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Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013) (1) Expenditure on innovation (€) in enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 2 B to H, J, K, M, Q) with technological innovation activities by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Biennial
Data reference period (2)
2020 - 2022
€ (thousands)
PT: Portugal3 448 298
1: Continente3 401 719
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores29 810
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira16 769
Expenditure on innovation (€) in enterprises with 10 and more persons employed (NACE Rev. 2 B to H, J, K, M, Q) with technological innovation activities by Geographic localization (NUTS - 2013); Biennial - DGEEC, Innovation community survey
(1) From January 1st, 2015 came into force a new version of NUTS (NUTS 2013). At NUTS II level was just a name change in "Lisboa" which became known as "Área Metropolitana de Lisboa".
(2) The CIS 2018 survey, for the period 2016 to 2018, reflects methodological and concept changes following the revision of the Oslo Manual (4th edition), in which the major change to the definition of enterprise innovation was the reduction, from the complexity of the previous definition based on four types of innovation (product, process, organizational and marketing), to two main types: product innovations and process innovations. The revised definition also reduces the ambiguity of the requirement for "significant" change by comparing both new and improved innovations to the enterprise¿s existing products or processes. The concept of technological innovation, from the previous edition, includes product innovation and part of the current process innovation, in addition to ongoing or abandoned innovation activities (product and / or process).

This data last updated:april 16, 2024