2023 | PT: Portugal | TOT: Total | 369 027 217 551 | 4 415 126 271 | 364 612 091 280 |
A: Agriculture, farming of animals, hunting and forestry | 12 086 725 043 | 959 343 328 | 11 127 381 715 |
B: Mining and quarrying | 1 632 894 663 | 2 893 963 | 1 630 000 700 |
C: Manufacturing | 59 883 230 092 | 198 667 531 | 59 684 562 561 |
D: Electricity, gas, steam, cold and hot water and cold air | 29 873 348 689 | 689 097 | 29 872 659 592 |
E: Water collection, treatment and distribution; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities | 6 680 408 566 | 2 420 111 | 6 677 988 455 |
F: Construction | 20 628 144 772 | 449 637 977 | 20 178 506 795 |
G: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles | 56 592 961 321 | 1 242 992 797 | 55 349 968 524 |
H: Transportation and storage | 12 062 395 447 | 14 480 803 | 12 047 914 644 |
I: Accommodation and food service activities | 15 290 924 236 | 527 179 483 | 14 763 744 753 |
J: Information and communication activities | 9 877 940 000 | 18 718 192 | 9 859 221 808 |
L: Real estate activities | 39 145 854 845 | 223 508 453 | 38 922 346 392 |
M: Consultancy, scientific and technical activities | 83 636 257 106 | 431 377 597 | 83 204 879 509 |
N: Administrative and support service activities | 8 788 252 635 | 79 293 163 | 8 708 959 472 |
P: Education | 1 698 572 838 | 41 296 094 | 1 657 276 744 |
Q: Human health and social work activities | 6 843 419 538 | 66 999 617 | 6 776 419 921 |
R: Arts, entertainment, sports and recreation activities | 2 633 548 580 | 113 316 149 | 2 520 232 431 |
S: Other service activities | 1 672 339 180 | 42 311 916 | 1 630 027 264 |
Equity (€) of enterprises by Economic activity (Class - CAE Rev. 3) and Legal form; Annual - Statistics Portugal, Integrated business accounts system |
Note(s): |
(1) The scope of economic activity includes all enterprises from sections A to S of NACE-Rev.2, with the exception of Financial and Insurance Activities (section K) and Public Administration and Defense; Compulsory Social Security (section O). |
(2) Still in the scope of the implementation of ESA 2010 in National Accounts, and the need to distinguish Holdings from Head-offices we proceeded to an update of business statistics. These changes had an immediate impact on the delimitation of the business sector, thus in order to increase consistency with National Accounts, it was conducted a revision of business statistics for the period 2008-2015, only in the business sector where these enterprises are classified, i.e. in Section M of NACE Rev.2 - Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities. The 2008 and 2009 data are made available by the first time, according to ESA 2010. The 2014 data was also revised in Section L of NACE Rev.2 - Real estate activities, following the updating of the information of a large company. Data for 2019 has been rectified. A company from Section G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles was reclassified for Section C - Manufacturing industries, in the Área Metropolitana de Lisboa region and "Large" dimension. |