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Place of residence (Country - short list)Average stay (No.) in tourist accommodation establishments by Place of residence (Country - short list) and Type (tourist accommodation establishment); Annual
Data reference period
Type (tourist accommodation establishment) (1)
T: Total01: Hotels and similar02: Local accommodation03: Tourism in rural areas and lodging tourism
No. No. No. No.
T: Total2,62,62,32,2
PT: Portugal2,02,02,01,9
E: Foreign countries3,03,12,52,6
Average stay (No.) in tourist accommodation establishments by Place of residence (Country - short list) and Type (tourist accommodation establishment); Annual - Statistics Portugal, Guests stays and other data on hotel activity survey
(1) Local accommodation with 10 or more beds; with no minimum capacity limit in Autonomous Region of Madeira until 2018.

This data last updated:july 08, 2024