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Place of residence (City, NUTS - 2013) (1) Employed population (No.) by Place of residence (City, NUTS - 2013) and Economic activity (CAE Rev. 3); Decennial
Data reference period
Economic activity (CAE Rev. 3)
TOT: TotalA: Agriculture, farming of animals, hunting and forestryB: Mining and quarryingC: ManufacturingD: Electricity, gas, steam, cold and hot water and cold airE: Water collection, treatment and distribution; sewerage, waste management and remediation activitiesF: ConstructionG: Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcyclesH: Transportation and storageI: Accommodation and food service activitiesJ: Information and communication activitiesK: Financial and insurance activitiesL: Real estate activitiesM: Consultancy, scientific and technical activitiesN: Administrative and support service activitiesO: Public administration and defence; compulsory social securityP: EducationQ: Human health and social work activitiesR: Arts, entertainment, sports and recreation activitiesS: Other service activitiesT: Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own useU: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
PT: Portugal (cidades)1 908 33319 8842 077244 80112 36111 879111 187333 83269 931140 01757 96058 29114 436101 61395 404149 219203 395180 62823 63843 75733 407616
1: Continente (cidades)1 801 20617 7611 965239 04311 27011 229102 939316 28365 316128 53755 92056 28813 84797 92289 777137 913189 792169 75821 93541 66731 480564
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores (cidades)33 5811 075382 2023981842 8955 3651 4202 0107017821041 1221 6673 7224 0803 90942561582641
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira (cidades)73 5461 048743 5566934665 35312 1843 1959 4701 3391 2214852 5693 9607 5849 5236 9611 2781 4751 10111
Employed population (No.) by Place of residence (City, NUTS - 2013) and Economic activity (CAE Rev. 3); Decennial - Statistics Portugal, Population and housing census - 2011
(1) From January 1st, 2015 came into force a new version of NUTS (NUTS 2013). At NUTS II level was just a name change in "Lisboa" which became known as "Área Metropolitana de Lisboa".

This data last updated:july 15, 2015