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Place of residence (NUTS - 2013)New recipients of unemployment benefits of social security (No.) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2013) and Sex; Annual (1)
Data reference period
T: MF1: M2: F
No. No. No.
PT: Portugal146 55466 77279 782
1: Continente139 53663 39776 139
2: Região Autónoma dos Açores3 8961 8802 016
3: Região Autónoma da Madeira2 9901 4121 578
New recipients of unemployment benefits of social security (No.) by Place of residence (NUTS - 2013) and Sex; Annual - Institute of Informatics
(1) Include recipients who started the unemployment benefit in the reference year, and recipients of initial unemployment social benefit, unemployment social benefit following the unemployment benefit, extension of unemployment social benefit and extraordinary measure to support the long-term unemployed. Total for Portugal includes recipients whose residence are undetermined. Recipients are counted as many times as the number of benefits they receive.

This data last updated:august 25, 2023