nº)-
3110025610001996: Other multi-phase AC motors : 375 kW < output <= 750 kW, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)x
3110025630001996: Other multi-phase AC motors : 375 kW < output <= 750 kW, voltage > 1000 V (nº)x
3110025900001992: Other multi-phase AC motors, of an output > 750 kW (nº)-
3110026700001992: AC generators (alternators) of an output > 750 kVA (nº)x
3110031130001992: Generating sets with compression-ignition engines : output <= 7.5 kVA (nº)50
3110031150001992: Generating sets with compression-ignition engines: 7.5 kVA < output <= 75 kVA (nº)12
3110031300001992: Generating sets with compression-ignition engines: 75 kVA < output <= 375 kVA (nº)15
3110031500001992: Generating sets with compression-ignition engines: 375kVA < output <= 750 kVA (nº)8
3110031730001992: Generating sets with compression-ignition engines: 750 kVA < output <= 2000 kVA (nº)-
3110032330001992: Generating sets with spark-ignition internal combustion engines: output <= 7.5 kVA (nº)45
3110032350001992: Generating sets with spark-ignition internal combustion engines: output > 7.5 kVA (nº)60
3110032500001992: Generating sets, n.e.c. (nº)10
3110032700001992: Electric rotary converters (nº)x
3110041330001992: Liquid dielectric transformers, power handling capacity <= 16 kVA (nº)105
3110041350001992: Liquid dielectric transformers, 16 kVA < power handling capacity <= 650 kVA (nº)4 562
3110041530001992: Liquid dielectric transformers, 650 kVA < power handling capacity <= 1600 kVA (nº)1 341
3110041550001992: Liquid dielectric transformers, 1600 kVA < power handling capacity <= 10000 kVA (nº)222
3110041700001992: Liquid dielectric transformers, power handling capacity > 10000 kVA (nº)110
3110042330001992: Measuring transformers, power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (nº)38
3110042350001992: Other transformers, nes, power handling capacity <= 1 kVA (nº)4 913 713
3110042530001992: Measuring transformers, nes, 1 kVA < power handling capacity <= 16 kVA (nº)x
3110042550001992: Other transformers, nes, 1 kVA < power handling capacity <= 16 kVA (nº)139
3110043300002000: Transformers, nes, 16 kVA < power handling capacity <= 500 kVA (nº)34
3110043330001992: Other power transformers, nes, 16 kVA < power handling capacity <= 500 kVA (nº)x
3110043500002000: Transformers, nes, power handling capacity > 500 kVA (nº)x
3110043530001992: Other power transformers, nes, 500 kVA < power handling capacity <= 1600 kVA (nº)x
3110043550001992: Other power transformers, nes, power handling capacity > 1600 kVA (nº)x
3110050330001992: Static converters, accumulator chargers (nº)9 123
3110050350001992: Rectifiers (nº)1 593
3110050700002000: Static converters (excl. polycrystalline semiconductors, converters specially designed for welding, without welding equipment, accumulator chargers, rectifiers, inverters) (nº)11
3110050750001992: Other static converters : others (nº)x
3110050800001992: Inductors, n.e.c. (nº)74 275 225
3110061000002000: Parts suitable for machines of 8501 or 8502x
3110061030001992: Parts suitable for machines of 8501x
3110061050001992: Parts suitable for machines of 8502x
3110062050001992: Other parts of transformers and inductorsx
3110091000001992: Installation of electric motors, generators and transformersx
3110092000001992: Repair and maintenance of electric motors, generators and transformersx
3110099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
31200: Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatusx
3120010300001996: Automatic circuit breakers, 1000 V < voltage <= 72.5 kV (nº)105
3120010400001996: Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage > 72.5 kV (nº)80
3120010530001996: Isolating switches and make-and-break switches, 1 kV < voltage <= 72.5 kV (nº)4 276
3120010550001996: Isolating switches and make-and-break switches, voltage > 72.5 kV (nº)73
3120010700001996: Lightning arresters, voltage limiters and surge suppressors, voltage > 1000 V (nº)199 745
3120010900001996: Other apparatus for switching... electrical circuits > 1000 V (nº)306
3120011300001992: Automatic circuit breakers, 1kV < voltage <= 72.5 kV (nº)x
3120011400001992: Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage > 72.5 kV (nº)x
3120011530001992: Isolating switches and make-and-break switches for a voltage > 1 kV but ≤ 72,5 kV (nº)x
3120011550001992: Isolating switches and make-and-break switches for a voltage > 72,5 kV (nº)x
3120011900001992: Other apparatus for switching... electrical circuits > 1000 V (nº)x
3120021530001992: Quik connect fuses: voltage <= 1000 V, 10 A < intensity <= 63 A (nº)x
3120021700001992: Other fuses: voltage <= 1000 V, intensity > 63 A (nº)31 638
3120022300002000: Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage <= 1 kV and for a current <= 63 A (nº)17 001 037
3120022330001992: Miniature automatic circuit breakers: voltage <= 1000 V, intensity <= 63 A (nº)x
3120022350001992: Other automatic circuit breakers: voltage <= 1000 V, intensity <= 63 A (nº)x
3120023300001992: Other apparatus for protection of electrical circuits, n.e.c., <= 1000 V, intensity <= 16 A (nº)1 041 536
3120023500001992: Other apparatus for protection of electrical circuits, n.e.c., <= 1000 V, 16 A < intensity <= 125 A (nº)2 690
3120023700001992: Other apparatus for protection of electrical circuits, n.e.c., <= 1000 V, intensity > 125 A (nº)138 821
3120024350001992: Relays for a voltage <= 60 V, intensity > 2 A (nº)
3120024500002000: Relays and contactors for a voltage > 60 V but <= 1 kV (nº)x
3120024530001992: Relays and contactors for a voltage > 60 V and <= 1000 V, 16 A < intensity <= 125 A (nº)x
3120025010001992: Switches, nes, voltage <= 1000 V, for power circuits (nº)
3120025030001992: Switches, nes, voltage <= 1000 V, for electronic applications (nº)x
3120025040001992: Switches, nes, voltage <= 1000 V, for industrial use and similar (nº)
3120025050001992: Switches, nes, voltage <= 1000 V, electrical application, operating electromechanically (nº)x
3120025070001992: Switches, nes, voltage <= 1000 V, fixed installation, operating electromechanically (nº)17 448 892
3120026000002000: Lamp-holders for a voltage <= 1 kV (nº)1 783 153
3120026030001992: Lamp-holders, <= 1000 V for incandescent lamps (nº)x
3120026050001992: Lamp-holders, <= 1000 V for fluorescent lamps (nº)x
3120027510001992: Plugs and sockets for fixed installation, voltage <= 1000 V, industrial applications and similar (nº)
3120027520001992: Plugs, voltage <= 1000 V, domestic applications and similars (nº)1 584 024
3120027530001992: Sockets for fixed installations, voltage <= 1000 V, domestic applications and sim. (nº)13 698 144
3120027550001992: Circular connectors, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)982 699
3120027560001992: Rectangular connectors, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)70 600 253
3120027580001992: Other sockets, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)31 799
3120027630001992: Prefabricated elements for wiring circuits, household applications, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)2 868 362
3120027650001992: Busbar trunking systems, bus ways, industrial application, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)356 650
3120027700001992: Connections and contact elements for wires, terminal blocks, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)49 860 080
3120027800001992: Other apparatus for connections to or in electrical circuit, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)12 909 206
3120031300001992: Numerical control panels with built-in automated data-processing machine, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)5 237
3120031730001992: Motor control center and power distribution boards, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)8 031
3120031750001992: Meter mounting boards and installation panels, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)36 263
3120031790001992: Other numerical control panels, voltage <= 1000 V (nº)358 022
3120032030001992: Numerical control panels, 1000 V < voltage <= 72.5 kV (nº)4 869
3120032050001992: Numerical control panels, voltage > 72.5 kV (nº)
3120040300001992: Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases for the goods of 8537, not equipped with their apparatus (nº)260 099
3120040900001992: Other parts of apparatus of 8535, 8536, 8537x
3120091000001992: Installation of electricity distribution and control apparatusx
3120092000001992: Repair and maintenance of electricity distribution and control apparatusx
3120099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
31300: Manufacture of insulated wire and cablex
3130011300001992: Winding wire lacquered or enamelled (kg)
3130011500001992: Other winding wire (kg)
3130012000001992: Coaxial cables for data & control purposes whether or not fitted with connectors, for voltage not exceeding 80 V (kg)1 229 188
3130013300001992: Electrics conductors used for telecommunications whether or not fitted with connectors, for a voltage not exceeding 80 V (kg)5 552 322
3130013500001992: Other electric conductors for data & control purposes whether or not fitted with connectors, voltage <= 80 V (kg)25 626 758
3130013730001992: Electric conductors whether or not fitted with connectors, for a voltage of 1000 V (kg)37 322 245
3130013750001992: Electric conductors whether or not fitted with connectors, 80 V < voltage <1000 V (kg)23 597 926
3130014000001992: Electric conductors for a voltage exceeding 1 kV (kg)12 095 146
3130015030001992: Optical fibre cables for information transmission: telecommunication cables (kg)675 085
3130099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
31400: Manufacture of accumulators, primary cells and primary batteriesx
3140021100001992: Lead-acid accumulators for starting piston engines, weight <= 5 kg, fluid electrolyte (nº)
3140021500001992: Lead-acid accumulators for starting piston engines, > 5 kg, fluid electrolyte (nº)472 087
3140022100001992: Traction lead-acid accumulators : fluid electrolyte (ce/el)8 613
3140022500002000: Lead-acid accumulators working with liquid electrolyte (excl. for starting piston engines, traction accumulators) (ce/el)
3140022530001992: Other lead-acid accumulators : fluid electrolyte, stationary (ce/el)x
3140022550001992: Other lead-acid accumulators : fluid electrolyte, others (ce/el)x
3140022700002000: Lead-acid accumulators (excl. for starting piston engines, traction accumulators, working with liquid electrolyte) (ce/el)
3140023850001992: Other electric accumulators : others (nº)x
3140024300001992: Parts of electric accumulators : plates (kg)x
3140024500001992: Parts of electric accumulators : separators (kg)x
3140024900002000: Parts of accumulators (excl. plates and separators)x
3140024950001992: Parts of electric accumulators : othersx
3140099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
31500: Manufacture of lighting equipment and electric lampsx
3150014500001992: Other filament lamps : headlights for motor vehicles (nº)x
3150014600001996: Other filament lamps : for motor vehicles (nº)x
3150014930001992: Other filament lamps, voltage > 100 V (nº)x
3150014950001992: Other filament lamps, voltage <= 100 V (nº)x
3150022030001992: Domestic and residentials luminaires (excl. spots) : for incandescent lamps (nº)257 249
3150022050001992: Domestic and residentials luminaires (excl. spots) : for discharge lamps (nº)963 697
3150022090001992: Domestic and residentials luminaires (excl. spots) : for other lamps (nº)123 374
3150023000001992: Non-electrical lamps and lighting fittings (nº)-
3150024000001992: Illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates and the like (nº)31 622
3150025310001992: Luminaires for domestic and residential (excl. spots): for incandescent lamps (nº)454 343
3150025320001992: Luminaires for domestic and residential (excl. spots): for halogen lamps (nº)298 774
3150025330001992: Luminaires for domestic and residential (excl. spots): for compact fluorescent lamps (nº)36 763
3150025340001992: Luminaires for domestic and residential (excl. spots): for other lamps (nº)104 580
3150025350001992: Spots, display lighting : for incandescent lamps (nº)x
3150025360001992: Spots, display lighting : for other lamps (nº)x
3150025370001992: Industrial lighting (>= IP 20) : for incandescent lamps (nº)x
3150025380001992: Industrial lighting (>= IP 20) : for fluorescent lamps (nº)x
3150025410001992: Industrial lighting (>= IP 20) : for other lamps (nº)x
3150025420001992: Office lighting (task lighting): for incandescent lamps (nº)x
3150025430001992: Office lighting (task lighting): for compact fluorescent lamps (nº)x
3150025440001992: Office lighting (task lighting): for other fluorescent lamps (nº)x
3150025450001992: Office lighting (task lighting): for other lamps (nº)x
3150025460001992: Other lighting fixtures: emergency lighting (nº)x
3150025470001996: Spots, display lighting : for incandescent lamps (nº)
3150025480001996: Spots, display lighting : for other lamps (nº)
3150025490001992: Other lighting fixtures: luminaires (interior), nes (nº)x
3150025530001996: Industrial lighting (>= IP 20) : for incandescent lamps (nº)71 000
3150025550001996: Industrial lighting (>= IP 20) : for fluorescent lamps (nº)1 346 380
3150025590001996: Industrial lighting (>= IP 20) : for other lamps (nº)
3150025630001996: Office lighting (task lighting): for incandescent lamps (nº)400
3150025650001996: Office lighting (task lighting): for compact fluorescent lamps (nº)56 698
3150025670001996: Office lighting (task lighting): for other fluorescent lamps (nº)776 084
3150025690001996: Office lighting (task lighting): for other lamps (nº)122 000
3150025710001996: Other lighting fixtures: emergency lighting (nº)6 300
3150025790001996: Other lighting fixtures: luminaires (interior), n.e.c. (nº)67 906
3150031000001992: Flashbulbs, flashcubes and the like (nº)
3150033000002000: Searchlights and spotlights (incl. for stage sets, photographic or film studios) (nº)19 000
3150033030001992: Searchlights, spotlights : for incandescent lamps (nº)x
3150033050001992: Searchlights, spotlights : for other lamps (nº)x
3150034300002000: Electric lamps and lighting fittings, of plastic and other materials, of a kind used for filament lamps and tubular fluorescent lamps (nº)254 995
3150034350001992: Exterior luminaires for houses and gardens : for incandescent lamps (nº)x
3150034370001992: Exterior luminaires for houses and gardens : for other lamps (nº)x
3150034410001992: Road lighting : decorative kind for pedestrian areas : for incandescent lamps (nº)x
3150034420001992: Road lighting : decorative kind for pedestrian areas : for fluorescent lamps (nº)x
3150034430001992: Road lighting : decorative kind for pedestrian areas : for other lamps (nº)x
3150034450001992: Other road lighting : for fluorescent lamps (nº)x
3150034460001992: Other road lighting : for high pressure sodium lamps (nº)x
3150034480001992: Other road lighting : for other lamps (nº)x
3150034530001992: Tunnel lighting (nº)x
3150041000001992: Parts for filament or discharge lamps of HS 8539x
3150042300001992: Parts of portable electric lightening fixtures of 8513x
3150042500002000: Parts (excl. of glass or plastics) of lamps and lighting fittings, etc.x
3150042530001992: Tracks for electric lighting and parts thereofx
3150042550001992: Lamps-shades in paper cardboard (nº)x
3150042570001992: Other parts (excl. glass or plastics) of lamps and lighting fittings, etc.x
3150099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
31610: Manufacture of electrical equipment for engines and vehiclesx
3161010030001992: Wiring sets used in cars (kg)139 040 016
3161021750001992: Distributors; ignition coils : cars (kg)x
3161022750001992: Equipment, nes, for internal combustion engines : cars (excl. warming plugs) (kg)x
3161023500001992: Sound signalling equipment for cycles or motor vehicles (excl. bicycles) (kg)
3161024300001992: Parts of equipment of 8511x
3161024530001992: Parts of equipment of 8512, for motor vehiclesx
3161099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
31620: Manufacture of other electrical equipment n.e.c.x
3162011300001992: Electrical signalling... equipment for roads, inland waterways parking facilities, port installations or airfields (kg)
3162011550001996: Electrical burglar or fire alarms for cars (nº)
3162011570001996: Electrical burglar or fire alarms n.e.c. (nº)289
3162011900001992: Electrical apparatus for sound or visual signalling, n.e.c. (kg)
3162012500001992: Electro-magnetic couplings, clutches and brakes (nº)x
3162013900002000: Electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.c. (kg)2 290 180
3162013950001992: Other electrical machines and apparatus, having individual functions, n.e.c. (kg)x
3162014300001992: Electrical insulators of other materials, n.e.c. (kg)25 500
3162016300001992: Parts of equipment of 8530x
3162016500001992: Parts of apparatus of 8531x
3162016700001992: Parts of electrical machines/apparatus with individual functions, n.e.c.x
3162016900001992: Electrical parts of machinery or apparatus, n.e.c.x
3162091000001992: Installation of other electrical equipment, except electrical signalling equipment for motorways, roads...x
3162092000001992: Repair and maintenance of other electrical equipment n.e.c.x
3162099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
32100: Manufacture of electronic componentsx
3210011000001992: Fixed capacitors for 50/60 Hz circuits having power capacity > 0.5 kVar (nº)725 875 580
3210012500001992: Fixed electrical capacitors of aluminium electrolyte (nº)-
3210012770001992: Fixed electrical capacitors of dielectric of paper or plastics (nº)179 912 469
3210020350001992: Fixed resistors for a power handling capacity <= 20 W (nº)97 507 000
3210020370001992: Fixed resistors for a power handling capacity > 20 W (nº)x
3210020700001992: Variable resistors, nes (incl. rheostats and potentiometers) (nº)4 037 004
3210030500001992: Rigid multilayer printed circuits (nº)x
3210030750001992: Rigid printed circuits only conductor elements and contacts (nº)x
3210030900001992: Other printed circuits with built-in passive elements (nº)x
3210052500001992: Semiconductor devices (excl. photosensitive) (nº)7 756 794
3210060270001992: MOS dynamic random-access memories: D-RAMs: storage cap. > 4 Mbits (nº)94 239 988
3210060930001992: Digital monolithic electronic integrated circuits : others (nº)415 725
3210060990001992: Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies, n.e.c. (nº)
3210073200001992: Parts of cathode-ray tubesx
3210073700001992: Parts of electronic integrated circuits and microassembliesx
3210099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
32200: Manufacture of television and radio transmitters and apparatus for line telephony and line telegraphyx
3220011500001992: Radio/tv transmission apparatus without reception apparatus (nº)x
3220011700001992: Radio transmission apparatus with reception apparatus (nº)160
3220012900001992: Television cameras (nº)558 446
3220020200001992: Telephone sets, incl. videophones (nº)-
3220020400001992: Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus (nº)16 000
3220020500001992: Telephonic/telegraphic apparatus for carrier-current line systems, n.e.c. (nº)156
3220030300001992: Parts of electrical telephonic or telegraphic apparatusx
3220030500001992: Parts of electrical telephonic apparatusx
3220030600001996: Parts of electrical telephonic or telegraphic apparatusx
3220091000001992: Installation of television and radio transmittersx
3220092000001992: Repair and maintenance of television and radio transmittersx
3220099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
32300: Manufacture of television and radio receivers, sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus and associated goodsx
3230011590001992: Radio receivers, portable, n.e.c. (nº)x
3230011790001992: Radio receivers, n.e.c. (nº)x
3230012700001992: Radio receivers motor vehicles with sound recording or reproducing apparatus (nº)8 558 986
3230020500001992: Colour television receivers with integral tube, n.e.c. (nº)x
3230020750001992: Video tuners (nº)x
3230020790001992: Other colour television receivers, without screen (nº)158 000
3230020830001992: Black and white or other monochrome video monitors (nº)x
3230031390001992: Other record-players and record-decks (nº)x
3230031790001992: Other sound reproducing apparatus (nº)
3230032750001992: Magnetic tape recorders with sound reproducing apparatus, cassette type (nº)
3230033350001992: Still image video cameras and other video camera recorders (nº)
3230041000001992: Microphones and stands therefor (nº)
3230042350001992: Single loudspeakers, mounted in their enclosures (nº)
3230042370001992: Multiple loudspeakers, mounted in the same enclosure (nº)83 012
3230043590001992: Other audio-frequency electric amplifiers (nº)
3230043700001992: Electric sound amplifier sets (nº)
3230044900001992: Other radio receivers, n.e.c. (nº)
3230051700001992: Other parts and accessories of 8519, 8520, 8521x
3230051800001992: Parts of apparatus of 8518x
3230052350001992: Outside aerials for reception via satellite (nº)816 003
3230052390001992: Other outside aerials (radio or television broadcast) (nº)
3230052500001992: Inside aerials for radio, television broadcast receivers (incl. built-in types) (nº)x
3230052700001992: Other aerials and partsx
3230052800001992: Parts of apparatus of 8525, 8526, 8527, 8528x
3230091000001996: Installation services of professional radio, television, sound and video equipmentx
3230092000001996: Repair and maintenance services of professional radio, television, sound and video equipmentx
3230099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
33100: Manufacture of medical and surgical equipment and orthopaedic appliancesx
3310013500001992: Instruments and appliances used in dental sciences (excl. drill engines) (nº)10
3310014000001992: Medical, surgical or laboratory sterilizers (nº)215
3310015110001992: Syringes, used in medical, surgical, dental or veterinary sciences (nº)16 716 630
3310015130001992: Tubular metal needles, for medical... sciences (nº)111 401
3310015170001992: Needles (excl. tubular metal or for sutures), catheters cannulac, etc. (nº)451
3310015200001992: Ophthalmic instruments and appliances (nº)x
3310015530001992: Renal dialysis equipment (nº)2 155 337
3310015630001992: Transfusion apparatus (nº)46 862 770
3310015790001992: Other instruments and appliances : others (nº)77 645
3310017350001992: Artificial joints (nº)
3310017390001992: Orthopaedic appliances, slints and other fracture appliencesx
3310017530001992: Artificial teeth: of plasticsx
3310017530001996: Artificial teeth: of plastics (nº)500 895
3310017550001992: Artificial teeth: of other materialsx
3310017550001996: Artificial teeth: of other materials (nº)122 692
3310017590001992: Dental fittings (excl. artificial teeth)x
3310017900001992: Artificial parts of the body, n.e.c.x
3310018900001992: Parts and accessories of articles and apparatus of 90.21x
3310020300001992: Dentist's, barber's or similar chairs and parts thereof (nº)
3310020500001992: Medical, surgical or veterinary furniture, and parts thereof (nº)30 178
3310091000001992: Installation of medical and surgical equipmentx
3310092000001992: Repair and maintenance of medical and surgical equipmentx
3310099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
33200: Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, checking, testing, navigating and other purposes, except industrial process control equipmentx
3320012350001992: Other electronic instruments for meteorological purposes (nº)13
3320012530001992: Instruments and appliances used in geodesy, topography, surveying... (nº)x
3320032300001992: Drafting tables and machines (nº)x
3320032550001992: Marking-out instruments (nº)x
3320032590001992: Other drawing instruments and mathematical calculating instruments (nº)x
3320043100001992: Multimeters (nº)x
3320043300001992: Instruments and apparatus, for measuring or checking voltage... : electronic (nº)x
3320043590001992: Instruments and apparatus, for measuring or checking voltage... : others (nº)1 755
3320045300001992: Instruments and apparatus, for recording electric gains (nº)x
3320045550001992: Instruments and apparatus, for measuring or checking electric gains: electronic (nº)
3320052390001992: Instruments for measuring flow or level of liquids: electronic: others (nº)692
3320053890001992: Other instruments and apparatus for physical and chemical analysis (nº)-
3320062590001992: Other machines and appliances for testing materials (excl. metals) (nº)75
3320063300001992: Gas meters (incl. calibrated) (nº)x
3320063500001992: Liquid meters (incl. calibrated) (nº)142 275
3320063700001992: Electricity meters (incl. calibrated) (nº)367 293
3320065430001992: Optical instruments and appliances for measuring or checking, n.e.c. : for cars (nº)x
3320065790001992: Other electronic instruments, appliances,... for measuring or checking (nº)4 215 600
3320065890001992: Other instruments, appliances and machines for measuring or checking (nº)
3320070500001992: Regulating... instruments and apparatus, hydraulic or pneumatic (nº)x
3320070900001992: Instruments and apparatus, regulating or controlling, n.e.c. (nº)1 055 712
3320081100001992: Parts and accessories of instruments and apparatus for navigationx
3320081300001992: Parts and accessories of instruments of 90.17x
3320081900001992: Parts and accessories, nes, for machines, appliances, etc, of HS 90x
3320083330001992: Parts and accessories of electricity metersx
3320083350001992: Parts and accessories of other metersx
3320084000001992: Parts and accessories of instruments and apparatus of 90.32x
3320092000001992: Repair and maintenance of instruments and apparatus for measuring, checking, testing, navigating, etcx
3320099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
33300: Manufacture of industrial process control equipmentx
3330010000001992: Design and assembly of industrial process control equipment, and of automated production plantsx
3330099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
33400: Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic equipmentx
3340011550001992: Spectacle lenses: both sides finished, for correction of vision: single focal (nº)82 865
3340011590001992: Spectacle lenses: both sides finished, for correction of the vision: others (nº)123 695
3340011700001992: Other spectacle lenses for correction of the vision (nº)5 972 774
3340012500001992: Sunglasses (nº)
3340013500001992: Frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like, of plastics (nº)-
3340013900001992: Frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the like, nes (nº)
3340014000001992: Parts of frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles or the likex
3340021550001992: Mounted lenses, prisms, mirrors, etc, of any material, n.e.c. (nº)13 117
3340021700001992: Mounted objective lenses, of any material, n.e.c. (nº)x
3340022300001992: Binoculars (nº)68 598
3340022790001992: Optical microscopes, n.e.c. (nº)6 223
3340031000001992: Mounted objective lenses, of any material, for cameras, projectors, etc. (nº)19 136
3340033350001992: Cameras with a through-the-lens viewfinder (SLR), taking <= 35 mm film (nº)5 319
3340033500001992: Cameras (excl. SLR), taking 35 mm film (nº)15 364
3340035500001992: Slide projectors (nº)
3340036900001992: Projection screens (nº)
3340038500001992: Parts and accessories of apparatus of 9008.10 to 9008.40x
3340090000001996: Repair and maintenance of professional photographic, cinematographic and optical instrumentsx
3340092000001992: Repair and maintenance of professional photographic, cinematographic and optical instrumentsx
3340099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
33500: Manufacture of watches and clocksx
3350012170001992: Wrist-watches, pocket watches, other watches (incl. stop-watches, n.e.c.) excl. HS 9101 (nº)x
3350012300001992: Other wrist-watches, whether or not incorporating a stop-watch facility (nº)x
3350014130001992: Electrically operated clocks with watch movements, n.e.c. (nº)x
3350014430001992: Wall clocks, electrically operated (nº)-
3350014450001992: Wall clocks (excl. battery, accumulator or mains powered) : cuckoo clocks (nº)x
3350014500002000: Wall clocks (excl. with watch movements, electrically operated) (nº)
3350014570001996: Wall clocks (excl. electrically operated): cuckoo clocks (nº)x
3350014600002000: Electrically operated clocks incl. time distribution and unification system clocks excl. secondary clocks with only minute and/or seconds hands alone,alarm clocks,wall clocks (nº)
3350014630001992: Master clocks in a time distribution and unification system (nº)x
3350014750001992: Table-top or mantelpiece clocks (excl. electrically operated) (nº)
3350014790001992: Other clocks (excl. electrically operated), n.e.c. (nº)
3350021500001992: Watch movements, complete and assembled, with automatic winding and others n.e.c. (nº)x
3350022900001992: Clock movements, complete and assembled, n.e.c. (nº)-
3350023300001992: Complete watch movements, unassembled or partly assisted, balance wheel, hairspring (nº)
3350023700001992: Incomplete watch movements, assembled (kg)-
3350026540002002: Cases for clocks and other goods of HS 91 (nº)-
3350026550001992: Cases (excl. of metal) for clocks and other goods of HS 91 (nº)x
3350026570001992: Parts of clock cases and cases for other goods of HS 91x
3350028100001992: Springs, including hair-springs (kg)
3350028500002000: Clock or watch dials (nº)
3350028700002000: Other watch or clock partsx
3350092000001992: Repair and maintenance of industrial time measure instruments and apparatusx
3350099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
34100: Manufacture of motor vehiclesx
3410011300001992: Reciprocating piston engines for vehicles, cylinder capacity =< 250 cm³ (nº)x
3410012050001992: Reciprocating piston engines for other vehicles, cylinder capacity > 1000 cm³ (nº)x
3410021330001992: Vehicles with spark-ignition engine of cylinder capacity < 1000 cm³ (nº)x
3410021350001992: Other vehicles with spark-ignition engine of cylinder capacity 1000-1500 cm³ (nº)x
3410021360002000: Other motor vehicles (incl. motor caravans) with spark-ignition engine of a cylinder capacity > 1.000 cc but <= 1.500 cc (nº)759
3410022300002000: Motor vehicles with a petrol engine greater than 1500cc excl. motor caravans ,snowmobiles,golf cars and similar vehicles - those for carrying =>10 people (nº)26 354
3410022330001992: Other vehicles with spark-ignition engine of cylinder capacity 1500-2000 cm³ (nº)x
3410022350001992: Other vehicles with spark-ignition engine of cylinder capacity 2000-2500 cm³ (nº)x
3410022370001992: Other vehicles with spark-ignition engine of cylinder capacity > 2500 cm³ (nº)x
3410023100001992: Vehicles with diesel... engine of cylinder capacity =< 1500 cm³ (nº)x
3410023300002000: Motor vehicles with a diesel or semi-diesel engine >1500cc but =<2500cc excl. motor caravans,snowmobiles,golf cars and similar vehicles,those for carrying =>10 people (nº)153 855
3410023330001992: Other vehicles with diesel... engine of cylinder capacity 1500-2000 cm³ (nº)x
3410023350001992: Other vehicles with diesel... engine of cylinder capacity 2000-2500 cm³ (nº)x
3410023370001992: Other vehicles with diesel engine cylinder capacity> 2500 cm³ (nº)x
3410024900001992: Other motor vehicles for the transport of persons, with other engines (nº)1 026
3410030350001992: Public-transport type vehicles with diesel or semi-diesel engines, > 2500 cm³ (nº)169
3410041100002000: Goods vehicles with a diesel or semi-diesel engine,of a gross vehicle weight =< 5 tonnes excl. dumpers (nº)
3410041130001992: Goods vehicles, with diesel or semi-diesel engines, g.v.w. =< 3.5 tonnes (nº)x
3410041150001992: Goods vehicles, with diesel or semi-diesel engines, 3.5 < g.v.w. =< 5 tonnes (nº)x
3410041300002000: Goods vehicles with a diesel or semi-diesel engine,of a gross vehicle weight greater than 5 tonnes and < or equal to 20 tonnes incl. vans excl. dumpers,tractors (nº)
3410041330001992: Goods vehicles, with diesel or semi-diesel engines, g.v.w. 5 to 12 tonnes (nº)x
3410041350001992: Goods vehicles, with diesel or semi-diesel engines, g.v.w. 12 to 20 tonnes (nº)x
3410051000001992: Dumpers for off-highway use (nº)45
3410054300001992: Fire fighting vehicles (nº)51
3410054500001992: Concrete-mixer lorries (nº)
3410054900001992: Special purpose motor vehicles, nes (eg breakdown lorries, etc) (nº)31
3410099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
34200: Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailersx
3420010300001992: Bodies (incl. cabs) for the motor vehicles of 87.03 (nº)1 452
3420010500001992: Bodies (incl. cabs) for motor vehicles, n.e.c. (nº)4 926
3420021030001992: Swap bodies (nº)3 406
3420021070001992: Waste containers (nº)609
3420021090001992: Other containers (nº)556
3420022300001992: Folding caravans (nº)26
3420022930001992: Other trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type,..., =< 750 kg (nº)
3420022950001992: Other trailers and semi-trailers of the caravan type... 750 kg < weight =< 3500 kg (nº)
3420023030001992: Semi-trailers (nº)354
3420023050001992: Single-axle trailers (nº)760
3420023090001992: Other trailers (nº)1 586
3420030300001992: Parts of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles: chassis (nº)-
3420030500001992: Parts of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles: bodies (nº)2 298
3420030700001992: Parts of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles: axles (nº)6
3420030900001992: Other parts of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehiclesx
3420099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
34300: Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their enginesx
3430011030001992: Cylinder blocks, -liners, crankcases and cylinder heads (kg)1 363 533
3430011050001992: Connecting rods, pistons and rings (kg)
3430011070001992: Carburettors,injection systems for spark-ignition internal combustion engines (kg)x
3430011090001992: Other partsx
3430012090001992: Other parts for Diesel enginesx
3430020100001992: Bumpers and parts thereof (kg)1 821 357
3430020230001992: Mounted brake linings (nº)176 645
3430020250001992: Brakes and servo-brakes and their parts (excl. mounted brake linings) (kg)7 381 198
3430020330001992: Gear boxes (nº)202 014
3430020370001992: Non-driving axles and their parts (kg)
3430020400001992: Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof (kg)5 607 188
3430020500001992: Suspension shock absorbers (nº)7 469 900
3430020610001992: Radiators (nº)753 896
3430020630001992: Silencers and exhaust pipes (kg)7 317 688
3430020670001992: Steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes (kg)2 127 759
3430020710001992: Fuel tanks (nº)x
3430020730001992: Assemblies for air-conditioningx
3430020750001992: Suspension equipment other than shock absorbersx
3430020770001992: Drive trains other than gearboxes and axlesx
3430020790001992: Other parts and accessories for vehicles of HS 8701 to 8705x
3430020800002001: Airbags with inflator systemx
3430020910002001: Fuel tanks (nº)198 703
3430020930002001: Assemblies for air-conditioningx
3430020950002001: Suspension equipment other than shock absorbersx
3430020970002001: Drive trains other than gearboxes and axlesx
3430020990002001: Other parts and accessories for vehicles of HS 8701 to 8705x
3430030300001992: Safety seat belts (nº)64 863
3430030900001992: Parts and accessories of bodies (incl. cabs), n.e.c.x
3430099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
35110: Building and repairing of ships, except pleasure and sporting boatsx
3511010000001992: Warships (nº)x
3511021330001992: Cruise ships, excursion boats, etc, for people, sea-going (GT)25
3511021900001992: Other cruise ships, excursion boats, etc., other ferry boats (nº)
3511022330001992: Crude oil tankers, sea-going (GT)x
3511022350001992: Product and chemical carriers, sea-going (GT)11 118
3511024100001992: Bulk carriers, sea-going (GT)x
3511024300001992: General cargo ships, sea-going (GT)265
3511024400001992: Full container ships and high speed liners, sea-going (GT)7 252
3511024500001992: Ro-ro vessels, sea-going (GT)15 224
3511024800001992: Other vessels, not sea-going and not mechanically propelled (ct/l)x
3511024900001992: Other vessels for the transport of goods, mechanically propelled (ct/l)x
3511031300001992: Fishing vessels, etc., sea-going (GT)1 841
3511031900001992: Other fishing vessels (nº)6
3511033300001992: Dredgers, sea-going (nº)x
3511033700001992: Other dregers, light-vessels, fireboats, floating cranes, etc. (nº)x
3511033930001992: Other vessels (incl.lifeboats) other than rowing boats, sea-going (nº)8
3511033950001992: Other vessels (incl. lifeboats other than rowing boats) not sea-going (nº)8
3511040000001992: Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms (nº)
3511050000001992: Other floating structures (nº)3
3511091000001992: Repairing of these type of vesselsx
3511092000001992: Convertion of these type of vesselsx
3511093000001992: Demolition of shipsx
3511099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
35120: Building and repairing of pleasure and sporting boatsx
3512011300001992: Sailboats for pleasure or sports, sea-going (nº)
3512011530001992: Sailboats for pleasure or sports, not sea-going, weight =< 100 kg (nº)40
3512011550001992: Sailboats for pleasure or sports, not sea-going, weight > 100 kg, length =< 7.5 m (nº)
3512012330001992: Inflatable vessels, weight =< 20 kg or length =< 2.5 m (nº)x
3512012340002001: Inflatable vessels for pleasure or sports, of a weight <= 100 kg (nº)28
3512012350001992: Other inflatable vessels, 20 kg < weight =< 100 kg, of a length > 2.5 m (nº)x
3512012370001992: Other inflatable vessels, weight => 100 kg (nº)99
3512013550001992: Motorboats for pleasure or sports, other than outboard motorboats, not sea-going, l =< 7.5m (nº)x
3512013570001992: Motorboats for pleasure or sports, other than outboard motorboats, not sea-going, l > 7.5m (nº)34
3512013930001992: Other rigid boats, including outboard motorboats, weight =< 100 kg (nº)1 585
3512013950001992: Other rigid boats, including outboard motorboats, weight > 100 kg, length =< 7.5 m (nº)1 446
3512013970001992: Other rigid boats, including outboard motorboats, weight > 100 kg, length > 7.5m (nº)56
3512090000001996: Repair and maintenance of pleasure and sporting boatsx
3512092000001992: Maintenance, repair, reconstruction, fitting out services of pleasure and sporting boatsx
3512099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
35200: Manufacture and repair of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stockx
3520011000002000: Rail locomotives powered from an external source of electricity (nº)-
3520011070001992: Rail locomotives powered from an external source of electricity, > 1000 kW power continuous rating, < 250 km/h (nº)x
3520012000002000: Diesel-electric locomotives (nº)x
3520012050001992: Diesel-electric locomotives, > 1000 kW power continuous rating (nº)x
3520013900002000: Rail locomotives and locomotive tenders (excl. locomotives powered from an external source of electricity, locomotives powered by electric accumulators, diesel-electric locomotives) (nº)-
3520020300002000: Self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks powered from an external source of electricity (excl. railway or tramway maintenance or service vehicles) (nº)40
3520020330001992: Self-propelled railway coaches.. by external electricity, high speed =< 250 km/h (nº)x
3520020350001992: Self-propelled subway coaches (heavy) (nº)x
3520020370001992: Self-propelled tramway- and subway coaches (light) (nº)x
3520032000002000: Rail/tramway passenger coaches;luggage vans,post office coaches & other special purpose rail/tramway coaches excl. rail/tramway maintenance/service vehicles,self-propelled (nº)10
3520032020001992: Railway passenger coaches for speed =< 250 km/h, intercity (nº)x
3520032090001992: Other special coaches (nº)x
3520033300001992: Tank wagons and the like, not self-propelled (nº)x
3520033500001992: Rail-or tramway goods vans & wagons, not self-propelled (incl. self-discharging and open vans & wagons) with non-removable sides, height > 60 cm, & other wagons (nº)25
3520040300001992: Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling stockx
3520040550001992: Equipment and material fot track, including fixtures and fittings (kg)
3520040580001992: Parts of railway or tramway equipmentx
3520040590001992: Mechanical (and electromechanical) signalling, safety or traffic control equipement (excluding equipment and material for track) (kg)x
3520091000001992: Repair and maintenance of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stockx
3520092000001992: Reconditioning of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling stockx
3520099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
35300: Manufacture of aircraft and spacecraftx
3530050900001992: Other parts of aeroplanes or helicopters, of other aircraft and of spacecraft (including satelites) and spacecraft launch vehiclesx
3530091000001992: Repair and maintenance of aircrafts and aircraft enginesx
35410: Manufacture of motorcyclesx
3541011000001992: Motorcycles with reciprocating engine of capacity =< 50 cm³ (nº)x
3541020300001992: Saddles of motorcycles (incl. mopeds) (nº)
3541020900001992: Parts and accessories of motorcycles (incl. mopeds), n.e.c.x
3541099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
35420: Manufacture of bicyclesx
3542010300001992: Bicycles and other cycles, not motorized, without ball bearings (nº)x
3542010510001992: Cross and BMX bicycles (nº)5 086
3542010520001992: Mountain bike (nº)247 406
3542010530001992: U - frame multisize cycles (nº)
3542010540001992: Touring cycles (nº)149 409
3542010550001992: Sport cycles (nº)43
3542010560001992: Racing cycles (nº)24
3542010590001992: Other cycles (nº)4 617
3542020130001992: Frames (nº)166 170
3542020150001992: Front forks (nº)169 196
3542020190001992: parts of cyclesx
3542020230001992: Wheel rims (nº)4 640 772
3542020250001992: Spokes (kg)228 555
3542020270001992: Hubs without free-wheel or breaking device (nº)
3542020390001992: Other brakes for cycles (nº)
3542020400001992: Saddles of cycles (nº)853 686
3542020530001992: Pedals (pa)
3542020550001992: Crank-gear (nº)663
3542020630001992: Handlebars (nº)84 140
3542020650001992: Luggage-carriers (nº)14 600
3542020670001992: Derailleur gears (nº)
3542099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
35430: Manufacture of invalid carriagesx
3543011300001992: Invalid carriages, not mechanically propelled (nº)29 216
3543011900001992: Invalid carriages, motorized or otherwise mechanically propelled (nº)x
3543012000001992: Parts and accessories of invalid carriagesx
35500: Manufacture of other transport equipment n.e.c.x
3550010000001992: Vehicles, not mechanically propelled, n.e.c. (nº)32 999
3550099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36110: Manufacture of chairs and seatsx
3611011300001992: Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles (nº)1 076 970
3611011550001992: Swivel seats with variable height adjustment, upholstered, with backrest and castors or gliders (nº)59 441
3611011590001992: Other swivel seats with variable height adjustment, not upholstered, no castors or gliders (nº)1 527
3611011750001992: Upholstered seats, with metal frames, for office (nº)258 755
3611011790001992: Upholstered seats, with metal frames, nes other than for office (nº)348 321
3611011900001992: Seats with metal frames, non-upholstered (nº)336 022
3611012100001992: Seats, (excl. garden seats or camping equipment), convertible into beds (nº)18 176
3611012300001992: Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials (nº)
3611012550001992: Upholstered seats, with wooden frames, used in office (nº)34 928
3611012590001992: Upholstered seats, with wooden frames, nes other than for office (nº)418 203
3611012900001992: Seats with wooden frames, non-upholstered (nº)455 528
3611013090001992: Other seats : others (nº)
3611014030001992: Parts of seats of 9401 : metalx
3611014050001992: Parts of seats of HS 9401 : plasticsx
3611014070001992: Parts of seats of 9401 : woodx
3611014090001992: Parts of seats of 9401 : othersx
3611014100001996: Parts of seats of 9401 : woodx
3611014330001996: Parts of seats of 9401 : metalx
3611014350001996: Parts of seats of HS 9401 : plasticsx
3611014390001996: Parts of seats of 9401 : othersx
3611099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36120: Manufacture of office and shop furniturex
3612011100001992: Office drawing tables (other than HS 9017) (nº)10 756
3612011300001992: Office metal desks, height <= 80 cm (nº)168 170
3612011530001992: Office metal tables, height <= 80 cm (nº)182 049
3612011550001992: Office shelves and other furniture, height <= 80 cm (nº)402 116
3612011730001992: Other metal office furniture, height > 80 cm, cupboards with doors, shutters, flaps (nº)134 885
3612011750001992: Other metal office furniture, > 80 cm, cupboards with filing, card-index, cabinets (nº)29 537
3612011950001992: Componible elements furniture for separation, height > 80 cm (nº)141 178
3612011990001992: Other metal office furniture, height > 80 cm (nº)221 595
3612012300001992: Wooden desks, height <= 80 cm (nº)10 474
3612012530001992: Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices, other tables, height <= 80 cm (nº)8 611
3612012550001992: Other wooden furniture, used in offices, cupboards and shelves, height <= 80cm (nº)7 309
3612012730001992: Wooden furniture used in offices, componibles elements furniture separation, height > 80 cm (nº)6 867
3612012750001992: Other wooden furniture used in offices, cupboards and shelves, height > 80 cm (nº)11 721
3612012950001992: Wooden furniture, compatibles, height > 80 cm (nº)1 562
3612012990001992: Wooden furniture, other, height > 80 cm (nº)3 755
3612013000001992: Wooden furniture for shops (nº)3 054
3612099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36130: Manufacture of kitchen furniturex
3613010050001992: Wooden furniture for the kitchen : by elements (nº)x
3613010090001992: Wooden furniture for the kitchen : others (nº)x
3613010500001996: Wooden furniture for the kitchen : by elements (nº)288 499
3613010900001996: Wooden furniture for the kitchen : others (nº)622 318
3613099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36141: Manufacture of wooden furniture for other purposesx
3614112350001992: Wooden beds (nº)302 722
3614112390001992: Wooden furniture for the bedroom : others (nº)566 828
3614112500001992: Wooden furniture for the dining-room and living-room (nº)1 069 211
3614113030001992: Wooden furniture for the bathroom (nº)117 614
3614113050001992: Wooden furniture for the garden (nº)12 064
3614113090001992: Wooden furniture : others (nº)627 857
3614115500001992: Parts of furniture : woodx
3614199000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36142: Manufacture of metal furniture for other purposesx
3614211000001992: Metal furniture, n.e.c. (kg)8 675 592
3614215300001992: Parts of furniture : metalx
3614299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36143: Manufacture of furniture of other material for other purposesx
3614314330001992: Furniture of plastics : bathrooms (nº)x
3614314350001992: Furniture of plastics : garden (nº)16 276
3614314390001992: Furniture of plastics : others (nº)
3614314500001992: Furniture of other materials, n.e.c. (nº)
3614315900002000: Parts of furniture other than of wood or metal excl. for medical,surgical,dental or veterinary furniture,seats,barbers' chairs - for furniture designed for hi-fi,videos or televisionsx
3614315950001992: Parts of furniture, others: plasticsx
3614315990001992: Parts of furniture, othersx
3614399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36150: Manufacture of mattressesx
3615011000002000: Mattress supports (incl. wooden or metal frames fitted with springs or steel wire mesh, upholstered mattress bases, with wooden slats, divans) (nº)6 485
3615011050001992: Mattress supports, with springs (nº)x
3615012300001992: Mattresses of cellular rubber (nº)744
3615012500001992: Mattresses of cellular plastics (nº)22 237
3615012700001992: Mattresses with metallic springs (nº)724 385
3615012900002000: Mattresses (excl. with spring interiors, of cellular rubber or plastics) (nº)50 803
3615012930001992: Water mattresses (nº)x
3615012990001992: Mattresses of other materials (nº)x
3615099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36210: Striking of coinsx
3621010000001992: Coin (kg)1 482 828
3621099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36220: Manufacture of jewellery and related articles n.e.c.x
3622011300001992: Non-industrial diamonds, not mounted or set, n.e.c. (c/k)x
3622013300001992: Articles of jewellery and parts thereof of precious metal (incl. plated, clad)x
3622013510001992: Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares of silverx
3622013530001992: Articles of goldsmiths' or silversmiths' wares of precious metals, n.e.c.x
3622013550001992: Articles of goldsmiths'... wares of base metal clad with precious metalx
3622014500001992: Articles of natural or cultured pearls (g)
3622099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36300: Manufacture of musical instrumentsx
3630012350001992: Violins (nº)
3630012390001992: String musical instruments played with a bow, n.e.c. (nº)
3630012500001992: Guitars (nº)
3630012900001992: Other string musical instruments (excl guitars) (nº)6 321
3630014400002000: Wood-wind musical instruments (nº)200
3630014490001996: Wind musical instruments, nes : others (nº)x
3630014590001992: Wind musical instruments, nes : others (nº)x
3630017500001992: Musical instrument strings (nº)
3630018150001992: Parts and accessories for the musical instruments of 92.03x
3630018170001992: Parts and accessories for the musical instruments of 92.07x
3630090000001996: Repair and maintenance services of musical instrumentsx
3630099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36400: Manufacture of sports goodsx
3640011350001996: Skis other than cross-country skis (pa)
3640011550001992: Roller-skates (pa)3 656
3640011570001992: Parts and accessories of ice- and roller-skatesx
3640012000001992: Water-skis, surfboards, sailboards and other water-sport equipmentx
3640013000001992: Gymnasium or athletics articles and equipmentx
3640014100001992: Gloves, mittens and mitts of leather, for use in sports (pa)1 980
3640014300001992: Golf clubs, and other golf equipmentx
3640014500001992: Articles and equipment for table-tennisx
3640014800001992: Balls other than golf balls and table-tennis balls (nº)18 683
3640014900001992: Other articles and equipment for sport and open-air games, n.e.c.x
3640015300001992: Fishing rods, hooks and reelsx
3640015500001992: Line fishing tackle, fish landing nets, butterfly and similar nets ...x
3640099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36500: Manufacture of games and toysx
3650011000001992: Dolls representing only human beings (nº)973 402
3650012300001992: Stuffed toys representing animals or non-human creatures (nº)
3650012550001992: Toys representing animals or non-human creatures, not stuffed, in plastics (nº)
3650012590001992: Toys representing animals or non-human creatures, not stuffed, in other mat. (nº)1 010 009
3650020550001992: Reduced-size (scale) model assembly kits, not electric trains, plastics (nº)x
3650020990001992: Other construction sets and constructional toys : others (nº)4 480
3650031300001992: Dolls' carriages (nº)x
3650031500001992: Wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children (nº)x
3650032500001992: Puzzles, in wood (nº)x
3650032900001992: Puzzles, other materials (nº)
3650033100001992: Toy musical instruments and apparatus (nº)
3650033300001992: Toys, put up in sets or outfits, n.e.c. (nº)-
3650033430001992: Toys and models, incorporating a motor, in plastics (nº)x
3650033490001992: Toys and models, incorporating a motor, n.e.c. (nº)222
3650033500001992: Toy weapons (nº)
3650033630001992: Other toys of plasticsx
3650033650001992: Other toys of rubberx
3650033730001992: Other toys of metal : die-cast miniature modelsx
3650033790001992: Other toys of other materialsx
3650042000001992: Video games of a kind used with a television receiver (nº)
3650043100001992: Billiard tables and articles and accessories (nº)5 836
3650043300001992: Games, coin- or disc-operated (excl. bowling alley equipment) (nº)3 435
3650043590001992: Other articles for funfair (kg)5 180
3650099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36610: Manufacture of imitation jewelleryx
3661010300001992: Cuff-links and studs of base metal (incl. plated) (kg)x
3661010500001992: Imitation jewellery of base metal (incl. plated), n.e.c. (kg)173 874
3661010900001992: Imitation jewellery (excl. of base metal) (kg)27 276
3661099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36620: Manufacture of brooms and brushesx
3662011100001992: Brooms and brushes, of twigs or other vegetable materials bound together (nº)31 834
3662011300001992: Mechanical floors sweepers, not motorized (nº)x
3662011530001992: Household brooms (nº)4 021 769
3662011550001992: Pavement brushes and brooms (nº)2 747 826
3662011570001992: Other brushes to household work and domestic work brushes (nº)2 607 881
3662011900001992: Brushes, n.e.c. (nº)858 177
3662012100001992: Tooth brushes (nº)160 515
3662012330001992: Shaving brushes (nº)x
3662012350001992: Hair brushes (nº)644 260
3662012370002001: Shaving and toilet brushes for personal use (excl. tooth brushes and hair brushes) (nº)182 732
3662012390001992: Other toilet brushes for use on the person (nº)x
3662012500001992: Artists', writing brushes (nº)x
3662012700001992: Brushes for the application of cosmetics (nº)x
3662013330001992: Rectangular wall and paper brushes, to distemper, paint, paper ... (nº)472 744
3662013350001992: Round, flat and oval brushes to varnish or to paint (nº)7 928 807
3662013500001992: Paint pads and rollers (nº)2 724 939
3662013700001992: Brushes constituting parts of machines, appliances or vehicles, n.e.c. (nº)3 989
3662099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36632: Manufacture of pens, pencils and related articlesx
3663221130001992: Ball point pens with liquid ink (rolling ball pens) (nº)x
3663221170001992: Ball point pens with replaceable refill (nº)x
3663221300001992: Felt-tipped and other porous-tipped pens and markers (nº)x
3663222300001992: Indian ink drawing pens (nº)
3663224100001992: Pencils and crayons, with leads encased in a rigid sheath (nº)
3663224300001992: Pencil leads, black or coloured (nº)
3663224500001992: Writing or drawing chalks and tailors' chalks, (excl. of 9608) (kg)
3663299000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36633: Manufacture of slide fasteners, buttons and related articlesx
3663333330001992: Press-fasteners, snap-fasteners and press-studs and parts thereof (kg)
3663333350001992: Buttons of plastics, not covered with textile material (kg)
3663333370001992: Buttons of base metal, not covered with textile material (kg)
3663333390001992: Buttons, n.e.c. (kg)1 002 238
3663333500001992: Slide fasteners (m)21 633 460
3663334300001992: Button moulds and other parts of buttons, button blanks (kg)x
3663334500001992: Parts of slide fastenersx
3663399000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36634: Manufacture of parasols and umbrellasx
3663431300001992: Umbrellas and sun umbrellas (nº)244 058
3663431500001992: Walking-sticks, seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and the like (nº)-
3663432000001992: Parts, trimmings and accessories of articles of 6601 or 6602x
3663499000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
36635: Manufacture of matches and other ignition productsx
3663563000001992: Matches (excl. pyrotechnic articles of 3604) (kg)
36636: Other miscellaneous manufacturing activities, n.e.c.x
3663610000001992: Roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusementsx
3663625300001992: Date, sealing or numbering stamps, ..., for use in the hand (nº)19 233
3663625500001992: Ink-pads (nº)7 743
3663625700001992: Typewriter or similar ribbonsx
3663625700001998: Typewriter or similar ribbons, inked or otherwise prepared for giving impressions (excl. rolls of carbon or other copying paper strip) (nº)
3663671300001992: Articles for Christmas festivitiesx
3663671500002000: Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles, n.e.c.x
3663671590001992: Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles: othersx
3663672300001992: Baby carriages (nº)650 179
3663672500001992: Parts of baby carriages (kg)x
3663672500001996: Parts of baby carriagesx
3663673150001992: Combs, hair-slides and the like of hard rubber or plastics (kg)548
3663673300001992: Hairpins, curling pins, curling grips, ..., and parts thereof (kg)2 857
3663675000001992: Candles, tapers and the like (kg)15 938 039
3663676900001992: Artificial flowers, foliage, etc and articles thereof of other materialsx
3663699000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
37100: Recycling of metal waste and scrapx
3710099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
37200: Recycling of non-metal waste and scrapx
3720099000001992: Others products n.e.c.x
40101: Production of electricityx
4010110200001999: Conventional thermal electricity, CHP plants (generated by CHP plants using fossil fuels, biomass or wastes) (milhares kWh)8 326 949
4010110300001999: Conventional thermal electricity, non CHP plants (generated by non CHP plants using fossil fuels, biomass or wastes) (milhares kWh)18 538 804
4010110720001999: Hydro electricity (generated by hydroplants) (milhares kWh)7 402 600
4010199000001999: Others products n.e.c.x
40301: Production and distribution of steam and hot water supplyx
4030110030001999: Heat-Heating plants (heat produced by heating plants using fossil fuels, biomass or waste, sold to third parties) (TJ)9 728
4030110070001999: Heat-CHP plants (heat produced by Combined Heat and Power plants, sold to third parties) (TJ)10 304
Produced products in industry by Product type (CAE Rev. 2); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Annual survey on industrial production

This data last updated:june 06, 2013