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Data reference period (1) Type of action (civil case)Average duration of civil completed proceedings (Month) in country courts of law by Type of action (civil case); Annual (2)
Geographic localization (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
20231: Declarative10
2: Executive46
20221: Declarative11
2: Executive53
20211: Declarative11
2: Executive60
20201: Declarative11
2: Executive57
20191: Declarative12
2: Executive53
Average duration of civil completed proceedings (Month) in country courts of law by Type of action (civil case); Annual - Directorate General for Justice Policy
(1) Since 2007 onwards, data on cases in the first instance courts began to be collected from the courts computer system, representing the position of cases registered in the system. The average duration of completed cases corresponds to the time that elapses between the day the case enters the court and the day when a final decision is pronounced (judgment, sentence, or order). The average duration of concluded cases takes into account the total duration of each case even if redistributed to other or others first instance courts, i.e., between the starting and the final decision dates of the case, independently of the number of the first instance courts involved.
(2) The average duration of declarative actions includes divorces, inventories, insolvencies, bankruptcy, recovery company, special revitalization processes and special payment arrangement processes. The transferred cases, attached, incorporated, or joined to other procedures as well as those sent to another entity are not comprised in the given data.

This data last updated:october 31, 2024