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Data reference periodSexQuarterly flows from inactivity to inactivity (Series 1998 - No.) by Sex; Quarterly (1)
Place of residence (Portugal)
PT: Portugal
No. (thousands)
4th Quarter 2010T: MF3 371,53
1: M1 346,37
2: F2 025,15
3rd Quarter 2010T: MF3 358,40
1: M1 358,47
2: F1 999,92
2nd Quarter 2010T: MF3 338,82
1: M1 344,39
2: F1 994,42
1st Quarter 2010T: MF3 342,60
1: M1 327,27
2: F2 015,33
4th Quarter 2009T: MF3 333,31
1: M1 319,36
2: F2 013,95
Quarterly flows from inactivity to inactivity (Series 1998 - No.) by Sex; Quarterly - Statistics Portugal, Labour force survey
(1) The values were calibrated using the population estimates calculated from the final results of Census 2011 and were calculated according to a methodology that ensures consistency with the quarterly estimates of the employed, unemployed and inactive population (15 years old and over).

This data last updated:august 05, 2015